Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

another denial; color you defeated

Well no.

It's a pretty simple thing, actually. You just have to come up with a link to a national publication or youtube video.

evasion...source doesn't matter.... truth and accuracy do.

I don't take blogs or hate boards like Free Republic as being either.

Most people don't.

the "most people' you're talking about are intellectual cowards on the Left just like you are

you were given proof that many on the Left consider Ben Carson an Uncle Tom; you just choose do deny it. youre just pathetic

Not really sure why you folks are so stuck on the racist term. For the most part, if you feel that White/Christian culture is superior, that the White race is superior, that the rest of the world is a basketcase, that the civil war was a war of "Northern Aggression" and had nothing to do with slavery, which, helped black people anyway..

You are a racist.

Own it.


sound like a deal to you??
another denial; color you defeated

Well no.

It's a pretty simple thing, actually. You just have to come up with a link to a national publication or youtube video.

evasion...source doesn't matter.... truth and accuracy do.

I don't take blogs or hate boards like Free Republic as being either.

Most people don't.

the "most people' you're talking about are intellectual cowards on the Left just like you are

you were given proof that many on the Left consider Ben Carson an Uncle Tom; you just choose do deny it. youre just pathetic

Not really sure why you folks are so stuck on the racist term.
hahahahahahaha..that's funny...It's one of the left's favorites

For the most part, if you feel that White/Christian culture is superior
Never said anything of the sort...

, that the White race is superior,

never said anything of the sort...I thought I made it pretty clear

that the rest of the world is a basketcase,

I never said anything of the sort....

the civil war was a war of "Northern Aggression"

The north committed an unprovoked act of aggression by sending troops and ships to invade..That's a historical fact.

and had nothing to do with slavery, which, helped black people anyway..

say what?

You are a racist.

define racist, then. at this point you come across as very confused

so far "racist" appears to mean anyone you disagree with...
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.

Agreed! I am not for putting anyone who has no experience in politics or business leadership into the WH. I would be for putting him in a health oriented Cabinet position. Secretary of Health and Human Services, comes to mind as one alternative. His expertise would serve his country well.
how will Black Americans fare if and when Democrats grant legal status to millions of mostly Hispanics that have snuck in here? huh genius? i cant wait for your response!1 let's see who cares about whom
Why are you changing the subject? One question at a time. You haven't explained why blacks have abandoned the party of Lincoln and why all the efforts to woo a significant portion back have failed. If what you're saying about Hispanics is true, they should but coming back in droves, but they aren't! WHY???

Black people abandoned Republicans because when enormous numbers migrated to Northern cities in the WWII era they came under the influence of Democrats in inner cities; who enslaved them in a self-defeating victimhood agenda

that cannot and will not last forever
The most racist posters on USMB support Trump, the GOP frontrunner.

LMAO What a load of horseshit. Good God.

We can start with the poster SteveMcGarrett, USMB's worst racist, USMB's biggest Trump supporter.

Sure, he is a question about it.

But just because he supports trump does not mean that all racists support trump.

And even if they do, how is that the fault of other supporters of trump...or the fault of trump?

Many white racists follow a conservative ideology....they will likely support whomever the GOP candidate is. Does that make all GOP supporters racist?

Now before you answer......

Whereas I do not know this as fact, I find it likely the truth......many, if not most BLACK racists will support the democratic candidate. Does that make all democratic supporters racist?

(and you are being irresponsibly dishonest if you say "there are few to no black racists")
The most racist posters on USMB support Trump, the GOP frontrunner.

YAWN; the most racist posters on USMB support obama, the President of the USA

List the racist positions I hold.

i said "the most racist posters", is it my fault you appear to have included your self in that group?

did i call you a racist idiot?

Nice capitulation.

how did i capitulate dummy?
i said what i said; YOU took that to mean i was directing something at you when you asked me to list things you've said.


feel guilty or something?
The most racist posters on USMB support Trump, the GOP frontrunner.

LMAO What a load of horseshit. Good God.

We can start with the poster SteveMcGarrett, USMB's worst racist, USMB's biggest Trump supporter.

Sure, he is a question about it.

But just because he supports trump does not mean that all racists support trump.

And even if they do, how is that the fault of other supporters of trump...or the fault of trump?

Many white racists follow a conservative ideology....they will likely support whomever the GOP candidate is. Does that make all GOP supporters racist?

Now before you answer......

Whereas I do not know this as fact, I find it likely the truth......many, if not most BLACK racists will support the democratic candidate. Does that make all democratic supporters racist?

(and you are being irresponsibly dishonest if you say "there are few to no black racists")

it is unreasonable to think left-wing HYPOCRITES will respond with intellectual honesty to their false narratives and sins of ommission
Ben Carson, a guy who always looks like he's on his way to or from a nap,

is exactly the kind of black token conservatives can get behind.
there should be no need to "woo" minorities...they should want what's best for america over policies that advance their racial agenda.
Maybe "woo" isn't the best word but you do have to convince people that your stance is better, but Republicans can't seem to do it without further alienating people. Depending on what people "should do" is a sure road to political irrelevancy.

you're obsessed with the republican/democrat dichotomy and pretending that "your" party and "your" politicians are "good" and the others are "bad".....many people see through the shrill hypartisan rhetoric and are tired of the whole charade.

This from the guy who wants to separate the races.

10 Things That Would Instantly Happen If All Negroes Left America | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
:cow::poke: Not that this is a new topic, but have they brought this up in any news outlet lately? Has Al Sharpton gone on live TV and apologize for being a brainless butthead regarding his feelings towards white people? Didn't Charlie Crisp accuse the GOP of being a bunch of racists? Even our own President has been trying to convince America that white people hate black people, and that whites are already born with "Racist DNA".
:oops-28: So then, maybe they all need to explain how Ben Carson is so damn popular amongst all "Regular White People". :omg::cranky::smoke:
Black Republicans are not really black therefore white Republicans can support them at least according to the far left.
Have the democrats found anyone to run yet who is not old, rich, and white?

Barack Obama is president. Where have you been?
He's not running this year. The GOP has more minority and just as many female candidates running as the democrats do.

Which means, what, exactly?

The conservative agenda is generally cut taxes on the rich, do nothing for anyone, build up the military, and use the military to further the agenda of corporate America in third world nations that do not have nuclear weapons.
Carson is a frontrunner dummy; whether you want to admit it or not.

the Democrat frontrunner belonged to an Whites-only country club
Have the democrats found anyone to run yet who is not old, rich, and white?

Barack Obama is president. Where have you been?
He's not running this year. The GOP has more minority and just as many female candidates running as the democrats do.

Which means, what, exactly?

The conservative agenda is generally cut taxes on the rich, do nothing for anyone, build up the military, and use the military to further the agenda of corporate America in third world nations that do not have nuclear weapons.

under obama the very richest got richer, the poorest got poorer; both at a faster pace than under Bush and Republicans

thank God the poor have Progressives to "help" them

idiots and hypocrites
Oh, btw, Ben Carson is not the GOP frontrunner. The GOP frontrunner is the guy who says blacks are lazy.
and the democratic frontrunner is one who felt the way to win the black vote was to speak with a southern drawl..

Or did you forget that one.
people who have defense-related jobs are generally much higher paid than the people obama "created" jobs for that has others noting there are 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps in obama's SEVENTH YEAR then there were under Bush and Republicans

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Have the democrats found anyone to run yet who is not old, rich, and white?

Barack Obama is president. Where have you been?
He's not running this year. The GOP has more minority and just as many female candidates running as the democrats do.

Which means, what, exactly?

The conservative agenda is generally cut taxes on the rich, do nothing for anyone, build up the military, and use the military to further the agenda of corporate America in third world nations that do not have nuclear weapons.

under obama the very richest got richer, the poorest got poorer; both at a faster pace than under Bush and Republicans

thank God the poor have Progressives to "help" them

idiots and hypocrites

This is true and completely ignores the context and the history.

It's kind of like saying the doctor who removes a cancerous tumor brutally cut the patient.

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