From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

These results show us where the Ancient Mayans got their essential numbers. They are based on approximate "Holy Numbers." Those who carefully study the decoding of the Dresden Codex will quickly recognize the importance of the values found.

This particular way of calculation forms the essence of the Ancient Mayan's thinking pattern. They liked to play with numbers, and preferably always with the same ones. On this basis they could get certain outcomes, which approximated reality very closely. After a couple of other calculations they could come closer and closer to the real value, until they achieved the most incredible accuracy.

A phenomenal example of that is the period of a solar year, which they accurately calculated to a countless amount of figures after the decimal point. Of course a lot more codes are hiding in their way of calculation.
By incorporating the number 666 in their buildings, the Ancient Mayans taught us the principle that would destroy our civilization. Besides this, the Ancient Mayans used other numbers too. They created a masterpiece that is based on their inheritance from a superior civilization that once ruled the Earth. With the help of their incredibly accurate calculations, the earlier high priests could predict the following:

1. The Universe will fall apart in great disorder and will make the planets change their course.

2. After the coming Pole-Shift, the Sun, the Moon and the stars will start moving in opposite directions.

3. The Earth will shake and tremble and the waters in its bosom will rise with great violence and will destroy the existing civilizations (OURS).

The Ancient Egyptians gave us this same message. And it is up to us whether we are going to deny these age-old truths, or treat them with respect.
Besides being excellent calculators, the Ancient Mayans were a form of psychologists of the highest rank. All of their buildings radiate mysticism and apocalyptic visions. And the same phenomenon occurs with the Ancient Mayan's esoteric numbers and symbols, which contain a great number of cosmic correlations.

The designers of this symbolism knew exactly what they were doing. They created a fascinating design for a riddle that could be solved only by extremely curious people who would search for their hidden science. The result of their collective imaginative power is undeniable. They succeeded in passing on their baffling knowledge to the rest of us. And now it's up to all of us to hand down this knowledge to others, thus honoring their ambitious achievements. The Ancient Mayans would surely have wanted this.

Much of the Ancient Mayan's mental powers were focused on tempting future researchers to unveil their secrets, however dark and remote the period would be in the meantime. They were counting on infinite enthusiasm, nothing more and nothing less.
It is possible to become in direct contact with the Ancient Mayans work. These Ancient people were the master builders of the past who had created these miracles with telltale intentions, as if it was no trouble for them to do so whatsoever. In the same way they had juggled the transcendental numbers of the precession of the Zodiac, the orbit of Venus, the period of the solar year, ect, and they had incorporated them into the construction of their creations.

Millennia back in time, super mathematicians and extremely intelligent and efficient astronomers recorded all of this information, resulting in the evolution of the codes and calendars left behind by the Ancient Mayans. They are infinitely more correct and complicated than had been thought up until recently. You only need to master their way of thinking to understand this. When you are on the right track, the ability to follow their calculations should pervade down to your deepest core, and you will see the fact that the Ancient Mayans left us all an incredibly correct message, which is a warning to tell us that an all-demolishing geological disaster will torment our land.

A Worldwide catastrophe unequaled by anything any of us has seen will soon be upon our planet. It's up to you whether to heed this warning and take the necessary measures for your survival and the survival of Humanity.
When you ask most any modern day scientist to detail the origin of our time chronology, they cannot give you an honest answer. They don't know, but they do agree on various historical facts.

Our present Gregorian calendar, which is named after Pope Gregory XIII who instituted it in March of 1582, is not the most accurate that has been used by civilization. Although our calendar is quite "refined" it is not as accurate as the one that the Ancient Mayans used thousands of years ago.

The Gregorian year is a bit too long. The error amounts to three days in ten thousand years. The Ancient Mayans year was too short, but the error was only two days in ten thousand years. However, the Ancient Mayans were able to calculate much more accurately than many of our present day scientists think possible. In fact, their mistake was nil in ten thousand years!

Such a revolutionary science is absolutely baffling. It sheds a totally different light on the Ancient Mayan's civilization. The Mayan's reckoning of time was covered with a magical mysticism. They were of the opinion that events moved in a circle, represented by returning cycles of service. Days, months, and years were all members of shift-relief-teams marching through eternity. The priests were able to calculate the combined influence of all the marchers, and in this way they were able to predict the fate of mankind.

It was expected by the Ancient Mayans that every 260 years, history would repeat itself in certain circles. This mixing of intuition with time may appear to be strange to us. Yet quite intelligent ideas were behind it.
However clever though, the Ancient Mayans did not set the basis for our modern day time chronology. For that, we have to give credit to the Middle East, especially at the Babylonians. They created the fundamentals of our present seven-day week, for their astrology was based on the Sun, the Moon and the five planets they had discovered.

The Babylonians divided their time chronology in a sixty-fraction scale. An hour was divided into sixty minutes, and a minute was divided into sixty seconds. Later, in 1345 AD this system was implemented to determine the period of a lunar eclipse. It did not involve a real time chronology, but indeed a theoretical one. Given the movement of the celestial bodies, they calculated the length of the eclipse, based on earlier data.

And the truth of it all is, that all of that knowledge originated from the Ancient Egyptians and was passed down to the Babylonians. In the Middle Ages, they founded their time chronology on thousands-of-years-old data from the Babylonians, who in turn inherited it from Ancient Egypt.
The highly developed Ancient Mayan civilization that existed long ago really was capable of making ultra-long calculations of planetary orbits, not only the Earth's, but also those of Venus and other planets. Also, they were somehow able to calculate an amazingly accurate value for the speed of the polar field of the Sun.

Their accuracy was even better than ours! The error they made hardly exists in practice. This is not only unbelievably fascinating, but also alarming. Because they could count so well, the Ancient Mayans were able to determine the position of the Earth around the Sun at a point thousands of years ahead of time. Their calculations were so precise that, just like the Ancient Atlanteans who did the same 12,000 years beforehand, they could predict a solar or planetary event almost to the second!

The Ancient Mayans converted everything into codes and "Holy Numbers", which is one of the reasons that many researchers are still in the dark. To determine the Earth around the Sun, they used three approximation numbers! It is very confusing, and it is not hard to see how they have misled scientists, who describe Ancient Mayan astronomy as "advanced", while in fact it should have been valued as "super brilliant."
Venus meant everything to the Ancient Mayans. Exactly as it did in 9792 BC, Venus is going to make a retrograde loop above the Orion constellation sometime around the year 2012. Here we have an incredibly serious warning, because this year correlates with the end of the Mayan calendar.

If you use the synodic time period of Venus, known by the Ancient Mayans, you can confirm the story of the legendary Atlantis. Reasoning further on this case, you can decipher the Ancient Mayan calendars and their Dresden Codex.

In order to display their technical advancement, the Ancient Mayans built their temples in such a way that they exactly indicate the vernal equinoctial point. And they incorporate other features that show that there is an irrefutable relation between their incredibly exact astronomical knowledge and the construction of their temples.
The period of eight days when Venus disappears behind the Sun indicates that Venus and the Sun are closely connected. Venus refers to the bygone switches of the magnetic field of the Sun, and also to the big one to come, which will cause the next Pole-Shift on Earth.

On the basis of the codes it is possible to make many additional decipherings of the Ancient Mayan's numbers. The method is identicle to the Ancient Egyptian one, and they are based on the Venus codes that were used by the Ancient Atlanteans. In quite a shocking manner they illustrate the extremely accurate astronomical numbers that the Ancient Mayans had at their disposal.

Furthermore, the Ancient Mayans knew the sidereal orbit period of the Earth. These discoveries will cause a revolution in the further interpretation of the knowledge of the Ancient Mayans. And that is putting it very mildly. When you have a look at the deciphering, you will see that the magical year of the Ancient Mayans - which was the source for their calendars - can be recovered with the help of the Mayan's value for the synodic period of Venus. It is an essential part of the whole, and an undeniable proof for the complete deciphering.
How misunderstood the Ancient Mayan geniuses have been for more than 1,250 years. Their encoded pictures have finally come to life again, telling the story of their secret science, of a very high order, which explains how the Sun affects life on Earth.

The Ancient Mayans knew that the Sun affected fertility, that its rays filled some with laughter and others with woe, so with reverence they named many of their children according to their birthdate during an astrological cycle. They knew, too, that much of the surface of the World had been re-created four times before and that each period had ended in catastrophic destruction, which they blamed on the Sun.

Some of the Ancient Mayan's tablets describe the cataclysmic sinking of a large land mass (which many believe is Atlantis). They describe an increase in solar radiation which led to the overheating of the landmass, causing the expansion of underground gases to explode and bubble to the surface, and finally for the continent to sink beneath the ocean.
Most all of the Ancient Mayan's architecture, jewellery, paintings and carvings all contain the same message: of the Sun, fertility, and the AfterLife.

The Ancient Mayans uderstood that the Sun was causing infertility at a certain point in their history and that it was affecting their females and causing a higher incidence of infant mortality. The reduction of solar radiation led fo a reduction in female fertility hormones, which in turn led to an increase in solar-inspired genetic mutations that manifested later as birth defects. The disruptive solar radiation was responsible not only for infertility but also for miscarriage, congenital disease and deformity. The Ancient Mayans were aware of the fact that the Sun was killing them slowly by causing a fall in fertility levels.

To back this fact up, carvings were later found in parts of the Mexican city of Monte Alban, which depicted mutant babies.

One of the symptoms of this caused a disease for the Ancient Mayans which is known today as Sprengel's deformity, which causes things like a congenitally high right scapula, spina bifida and scoliosis. Ionising radiations, which increase at the time of a Sunspot minimum, are capable of causing such mutations in developing foetuses.
So the Ancient Mayans were aware of many things relating to the Sun. They were aware of how the Sun causes Astrology, how the Sun controls biorhythms, how the Sun affects fertility, and how the Sun causes catastrophic cycles and periodic global destruction.

Modern science has only recently caught up with the knowledge of the Ancient Mayans:

1. In 1986 Astrogenetics explained how the Sun determined personality through genetic mutations at the moment of conception. Mutations correlated with Astrological belief, showing that the Sun causes personality differentiation on a monthly and yearly basis, corresponding with Western Sun-sign Astrology in the short term (monthly) and Chinese Astrology over the long term (12-year cycle).

At the same time, mechanisms of biorhythms, homesickness and navigation by lesser species were all shown to be hormone-driven by variations in solar radiation.

2. In 1989 calculation of the duration of the Sunspot cycle revealed that Sunspots and solar magnetic reversals periodically bring catastrophic destruction to the Earth.

3. In 1989 the Astrogenetic Theory advanced again with the discovery that the Sun's radiation correlates with the monthly manufacture of the follicle-stimulating hormones in females, and in so doing regulates the menstrual cycle and fertility patterns in females. This causes the rise and fall of civilisations on the Earth.

In 1993 the first volume of The Amazing Lid of Palenque revealed that Lord Pacal, leader of the Ancient Mayans, taught this science to his people more than 1,250 years ago in the jungles of Mexico.
The Ancient Mayans have forewarned us of what will come again in the year Katun Ahau 13 (around 2012). This is confirmed by the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel:

"Unattainable is the bread of the Katun in 13 AHAU (famine). The Sun shall be eclipsed. Double is the charge of the Katun: men without offspring, chiefs without successors (infertility). For five days the Sun shall be eclipsed (pole-shift), then it shall be seen again. This is the charge of Katun 13 Ahau.
More than a thousand years ago, in the jungles of Central America, the Ancient Mayans believed that the Earth had been destroyed on four previous occasions; now we know why, and how.

The Ancient Mayans believed that the Sun affects fertility and the rise and fall of civilisations; now we know how.

The Ancient Mayans believed in Astrology, that the Sun affects character, fate and fortune; now we know that it does.

The Ancient Mayans believed that we are now living in the fifth and final "Age of the Sun", which they say will end in the year 2012.

Perhaps we should start listening to what they have been trying to tell us.
These scientific predictions originate from the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans. Both civilizations are said to be descendants of the legendary Atlanteans, and they had very highly-evolved astronomical knowledge. In ancient antiquity, they were able to accurately predict the end of our current civilizations. They knew how and why the next Pole-Shift is going to force us to our knees.

The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans also had incredibly precise calculations for the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. They are so accurate that they exceed our current values. These calculations were nothing but exact. And this is crucial, because the calculations of the Ancient Eyptians and the Ancient Mayans are totally based on the science of the Earth's relation to the Sun.
We read in the ancient scriptures about the super traumatizing events of almost 12,000 years ago: fire, lightning, hurricanes, tidal waves, volcanic explosions, a black sky, famine, cold, and so on. The poor unfortunate people who experienced these events had to have been so shocked, that it dominated their whole Life. They passed warnings on to their children and great-grandchildren, who in turn passed them on down to the next generations.

And in the center of all this are the stories about the survivors. And these stories contain codes so that their descendants can prepare themselves for this catastrophe of all catastrophes that we will soon be facing.

The conveyance of this knowledge lies for us mainly in the writings of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans. In their well-preserved secrets we can find the foreboding numbers that will lead us to the complete unveiling of the previous period of catastrophe, and to their predictions of the next.
The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans were successful in predicting the coming end of our World as we know it. Their predictions contain a mathematical logic, which reveals an extensive plan leading up to the Apocalypse that will occur sometime within the next 5-6 years on planet Earth, and which will help pave the way for the Age of Peace that begins right after it on December 21st, 2012 AD.

It seems extremely logical to conclude that there is a direct connection between the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans. And also between Ancient Mexico and Ancient Egypt. The figures and combinations are such that one can discover it automatically. And this also proves that their codes were conveived in such a way that there was almost no option but to discover them!

One will definately be amazed by their knowledge of science, construction, engineering, and their culture. And also to the fact that they were committed to proving that they were able to calculate the next Pole-Shift that we have coming to us.

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