Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
Ah, yes, the old "We can't see it, we can't hear it, we can't sense it in any way, but we can read minds and we just know it has to be there" gambit.
Who said we can't see it. You're reading things into the post what isn't there. Even when it's not blatant, it doesn't get hidden for long. Today's republicans can't help themselves, it seems. Even as they say they're trying to woo minorities, they alienate them with the language they use.

there should be no need to "woo" minorities...they should want what's best for america over policies that advance their racial agenda.
i SAID some posters, some on the Left DO consider ALL Republicans as racist, and they either say it directly or imply it on these boards all the time.
Maybe some do, but I was answering the charge in the OP title. If you want to take a different tack, quit defending the OP and start your own thread. Don't enter a shit storm and then complain you've been soiled.
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
Ah, yes, the old "We can't see it, we can't hear it, we can't sense it in any way, but we can read minds and we just know it has to be there" gambit.
Who said we can't see it. You're reading things into the post what isn't there. Even when it's not blatant, it doesn't get hidden for long. Today's republicans can't help themselves, it seems. Even as they say they're trying to woo minorities, they alienate them with the language they use.

UR RIGHT LOON; Republicans should do their best to affect a "Black" accent and accuse people of trying to put them in chains; you know like Biden did, to win their support?
i SAID some posters, some on the Left DO consider ALL Republicans as racist, and they either say it directly or imply it on these boards all the time.
Maybe some do, but I was answering the charge in the OP title. If you want to take a different tack, quit defending the OP and start your own thread. Don't enter a shit storm and then complain you've been soiled.

but you didnt answer anything dullard. it is true that many on the Left consider ALL Republicans as racist. can you provide me a statement, even one, from a left-wing leader, using your own standards or any other, of a left-wing leader cautioning not to paint all Republicans as racist??????
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
Ah, yes, the old "We can't see it, we can't hear it, we can't sense it in any way, but we can read minds and we just know it has to be there" gambit.
Who said we can't see it. You're reading things into the post what isn't there. Even when it's not blatant, it doesn't get hidden for long. Today's republicans can't help themselves, it seems. Even as they say they're trying to woo minorities, they alienate them with the language they use.

there should be no need to "woo" minorities...they should want what's best for america over policies that advance their racial agenda.
That's really what it comes down to. The conservative message appeals to those who just want to be free to make their own way, take responsibility for their failures, and enjoy their successes. All this pretending to find racism where it doesn't exist is just a smoke screen to obscure reality.
there should be no need to "woo" minorities...they should want what's best for america over policies that advance their racial agenda.
Maybe "woo" isn't the best word but you do have to convince people that your stance is better, but Republicans can't seem to do it without further alienating people. Depending on what people "should do" is a sure road to political irrelevancy.
when the VICE PRESIDENT SAID REPUBLICANS "WANT TO PUT Y'ALL IN CHAINS" did he qualify that statement with "some" Republicans want that? did he back it up in ANY WAY????

i swear you people are pathetic losers who LIE TO YOURSELVES!!

look at you backpedling on your own stated views!!
there should be no need to "woo" minorities...they should want what's best for america over policies that advance their racial agenda.
Maybe "woo" isn't the best word but you do have to convince people that your stance is better, but Republicans can't seem to do it without further alienating people. Depending on what people "should do" is a sure road to political irrelevancy.
It boils down to a personal trainer going up against Santa Claus. One is telling you to make some hard choices and do things that hurt right now because it will be better for you in the long run while the other is telling you the goodies are on the way. Guess who is going to alienate more people?
but you didnt answer anything dullard. it is true that many on the Left consider ALL Republicans as racist. can you provide me a statement, even one, from a left-wing leader, using your own standards or any other, of a left-wing leader cautioning not to paint all Republicans as racist??????
Obama is conciliatory most of the time, but Republicans slap him down no matter what he says.
but you didnt answer anything dullard. it is true that many on the Left consider ALL Republicans as racist. can you provide me a statement, even one, from a left-wing leader, using your own standards or any other, of a left-wing leader cautioning not to paint all Republicans as racist??????
Obama is conciliatory most of the time, but Republicans slap him down no matter what he says.

all Republicans slap him down?

lol snicker
there should be no need to "woo" minorities...they should want what's best for america over policies that advance their racial agenda.
Maybe "woo" isn't the best word but you do have to convince people that your stance is better, but Republicans can't seem to do it without further alienating people. Depending on what people "should do" is a sure road to political irrelevancy.

you're obsessed with the republican/democrat dichotomy and pretending that "your" party and "your" politicians are "good" and the others are "bad".....many people see through the shrill hypartisan rhetoric and are tired of the whole charade.
Another blog.

Color me shocked.

another denial; color you defeated

Well no.

It's a pretty simple thing, actually. You just have to come up with a link to a national publication or youtube video.

evasion...source doesn't matter.... truth and accuracy do.

I don't take blogs or hate boards like Free Republic as being either.

Most people don't.

the "most people' you're talking about are intellectual cowards on the Left just like you are

you were given proof that many on the Left consider Ben Carson an Uncle Tom; you just choose do deny it. youre just pathetic

Not really sure why you folks are so stuck on the racist term. For the most part, if you feel that White/Christian culture is superior, that the White race is superior, that the rest of the world is a basketcase, that the civil war was a war of "Northern Aggression" and had nothing to do with slavery, which, helped black people anyway..

You are a racist.

Own it.
paint my house said:
Still trying to find out why the ******* and wetbacks are too stupid to vote for the GOP?

IS THIS RACIST CARBINTARD??? a well-known left-wing poster said it. you know who he is

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