From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Do you have a blog?

You should start one.

I just may do that. However I am not only trying to simply post information. Believe it or not I would like more people to get in here and start talking back and forth about all this.

If they don't. Thats ok. If they do...all the better.
The Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans share common characteristics related to the catastrophe that is going to hit us. The Ancient Mayan's codes mainly concern the planet Venus and it's role in the catastrophe. The Zodiac and the precessional eras were more important to the Ancient Egyptians. Both civilizations incorporated the Sunspot cycle into their calculations. In the Egyptian ones, this was more difficult to decipher than in the Mayan ones.

In the year of the previous Pole-Shift, 9792 BC, Venus made a loop above and to the left of the constellation Orion. Sometime as we approach 2012 Venus will make a similar movement again. This will signal the Pole-Shift. Eventually, the whole Earth is going to start turning the other way around after the reversal of the poles.

The discovery of the works of the Ancients proves that their methods were not "coincidental", but that they were indeed a brilliant processing of common codes. In order to fully decipher the Ancient Mayan's Dresden Codex, you must first have all the essential Egyptian decipherings at your disposal. These prove the origins of the codes. The Sunspot cycle concerns the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Sunstorms, while the Egyptian Zodiac shows their consequences for the Earth.

The precession of the Zodiac can also be found in the Ancient Mayan's calculations of the Sunspot cycle. When the magnetic field of the Sun changes, the influence on our Earth is catastrophic. As mentioned many times before, after the coming Pole-Shift, our Earth will be landing in another age of the Zodiac. The Age of Aquarius.
I just may do that. However I am not only trying to simply post information. Believe it or not I would like more people to get in here and start talking back and forth about all this.

If they don't. Thats ok. If they do...all the better.

Your asking someone to peel a mountain of potatoes, no one is going to go back 100 posts to catch up to what you are saying.

Im no different than anyone else here, if a post looks the least bit daunting, No one will read it, let alone 100 posts.
Your asking someone to peel a mountain of potatoes, no one is going to go back 100 posts to catch up to what you are saying.

Im no different than anyone else here, if a post looks the least bit daunting, No one will read it, let alone 100 posts.

Well, I hate to tell you this, but if all this stuff goes down the way I believe it will, then people who had a chance to learn about this and who decided to pass it up are going to be in for quite a shock. To say the least.
I looked at the posts for a little while. I noticed that Atlantis was mentioned. Atlantis is a fiction, probably created by Plato to illustrate his socio-political views.

Fictional stories about it have been handed down throughout the ages but Atlantis never really existed. It is as real as Superman.
Well, I hate to tell you this, but if all this stuff goes down the way I believe it will, then people who had a chance to learn about this and who decided to pass it up are going to be in for quite a shock. To say the least.

Even if people read what you post, they might not believe it. Write a book and get it published as Al Gore did with “An Inconvenient Truth”.
I looked at the posts for a little while. I noticed that Atlantis was mentioned. Atlantis is a fiction, probably created by Plato to illustrate his socio-political views.

Fictional stories about it have been handed down throughout the ages but Atlantis never really existed. It is as real as Superman.

See I disagree. I noticed you said Atlantis is a fiction, as if that were stating that as 100% fact, but then you said "probably" right afterwards. Which means that you're not sure.

How could we be? No one could be 100% sure as of yet. But...I personally believe that it did exist. And I believe that the evidence for proving that is slowly coming to fruition.
See I disagree. I noticed you said Atlantis is a fiction, as if that were stating that as 100% fact, but then you said "probably" right afterwards. Which means that you're not sure.

How could we be? No one could be 100% sure as of yet. But...I personally believe that it did exist. And I believe that the evidence for proving that is slowly coming to fruition.

I guess that I did not communicate clearly. I indented for the word “probably” to refer to Plato as being the first person to imagine and write of Atlantis. I do not think that Freud or Marx came up with it. I am confident that Atlantis does not exist and that it never did exist. I am as confident of this as I am confident that 3-inch high 2-headed leprechauns don’t exist.
Sometime within the next 6 years, the magnetic field of the Sun will change. A catastrophic Sunstorm will hit the Earth, resulting in the reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles, after which the rotation of our planet will reverse. Furthermore, the Earth will be catapulted into Aquarius. The code of Venus correlates with this moment in time. For several months, Venus will make an apparent retrograde movement above Orion. With their prior calculations and clever encoding of this event, the Ancient Egyptians as well as the Ancient Mayans proved their advanced knowledge of this event.

Everybody knows the old saying, "Third time's a charm", but where does it come from? Nobody seems to know. But I am of the opinion that there is something definately to that statement. And we (as a Human race) are about to experience our third Pole-Shift here on Earth.

Theoretically, after 1,924 years one can see a first deviation in the tenth long Sunspot cycle. This could provoke an increase of the solar activity. After doubling this period to 3,848 years the deviation becomes clear. It concerns the reversal of the magnetic field. Because the reversal of the magnetic field takes place after two thirds (66.6%) of a Sunspot cycle of 11,567 years, it doesn't involve a fierce or even a broken-off reversal. The same holds for the next change. Not until the third reversal of the magnetic field can we speak of an all-demolishing change, because then it coincides with the reversal of the corresponding Sunspot cycle. At that moment the Sun's energy will increase its force of radiation and send a gigantic cloud of plasma in the direction of the Earth.

When you multiply 3,848 years by three, it results in 11,544 years. This is extremely close to 11,520 years, the period between the previous two Pole-Shifts. And what does this mean? It means that the next one is right around the corner.
Passionate researchers and mathematicians should study this more carefully. They will possibly find even more codes and unveil other secrets of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans. A person can link their eternal language of mathematics to time: glorious and transient time.

Since the coming into existence of the Ancient Egyptian and Mayan codes, thousands of kingdoms have risen and perished. Despite all these countless frictions, their coded messages have survived unscathed for centuries, simply and soley through the existence of some important papyri. They show more than clearly many detailed correlations that are too clear and that carry the recognizable traces of an elaborate design. And their obsession with numbers was unrivalled.

How can a person not feel completely knocked out by such complicated beauty? Their codes are indeed more than clear. Their calculations of a long-lost civilization are absolutely correct up to an infinite number of figures after the decimal point! And we should take their announcements of the next Pole-Shift extremely seriously! The codes of these old scientists are cleverer and more advanced than many of our present day programs! They are full of super-clever mathematical calculations. Everything fits in; you find an answer to everything.

Amazing buildings, bright and shining in their magnitude, were designed by these mysterious people that dreamt of Eternal Life after Death. The burning fire of their passion for numbers emanates so immensely, that there are no words to describe it. All the key elements of their calculations fit into refined and advanced formulas. When classifying their rows of numbers using the same logic, you stumble upon an enormous instrument. This complicated system gives almost appallingly beautiful results, full of mystical and Spiritual mysteries, and at the same time functional and efficient. It was constructed by the ancients to fulfill a task, demanding in a stylish way the complete attention of researchers.
The Ancient Egyptians and Mayans had reproduced the period between the previous two and the coming Pole-Shift quite accurately in mathematical terms. For these reasons we can be sure of the arithmetical abilities of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans, who have situated the next catastrophic Pole-Shift to occur sometime very soon.

The turbulent events from the past were so terrifying that our ancestors did anything to find the answers to their important questions. And this super accuracy that they developed, which they then passed down to their descendants, is one of the remarkable outcomes of their thinking and calculations. For the time being it is still a riddle how exactly they were able to do this, however it also leaves the door open for future research.

Again, everything these Ancients measured and built radiates the same obsession for extreme exactitude, as if their lives had depended on it. And they did. On the basis of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, they were able to define the period of the magnetic fields of the Sun up to several figures after the decimal point. Once you know these values, you are able to make predictions about the Sun. The results of which reveal the coming Pole-Shift that WILL SOON CHANGE EVERYTHING AS WE HAVE EVER KNOWN IT ON THIS PLANET.

And that my friends, is the reality of our situation.
The Ancient Atlanteans, the Ancient Egyptians, and the Ancient Mayans all knew the number zero, and they used exact figures after the decimal point. Neither the Greeks nor the Romans did this. In the eighth century of our era the Arabs re-discovered the number zero through an astronomical work from Indonesia. Only in the twelfth century did the Muslims introduce this in Spain.

It would take two more centuries before the whole of Europe could use the number zero. Knowing this makes the enormous knowledge of the Ancient Atlanteans, Egyptians, and Mayans ever more impressive.
Perhaps one of the most amazing things of all is that the "Holy" calculations of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans can be supported by our presently-known denary scale! When you look at their calculations, you can discover this immediately! The similarities emanate from the present way of adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. This means that our present system must be some what of an inheritance from the Ancient Atlanteans, and that it has been passed down to us through the survivors.

With this knowledge, the list of Ancient Atlantean legacies becomes quite long. Besides the time chronology (seconds, minutes, hours), the Ancient Atlanteans gave us astronomy (360 degrees, pyramid, volume, ect.). They also were the first known civilization to know the values for the Sunspot cycle. They were one of the first to develop architecture, the art of writing and, now, the denary scale. This is quite a performance for a completely forgotten civilization.
The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans knew the exact figures of the Sunspot cycle. With these exact figures they could calculate the moment of the violent reversal of the Suns's magnetism. It is up to us to solve this riddle as soon as possible. Only in this way will the World be convinced of the approaching calamity.
We are approaching the biggest catastrophe that Humanity has ever known and we are doing it at a terrifying speed. And as true ostriches, people continue to bury their heads in the sand, completely blind to what is awaiting them. However, the message of the old super-scientists is more than clear: the magnetic field of the Earth will reverse in one go and completely destroy our civilization.

The people who discovered this sent us a message in an international language, summarized in mathematical astronomical codes. Mystery after mystery can be revealed, because the whole was based on a meticulous scheme, an immeasurable whole comprising series of numbers, overlapping and complementing each other.

In a tearing rush, we are storming ahead to our Armageddon, the "World Fire". No movie star, however well paid, can save the World from it's coming downfall. On the contrary, considering the wealth and resources they have at hand, many of them will be the first to try to save themselves - if they believe that this cataclysm is coming in our direction. But since the press is hardly interested in the coming changes, the chance for even that may be very small.
For the Ancient Atlanteans, Egyptians, and Mayans, the consciousness of the "End" was at the base of their ambitious projects of sky imitation: they mirrored on the ground what had happened in the sky or what will happen again. This was the basis of the whole religion and Spiritual thinking of these ancients. They wanted to save the following generations from total annihilation, from the complete disappearance of their knowledge, caused by the magnetic short-circuit on the Sun with its super Sunstorm. Their obsession with handing down this information intact survived for millennia, but finally their overwhelming knowledge about Pole-Shifts was lost, due mainly to wars. However, the Ancients left so many clear clues that it is almost impossible to disregard their superior science any longer.
For the Ancient Atlanteans, Egyptians, and Mayans, the consciousness of the "End" was at the base of their ambitious projects of sky imitation: they mirrored on the ground what had happened in the sky or what will happen again. This was the basis of the whole religion and Spiritual thinking of these ancients. They wanted to save the following generations from total annihilation, from the complete disappearance of their knowledge, caused by the magnetic short-circuit on the Sun with its super Sunstorm. Their obsession with handing down this information intact survived for millennia, but finally their overwhelming knowledge about Pole-Shifts was lost, due mainly to wars. However, the Ancients left so many clear clues that it is almost impossible to disregard their superior science any longer.

Are you cutting and pasting this stuff directly form another site or is this your own stuff? If it is the former, please provide a link. IF it is the latter, please write a book. I think that it would get published and that you could get money from it.
I think that it would get published and that you could get money from it.

God forbid money would ever be the driving force behind my posts.

I appreciate the idea Skramer. But I'll pass because it's not about money. It's about 3-6 years left before the big show.
When you decode the Egyptian Zodiac, you can find the Sunspot cycle of the Ancient Mayans. This deciphering also proves that the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans had a common origin. The Maya number for the orbit period of the Earth around the Sun confirms the decoding of the Sothic cycle. Once more, this proves the common origin of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans.

Juggling the Ancient's figures makes everything fall into place. Don't forget, this is just a fraction of the stirring journey of discovery through their well-kept secrets. One by one, each can be dismantled to reveal the most important messages. And yet there are many more. In fact, that is just typical for a highly-developed civilization. Ours keeps many too, like the atomic bomb, the secret weapons, patented products, and so forth. However, none of them are as fascinating to me as those of disappeared civilizations like the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans.

The Ancient Egyptian and Mayan civilizations radiate an immensely rich source of knowledge. Their knowledge is closely connected to a catastrophe that swept away the old civilization of Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis), and one that is threatening to do the same with ours.
God forbid money would ever be the driving force behind my posts.

I appreciate the idea Skramer. But I'll pass because it's not about money. It's about 3-6 years left before the big show.

I don’t care to read the long convoluted high-brow story but I an intrigued by your prediction. Please briefly say what the “big show” is.

Let me make it more precise and concrete.
Please answer “yes or no”.

Is it your belief that the earth with face massive devastation inside of 7 years?

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