Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
"simmering below the surface.." AGAIN, another pathtetic talking point a left-winger cant begin to back up with anything resembling a fact
Willful blindness is sad, sad thing!
the irony is thick.
IMO, those that use the word the most, usually don't know what it means. Lincoln would turn over in his grave, if he saw how alienated blacks have become from the Republican party. Blame others all you like, but that's the REAL irony of this situation. They've deserted the party that freed them and the Republicans are doing everything they can to make blacks not feel welcome, a few tokens notwithstanding.

you keep saying shit and you cant back any of it up.

Blame others all you like, you just cant prove anything you're saying
EXACTLY. the Left cant even back up their idiotic charges that all Republicans are racist, let alone deny they consider Ben Carson a "token" and Uncle Tom
You can't back up the statement that all Republicans are considered racist. Think before you post.
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
"simmering below the surface.." AGAIN, another pathtetic talking point a left-winger cant begin to back up with anything resembling a fact
Willful blindness is sad, sad thing!
the irony is thick.
IMO, those that use the word the most, usually don't know what it means. Lincoln would turn over in his grave, if he saw how alienated blacks have become from the Republican party. Blame others all you like, but that's the REAL irony of this situation. They've deserted the party that freed them and the Republicans are doing everything they can to make blacks not feel welcome, a few tokens notwithstanding.

how will Black Americans fare if and when Democrats grant legal status to millions of mostly Hispanics that have snuck in here?

huh genius? i cant wait for your response!1 let's see who cares about whom
EXACTLY. the Left cant even back up their idiotic charges that all Republicans are racist, let alone deny they consider Ben Carson a "token" and Uncle Tom
You can't back up the statement that all Republicans are considered racist. Think before you post.

you JUST CALLED the Black candidate a "token". YOU are proof of what you're asking me to prove

mental case
Top Racist Democrat Quotes - Free Republic
Free Republic
Aug 20, 2006 - Democratic state representative Bill McKinney on why his daughter Cynthia lost ... Louis Farrakhan who campaigned for congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2002, City ... Truman made racist comments in 1911, how awfu
Another blog.

Color me shocked.

another denial; color you defeated

Well no.

It's a pretty simple thing, actually. You just have to come up with a link to a national publication or youtube video.

evasion...source doesn't matter.... truth and accuracy do.

I don't take blogs or hate boards like Free Republic as being either.

Most people don't.

weak, strawman appeal to authority..... "most people" know "most people"? How many is that exactly? What are their names?...

quality of information is the key..I don't care where I get "truth" long as it's verifiably true...
when you call him a "token" you are saying he is being used as a tool by people who really dont care about him on account of his race

THAT is an accusation of racism whether you are man enough to admit it is or not
there are two posters here from the un-right who are simply laughable idiots wallowing in denial
Lincoln would turn over in his grave, if he saw how alienated blacks have become from the Republican party. Blame others all you like, but that's the REAL irony of this situation. They've deserted the party that freed them and the Republicans are doing everything they can to make blacks not feel welcome, a few tokens notwithstanding.
you keep saying shit and you cant back any of it up. Blame others all you like, you just cant prove anything you're saying
Were you born yesterday? This sea change in politics has occurred within living memory! To prove what I've said, all I have to do is point to election results over the last 50 years.
Lincoln would turn over in his grave, if he saw how alienated blacks have become from the Republican party. Blame others all you like, but that's the REAL irony of this situation. They've deserted the party that freed them and the Republicans are doing everything they can to make blacks not feel welcome, a few tokens notwithstanding.
you keep saying shit and you cant back any of it up. Blame others all you like, you just cant prove anything you're saying
Were you born yesterday? This sea change in politics has occurred within living memory! To prove what I've said, all I have to do is point to election results over the last 50 years.

that isnt proof of anything dullard
how will Black Americans fare if and when Democrats grant legal status to millions of mostly Hispanics that have snuck in here? huh genius? i cant wait for your response!1 let's see who cares about whom
Why are you changing the subject? One question at a time. You haven't explained why blacks have abandoned the party of Lincoln and why all the efforts to woo a significant portion back have failed. If what you're saying about Hispanics is true, they should but coming back in droves, but they aren't! WHY???
how will Black Americans fare if and when Democrats grant legal status to millions of mostly Hispanics that have snuck in here? huh genius? i cant wait for your response!1 let's see who cares about whom
Why are you changing the subject? One question at a time. You haven't explained why blacks have abandoned the party of Lincoln and why all the efforts to woo a significant portion back have failed. If what you're saying about Hispanics is true, they should but coming back in droves, but they aren't! WHY???

Black people abandoned Republicans because when enormous numbers migrated to Northern cities in the WWII era they came under the influence of Democrats in inner cities; who enslaved them in a self-defeating victimhood agenda

that cannot and will not last forever
EXACTLY. the Left cant even back up their idiotic charges that all Republicans are racist, let alone deny they consider Ben Carson a "token" and Uncle Tom
You can't back up the statement that all Republicans are considered racist. Think before you post.
you JUST CALLED the Black candidate a "token". YOU are proof of what you're asking me to prove
mental case
You said ALL Republicans. That's a total lie. Only real mental cases lean on absolutes, shortbus.
how will Black Americans fare if and when Democrats grant legal status to millions of mostly Hispanics that have snuck in here? huh genius? i cant wait for your response!1 let's see who cares about whom
Why are you changing the subject? One question at a time. You haven't explained why blacks have abandoned the party of Lincoln and why all the efforts to woo a significant portion back have failed. If what you're saying about Hispanics is true, they should but coming back in droves, but they aren't! WHY???

obama lost support some support with Blacks in his re-election. a white candidate for dems will lose even more......

Black disappointment with Obama threatens Democrats ...
McClatchy Washington Bureau
Oct 23, 2014 - The black community, which gave Obama support like no other group, too often doesn't ... He and others echoed the views of some leading black scholars and ... Mary Landrieu, a Democrat, has a tough road to re-election. ... Hagan rolled up a 96-1 win while losing the white vote by 18 percentage points.
EXACTLY. the Left cant even back up their idiotic charges that all Republicans are racist, let alone deny they consider Ben Carson a "token" and Uncle Tom
You can't back up the statement that all Republicans are considered racist. Think before you post.
you JUST CALLED the Black candidate a "token". YOU are proof of what you're asking me to prove
mental case
You said ALL Republicans. That's a total lie. Only real mental cases lean on absolutes, shortbus.

you're splitting hairs because you lose on the merits

ur a joke
Disillusioned black voters ask: Is voting even worth it? - The ...
The Washington Post
Jun 9, 2015 - During those two electric Novembers, the chance to elect a black president, ... But as Motley and some friends sought shade recently under a mulberry ... While supporting Obama became a cause for many here rather than a typical .... Last month, when Mayor Brown was up for reelection, pastors and voting
signs of "change" are in the wind if you listen leftard.............................................

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