Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
"simmering below the surface.." AGAIN, another pathtetic talking point a left-winger cant begin to back up with anything resembling a fact
Willful blindness is sad, sad thing!
You're posting blogs and fringe publications as "links" that the left has called Carson an Uncle Tom? :lol:

they are actual quotes from actual people saying just that

nobody is suprised when a left-wing coward simply denies proof placed right in his face
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
"simmering below the surface.." AGAIN, another pathtetic talking point a left-winger cant begin to back up with anything resembling a fact
Willful blindness is sad, sad thing!

open my eyes leftard; back up what you're charging people with

if you cant do that kindly STFU loser; ok?
:cow::poke: Not that this is a new topic, but have they brought this up in any news outlet lately? Has Al Sharpton gone on live TV and apologize for being a brainless butthead regarding his feelings towards white people? Didn't Charlie Crisp accuse the GOP of being a bunch of racists? Even our own President has been trying to convince America that white people hate black people, and that whites are already born with "Racist DNA".
:oops-28: So then, maybe they all need to explain how Ben Carson is so damn popular amongst all "Regular White People". :omg::cranky::smoke:

Carson says what the racists in the Republican party want to hear. Doesn't mean that they are any less racist, but they think it means they can circumvent the racist tag by stating they support a black fellow.

It's pretty funny. :lol:

You're posting blogs and fringe publications as "links" that the left has called Carson an Uncle Tom? :lol:

they are actual quotes from actual people saying just that

nobody is suprised when a left-wing coward simply denies proof placed right in his face

Because it's not proof at all.

If you came up with a national figure or widely read publication? That would be "proof".

Let me give you an example:

That's an elected Republican Representative using a racial slur against the President.
:cow::poke: Not that this is a new topic, but have they brought this up in any news outlet lately? Has Al Sharpton gone on live TV and apologize for being a brainless butthead regarding his feelings towards white people? Didn't Charlie Crisp accuse the GOP of being a bunch of racists? Even our own President has been trying to convince America that white people hate black people, and that whites are already born with "Racist DNA".
:oops-28: So then, maybe they all need to explain how Ben Carson is so damn popular amongst all "Regular White People". :omg::cranky::smoke:

Carson says what the racists in the Republican party want to hear. Doesn't mean that they are any less racist, but they think it means they can circumvent the racist tag by stating they support a black fellow.

It's pretty funny. :lol:

You're posting blogs and fringe publications as "links" that the left has called Carson an Uncle Tom? :lol:

they are actual quotes from actual people saying just that

nobody is suprised when a left-wing coward simply denies proof placed right in his face

Because it's not proof at all.

If you came up with a national figure or widely read publication? That would be "proof".

Let me give you an example:

That's an elected Republican Representative using a racial slur against the President.

actual statements from actual peoeple self-identifying as liberals arent proof?
and you wonder why people laugh at you?
:cow::poke: Not that this is a new topic, but have they brought this up in any news outlet lately? Has Al Sharpton gone on live TV and apologize for being a brainless butthead regarding his feelings towards white people? Didn't Charlie Crisp accuse the GOP of being a bunch of racists? Even our own President has been trying to convince America that white people hate black people, and that whites are already born with "Racist DNA".
:oops-28: So then, maybe they all need to explain how Ben Carson is so damn popular amongst all "Regular White People". :omg::cranky::smoke:

I was going to reply but your bold font and childish use of smilies convinced me otherwise
the President himself has used loaded racial terms and made statements seen as racist by millions of White people Sallow
you're pathetic
:cow::poke: Not that this is a new topic, but have they brought this up in any news outlet lately? Has Al Sharpton gone on live TV and apologize for being a brainless butthead regarding his feelings towards white people? Didn't Charlie Crisp accuse the GOP of being a bunch of racists? Even our own President has been trying to convince America that white people hate black people, and that whites are already born with "Racist DNA".
:oops-28: So then, maybe they all need to explain how Ben Carson is so damn popular amongst all "Regular White People". :omg::cranky::smoke:
Is Carson the Nominee?
if the comments from a thousand left-wing voters on blogs calling Carson an Uncle Tom arent proof of anything than how can the comment, singular, OF ONE Republican politician be indicative of a whole Party and it's supporters you mindless moron?

the problem with Progressive CRYBABIES is they demand the right to frame every debate
Jesse Jackson once ran for President; he called New York City "Hymietown" because of the large amounts of Jews there

there goes your comment from one Republican politician

keep trying..........................

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