From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Most of the Native Meso-American documents were destroyed in the early years of the Spanish occupation of South America but a few priceless books and relics did survive the destruction, either having been hidden by the Indians or exported back to Europe as presents for the King. The most important of these was what is now called the Dresden Codex, named after the town in whose library it was lodged. This strange book, inscribed with unknown hieroglyphs, was written by Maya Indians who once ruled over much of Central America, the ruins of their once grand civilization littering the jungle.

In 1880 a brilliant, German scholar, who was working as a librarian in Dresden, turned his attention to this codex. By a process of extraordinary detective work he cracked the code of the Mayan calendar making it possible for other scholars and explorers to translate the many dated inscriptions to be found on buildings, stelae and other ancient Mayan artefacts.

The scholar also discovered that the Dresden Codex itself was concerned with astronomy providing detailed tables of lunar eclipses and other phenomenon. These were so accurate that they put our own calendar to shame. He also found evidence for a curious "magic number"- 1,366,560 days, which could be factorised in a number of ways and which harmonised the cycles of Venus and Mars with two "yearly" cycles also used by the Maya: the sacred tzolkin of 260 days and the Haab of 365 days. However, he also found that they had another system of counting the days relative to a starting date, called the Birth of Venus and now known to be 13 August 3114 BC.
One of the Ancient Mayan's calendars was divided into "months" or uinals of twenty days, "years" or tuns of 360 days and longer periods of 7200 days, the katun and 144,000 days, the baktun. The number 13 was magically important to them and they believed that, starting from the Birth of Venus, after 13 of these longest periods, or baktuns, the World as we know it would come to an end. Working from their start date this Mayan Prophecy points to a date in our own time, December 21, 2012.
In 1986 the scientist/engineer Maurice Cotterell put forward a revolutionary theory concerning astrology and sun cycles. He had for some years suspected that the sun's variable magnetic field had consequences for life on earth. The sun has a complex field which loops and twists itself into knots. It has long been suspected that these loops give rise to sunspots, which are dark blemishes on the sun's skin.

The number, size and location of sunspots are constantly changing and as a former Radio Officer, Cotterell was well aware that they have profound effects upon the earth's magnetic envelope, the magnetosphere. Whilst working as Head of Electrical and Communications Engineering (Estates) at Cranfield Institute of Technology, he devised a program that would compute the relationship between the sun's magnetic field and the Earth.

As expected his model predicted that there should be a sunspot cycle of roughly eleven and a half years, closely corresponding to what has been observed over several centuries. However, he also found graphic evidence for longer cycles including a period of 1,366,040 days. His work took a new turn when he read about the Mayan super number from the Dresden Codex: 1,366,560 days. This was exactly two 260 day cycles larger than his theoretical sunspot period. He therefore proposed that the two were related.
As Maurice Cotterell's earlier work on what he called Astrogenetics indicated that human fertility was dependent on the presence of sunspots, he now had evidence that the Mayan calendar was not arbitrary but was based on a knowledge of the effects of sunspots. This explained the near obsession they had for long cycles of time and their belief in the rise and fall of four previous ages of man.

Travelling in Mexico, Cotterell extended his ideas and gave them a public airing on television. After giving a lecture at the Voluntary Cultural society, he was awarded a medal by the wife of the President.

By now his work included some very esoteric investigations into the 'Lid of Palenque', a mysterious sarcophagus cover made famous in the 1960s by Eric von Däniken, who believed it showed the picture of an ancient astronaut. Cotterell now identified the lid as a graphic representation of Mayan philosophy and as containing many hidden messages and codes.
In 1994 Maurice Cotterell met up with Adrian Gilbert, who had recently co-authored a book on the Egyptian pyramids called The Orion Mystery. Gilbert too went to Mexico and was fascinated to discover the extent to which the ancient Mexicans venerated the rattlesnake.

He discovered some curious cultural similarities between the early Maya and the ancient Egyptians. Whereas the Egyptians studied the movements of the Hyades, Orion and its companion star Sirius, the Maya were more interested in the nearby Pleiades star-cluster.

They viewed it as the warning rattle of a great cosmic serpent, which seems to have corresponded to the ecliptic. The head of this serpent was the sun and they believed that it was the source of all life on earth.
The Maya, like the Aztecs, believed that there had been four ages prior to our own. Many scientists have been able to relate the first of these to the lost continent of Atlantis and have investigated certain prophecies relating to this ancient civilization.

It seems that the serpent religion of the Mayans, which the early Spanish conquistadors attempted to eradicate, may well owe its origins to survivors of this lost race of Atlantis, some of whom went to Egypt and some possibly to Central America.
The Mayan calendar points to December 21, 2012 as being the end of our present age. Changes around that time to the Sun's magnetic field could have catastrophic consequences for us all. Perhaps we are already witnessing the beginnings of this change with the desertification of more and more land. This seems to have happened in a more localised way at the time of another Sun spot minima, which may have lead to the collapse of the Mayan civilization. Their jungle cities may be a warning to us all.
In some of Edgar Cayce's books, edited by his son Hugh Lynn Cayce, based on the readings that Cayce gave regarding Atlantis, he specifically states that the Atlanteans left thier island kingdom in boats and settled in both Egypt and South america.

The Aztecs, which he claims are also descendants of the Atlanteans, are supposed to be the third known group and some of the indians of North America are also supposed to be descended from some of the smaller Atlantean groups which sailed off prior to the sinking of the final vestiges of what had been a huge continent stretching from the azores in the east to the islands of the caribbean in the South Central Atlantic and as far north as the Central Atlantic. The southern limits were supposedly off the brazilian mainland.

In the mid-1500s, Spanish expeditions landed on the azores and the few inhabitants provided them with stone tablets with stange markings indicative of some written language. when the islanders were unable to show anything about what was written thereon, the spaniards immediately destroyed the tablets and then the few inhabitants which populated the area.

Unfortunately the Spanish and their missionaries destroyed most all of which may have been useful in determining what they knew and exactly where the Atlanteans went once they left their sunken land on their way to South America.
I personally believe that the Mayans originated from Atlantis as well.

The only thing I wrestle with is the fact that the Egyptians and the Mayans may have been too different races. Or were they? Queen Cleopatra certainly looks alot like a Mayan Indian at least in her artistic depictions including movies, paintings, ect. In fact....could it be that the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans were of the same race? Both brown skinned? Just living in different areas?

If that is the case, than yes, they would both most likely have originated from the same source - Atlantis.

Here are some artistic depictions of Queen Cleopatra. You guys be the judge: <----- Click here to see the sculptures and paintings.
The Dresden Codex of the Ancient Mayans talks about the Sunspot cycle (about which our modern day astronomers know very little).

At a certain moment, when the Sun's magnetism reaches a crucial point, a colossal catastrophe will destroy much of the Earth.

This event correlates with the number 666 of the Bible. Besides being the number related to the "Anti-Christ", it has also been associated with the "Apocalypse" or the "End of the World" as we know it.

But for the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans, the number 666 represented an aberration in the Sunspot Cycle, which lays the foundation for the forthcoming Pole-Shift.
Graham Hancock talks about the number 66.6 in his book Fingerprints of the Gods. In it he mentions a very special event that takes place in Mexico each equinox of March 20th, and September 22nd. On those days, a strange phenomenon takes place, which is that for exactly 6.66 seconds a shadow passes over the west face of the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico.

This event has taken place year-in and year-out since the beginning of the construction of the pyramid. One of the many functions of the Pyramid of the Sun was to communicate the encoded messages of the wisdom cult that had ruled over the Earth for thousands of years.

There is an undeniable connection between the Solar year, as shown by the equinoxes, and the number 0.666.

Many people will become amazed at the intwewoven knowledge of science, construction engineering, and culture of these magnificent Ancient Mayans.
The Ancient Mayan's intelligence allowed them to calculate the coming Pole-Shift.

By indicating that a shadow appeared for 66.6 seconds, a phenomenon that takes place only twice a year, the Ancient Mayan's were telling us that this number relates to a solar year. Depending on the calendar that they used this took 360, 365 or 365.25 days.

Not only could the Ancient Mayans construct superior buildings, but also their underlying knowledge to build them was amazing! A purely geometrical creation, connected to the passage of time, dominated by the Number and the memory of heroic times. Combinations of surprisingly strange angles were joined together to create eye-boggling masterpieces.

The magic of esoteric figures, interwoven with thousands of artistically cut pieces of rock, as if it had not been any effort at all for the Ancient Mayans to do this. It was incredibly imaginative.
Judging from their high level of mathematics, it seems pretty obvious that their numbers were part of the legacy of the lost civilization of Atlantis. Without any doubt the Ancient Mayans were one of the most facile and inspired followers of the Atlantean type of science.

You can find everywhere their continuous obsession with the subject of time. It controlled all their enterprise and it doesn't have any equal in the history of Humankind. By breaking their codes, which accurately describe time, many Mayan mysteries and bottlenecks of their religion can be solved.

Awesome riddles and awkward manifestations of the Ancient Mayan's bonds to time will have a logical explanation with the help of modern scientific thinking.
In Mexico we find extensive evidence of the use of the number 72. The relevant resulting numbers turn up abundantly in the Mayan Calendars: 1 katun = 7,200 days; 1 tun = 720 days; 5 baktuns = 720,000 days.

You can come across the number 72 almost everywhere in the Ancient Mayan civilization. This is most likely because of the fact that in the disaster of 21,312 BC, Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis) had shifted 72 degrees in the Zodiac.

The Maya had processed the number 72 in their solar year. The final decisive factor is that when you multiply a Mayan solar year of 365 days by 0.666, the final outcome is 72!
Venus was sacred for the Ancient Mayans. Generations of researchers have been busy probing the question of why the Maya were so obsessed with this planet. Once you know how to unveil their motives, then you stumble upon amazing answers: the numbers of Venus are involved in catastrophes that purified Earth regularly, and in the ones which will do it again.

Among the Ancient Mayans everything was focused on Venus. They kept a sharp eye on our sister planet, noted everything down, and built around it a complex time calculation system that was used for thousands of years.

Ancient Mayan documents showed that other planetary movements could be calculated on the basis of the movement of Venus. Furthermore, it contains moon tables used to calculate possible Solar eclipses, which have been found to be accurate to within just a minimal deviation in relation to the actual values.

The Dresden Codex of the Ancient Mayans also coincided with the extremely important Tzolkin, the cycle of 260 days, which was greatly respected by the Mayans. It was also discovered that they had correct numbers at their disposal, with which they could adjust the first table and reduce the margin of error to one day in 4,500 years.

This also proves that the Ancient Mayans knew alot more than many modern day historians and researchers think.
In the Ancient Mayan's Dresden Codex 5 pages were devoted to the calculations on Venus. The numbers and multiples of Venus were of great interest to the priests. The numbers were also part of an immeasurable inheritance. They are the legacy of the lost civilization of Atlantis, destroyed by a catastrophic disaster - an inheritance of an old, star-gazing people, kept alive, cultivated and enriched by their descendants.

And this legacy of knowledge points directly to Atlantis. The pattern of thought means fresh air in the search for the Atlantean civilization. Without any doubt the numbers revealed are leading us to a disaster that meant the end of Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis). It predicted Armageddon, the end of times for their original homeland.

Such a downfall asks for the largest scientific and mathematical connections. And these bright Ancients have provided them all for us.

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