From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

Adam Barber:

"Depending on which side of the Earth one is at the commencement of the Shift, the water will appear to be flowing north or south and in 15 or 20 minutes will appear to flow east and west. This will be because of the curve that the axis makes during the Shift and the corresponding change of direction of the gyroscopic force."

"Let us visualize the Flood as from an airplane a mile high. The Shift is starting...."

"The pilot of the airplane notices no change as the air is not noticeably disturbed. He is on alert, however, and notices a commotion in Times Square, New York."

"Warning bells have been ringing for a quarter of a minute, traffic has come to a stand still, everyone is hurrying to the flood boats, which for a few years had been resting at street corners and on top of buildings."


Adam is only hoping that the boats will be ready for the people. This will most likely not be the case however.
Adam Barber:

"The water is beginning to creep over the streets and in 3 or 4 minutes automobiles are completely submerged. In another few minutes, the shift gaining in velocity, the water is forty feet deep, having the appearance of rushing like mad through the city. In fact, however, the Earth is moving and the water is practicly still."

"A large portion of the people are safely in boats, now floating a few miles from the morning places. Many people refused to heed the warning bells, would not abandon their autos, and perished."

"Buildings now topple and the boats with water tight coverings which had been on the roofs are fully loaded with people and land in the water with a great splash, jarring some people almost into insensibility. The water is soon 400 feet deep, and the Empire State Building topples over with a splash that can be seen from a plane 100 miles away. What was once a bustling city is now a mass of destroyed buildings and debris under the water."

"Inland 100 miles, a great wall of water, almost vertical and 75 feet high, rushes toward a city, stirking it with a terrific force and in one blow scatters buildings and sky scrapers like so many match boxes."
Adam Barber:

"At this inland city people had ample warning and are snugly in round boats or "floating saucers" with sturdy watertight tops withstanding a pressure of 100 feet underwater. These are all moored behind concrete abutments so as not to receive a sudden jar from the onrushing wave."

"They quickly come to the surface, bumping turned over buildings on the way, and all is quite well, thanks to a rubber ring around the boat, three feet thick, made of old automobile tires."

"The water on the surface is fairly quiet, although the Earth below is sliding under it at more than 2,000 MPH. No one dares open a door or window as the mountain in the distance may in a few minutes cause a swell that might capsize the boat." Oxygen tanks keep the air in the boats from becoming unbearable."

"About 1 hour after it started, the Shift has stopped. The peaks no longer come rushing toward us, instead the water begins to flow away from them. It is now safe to open the windows and the mental tension is somewhat eased. Ten days later the water has found its gravitational level."
Adam Barber:

"During this 10 days, boats on the other side of the World which had been moored on land are now 2,500 miles out at sea, and it is several weeks before they reach land."

"It will be nearly two years before any substantial crops can be raised in our new location, on account of the salt water injuring the grounds, and during that time food will consist most likely of Agriculture Department produce stored on big ships, such as wheat, rice, dried eggss, beans, ect."

"In Michigan a great ravine, rivaling the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, is washed out. New York is now under 100 feet of mud and debris and is uninhabitable. Some immense spaces that had been ocean bottom are now wastes of desert. Ocean bottoms near the Equator are now 3,000 miles away from it and are still deeper. Land on the other side of the equator becomes ocean over the new line of the Equator."

"Slowly, over many years, from the centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the Earth on it's axis, the Poles will again be flattened, and some of the land under water at the new Equator will reappear."
Adam Barber:

"The dense jungles of South America and Africa are covered over with hundreds of feet of gravel, sand, and soil. Thousands of years later it might be mined as coal by the people then living, just as today we mine coal in Pennsylvania, which was once covered with tropical forests and became the present coal beds as a result of a shift of the Earth and flood about 27,000 years ago."

"The ice caps at what had been the poles begin breaking up and melting, causing great glaciers similar to these those that swept the Northern United States as a result of previous Shifts of the Earth."

"On each of the two opposite sides of the Earth, miday between the old poles and the new Equator, there is a spot about 500 miles in diameter which is not materially affected by the Shift. One is at the interior of China and the other in the Atlantic Ocean."

"A great but peaceful chaos follows. A one-world government which had been previously organized by the United Nations for this catastrophe, supervises the allocation of lands and resources to all alike, joining those of the same tongue as nearly as possible."

"To return the people to the lands they previously occupied is impossible as in many instances that land is no longer habitatable. As there was only a few minutes warning of the flood, nearly all prisoners perished in it."
When Emil Sepic (A researcher) was asked, "Did Adam Barber try to convince you that you ought to build a boat?" He replied:

"Yes, but I think that's a forlorn hope, because when the water comes charging both ways, there's no boat thats going to withstand that. It just wouldn't amount to a tinker's damn."

"The best thing is to be as far away from the ocean shores, high up, say around Colorado."

"The only thing I can do is to watch the Poles at Meridian time every day, like I've been doing, and when it gets bad enough, I'll know where to go."

Sepics Theory:

"There will be many Earth oscillations before the Shift happens. The Shift will cause the ocean and other waters to overrun the lands at terrific speeds. The waters will come in huge walls from all directions as the Earth is Shifting and finally settling on a new axis."

"The seasons will change times. Most everything will be washed away. Our cities will be no more. Glaciers will be on the move. A new equator will begin to bulge outwards."
Emil Sepic:

"The old budge will begin to be pressed inwards and gradually disappear. This will cause cracking of the Earth's surface, violent Earthquakes, unheard of bad weather, and many new Volcanoes will come into action."

"The winds will be violent and the Atmosphere will become cloudy and it will stay cloudy for a long time. The ice caps will be moved out of their places, and the melting will cause the waters to rise and remain higher for some time to come."

"Those who are fortunate or unfortunate to survive through it all, and there will not be too many, will have to start all over again, with only their bare hands."

"The most likely period of the year for the next Shift to occur would be in the latter part of June, or the first part of July."
Sometime between the year 2009-2013, the Earth will be subjected to a huge disaster. The cause: the magnetic field of the Earth will reverse all at once, resulting in an enormous shift of the Earth's crust. Virtually nobody will survive this, and at the same time much of our acquired knowledge will disappear.

To survive this catastrophe, urgent priorities need to be fixed. Just a small part of the World population will be able to survive a Pole-Shift and the resulting tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And, afterwards, when people are thrust into temperatures of 50 degrees below zero, one doomed scenario changes for another. This paralyzing knowledge tells you what has happened many times before.

This phenomenon awaits the greatest part of the present World population. Regions that have a moderate climate at present were ice-cold thousands of years ago. Because a new Pole-Shift is now going to happen, the Earth will begin turning the other way. The most populated and lowest parts of land will suffer a real slaughter. Almost nobody will survive this catastrophe. In any case, and in many areas, without boats you will have almost no chance at all. Through the vast upheavals of the Pole-Shift, millions of perfect, well-preserved bodies will lie hidden below the ice masses for thousands of years - until they are brutally dislodged by the following Pole-Shift.
What is awaiting us is so apocalyptic that it is almost beyond imagination. Everything points to almost a complete extinction of Humanity during the coming events, just as most of the large mammals of the past were brought to death. In an all-destroying outburst the wandering Sun will launch a chain reaction, which will shake our World to its foundations. The sky will fall, the Earth will be broken and torn apart by earthquakes. And huge waves will crash down destroying much of everything.

The temple complex of Angkor in the jungles of Cambodia appears to be a well-chosen metaphor for the coming Pole-Shift. Each of the five roads leading to the complex is flanked by 108 stone figures, 54 on each side. Every row of figures carries a portion of an enormous Naga snake. It is just as if the "end of our World" as we know it was displayed here, because as Santillana and Von Dechend point out in Hamlet's Mill, the figures are pulling the snake. This signifies that the 54 figures are "churning the ocean of milk" (The Milky Way), which means that the snake plays an important role in the catastrophic developments the Earth is bound to encounter.

As we know, Venus passes the star sign Serpens during that fatal period around December 21, 2012. Mythically seen, the Serpent therefore lies at the source of the violent turbulences that will sweep the oceans.
After almost 12,000 years, there will soon be a gigantic reversal of the magnetic field of the Sun! When that happens, superflares will escape from the Sun. Trillions of particles will reach the Earth's poles and set them "in flames". And because of the continuous stream of electromagnetism, the magnetic field of our planet will become overcharged. Many electric forces will be generated. As the poles are filled with auroras from falling particles, the inevitable will happen: the Earth's inner electromagnetic field will get overcharged and will crash. The Earth's magnetic field will reverse and our planet will start spinning around the other way! The North Pole will become the South Pole and vise versa! And much, if not all of our civilizations will be destroyed!
Almost everyone will die during the coming Pole-Shift if precautions are not taken with utmost urgency! And to top it all off, the survivors will be without much of present day technology. There won't be any computers or machines to rely on to pick up the pieces and put life, as we've known it, back together.

The easiest way to invision the Solar Flare that will soon help to blow away the Earth's magnetic field, is to envision a calculator that is counting up intertwined magnetic forces, again and again. And just when the crucial point has been reached, the calculator will destroy itself in one gigantic flash. By now, the colossal forces that will put an end to most all of civilization have already accumulated in the Sun. In the remaining years, only a fraction of the forces already accumulated will be added.

The World will be robbed of light. Countless will meet their death while this disaster rages on our planet.
A total magnetic reversal is awaiting us. This disaster will take place at the exact moment when all deviating cycles have pushed the Sun's magnetic fields to its maximum. The Earth's magnetic field will change, the Sun will suddenly seem to explode, and much of the World population will panick and try to escape to the harbors.

The Sun's magnetic field will reach it's crucial point. An endless stream of magnetic solar elements will finally break the magnetic field of the Earth. The solar flares will hit the Earth's magnetic field, causing it to collapse and reverse. It will reverse in one titanic movement, and the nucleus of the Earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, which will result in catastrophic consequences for all life on this planet.

Shortly thereafter, the Earth will experience a Sunstorm that will demolish everything in it's path.
Most importantly, the inevitability of the forthcoming disaster needs to infuse your mind. Everything that presently seems important to you, like building a house, having children, ect., pales in light of the total destruction that is awaiting us. A lot of what you want to achieve has absolutely no use. What are you going to do with your beautiful house when it is left in ruins by super-earthquakes, and after that swallowed up by immensely high tidal waves?

Think and consider carefully all the things you are planning to do. Little withstands so much violence of nature. Only boats, food supplies and survival equipment are of primary importance. Those who do not have them at hand may just about forget it.

In one day this super-catastrophe will cause the loss of thousands of years of work. It is up to you to take up this challenge, the biggest you can ever accept. Maybe then you can play a main role in the next generation of myths about Human "super gods" that tempted the violence of nature, and founded a new civilization after the turbulent Earth calmed down.
In the immediate years after the Pole-Shift, Life will be terribly difficult. There will be no electricity. Even if one is able to revive it, it will not have much use because almost all electronics and electrical motors will be destroyed after the reversal of the magnetic field. This means that we will have to start again at zero. That is what it comes to. You therefore need to be very motivated. Only a few will meet the requirements, in terms of the entire World population.

Surviving will have little use if you can not deal with the Life after the catastrophe. It will take many years before you can lead even a somewhat comfortable Life again. Therefore it may not be so for you, but eventually, it will again be possible for your descendants. Only the ones who properly understand this will be able to successfully make the attempt.

You have no idea of how bad and difficult it will be. Even in the worst war you are able to find some water and food if you are a bit handy. After the catastrophe it will be much more complicated than that. Billions of liters of oil will not only make the World's seas uninhabitable, but also cover huge parts of land with dirty, polluted residues.

Worldwide, food and water supplies will be destroyed, possibly for many years. Famine and numerous diseases will be the result. At present you are most likely not exposed to anything like this; you are probably leading a luxurious life compared to these thoughts. It will be horrible in many ways, but that is the price that you will have to pay for your survival. Should you want to take that chance, I wish you the best of luck.
Once the magnetic fields of the Sun reach their crucial point it will result in fatal consequences for the magnetic field of the Earth. In one word: catastrophic. Everybody knows that the Earth rotates around the Sun. The Sun doesn't move at all. The turning point of the Earth causes its apparent movement. When the North Pole changes to become the South Pole, it will mean that it would be the result of the internal spinning of the Earth moving in the opposite direction.

The catastrophes from the past should warn us: nothing on Earth is everlasting. Oceans and landmasses exist only temporarily. In an ever-revolving cycle they are destroyed. In one day Humanity will find itself crashing into the abyss. In only a few hours, great nations, beautiful buildings and highly-developed cultures will stagger and completely collapse.

I believe that all this is going to occur sometime within the next 3-6 years. Especially between the years 2009 - December 21, 2012.

This fate is awaiting us and nobody will be able to escape from it. Except perhaps, for those who take the necessary measures - those who are willing and able to take on the responsibilities of being the next "Noah".
Almost everyone will die during the coming Pole-Shift if precautions are not taken with utmost urgency! And to top it all off, the survivors will be without much of present day technology. There won't be any computers or machines to rely on to pick up the pieces and put life, as we've known it, back together.

The easiest way to invision the Solar Flare that will soon help to blow away the Earth's magnetic field, is to envision a calculator that is counting up intertwined magnetic forces, again and again. And just when the crucial point has been reached, the calculator will destroy itself in one gigantic flash. By now, the colossal forces that will put an end to most all of civilization have already accumulated in the Sun. In the remaining years, only a fraction of the forces already accumulated will be added.

The World will be robbed of light. Countless will meet their death while this disaster rages on our planet.

So what should I do to prepare for it and to try to avoid dying from it?
Even Albert Einstein believed in the possibility of a Pole-Shift within the near future.

Here we find a foreword by Albert Einstein shortly before his death. :

"I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas. It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr. Hapgood electrified me. His idea is original, of great simplicity, and if it continues to prove itself of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth's surface. I think that this rather astonishing, even fascinating, idea deserves the serious attention of anyone who concerns himself with the theory of the Earth's development."

Einstein also wrote...

In a polar region there is a continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The Earth's rotation acts on these unsymmetrically deposited masses [of ice], and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the Earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the Earth's crust over the rest of the Earth's body, and this will displace the polar regions toward the equator.
There are several well known scientists who support the Pole-Shift theory. Some of them are Dr. Victor Clube, David Talbott, Charles Ginenthal, Ted Holden, C.J. Ransom, Paul La Violette, Tom Van Flandern and Robert Dunlap just to name a few. All are well known scientists from paleontologist to astrophysicist to astronomers.
Even NASA believes in the possibility of a Pole-Shift within the near future. And definately they even PREDICT the possibility that there could very well likely be a magnetic pole-reversal very soon.

This information comes straight from the NASA website:

"Scientists have long known that the magnetic pole moves. James Ross located the pole for the first time in 1831 after an exhausting arctic journey during which his ship got stuck in the ice for four years. No one returned until the next century. In 1904, Roald Amundsen found the pole again and discovered that it had moved--at least 50 km since the days of Ross."

"The pole kept going during the 20th century, north at an average speed of 10 km per year, lately accelerating "to 40 km per year," says Newitt. At this rate it will exit North America and reach Siberia in a few decades."

"Keeping track of the north magnetic pole is Newitt's job. "We usually go out and check its location once every few years," he says. "We'll have to make more trips now that it is moving so quickly."

"Earth's magnetic field is changing in other ways, too: Compass needles in Africa, for instance, are drifting about 1 degree per decade. And globally the magnetic field has weakened 10% since the 19th century. When this was mentioned by researchers at a recent meeting of the American Geophysical Union, many newspapers carried the story. A typical headline: "Is Earth's magnetic field collapsing?"

"Probably not. As remarkable as these changes sound, "they're mild compared to what Earth's magnetic field has done in the past," says University of California professor Gary Glatzmaier."

"Sometimes the field completely flips. The north and the south poles swap places. Such reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals averaging about 300,000 years; the last one was 780,000 years ago."

I don't believe that NASA is correct on the date of the last Pole-Reversal. I believe it happened much more recently than they say that it did. However, I do believe that they are correct in that it did happen.

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