Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
that's your response?


You mean there was no dot come bubble bursting?

The NASDAQ was not considered a place for the middle class to invest when it was surging in the 90's?

People did not "think" they were making money hand over fist and spending it on larger houses, boats, designer clothes, sports cars, etc.?

Or are you saying bullshit because you did not have a mature response.

The stock market from the first to the last day of Clinton's presidency rose 200%, 'bubble bursting' notwithstanding.
people who have defense-related jobs are generally much higher paid than the people obama "created" jobs for that has others noting there are 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps in obama's SEVENTH YEAR then there were under Bush and Republicans

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The government creates the jobs in the defense industry.
the only place government can create jobs is within the government.

Any politician on either side of the aisle that claims "I will create jobs in the private sector" (or anything like that) is lying through their teeth.

Obama knew he couldn't "create" private sector jobs. You can not force a business to hire. Period.

However, what Obama has done is made it less dire for those without a know....expanding entitlements for the neediest.....that does not take much to do when you are president....a pen and a phone and viola.....

But to do it without increasing the debt is another story.....likely impossible....thus why many politicians; mostly on the right; do not like that approach.

Republicans can not create jobs either....but they believe in giving business owners incentives to hire....not make them hire....give them reason to want to hire...and let them keep the cash needed to hire. Sure, there are valid reasons to believe that wont work know...greed and such....but overall it can work....and likely the only thing that would work.

Jobs are created with investment capital. When the government invests in, for example, a weapons system, it uses taxpayer dollars as the investment capital to pay the defense contractor.

That creates jobs in the private sector.

Same thing happens when building roads, or schools, funding research, funding medical care, etc.
when I say "government jobs" I am referring to jobs created by the government spending tax payer dollars. is easy to do thing like that when you are president........but doing it where it does not have a long term negative 18 trillion in debt......that's another story...

And I wi9ll say this....

If I owed 18 trillion dollars, I would not spend money to redo my kitchen.

It is irresponsible.
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.

Bush entered office with unemployment at 4% and with the budget balanced.

Then 9/11 happened.......:(

Ah, so we can blame external events for poor presidential performance instead of blaming the president himself?

I guess then the financial disasters of 2008 take Obama off the hook.
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
that's your response?


You mean there was no dot come bubble bursting?

The NASDAQ was not considered a place for the middle class to invest when it was surging in the 90's?

People did not "think" they were making money hand over fist and spending it on larger houses, boats, designer clothes, sports cars, etc.?

Or are you saying bullshit because you did not have a mature response.

It's total bullshit.

Hundreds of thousands of people did not lose their jobs. A few badly carved together dot coms went belly up and it flooded the market with after market IT gear. I was working at the NYSE, by the way, and we actually took back many of the folks that were working at those dot coms.

The Market also recovered fairly quickly.

You are trying your malarkey on the wrong person.
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
that's your response?


You mean there was no dot come bubble bursting?

The NASDAQ was not considered a place for the middle class to invest when it was surging in the 90's?

People did not "think" they were making money hand over fist and spending it on larger houses, boats, designer clothes, sports cars, etc.?

Or are you saying bullshit because you did not have a mature response.

The stock market from the first to the last day of Clinton's presidency rose 200%, 'bubble bursting' notwithstanding.

the affects of the bubble bursting were not realized until he was out of office.

If Bush's term ended about 8 months earlier....he would have had a "fake" great market record as well.

Apply yourself.
people who have defense-related jobs are generally much higher paid than the people obama "created" jobs for that has others noting there are 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps in obama's SEVENTH YEAR then there were under Bush and Republicans

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The government creates the jobs in the defense industry.
the only place government can create jobs is within the government.

Any politician on either side of the aisle that claims "I will create jobs in the private sector" (or anything like that) is lying through their teeth.

Obama knew he couldn't "create" private sector jobs. You can not force a business to hire. Period.

However, what Obama has done is made it less dire for those without a know....expanding entitlements for the neediest.....that does not take much to do when you are president....a pen and a phone and viola.....

But to do it without increasing the debt is another story.....likely impossible....thus why many politicians; mostly on the right; do not like that approach.

Republicans can not create jobs either....but they believe in giving business owners incentives to hire....not make them hire....give them reason to want to hire...and let them keep the cash needed to hire. Sure, there are valid reasons to believe that wont work know...greed and such....but overall it can work....and likely the only thing that would work.

Jobs are created with investment capital. When the government invests in, for example, a weapons system, it uses taxpayer dollars as the investment capital to pay the defense contractor.

That creates jobs in the private sector.

Same thing happens when building roads, or schools, funding research, funding medical care, etc.
when I say "government jobs" I am referring to jobs created by the government spending tax payer dollars. is easy to do thing like that when you are president........but doing it where it does not have a long term negative 18 trillion in debt......that's another story...

And I wi9ll say this....

If I owed 18 trillion dollars, I would not spend money to redo my kitchen.

It is irresponsible.

A job paving a highway is a private sector job created by the government spending taxpayer dollars.
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.

Bush entered office with unemployment at 4% and with the budget balanced.

Then 9/11 happened.......:(

Ah, so we can blame external events for poor presidential performance instead of blaming the president himself?

I guess then the financial disasters of 2008 take Obama off the hook.

You guys already did that. Bush's fault. :lol:
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
that's your response?


You mean there was no dot come bubble bursting?

The NASDAQ was not considered a place for the middle class to invest when it was surging in the 90's?

People did not "think" they were making money hand over fist and spending it on larger houses, boats, designer clothes, sports cars, etc.?

Or are you saying bullshit because you did not have a mature response.

It's total bullshit.

Hundreds of thousands of people did not lose their jobs. A few badly carved together dot coms went belly up and it flooded the market with after market IT gear. I was working at the NYSE, by the way, and we actually took back many of the folks that were working at those dot coms.

The Market also recovered fairly quickly.

You are trying your malarkey on the wrong person.
LMAO...a few...

I give up.

You are way too naïve to debate with.
Uhm, you replied to me instead of nycarbineer
And there it is.
Ben Carson, a guy who always looks like he's on his way to or from a nap,

is exactly the kind of black token conservatives can get behind.
there should be no need to "woo" minorities...they should want what's best for america over policies that advance their racial agenda.
Maybe "woo" isn't the best word but you do have to convince people that your stance is better, but Republicans can't seem to do it without further alienating people. Depending on what people "should do" is a sure road to political irrelevancy.

you're obsessed with the republican/democrat dichotomy and pretending that "your" party and "your" politicians are "good" and the others are "bad".....many people see through the shrill hypartisan rhetoric and are tired of the whole charade.

This from the guy who wants to separate the races.

10 Things That Would Instantly Happen If All Negroes Left America | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes...I support black nationalists and agree with their reasoning generally ...

...all races want to protect and maintain their own cultures, heritage, traditions and values...what's the problem?

..but now you've derailed the thread and want to talk about me instead of the topic...pretty weak tactic
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.

Bush entered office with unemployment at 4% and with the budget balanced.

Then 9/11 happened.......:(

Ah, so we can blame external events for poor presidential performance instead of blaming the president himself?

I guess then the financial disasters of 2008 take Obama off the hook.
he is off the hook.

Just ask him and anyone else that supported him.

And Bush did not have a poor presidential performance.

He did pretty good.

How is he rating compared to Obama lately?
Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
that's your response?


You mean there was no dot come bubble bursting?

The NASDAQ was not considered a place for the middle class to invest when it was surging in the 90's?

People did not "think" they were making money hand over fist and spending it on larger houses, boats, designer clothes, sports cars, etc.?

Or are you saying bullshit because you did not have a mature response.

The stock market from the first to the last day of Clinton's presidency rose 200%, 'bubble bursting' notwithstanding.

the affects of the bubble bursting were not realized until he was out of office.

If Bush's term ended about 8 months earlier....he would have had a "fake" great market record as well.

Apply yourself.

You're the one who brought the stock market into it.
Uhm, you replied to me instead of nycarbineer
And there it is.
Ben Carson, a guy who always looks like he's on his way to or from a nap,

is exactly the kind of black token conservatives can get behind.
Maybe "woo" isn't the best word but you do have to convince people that your stance is better, but Republicans can't seem to do it without further alienating people. Depending on what people "should do" is a sure road to political irrelevancy.

you're obsessed with the republican/democrat dichotomy and pretending that "your" party and "your" politicians are "good" and the others are "bad".....many people see through the shrill hypartisan rhetoric and are tired of the whole charade.

This from the guy who wants to separate the races.

10 Things That Would Instantly Happen If All Negroes Left America | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes...I support black nationalists and agree with their reasoning generally ...

...all races want to protect and maintain their own cultures, heritage, traditions and values...what's the problem?

..but now you've derailed the thread and want to talk about me instead of the topic...pretty weak tactic

you gonna be ok?
Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
that's your response?


You mean there was no dot come bubble bursting?

The NASDAQ was not considered a place for the middle class to invest when it was surging in the 90's?

People did not "think" they were making money hand over fist and spending it on larger houses, boats, designer clothes, sports cars, etc.?

Or are you saying bullshit because you did not have a mature response.

It's total bullshit.

Hundreds of thousands of people did not lose their jobs. A few badly carved together dot coms went belly up and it flooded the market with after market IT gear. I was working at the NYSE, by the way, and we actually took back many of the folks that were working at those dot coms.

The Market also recovered fairly quickly.

You are trying your malarkey on the wrong person.
LMAO...a few...

I give up.

You are way too naïve to debate with.

Well no.

It's that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

Many of these "Dot Coms" had crappy business models. They deserved to go belly up. They did not factor in the cost of warehousing or delivery of goods.

And they didn't employ "hundreds of thousands" of people. That was the whole point of creating them. Having a cash cow with low overhead.

Which is WHY, your meme was total bullshit.
So, with a Republican Congress from 1995 to the end of his term, Clinton ended with a surplus. ..
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
So, with a Republican Congress from 1995 to the end of his term, Clinton ended with a surplus. ..
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.


None of them voted for his budgets or tax increases. They were against paygo and tried to impeach him.

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