From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

The Pole-Shift will most likely start with a rumble so low as to be inaudible, growing, throbbing, then fuming into a thundering roar, the earthquake starts...only it's not like any earthquake in recorded history. In California, the mountains shake like ferns in a breeze, the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of water more than two miles high, then starts its race eastward.

With the force of a thousand armies the wind attacks, ripping, shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment. The unbelievable mountain of Pacific sea water follows the wind eastward, burying Los Angeles and San Francisco as if they were but grains of sand. Nothing, but nothing, stops the relentless, overwhelming onslaught of wind and ocean. Across the continent the thousand-mile-per-hour wind wreaks its unholy vengeance, everywhere, mercilessly, unceasingly.

Within three hours, the fantastic wall of water moves across the continent, burying the wind-ravaged land under two miles of seething water coast-to-coast. In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone, and the great cities ...are nothing but legends. Barely a stone is left where millions walked just a few hours before...

...Antarctica and Greenland, with their ice caps, now rotate around the earth in the Torrid Zone; and the fury of wind and inundation marches on for six days and nights. During the sixth day, the oceans start to settle in their new homes, running off the high ground. On the seventh day, the horrendous rampage is over. The Arctic ice age is ended, and a new stone age begins.

The Bay of Bengal basin, just east of India is now at the North Pole. The Pacific Ocean, just west of Peru, is at the South Pole. Greenland and Antarctica, now rotating equatorially in the Torrid Zone find their ice caps dissolving madly in the tropical heat. ..New ice caps begin to form in the new polar areas. Greenland and Antarctica emerge with verdant, tropical foliage.
As the shift approaches, things will begin to go out of balance, and the magnetic field will begin to fluctuate significantly over a very short period of time (about 3 - 6 months). This would be like a full moon getting bigger and bigger every day.

First, as the field weakens, so does what many believe is the natural navigatory force for many living creatures. Studies have shown that whales, dolphins, birds and even molluscs and mice use the geomagnetic field as a guiding device. Some, like mice, use it as a directional guide; while cetaceans use the total geomagnetic field as a map, not for directional information, as we would use a compass, but by navigating the contours of magnetic "hills and valleys" in a field that is anything but uniform.

Without it, whales and dolphins would beach in record numbers, birds and other creatures would be 'lost', unable to find their home.

The effect of a magnetic reversal on humans is less known. Confusion might reign, and some theorize a complete 'reboot' of the human mind - the brain IS known to contain magnetite - might occur. However, as the field decreases (before a 'reversal'), one could surmise what may happen by looking at a recent experiment by Dr. Valerie Hunt. Hunt had a room constructed in which the magnetic field intensity could be varied. The following, as spelled out in her book, ''Infinite Mind'', was observed:

When "the magnetism was decreased, gross in-coordination occurred. The entire neurological integrating mechanism was thrown off. Subjects could not balance their bodies; they had difficulty touching finger to nose or performing simple coordinated movements. They lost kinaesthetic awareness."

Could our bodies adjust as a much more gradual, long-term but worldwide decrease in the magnetic field intensity occurred? That may be doubtful, and if so then at what point near the conclusion of this pre-reversal descent would such in-coordination sweep over the human race? It's entirely possible.
During the coming Pole-Shift, as the Earth and its magnetosphere ploughs through the solar wind, the charged particles are diverted around a 'shell' created by the geomagnetic field. Without that field, high-energy particles -- including dangerous gamma-, and X-rays -- would penetrate completely, to the surface. If television or radio were still in use at that point in the future, transmissions would become impossible. Electric power grids would be off-line indefinitely.

Gamma rays, because they are so penetrating, can have severe effects on the cells of humans and other animals. As with cosmic rays, which also bombard the Earth at all times, gamma rays are known as ionising radiation, which can cause a host of problems from cell death to genetic mutations (leading to cancer), in any living thing.
There will be a Pole-Shift. This will include the kind of violence that is normally associated with pole shifts, the continents going up and down, huge tidal waves that are 100 feet high, the entire south pole moving to the Equator and these kind of things.

An earth crust displacement, as the words suggest, is a movement of the ENTIRE outer shell of the Earth over its inner layers. If you remove the peel from an orange and then reattach it to the fruit you can visualize the possibility of the peel moving over the inner layers. The Earth's crust, according to Charles Hapgood, can similarly change its position over the inner layers. When it does the globe experiences climatic change. The climatic zones (polar, temperate and tropical) remain the same because the sun still shines on the earth from the same angle in the sky. From the perspective of people on the Earth at the time, it appears as the sky is falling. In reality it is the Earth's crust shifting to another location. Some land moves towards the tropics. Others shift, with the same movement, towards the poles. Yet others may escape such great changes in latitude.

The consequence of such a movement of the entire outer shell of the Earth is catastrophic. Throughout the world massive earthquakes shake the land and enormous tidal waves crash into and over the continental shelf. As the old ice caps leave the polar zones they melt, raising the ocean level higher and higher. Everywhere, and by whatever means, people will seek higher ground to avoid an ocean in upheaval.
Like it or not, a Polar/Earth shift is bound to happen again, heralding in a new ice age for some parts of the world. Are you ready, both on a physical and spiritual level, for massive earth quakes, volcanos, tsunamis, and a catastrophic Polar-Shift?

During a Pole-Shift, The solar events usually last several days, and during that time a near alignment of the mountainous "ring of fire" with a solar/lunar tidal concurrance might easily occur.

A Pole-Shift would displace the Earth's crust in around the inner mantle, resulting in crustal rock's being exposed to magnetic fields of a different direction.
During the Pole-Shift, suddenly the air will be still. The cicadas will fall silent. Moments later the ground beneath you will start to rumble and shake. The intensity of the quake will begin to increase and many people will simply be knocked off of their feet. Fierce winds will race over the entire Earth. Many people will feel as if they are going to fly off the face of the planet. Gravity will seem different, the magnetic field of the Earth will be distorted, and reality will be hard to grasp.

The sky and clouds will be boiling above the violently swaying trees. Birds will be tossed around chaotically as they struggle to fly. Shadows will darken and lengthen, and people will watch the Sun speeding across the sky to the horizon.The day will have turned to twilight. In a matter of seconds the Sun will have shifted from its high noon position to just a few degrees above the horizon in the southwest. A bitter, cold wind blows in... and it begins to snow in many areas of the Earth.

People at this time will also be experiencing violent lightning, wind, and fire storms. Gigantic tidal waves and climbing water will assault the coasts. Volcanoes will spew ash far into the sky, and because of the current population of the World, it will be a time like never experienced by Human Beings before.
Here is a report done by a scientist named Hugh Auchincloss Brown which tells of the coming pole shift and what me might expect:

"One day a (Pole-Shift) will topple the Earth's spin. This will cause floods of enormous proportions, Earthquakes, and other phenomena."

"A particularly ominous omen for the Earth's future will be the wobble in the planets spin. During this time, New York will end up submerged underwater, as well as most of the rest of the World. The Polar areas will be the least effected."

"This future World cataclysm will wipe out most of the Earth's population in the same manner as the mammoths of prehistoric times were destroyed."

"The growing South Pole ice cap has become a stealthy, silent, relentless force of nature. It is the result of energy created by it's eccentric rotation. The ice cap is the creeping peril, the deadly menace, and the divinely ordained executioner of our civilization."
Hugh Auchincloss Brown:

"If we procrastinate and do nothing, the Flood will occur when the present Polar areas move away from the Earth's axis of spin (Pole Shift) beyond a certain distance. The Earth will tip over like an overloaded canoe, towed in a circle behind a power boat, in consequence of the wobble of the Earth and the resulting force of the rotation of the present South Pole ice cap and it's constantly increasing weight."

"The Earth of today may be compared to a top-heavy, dying out, wobbling, spinning top, geting ready to fall over on it's side."

"The Centrifugal force of the eccentric rotation of the Great South Pole ice cap tends to careen the globe. The force of rotation will roll the Earth over and move Antarctica and it's ice cap almost directly under the Sun because in due time it wil neutralize and overcome the Centrifugal force of the Earth's bulge."

"During the reeling period, the Earth will experience another of its recurrent great deluges when most living things perish."
Hugh Auchincloss Brown:

"Following the next careen of the globe, the present continent of Antarctica can reasonably be expected to become the center of a land hemisphere, because of the Centrifugal force of rotation which will be created by its weight and speed of motion."

"This transient force will not only pull Antarctica but also its surrounding Ocean floors will be pulled upward, and they will be kept above Sea Level, thus creating new land areas."

"The area of the globe now occupied by the Arctic ocean will probably become the center of a water hemisphere. What is now Northern Siberia, Northern Canada, and Northern Alaska, will probably become parts of the submerged ocean floor."

"During the period of the next Great Deluge, a general chaos involving re-adjustments of land and water areas will take place. Some existing mountains will be raised, some will be lowered, and new ones will be formed."
Hugh Auchincloss Brown:

"Earthquakes and volcanic activity will occur as the Earth re-adjusts itself and becomes stable. The oceans will increase in depth as the ice cap melts. Later on, new ice caps will form at the new Polar locations."

"Greenland and Antarctica will be two of the safest places to be when the shift occurs. Also during the shift, Brazil will roll to the South Pole and the Phillipine Islands will become the land area that is nearest the North Pole."


Hugh Auchincloss Brown has been compared to a modern day "Noah", and like the story of Noah goes, very few people are listening to Brown's warnings.
Here is more info from a researcher named Immanuel Velikovsky on what will happen when the Poles of the Earth begin to shift upon their axis:

"Let us assume that this is what would happen if the axis of the Earth shifted or tilted...."

"At that moment an Earthquake will make the globe shudder. Air and Water would continue to move through inertia: Hurricanes would sweep the Earth and the seas would rush over continents, carrying gravel and sand and marine animals and casting them on the land."

" Heat would be developed, rocks would melt, Volcanoes would erupt, lava would flow from fissures in the ruptured ground and cover vast areas, Mountains would spring up from the plains and would travel and climb on the shoulders of other mountains, causing faults and rifts. Lakes would be tilted and emptied, rivers would change their beds, large land areas with all their inhabitants would slip under the sea."

"Forests would burn, and the Hurricanes and wild seas would rest them on the ground on which they grew and pile them, branch and root, in huge heaps. Seas would turn into deserts, their waters rolling away. And if a change in the velocity of the diurnal rotation, slowing it down, should accompany the shifting of the axis, the water confined to the equatorial oceans by Centrifugal Force would retreat to the poles, and high tides and Hurricanes would rush from Pole to Pole."
Immanuel Velikovsky:

"Reindeer and Seals would be carried to the tropics and desert lions into the Arctic, moving from the equator up to the mountain ridges of the Himalayas and down the African jungles. Also crumbled rocks torn from splintering mountains would be scattered over large distances, and herds of animals would be washed from the plains of Siberia."

"The axis would change the climate of every place, leaving corals in new foundland and elephants in Alaska. Fig trees would be left in Northern Greenland and luxuriant forests in Antarctica."

"In the event of a rapid shift of the axis, many species of animals on land and in the sea would be destroyed, and civilizations, if any, would be reduced to ruins."
Here is even more info about the coming Pole Shift from another researcher named Chan Thomas. It is filled with solid advice as well as information as to what we might all expect when the changes start to occur:

"During the next Pole Shift, there would be great destruction. With a rumble so low as to be inaudible, growing, throbbing, then fuming into a thundering roar. The Earthquake starts...only it is not like any Earthquake ever recorded in history."

"In California the mountains shake like ferns in a breeze, the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of water more than two miles high, then starts it's race eastward."

"With the force of a thousand armies the wind attacks, ripping, shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment."

"The unbelievable mountain of Pacific seawater follows the wind eastward, burying Los Angeles and San Francisco as if they were but grains of sand."

"Across the continent the thousand - mile - per hour wind wreaks its vengeance, everywhere, mercilessly, unceasingly. Every living thing is ripped into shreds while being blown across the countryside: and the Earthquake leaves no place untouched."
Chan Thomas:

"In many places, the Earths molten sub-layer breaks through and spreads a sea of white hot liquid fire to add to the holocaust. Within three hours the fantastic wall of water moves across the continent, burying the wind ravaged land under 2 miles of seething water coast to coast."

"In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone, and the great cities, Los Angelos, San Francisco, Dallas, New York, are nothing but legends."

"Barely a stone is left where millions walked just a few hours before. A few lucky ones who managed to find shelter from the screaming wind on the lee side of molten fire break through the quaking valleys below. The raging waters follow piling higher and higher, steaming over the molten Earth-fire and rising almost to their feet, only great mountains can withstand the cataclysmic onslaught."

"North America is not alone in her death throes. Central America suffers the same cannonade-wind, Earth-fire and inundation. South America finds the Andes not high enough to stop the cataclysmic violence pounded out by nature in her berserk rage. In less than a day, Ecuador, Peru, and western Brazil are shaken madly by the devastating Earthquake, burned by molten Earth-fire, buried under cubic miles of torrential Pacific seas, and then turned into a frozen hell."
Chan Thomas:

"Everything freezes. Man, beast, plant, and mud are all rock-hard in less than four hours."

"Europe cannot escape the onslaught. The raging Atlantic piles higher and higher upon itself, following the screeching wind eastward. The Alps, Pyrenees, Ural and Scandinavian mountains are shaken and heaved higher before the wall of water strikes."

"Western Africa and the sands of the Sahara vanish in natures wrath, under savage attack by wind an ocean. The area bounded by Congo, South Africa, and Kenya suffers only severe Earthquakes and winds - no innundation. Survivors there marvel at the Sun, standing still in the sky for nearly half a day."

"Eastern Siberia and the Orient suffer a strange fate indeed, as though a giant subterranean scythe sweeps away the Earths foundations, accompanied by the wind in its screaming symphony of supersonic death and destruction. As the Arctic basin leaves it's Polar home, eastern Siberia, Manchuria, China, and Burma are subjected to the same annihilation as South America."
Chan Thomas:

"Wind, Earth-fire, innundation and freezing. Jungle animals are shredded to ribbons by the wind, piled onto mountains of flesh and bone, and buried under Avalanches of sea water and mud."

"Then comes the terrible paralyzing cold. Not man, nor beast, nor plant, nor Earth is left unfrozen in the entire eastern Asian continent, most of which remains below sea level."

"East of the Urals, in western Siberia, a few lucky people survive the fantastic winds and quakes. Antarctica and Greenland, with their rotating ice caps, now rotate around the Earth in the Torrid Zone; and the fury of the wind and innundation marches on for six days and nights. During the sixth day the oceans start to settle in their new homes, running off the high grounds."

"On the seventh day, the horrendous rampage is over. The Arctic age is ended, and a new stone age begins."
Chan Thomas:

"The oceans - the great homogenizers, have laid down another deep layer of mud over the existing strata in the great plains, as exposed in the Grand Canyon, painted Desert and Badlands."

"The Bay of the Bengal basin, just east of India, is now at the North pole. The Pacific ocean, just west of Peru, is at the South Pole. Greenland and Antarctica, now rotating equatorially in the Torrid Zone, find their ice caps dissolving madly in the tropical heat."

"Massive walls of water and ice surge toward the oceans, taking everything from mountains to plains and gushing heaving paths, creating immense seasonal moraines."

"In less than twenty-five years the ice caps are gone, and the oceans around the world rise over two hundred feet with the new-found water. The Torrid Zone will be shrouded in a fog for generations from enormous amounts of moisture poured into the atmosphere by the melting ice caos."

"New ice caps begin to form in the new Polar areas. Greenland and Antarctica emerge with verdant, tropical foliage."
Chan Thomas:

"Austrailia becomes the new, unexplored continent in the North Temperate Zone, with only a few handfuls of survivors populating its vastness."

"New York lies at the bottom of the Atlantic, shattered, melted by Earth-fire and covered by unbelievable amounts of mud. Of San Francisco and Los Angelos, not a trace is left."

"Egypt emerges from it's Mediterranean innundation new and higher, still the land of the Ages. The commonplace of our times becomes the mysterious Baalbek of the new era. A new era! Yes, the cataclysm has done it's work well. The greatest population regulator of all does once more for man what he refuses to do for himself, and drives the pitiful few who survive into a new stone age."

"Once more the Earth has shifted it's 60 mile thick shell, with the poles moving almost to the equator in a fraction of a day. Again the atmosphere and oceans, refusing to change direction with the Earth's shell, have wiped out almost all life."
Chan Thomas:

"When all these events do happen, we will have an Adam and Eve story similar to that of 11,500 years ago, and a Noah story similar to that of 6,500 years ago."

"The survivors will be driven into another stone age like the old stone age of 11,500 years ago, and the new stone age of 6,500 years ago which followed the last cataclysms."

"New Polar ice caps will form on the areas moved into the Polar regions. They will not be centered with the axis of rotation, so a new, growing imbalance is created, to be resolved when the Earth, with the entire solar system, passes through another Null Zone."

"After the big event, less than one percent of all life survives. What do these people have? Neither a pencil to write with nor a shovel to dig with. Their clothing lasts only three months, and so they are forced to use stone tools, skins for clothes, caves for living. They are intelligent enough to do what it takes to survive. It's their offspring that they may not have time to educate who may lose valuable information. And their grandchildren, and their grandchildren's grandchildren."

"When the next cataclysm occurs, the Indian ocean will become the North Pole. The South Pole will be situated off the coast of Peru. A few lucky people will be high up on Pikes Peak on the eastern side when it happens. They will survive the holocaust. The highest survival probability is the triangle in southeast Asia. That area will rotate north and east. It won't have it's environment changed much."
Here is some info from a man named Adam Barber who is a researcher and who has come up with his own theory as to what will happen when the Poles begin to shift...

"The next shift causing a Great Flood will occur in any year within the next fifty years, maybe even NEXT year but any year within the next 50."

"The gyroscopic forces that will cause the Shift are increasing in intensity daily, and as soon as these become as great as the power of the North and South magnetic fields that hold the axis in line, then the Great Shift and Flood will occur. Whether this will be next month, or one year, 2, 5, 10, or 20 years from now I cannot ascertain nor calculate, but from the astronomical data at hand, I am certain it will be very soon."

"After the next Pole Shift, the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east for another 9,000 years."

"The Shift will commence very gently and a person sitting quietly will merely feel a surge such as when a train starts. The sensation of the surge will continue for perhaps five minutes, during all of which the time the Earth is accelerating in the velocity of the Shift."

"A person residing at the seashore will have about three or four minutes after the warning bell within which to get into his or her boat."

"At 1,000 miles inland, perhaps a half-hour or hour, while the person at the seashore will be safe in any ordinary boat, the one inland must have a very sturdy and especially shaped boat, saucer shaped, to withstand the thrust of the oncoming wave, racing at about 2,000 MPH."

"The wave will continue over the land for about 3,000 miles, so if one were in the center of a continent 6,000 miles across, he or she would fine themselves undisturbed."

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