From World War 3 To The Age of Peace (2006-2012)

I don’t care to read the long convoluted high-brow story but I an intrigued by your prediction. Please briefly say what the “big show” is.

Let me make it more precise and concrete.
Please answer “yes or no”.

Is it your belief that the earth with face massive devastation inside of 7 years?

Oh I plan to. In fact I have been. If you haven't been paying attention. But don't worry...I plan to go into detail as to what exactly I believe is going to happen. Along with science, historical reference, and other forms of proof (as I usually try to use) to back up what I will be posting.
Clearly it seems likely that cultural contact between the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans took place across the oceans and interfused some of the beliefs and customs between the two civilisations. Recent research from various sources suggests that trading links existed between Egypt and Mexico.

Ancient Egyptian tomb paintings, from the time of the fourth dynasty Pharaohs in around 2600 BC, depict paintings of papyrus reed boats that many believed capable of carrying crews, cargoes and legends from the old world of Egypt to the new world of central America.

The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl believed that these primitive boats could survive transoceanic passages. To prove this point he journeyed to Lake Chad, in the African interior, acquiring the skills to build a boat, along the lines of those in the tomb paintings, which would cope with the long sea journey. Assembling a crew of seven, he set sail from the West African port of Safi, in Morocco, in a papyrus reed boat named Ra (after the Egyptian Sun-"god"), which was 13.7 metres (45 feet) long, 4.6 metres (15 feet wide) and 1.8 metres (6 feet deep).

Carried by the trade winds and equatorial currents, Heyerdahl's boat covered 3,000 miles (4,830 kilometres) in just under eight weeks. After that distance, the boat suffered under a storm and sank beneath the ocean. However, After this semi-successful voyage, Heyerdahl decided to go for it again in 1970, and so he created another boat with a crew of 8 and called it Ra II .

Heyerdahl and his crew in Ra II reached the West Indies after 57 days at sea. Heryerdahl and his crew proved that primitive crossings could have been made of the Atlantic, from North Africa to Central America, using basic technology and materials. He had also shown that voyages like this could have been made over 3,000 years ago.
On balance, it seems clear that World trade facilitated the transportation of tobacco and cocaine from the Americas to Egypt either westwards or eastwards prior to 1000 BC. The legend of the feathered snake, together with the super-science it represented, could have accompanied the transfer of these goods. Both the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans taught the same things at different times.

There are many other parallels between Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mexico as well.

1. Both civilisations worshipped the Sun and fertility.

2. Both cultures encoded information into their art, yet each ensured that about only half of the information could be seen, as though the knowledge was secret, and meant for few, not for the many.

3. Both civilisations cherished the lotus flower as a divine symbol.

4. Both civilisations were associated with the feathered snake.

5. Both civilisations had similar teachings and both of them encoded their sacred knowledge.

6. Both civilisations prophesied destruction.

7. Both civilisations believed in reincarnation and everlasting life.

8. Both civilisations believed in the after life.

9. Both civilisations believed in a form of resurrection.
So there we have it folks. 3 of the World's Ancient Civilizations all saying the same thing. The Atlanteans, the Ancient Egyptians, and the Ancient Mayans, all connected, all warning us about a forthcoming catastrophe, all trying to tell us what happened to their Lost Continent.

Now, each person has a choice here. They can either believe what they have been telling us, or they can choose to disregard it all as fairytales.

I have made my choice. And I believe in what they were trying to tell us. I do believe we are on the edge of a major catastrophic disaster on our Earth. And I do believe it's coming extremely soon. And all I can say for those that do not believe it is, "ignorance may be bliss, true, but only for so long."
The knowledge that has been passed down to us from these ancient civilizations now allows us to explain a lot of geological mysteries from our current era. More than 12,000 years ago, huge parts of Europe and North America were covered with glaciers, countless mountains of ice. At that time Denmark did not exist, but there was a gruesome landscape reaching more than one kilometer high. The major part of the British Isles lay hidden under the ice, and there were vast glaciers in many more places. The present Hudson Bay used to be a frozen landscape of an unearthly whiteness. There was ice everywhere. The layers were so deep that even the top of the nearly 2,000 meter high Mount Washington in present day New Hampshire lay buried underneath. In the west another blanket of ice lay stretched out, from the northern Rocky Mountains to the Aleuts. In the Southern Hemisphere, glaciers hurtled down from the Andes and from the mountains of New Zealand.

Why are we nowadays so certain of that? It can be explained easily: ice layers and glaciers leave impressive traces behind when the melting point has been reached, the ice slides down hundreds of meters deep under its own weight. It grates the Earth's surface and takes the debris in its frosty grip; rocks as big as trucks are thus broken off and dragged along countless kilometers. The waste flows to the river valleys, eroding away their V-shaped beds into U-shapes, and where these valleys covered with ice lie close to the sea, it cuts out deep fjords.
So there we have it folks. 3 of the World's Ancient Civilizations all saying the same thing. The Atlanteans, the Ancient Egyptians, and the Ancient Mayans, all connected, all warning us about a forthcoming catastrophe, all trying to tell us what happened to their Lost Continent.

Now, each person has a choice here. They can either believe what they have been telling us, or they can choose to disregard it all as fairytales.

I have made my choice. And I believe in what they were trying to tell us. I do believe we are on the edge of a major catastrophic disaster on our Earth. And I do believe it's coming extremely soon. And all I can say for those that do not believe it is, "ignorance may be bliss, true, but only for so long."

Come on already. Give me a specific date when the earth will be destroyed, as we know it so that I can get ready.
Almost no geologist is able to explain logically why there was so much ice in Europe and America. All sorts of guesses have been circulated. Astronomers presume that the orbit of the Earth could have been responsible for this mass of ice. The possible explanation would be that it might have been located a bit further from the Sun, in a somewhat slanting position. But others were able to prove that the difference in Sun radiation would not have been big enough. Innumerable theories were sent into the World but came back empty-handed due to the lack of evidence. The only thing they are sure of is that there is a relation between the Precession (of the Zodiac) and the existence of the Ice Ages. Aside from that, alot of it for them is guesswork. But now, because of the Ancient's warnings, we can put an end to all the doubts.

Because of the Ancient's writings, we now know what happened in Aha-Men-Ptah (Atlantis), the perished paradise. In 21,312 BC the axis of the Earth slid; in 9792 BC, the Earth started to rotate in the opposite direction, and the Earth crust shifted thousands of kilometers. Each catastrophe changed the position of the poles.

With that, in one go, all conditions are met to explain the alteration of Ice Ages and moderate climates. First of all, there must have been increased precipitation otherwise ice masses cannot develop. So where did the water come from? The explanation is simple. The shifted ice masses from the poles start to melt and evaporate into the atmosphere. This increased evaporation increases the amount of rainfall over the whole Earth. Where the new poles are now located, water drops in the form of snow and ice, which rapidly bank up to huge heights. Billions of tons of ice now lay on top of the dead cities and portions of Atlantis.

Within just a few years from now, during our time, snow and ice will dominate over an enormous part of the European and North American landscape. This is inevitable.
Come on already. Give me a specific date when the earth will be destroyed, as we know it so that I can get ready.

Anywhere from the beginning of 2009 to the end of 2012. Thats when you can expect the Pole-Shift to occur. Sometime within that timeframe.
The Pole-Shift gives the answers to questions like why did glaciers cover most of Europe in antiquity, while northeastern Siberia, which is now located above the Polar Circle, remained free of ice? The answer of many of the traditional scientists is: "Uh we don't know...No idea.." A satisfying answer is yet to be forwarded by these groups. But that does not mean that you cannot have the real answer right now because it's all explained by the Pole-Shift.

Through the shift of the Earth's crust, Siberia changed its latitudinal location all at once and it was destined to become the coldest place in the World - changing from moderate to an ice-cold climate, all in one day. And there is massive proof at hand.

Before the shift of the Earth's crust, a lot of the World's now extinct animals were living in this area, such as mammoths, which fed on plants. At a time simultaneous with the end of the last Ice Age, these mastodons became extinct. In northeastern Siberia great numbers of mammoth skeletons were found, and many of them were well preserved frozen corpses. This finding stunned the World! To date more than fifty perfectly preserved corpses have been exhumed, some of which still had undigested pieces of food in their stomachs. The bodies were so well preserved that dogs could eat the meat without negative consequences. According to eyewitnesses, the flesh looked like frozen cow meat. Their end must have arrived all of the sudden; there is no doubt about that.

Analyses showed that they choked to death, probably from drowning. If they had not frozen immediately, they would have rotted, the flesh disintegrating. Only a catastrophe such as a Pole-Shift can provide sufficient explanation for this riddle. In such an extreme cold, mammoths could not possibly have survived. They were killed in one go, without warning; with food still in their mouths and stomachs, they were carried away thousands of kilometers and afterwards covered with ice.
Hmmm, I see SOME things don't change.

THIS has to be the longest running thread, that absolutely adds NOTHING to the overall quality of the site.

Of course, that's only MY opinion, and you DO know what they say...................:badgrin:
Hmmm, I see SOME things don't change.

THIS has to be the longest running thread, that absolutely adds NOTHING to the overall quality of the site.

Of course, that's only MY opinion, and you DO know what they say...................:badgrin:

Right. And heaven help us when someone posts something that you don't find to be of "quality for the site" Trobinett.

I, on the other hand, feel that this information goes far beyond quality for this site. And I personally feel that this information and history should span far across the globe.

We only have so much time Trobinett. You just don't seem to get it. Perhaps you smile now at the thought of 3-6 years, but how will you feel when the time is finally upon you? That is, you, me, and the rest of the entire World.
Immanuel Velikovsky, the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, explained how the now-extinct mammoths froze on the spot, around 10,000 years ago, in Siberia, with buttercups clenched between their teeth. What freezing phenomenon could have taken place to cause such a sudden change in grazing habitat from a temperate pastoral climate to that of a frozen wilderness - instantly?

How could coal deposits have been formed in Antarctica, where the climate is far too cold to sustain woodland? How could fossilised palm trees have once grown in the icy climate of Spitzbergen? Common sense told Velikovsky that the Earth, at some time in the past, must have tilted on its axis.

Areas on the warmer equator repositioned themselves as the poles and the geographic poles likewise became repositioned at the equator. It made sense to Velikovsky. But, like the physician, modern "orthodox" science and common sense always seem to be at odds with each other. They preferred instead to imagine that Velikovsky was simply mad, and they, in the way that "orthodox" science does to those whose ideas differ from those of the day, set out to destroy him and everything he worked for.
Giant beavers almost three meters long, sloths which used to feed on trees while resting on their colossal thick tails and weighing in at more than three tons while standing more than six meters high when prancing on their rear legs; they all died during these inexorable events.

R. Dale Guthrie of the Institute of Arctic Biology ("Big Disasters," Readers Digest) discovered that around 12,000 years ago the fauna and flora of Alaska were completely different from today. In his own words he stated that, "The way these animals died must have been disastrous. The animals lived in a totally different environment. Only in this way can you define the exotic hotchpotch of hyenas, mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers, camels, rhinoceroses, deer with huge antlers, and saiga antelopes. Then it became ice-cold and they suffered massive extinction."

More than a hundred years ago the well-known zoologist Alfred Wallace (Big Disasters) wrote: "From a zoological point of view, we are living in an impoverished World in which the utmost colossal, wild and peculiar sorts of animals have recently disappeared."
Professor Hapgood (The Path of the Pole, 1970) wrote the following about the events of almost 12,000 years ago: "Everywhere in Alaska there is proof of an unprecedented severe atmospheric turmoil. Although some of the animals weighing a couple of tons, they were simply torn apart and spread like straws on the land. The piles of bones are mixed with trees, which were also jumbled and torn apart. The whole is covered with a fine layer of frozen dust."

As for those enormous animals, we note that North America and Europe were inhabited by great game animals fully as varied and even more impressive than those of modern East Africa. A partial list includes elephants, two of the four species of which exceeded modern elephants in size. The tall imperial mammoth of the Great Plains stood 14 feet high at the shoulders. Throughout the forest, mastodons browsed in great herds. Horses abounded, one as large as a modern draught horse. There were seven species of buffalo, and one was an enormous beast with a horn spread of 14 feet. The musk ox, woolly rhinoceros, great ground sloth, bear, wild pig, camel, and giant beaver also abounded.

When you read this, you immediately know that fierce powers have created this massive grave during these events. Tens of millions of animals and people suffered an instantaneous death, caused by floods, earthquakes, huge storms and an instantaneous setting-in of a glacial period. The whole Earth was staggering. In the New World more than seventy big mammal species were lost. And it was all at once! To put this in the right perspective: during the preceding 300,000 years, not more than 20 types had become extinct.
Come on already. Give me a specific date when the earth will be destroyed, as we know it so that I can get ready.

mayans say 12-12-2012, something will change, sun's polar shift?, alignment of all planets also on this date?, and talk of an earth polar shift on this date causing great earthquake?, moving in to a new dimension, the Age of Aquarious....? or something like that....?

hahaha! that's the best i can do to answer your inquiry!

The same pattern of signs of the last Pole-Shift are repeated throughout the World. Alaska and Siberia were hit the hardest. Hundreds of thousands of animals froze to death on site and were preserved, so that after more than 10,000 years they could still feed huskies. These quantities only headline the first of apocalyptic numbers that suffered annihilation during the last Pole-Shift.

Thousands of volcanoes must have exploded, because volcanic ash is frequently discovered around the frozen animals. Skeletons of mastodons found standing up were discovered in the San Pedro Valley, supported by huge piles of volcanic ash. Most of Europe and the land that became known as the "New World", was covered with an ice cap several kilometers thick.

When the Earth's crust slid, it landed on a moderate zone. Then the big melting started. Ten million cubic kilometers of ice were reduced to water. It streamed into the seas and oceans and made the water level rise more than 160 meters. Low coastlines were flooded again. Millions of liters of water evaporated and fell as snow at the poles. As a result the water level sank back. In northern Florida one finds marine sediments up to a height of at least seventy-five meters. Areas that are now barren, like the Sahara, were at that time full of life and green with vegetation due to the abundant rainfall.
These pole reversals can be proven with the help of pyrogenic rock. Geological data show that reversals have taken place countless times in the past. Many scientists still do not have the slightest idea about the mechanism that causes them. It is a riddle for them why the previous poles can be found in several places - for instance, a long time ago the central point of the North Pole was in China and, at one point, in Madagascar. Solidified lava manifesting a reversed magnetism, hundreds of thousands of times stronger than the magnetic field of the Earth, proves this. It also reveals the character of the powers that were active at that time, as extensive lava streams are to be found wherever reversed polarities can be detected.
These Pole reversals can be proven with the help of pyrogenic rock. Geological data show that reversals have taken place countless times in the past. Many scientists still do not have the slightest idea about the mechanism that causes them. It is a riddle for them why the previous Poles can be found in several places - for instance, a long time ago the central point of the North Pole was in China and, at one point, in Madagascar. Solidified lava manifesting a reversed magnetism, hundreds of thousands of times stronger than the magnetic field of the Earth, proves this. It also reveals the character of the powers that were active at that time, as extensive lava streams are to be found wherever reversed polarities can be detected.

It's that Acme magnet Wile E. Coyote was playing around with. There is no other logical explanation, but the scientific community is to embarrassed to admit that's what's causing it the poles to shift.
It is evident in ancient maps that you can admire in several libraries around the World that the ancients dealt with an excellent time chronology. The Mercator map from 1569 gives an accurate picture of how the coasts of Antarctica must have looked without ice. Mercator must have based this map on much older documents, made before the previous Pole-Shift! This actually means that the inherited knowledge must be at least 12,000 years old. Without an exact time chronology and a fairly accurate clock, you cannot make such a map. The required technique is based on having knowledge of the meridians.

Either way, the Mercator map gives an impressive look at what Antarctica looked like before the last Pole-Shift engulfed the World.

During the last Pole-Shift there was a time of sudden imposition of a different density structure in the outer shell of the northern hemisphere due to the large masses of ice that had built up on the continents, the large masses of water that had been removed from the ocean basins to build those ice sheets, and the mass of a subcontinental fragment that sank into the area of the ocean at that time. The mechanism for a Pole-Shift from such conditions is similar to an explanation of how the Earth's axis of rotation can be shifted by the sinking of cold, dense slabs of mantle in subduction zones such as those surrounding the Pacific Ocean.
It's that Acme magnet Wile E. Coyote was playing around with. There is no other logical explanation, but the scientific community is to embarrassed to admit that's what's causing it the poles to shift.

As is many times the case. Ego gets in the way of most progression.

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