From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Venus was everything for the Ancient Mayans. They believed, just like the Egyptians, that at a certain time around 2012, a super-catastrophe will take place.

In the Maya Codices the number 365 is crucial. This is because the Ancient Mayans knew the exact period of the Earth's orbit around the Sun: 365.2422 days.

If you multiply the amount of years between the previous two Pole-Shifts by 365 you get: 11,520 X 365 = 4,204,800 days.
The numbers 7,200 and 7,300 were also extremely important Mayan code numbers when multiplied by a holy Mayan year of 260 days. But there is more. The deciphering of the Ancient Mayan calendars will show that the number 260 can be found on the basis of the precise synodic orbit of Venus. The same holds for an elementary unit of the Sunspot cycle. Every 260 days the polar field completes 7.027027 revolutions, a code number that leads to the unveiling of some of the greatest Mayan secrets.

The preceding evidence shows the resourcefulness of the Ancient Mayans. Their calendar of 260 days is based on a superior combination of advanced astronomy and mathematics. In other words, their calendar was not only a religious instrument, but at the same time it was a mathematical and technological miracle.

Without a doubt, the deciphering of the codes shows 260 as the main code number of the present cycle. In this way the Ancient Mayans interwove important messages into a simple and understandable system to make clear to us that Venus, in its previous cycle, was responsible for the main code. But right now we are in a different cycle that belongs to a different main code.

Due to the fact that it is the magnetic field of the Sun that decides when the Earth's magnetic field will swing over, they have interwoven the new value in their calendar that ends on December 21, 2012.
On August 11, 3114 BC, the countdown of the Maya to December 21, 2012 began.

As you already know, Venus made a planetary retrograde loop above Orion during the year of the previous crash and will do so again sometime leading up to the end of the Mayan calendar. That is why they interwove Venus into their calculations in just about every possible way.

And again, all these Celestial combinations are representative of a frame of mind that was different than many of ours today. As Albert Slosman pointed out, the translations of these combinations represent geometrical figures and movements in the sky and of the moving lights in relation to the fixed points that they concentrated on.

The combinations for the Ancients depended upon the laws that create the Universe, because it is those laws that create the Universe which also bring about the cosmic harmony of the Universe as well.
In Chichen Itza, there is a structure that was built by the Ancient Mayans as a rectangular platform with two floors having a cylinder shaped tower erected on top of them. The tower has three windows, from which you can observe the southernmost and the northernmost setting points of Venus. Furthermore, one of the diagonals of the platform points in the direction of the Sunset in the dead of winter. Another diagonal points in the direction of the Sunrise in the height of summer.

More than 700 meters of northeast of that structure is another structure that the Ancient Mayans built called the pyramid of Kukulcan with its 91 steps. On the other side of it's left staircase can be seen a wave-like shadow whose movement would have given the illusion that it was an enormous snake. On the ground, at the beginning of the staircase, there is a snake's head.

The pyramid of Kukulcan has four flights of stairs. Each of these flights of stairs points to the directions of the wind, and each of the four flights has 91 steps. Four times 91 amounts to 364; add the common last step and you get 365, the solar year of the Maya.

On the evening of the equinox, the pyramid of Kukulcan guarantees an impressive show. Esoteric triangular patterns of light and shadow appear in a dramatic manner, creating the illusion of an enormous snake slithering over the land and then up the pyramid.

When you begin to think like these ancient peoples, you will notice that their secrets hold the same curious sway over you as it did over them. Behind these secrets lies the compelling strength that defines the very structure of the temples and pyramids that they built.
Of course there is much more behind all this. If you take the number that the Maya used to indicate the Earth's orbit around the Sun: 365.242 days, you will find a crucial fact that modern science agrees with. The value of the Earth's orbit around the Sun is 365.2422 days.

This discovery is excellent proof of the advanced science that this ancient civilization possessed. Why? Because they knew the orbit of the Earth around the Sun as we know it today!
The Ancient Mayans inherited their numbers from their ancestors and used them in their own calculations. Venus, as the calculations show, was the key to almost all of their mysteries.

With their calculations comes a system behind the pattern of thinking of these ancient giants of mathematics and science. When focusing on their way of thought, a magic World of numbers opens, full of unexpected but undeniable and strange similarities.

With a feeling of awe, many will contemplate the revelation of the Ancient Mayan's codes as something almost supernatural. And it actually is. To make such calculations, you need genius scientists at your disposal.

The Ancient Mayans observed the cosmos with curiosity, and distilled laws, which were poured into specific numbers that formed a summary of a whole series of discoveries. If you don't know this, you will be dazzled at the sight of the Dresden Codex. The quantity of numbers and possibilities of combinations is huge.
The knowledge of the Ancient Mayans brings us back to the legend of Atlantis. As has been already proved, it contains some key numbers that were designed in such a way that they allowed entry into the "science" of the polar catastrophes that tormented the Earth regularly. It concerns an interwoven pattern of religion and advanced thinking.

The downfall of Atlantis, the shifting of the Zodiac, and the Sunspot cycle can all be correlated.

When speaking about the Ancient Mayans, we are speaking about highly civilized people who lived in a very distant past, and whose legends and numbers date back at least tens of thousands of years. This means that you have to reach unavoidable conclusions, the most part of which is that the catastrophe of 21,312 B.C. really did happen.

This will be shocking for many people, and yet the Ancient Mayan's way of calculation is so exact that we can no longer disregard their coded messages. Niether can we deny the existence of a connection between Venus and the period between the previous Pole-Shifts.
Anyone who still dares to say that this evidence is not incontestable doesn't understand the Ancient Mayan's way of thinking. Numbers were the most important starting point in their World of thought, because they are Universally accepted.

In fact, today we apply an identicle mode of calculation as the Ancient Mayans. Every four years we adjust our calendar with an extra day. This adjustment is a bit too gross. After 128 years we do not count an extra day and therefore there is no leap year!

If you think about it carefully, you will easily understand their way of calculation. They used it in all of their operations. In the case of a leap year it contains one day. When you accumulate this over thousands of years, you get a large number of extra days. After a certain period they got, for instance, so many thousands or millions of days. To match this with other calendars they either subtracted "X" number of days, or they counted up "Y" number of days, until a similarity was reached.

In the ancient's time period a great many numbers correlated with Venus. That is why both the Ancient Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians kept honoring Venus, and why it is possible to reveal so many of their codes because of it.
With the help of Venus, it can be proved that the Ancient Mayans knew incredibly accurate astronomical numbers. This is Earth-shattering, because their precision back then was actually more accurate in many ways than ours is today.
According to the Ancient Mayans, the first era was ended by water in which all but a few chosen beings had perished. The Mayans called this Apachiohualizltli, or "Sun of Flood". Some people claim that only one couple could escape death from this event, which is most likely where the story of Noah from the Bible came from. Others say that seven couples were able to save their lives and that they re-populated the Earth after the continual rainfalls.

Next the Ancient Mayans say that in the era of the Sun of Earthquake the Earth fell to pieces when it cracked in many places. Many existing mountains crumbled while other mountain chains appeared out of the blue.

The Ancient Mayans have said that a horrifying, otherworldly storm put an end to the ruling era of the Sun of Hurricane.

And finally, after a flood of blood and fire caused by the Sun of Fire, the Mayan state that the survivors starved.

In those four eras, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, and all-devouring inundation covered our planet and extinguished much of our Human race. The most important, common element of these global calamities was that the Sun was responsible for the destruction of the Earth. The Ancient Mayans were convinced of this, and therefore they based their faith on it.
In comparison of the Ancient Mayan's tradition about the four different Suns and the destruction that each one caused, there is another book called the Holy Book Of The Buddhists that also speaks of "World cycles":

"When a long period had passed since the rains stopped, a second Sun appeared. In the meantime the World was wrapped in darkness."

Their usage of the Sun as an indication for successive epochs that collapsed in an overall destruction makes it much clearer for us. Without any doubt they were telling us that an exterior change of our light source put an end to every cycle.
Thanks to the Ancient Mayans we now have mathematical proof at hand for the above conclusions. The Ancient Mayans knew the formula of the Sunspot cycle. With the help of their theories, they could make calculations about the behavior of our Sun. Long before the actual event, they knew if intense solar activity was going to occur. From the expected intensity, they could calculate whether it would have any consequences for the Earth.

The Ancient Mayan's hang up with numbers was quite obsessive, because they knew that many secrets of nature could be explained by using them. It was their conviction that when the original numbers of the events were rightly understood, it would be possible to calculate successfully the moment that these events would occur.

The Ancient Mayans were thinking rationally in their own manner, and they converted almost everything into what became Holy Numbers. In their thought processes the same numbers explained many things for them. They knew the exact values, but they hid them behind a whole series of codes. From then on, with the help of their Holy Numbers, the Ancient Mayans could retrieve the right numbers.

For these reasons we have to consider their calculations and old legends to be exact. They knew things that we still do not know. Their calculated date for the End of the Fifth Sun is undeniably correct, however incredible their science may appear to us. Therefore, we should take their prophecies about the "End of Times" very seriously.
The crown jewel of the Ancient Mayan codes was their so-called "long calendar round", or "Long Count." It started thousands of years ago in the "Age of the Gods" on 4 Ahau 8 Cumkun: August 11th, 3114 BC. It will end after 1,872,000 days around the same time that much of the World will be destroyed. The Ancient Mayans say that this will happen in the year of Katun Ahau 13: or sometime around December 21, 2012 AD.

This encoded system demonstrates their ability to calculate long cycles, and it also gives them the ability to predict cycles of destruction and the creation that follows. We already know that the Ancient Mayans had incredible accuracy and that their countdown is a coded system.

According to the Ancient Mayans code system, a Sunspot cycle equals 68,328 days; furthermore, a Mayan solar year lasts for 365 days. When you calculate the period of a Sunspot cycle using these data, it amounts to 187.2 years. And a multiple of that number - 1,872,000 - leads us to the countdown to the next Pole-Shift sometime around 2012 AD.
The "End" will come like a thief in the night, at the height of a great Sunspot cycle.

An easy way to imagine the Ancient Mayan's "Holy Count" is to envision a calculator that is counting up intertwined magnetic forces, again and again. And just when the crucial point has been reached, the calculator will destroy itself in one gigantic flash.

By now, the colossal forces that will put an end to our civilization have already accumulated in the Sun. In the remaining years only a fraction of the forces already accumulated will be added.

The Aztecs, who supplanted the Ancient Mayans, were also aware of the impending destruction of the Earth. But it was the Ancient Mayans, who had calculated that the end date would occur in the Fifth Sun era. Their whole culture and all of their Holy Numbers revolved around this event. Using their Sunspot cycle theory, they calculated the moment an intense outburst of energy from the Sun would, all at once, finish the ruling civilizations of the Earth.
The discovery of the link between Venus and the previous Pole Shifts of the Earth explains a lot of things. It logically confirms findings related to the Egyptian Zodiac, the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Dresden Codex of the Ancient Mayans.

The Complexity of the Ancient Mayan's calendars can also be derived from it. Those that created the advanced Mayan calendars had discovered a means to integrate the movement of Venus with the orbits of other planets. From these calculations it appeared that the Ancient Mayans were aware of the fact that Venus required an average of 583.92 days to reappear in the same place.

Aside from those facts, it was also discovered that the Ancient Mayans had interwoven the Holy Mayan year - the Tzolkin of 260 days - with Venus's movement.
There are many things to be found in the decoding of the traces left by the cult of the long-lost civilization of Atlantis. The Ancient Mayans had based themselves on Holy Numbers that they used again and again in their way of calculation. For thousands of years the secret science behind this was passed on to future generations. Thereafter it got lost for long dark centuries.

Because of the Ancient Mayan's remarkable method of working, it was possible to revive the traces of this advanced civilization, wrapped in a shroud of prophecies, of esoteric and age-old codes.

One has to turn to the way of reasoning of these ancient pyramid builders. Many of their actions were, after all, based on the Sunspot cycle. The Ancient Mayans were so incredibly clever that in some ways they raised their message to a higher level than the civilization that gave them this knowledge! With it they inherited the memories of terrifying earthquakes, falling stars, a bright burning Sun and a destructive tidal wave.

The Ancient Mayans interwove all of this into their magical buildings with the urgent message: "It has happened before and it will happen again."
In Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision we read that the old annals say:

"In this age everything was destroyed by a rain of fire coming from the sky and the surging of lava."

The Ancient Mayans knew that the Sun had already proceeded far in its cycle and that it was almost dead. They painted pictures of it with features like a wrinkled face by age and its tongue sticking out eagerly in its hunger.

The number 666 played a large part in all of this. Through the deviation of 666 the cycles of the Sun are shifting. A total magnetic field reversal is awaiting us. When will this catastrophe take place? At the exact moment when all deviating cycles have pushed the Sun's magnetic fields to its maximum. According to the Ancient Mayans this corresponds with a time leading up to December 21, 2012 AD.
The Ancient Mayan's temples and pyramids are not products of superstitious minds, but are instead designs of extremely skillful architecture. And through this basic principle it is possible to find the connection with the number 666.

As stated before, in Teotihuacan stands a huge building, which is the Pyramid of the Sun. This pyramid contains a direct allusion to the Sun and its hidden deviating cycles. During both the vernal and autumnal equinoctial points, exactly at noon, the south-to-north shining Sun causes the phenomenon of a completely straight shadow that gradually disappears over one of the lower floors of the west face. The passage of the shadow into complete light takes exactly 66.6 seconds! This provides us with an undeniable relation with the number 666.

The Ancient Mayans used our time chronology of 86,400 seconds. This enabled them to assimilate the number 666 in their design. To carry out this masterly example of scientific thinking, you need a large amount of astronomical and geodetic knowledge.

Once more the visionary masters of ancient science baffle us. It is an example of the powerful and permanent legend from primeval times, a memory of a global disaster.
This architectural vision survived for thousands of years, as well as the mathematical codes hiding in it. The unimaginably precise mathematical relation between the Sun and its deviating cycles is a good example of that. This re-discovery of data from the dawn of our civilization should make us humble.

In those times pioneers knew and performed certain things of which we still don't have any knowledge. But their scientific findings are now forcing themselves upon us like echoes in our dreams. And our dreams are leading up to a non-stop approach to a World Disaster. After a certain number of deviating cycles, the most catastrophic disaster in the history of mankind will take place.

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