From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

As geoscientists probe ever more deeply into the "record in the rocks", their findings will oftentimes coincide with many Pole-Shift explanations. For example, a recent study of the conentrations of calcium and sulfate ions in the annual ice layers cored from the Greenland ice sheet provides an extensive record of explosive, high-sulfur producing volcanism that shows a strong correlation with disturbances and eruptive events within the last 50,000 years.

The sulfate-ion value in the GISP2 ice-core record is one of the largest of the 838 volcanic signals in the entire ice-layer sample series. And this signal, representing enormous volcanism somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, is followed by around 1,000 years of calcium-ion peaks that are a primary indicator of continental dust.

In addition, a volcanic ash layer found in a different (GRIP) ice core from Greenland and believed to have originated from an area of explosive volcanism in southern Iceland, is thought to be created at a time that coincides with one of the previous two Pole-Shifts as well.

The GISP2 ice-core record is intriguing. It provides evidence of a period of significant volcanism that occurred somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere at the same time that a second period of disturbances were underway. The disturbances were so strong that "small channels" were produced through many of the lands.
Perhaps most significant of all the ice-core records of volcanism is the finding of a discrete and pronounced record of well-above-baseline peaks in volcanic signals for the period between 12,657 and 11,285 B.P. This broad and strong peak in sulfate concentrations describes a significant period of explosive eruptions that matches almost exactly with the final period of the existence of Atlantis. The ash layer found in the Greenland GRIP ice core, corresponds to a great eruption that deposited an Ash Zone, a significant marker horizon in North Atlantic sediments. A fitting epitaph for the end of Atlantis!

Many current scientists feel that they have no time to waste on such problematic research. They think that they've got explanations for everything they see on the ocean floor right now, as explained by their theory of sea-floor spreading. That's not completely correct, as evidenced by a review published in Nature (April 11, 1996, P. 480) on "anomalous" findings in the Romanche fracture zone near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the equatorial Atlantic. Here, sediments 140 million years old lie in part of the Atlantic Ocean where the crust is only a fraction of that age. That's not supposed to happen, according to the theory of sea-floor spreading, because such sediments are supposed to have been conveyed to the edges of the ocean basin by now, as new oceanic lithosphere is continuously formed at the mid-ocean ridge and pushed toward the continents on either side.

And so how are many geoscientists explaining this one? They are questioning their assumption as to the stability of the transverse ridge where the sediments were found, and they are proposing instead that the transform faults that would normally convey-away the ridge sediments must have somehow "jumped" around, entrapping the old sediments near the ridge crest. The review article states flatly that "this discovery cannot be explained by conventional plate tectonics", and goes on to say that "the exitence of transverse ridges has long puzzled Earth scientists." Their morphology is complex and resists generalization. Rocks retrieved from these ridges vary from upper mantle to shallow-water carbonates, and this variability is taken as an indication of the intense vertical tectonism that can occur.
The point here is that there is much that we don't yet know about tectonism on the ocean floors, and current interpretations may be just as capable of "jumping around" as transformed faults might be. There's an old geologist saying, "If I hadn't known what I was looking for, I wouldn't have found it." It is hoped that some marine geoscientists will look through the existing data on the North Atlantic Sea floor in the vicinity of the Sargasso Sea to see if there is any evidence for a land mass that foundered after breaking up as well as for a volcanic upheaval that helped cause this cataclysm.

The famous marine geologist, F.P. Shepard, argued that, "something in the nature of faulting accounts for the bulk of continental slopes", and he noted that "south of Cape Hatteras there is a radical change in the character of the continental slope. One or more broad steps are found leading down to the deep ocean floor. Also, the base of the continental slope is no longer bordered by a continental rise. Instead, the steep slope beyond the terraces ends in a trough. From the latitude of South Carolina to the Bahamas there is one principal terrace, called the Blake Plateau...It has long been known that this plateau had little if any sediment cover. Outside the plateau there is an abrupt drop with a slope described as 50 percent in some profiles."

This description of the ocean floor lying to the west sounds like a step-faulted continental shelf, bounding the western margin of a large down-dropped area that is now the deep Atlantic ocean floor.
K.D. Klitgord and H. Schouten, who analyzed plate motions of the central Atlantic, say that "long periods of constant spreading in the central Atlantic were interrupted by short periods of plate motion and adjustment."

Some of these short periods were possibly times of emergence of portions of the ocean floor. An oncoming period of plate motion would seem to coincide with the previous Pole-Shifts.

Klitgord and Schouten conclude that, "throughout this history it is the tectonic activity at either end of the Central Atlantic spreading center, the Iberian-Grand Banks segment, or the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean segment, that has the most important geologic ramifications."
During the days just before the last Pole-Shift occurred, the skies crackled with blinding lightning, sheets of ice were creeping down from the poles, and Humans had to move closer to the Equator. Some of the caves that many Ancient Humans prayed in have been found today and modern day Humans are stunned by their contemplative beauty and artistic numinosity.

And it's easy to see why the people were scared back then. Because when the Pole-Shift finally took place, the Earth began to shake, the weather began to change, and our ancestors began to feel very afraid. The wind was coming from the wrong direction and was too strong and fitful, and the lightning was so intense that it almost can't be put into words. They saw portents in the sky, and many other strange things.

Great winds swept all through the land, the Earth shook and writhed, the weather became unpredictable, the light changed, and the shadows in the great stone temples moved. During that time, there was tremendous pressure in our ancestor's heads and bodies, and many of them died when their inner organs just gave out and filled with blood. A new electromagnetic field settled on the surface of the planet and the energy from the Sun seemed to be lost.

Only remnants of species survived this great shifting, and the Earth experienced many years of dim light because volcanic dust particles blocked the rays of the Sun. The new poles began to collect ice during months of continual rain, and water levels rose all over the Planet.
This World cataclysm scenario, and only this one, is able to explain in one go tens of riddles concerning physics, biology, geology and so forth. It proves that the center of the poles can be situated in other places on Earth, and explains why petrified remnants of tropical woods have been found at the South Pole; why twelve thousand years ago so many species like mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers became extinct; why large parts of Europe and the United States were under millions of tons of ice thousands of years ago; why frozen mammoths, with food still in their mouths, were found in Siberia; why skeletons of whales can be found in the Himalayas; why there are so many myths all around the World of a huge catastrophe that almost completely destroyed Humankind. In short: one theory answers many questions.
The following quote painfully reminds us of the last Pole-Shift:

(Atlantis, Berlitz, 1984):

"The face of the heavens had darkened. Nobody knew what was going to happen. Suddenly a fire from Earth flew into the air, a rain of fire and ashes fell down and boulders and trees were thrown down. People got torn apart and buried in the sand and the sean. In one big, sudden and forceful flood the Big Celestial Snake was kidnapped from the Sky. The Sky fell and the Earth sunk, when the four gods, the Bacabs, rose and took care of the destruction of the World."

In the sixteenth century Diego De Landa wrote the following about this happening:

"Amongst the large quantities of gods that the Maya used to worship, there were four that were called Bacabs. They said that they were four brothers that God, after creating the World, placed on its four corners to brace heaven in order not to fall. They also said that these Bacabs escaped when a flood destroyed the World."
Similar reports can be found everywhere in the World. The Avestic writings tell about the disaster that hit their paradise, Airyana Vaejo. From a mild climate it was torpedoed to an ice-cold place.

(The Arctic Home in the Vedas, Tilak, page 340):

"Then Angra Mainyu, who is filled with death, created an enemy...Snow is falling everywhere in thick layers; this is the most horrifying of all plagues..."

Furthermore, we read in their scriptures that this terrible cold was predicted and that people were advised to protect themselves from it:

"Therefore make a var...Bring it to a representative of each species. Put there all sorts of plants and the juiciest fruit, the most beautiful and sweet smelling. All these things and creatures will not die, as long as they stay in the var."
The Toba Natives scriptures tell about a huge cold accompanied by darkness. According to them the disaster was sent because the Earth has to change as it gets filled with people. In order to save the World the population has to be depleted.

All these myths prove that a phenomenal disaster has taken place. Again and again, we find identical motifs in them: stars falling from the sky, titanic earthquakes, a huge flood and a terrible cold. Prophets predicted the disaster under the orders of God; Noah-characters built the necessary arks. Their descendants populated the World again.

Such stories were written down to warn us. A long time ago these Worldwide myths were conceived to convey these apocalyptic visions. They will shortly become a terrifying reality. The memories from the past will then haunt our minds.
This gruesome period left deep traces all over the World. In many places people feared that earthquakes could be the foreboding of a new catastrophe.

On the west of the river Volga in Russia, the Mari believed that the Earth was resting on one horn of a big bull. They believed that every movement of the bull could cause an Earthquake. At the moment the head of the beast would tilt, the sky would seem to come down and the Earth would fall into the ocean.

In a distant place, in Machu Picchu, the Incas had a settlement of young women. They were to populate the World again after a new disaster.

In Iceland a myth starts with the terrifying prophecy of a visionary: "The Sun gets black, the land sinks into the sea, The hot stars will tumble over the sea..."
A Pole-Shift is not a "good" natured phenomenon. Let's make it clear. Just about all civilizations in the World have myths and legends describing how horrible it was.

The Chinese and the Hindus, as well as the Ancient Mayans, have numerous other stories about devastating events on our planet.

According to the Nordic Lapp's cosmogonist story, almost all Human Beings died when hurricanes and a huge tidal wave overpowered the World:

"The very inner core of the Earth was shaking. The upper layers of the Earth had disappeared. Many people were buried and died. And Jubmel, the Lord of the Sky, sent his terrible anger in the shape of red, blue and green fire snakes. People covered their faces and children were screaming with fear. The wrathful god spoke: "I will turn the World upside down. I will see to it that the sea becomes a mountainous wall, which I will fling upon you, wicked children of the Earth."

Such a description tells exactly what happened during the previous Pole-Shift: earthquakes, mountains that rose and sank, lightning, a wall of water, the Sun that disappeared, and so on.
A Pole-Shift is not a "good" natured phenomenon. Let's make it clear. Just about all civilizations in the World have myths and legends describing how horrible it was.

The Chinese and the Hindus, as well as the Ancient Mayans, have numerous other stories about devastating events on our planet.

According to the Nordic Lapp's cosmogonist story, almost all Human Beings died when hurricanes and a huge tidal wave overpowered the World:

"The very inner core of the Earth was shaking. The upper layers of the Earth had disappeared. Many people were buried and died. And Jubmel, the Lord of the Sky, sent his terrible anger in the shape of red, blue and green fire snakes. People covered their faces and children were screaming with fear. The wrathful god spoke: "I will turn the World upside down. I will see to it that the sea becomes a mountainous wall, which I will fling upon you, wicked children of the Earth."

Such a description tells exactly what happened during the previous Pole-Shift: earthquakes, mountains that rose and sank, lightning, a wall of water, the Sun that disappeared, and so on.
These appalling events left a profound impression on the few survivors. They had been the desperate spectators, watching helplessly as immeasurable tides piled up and changed the Earth into a huge battlefield. At the same time the sky showed an immense spectacle, stars and planets suddenly changing their courses. The Moon and the Sun moved with jerks.

Through the polar lights, radiating from the Sunstorms, it looked as if the atmosphere was on fire. The reversal of the poles is so devastating and frightening, that, in short, the most indescribable fear may not be horrible enough to compare with this nightmare. That is why there are so many written traditions throughout the whole World in which a World cataclysm is described.
You will find further evidence of the previous Pole-Shift in the last chapter of the Apocalypse of John from the Bible. He described in it the New Jerusalem, the "holy city" of God, after the Last Judgement. The city is a perfect cube whose foundations are decorated with twelve precious and semi-precious stones.

In fact these stones are the same jewels that the high priests were supposably wearing when "God gave them the specifications of the Tabernacle, during the Exodus with Moses". The plastron (torso body armor) was carried on top of a colorful garment. The stones on the plastron represent the twelve tribes of Israel, but were associated with the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

The twelve stones and their corresponding Zodiacal signs are the following:

1. Amethyst (Aries)
2. Aquamarine (Taurus)
3. Chrysoprase (Gemini)
4. Topaz (Cancer)
5. Beryl (Leo)
6. Chrysolite (Virgo)
7. Sardius (Libra)
8. Sardonyx (Scorpio)
9. Emerald (Sagittarius)
10. Chalcedony (Capricorn)
11. Sapphire (Aquarius)
12. Jasper (Pisces)

And now we arrive at a shocking conclusion, because in John's list the stones are mentioned in reversed order. Another special proof of a Pole-Shift, because after the reversal of 9792 BC the Zodiac moved in the opposite direction!
There is no doubt that the Sun was playing the main role in these events. During the previous catastrophe it moved restlessly on the horizon. Everywhere in the World you will find this theme.

During their observance of the Winter Solstice,the priests of Machu Picchu fastened a mystical cord to a big pillar. In this way they believed that they could prevent the Sun from leaving its path and spreading death and destruction. They thought that a controlled Sun could not cause a new tidal wave.

In Stonehenge, as in all prehistoric Europe, huge stone buildings were raised in honor of the Sun. They are standing there as a magical measure against a new catastrophe.

Through mesmerizing formulas our ancestors thought that the movement of the Sun could be kept under control. But unfortunately, we are soon to suffer the same type of fate that they did.

The sky will fall, the Earth will be broken and torn apart by earthquakes. And huge waves will crash down destroying everything. So it is written in the myths of countless cultures, because it has already happened many times before.
We read in the scriptures about the super traumatizing events of almost 12,000 years ago: fire, lightning, hurricanes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, a black sky, famine, cold, and so on. The poor unfortunate people who experienced these events had to have been so shocked, it dominated their whole life. They passed warnings on to their children and great-grandchildren, who in turn passed them on down to the next generations.

In the center of all this are the stories about the survivors. And these stories contain codes so that their descendants can prepare themselves for this horror of all horrors. And their descendants happen to be us.
Ok so now you all know alot about the history of the Earth in relation to the two previous Pole-Shifts that occurred on our planet.

Now, I would like to go into a little more about what exactly happens when a Pole-Shift actually takes place.

This is important because many people do not know about the catastrophic events that can and do occur during a Pole-Shift, so I hope that the following info will help give them more perspective.
Pole-Shifts are responsible for causing rapid changes, with dramatic alterations of geography and localized areas of destruction due to earthquakes and tsunamis. These changes can take place in weeks, days, or even hours. Resulting in a variety of different scenarios.

The results of a shift occurring results in major climate changes for most of the earth's surface, as areas that were formerly equatorial become temperate and areas that were temperate become either more equatorial or more arctic.
A Pole-Shift is the ultimate disaster! Enormous tidal waves (5 miles high) will roll across the continents as oceans become displaced from their basins. Hurricane winds of hundreds of miles per hour will scour the planet. Earthquakes greater than any ever measure will change the shape of the continents. Volcanoes (all of them, and some new ones!) will pour out huge lava flows, along with poisonous gases and choking ash.

Climates will change instantly, and the geography of the globe will be radically altered. If the pole shift is less than a full 180 degrees, the polar icecaps will melt rapidly, raising sea levels, while new icecaps will begin to build.

A large numbers of organisms, including much of the human race, will be decimated or even become extinct, with signs of their existence hidden under thick layers of sediment and debris, or at the bottom of newly established seas.
Pole-Shifts cause cataclysmic upheavals, which can deluge entire continents, make mountains out of molehills and sea beds, raze civilizations to rubble and humanity to recurrent grubbing around with stones.

Things that can result from the effects of Pole-Shifts can be viruses or bacteria (from all of the dead bodies), weather (storms, floods, hurricanes), geographical upheavals within the Earth, and disturbances from the outer environment of space.

A Pole-Shift destabilizes the Earth's rotational balance, causing slippage of all or much of earth's outer crust around the earth's core, which retains its axial orientation.

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