Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

Have the democrats found anyone to run yet who is not old, rich, and white?

Barack Obama is president. Where have you been?
He's not running this year. The GOP has more minority and just as many female candidates running as the democrats do.

Which means, what, exactly?

The conservative agenda is generally cut taxes on the rich, do nothing for anyone, build up the military, and use the military to further the agenda of corporate America in third world nations that do not have nuclear weapons.
It means that you have to look somewhere else to get your racist terror fix. None of those things you whine about are racist in nature.
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
How is any of that racist, assuming any of it is even accurate?
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
That is correct. The usual suspects who want to screech about Bush's economic crash right before he left office turn a blind eye toward Clinton's. Heck, I still remember Clinton complaining about Bush "talking down" the economy, thus putting himself in the laughable position of the most powerful man in the world being less able to effect economic output than a private citizen with no power at all.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.

There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.

There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
As compared to the democrat field this year, which is uniformly old, rich, and white. I have yet to see any proof of racism, just a lot of "But they HAVE to be", largely because the hater is emotionally attached to the assertion and won't let reason effect him.
So, with a Republican Congress from 1995 to the end of his term, Clinton ended with a surplus. ..
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.


None of them voted for his budgets or tax increases. They were against paygo and tried to impeach him.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.

There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
As compared to the democrat field this year, which is uniformly old, rich, and white. I have yet to see any proof of racism, just a lot of "But they HAVE to be", largely because the hater is emotionally attached to the assertion and won't let reason effect him.

Will Ben Carson win? You and I know the answer to that question. The Republican Party's gonna have to work incredibly hard to shake its 'Angry, greedy, racist white guy' image. Right now it is seen as the Party that's only about greed and hate.

It's seen as the Party that won't hesitate to help Corporate Fatcats get richer, while at the same time shitting on average struggling American Workers. That's the image it'll have to shed before it can seriously contend again for the White House.
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.

Bush entered office with unemployment at 4% and with the budget balanced.

Then 9/11 happened.......:(
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
That is correct. The usual suspects who want to screech about Bush's economic crash right before he left office turn a blind eye toward Clinton's. Heck, I still remember Clinton complaining about Bush "talking down" the economy, thus putting himself in the laughable position of the most powerful man in the world being less able to effect economic output than a private citizen with no power at all.

There was no economic crash under Clinton.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.

There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
As compared to the democrat field this year, which is uniformly old, rich, and white. I have yet to see any proof of racism, just a lot of "But they HAVE to be", largely because the hater is emotionally attached to the assertion and won't let reason effect him.

Will Ben Carson win? You and I know the answer to that question. The Republican Party's gonna have to work incredibly hard to shake its 'Angry, greedy, racist white guy' image. Right now it is seen as the Party that's only about greed and hate.

It's seen as the Party that won't hesitate to help Corporate Fatcats get richer, while at the same time shitting on average struggling American Workers. That's the image it'll have to shed before it can seriously contend again for the White House.
Yes, the democrats have successfully lied about Republicans for a long time, and I expect them to continue doing it, no matter how stupid it becomes. This is much like Hillary's problem. Once you're perceived as a liar, it becomes very difficult to shake the perception. The bottom line this year is that the democrats are acting like racists and the Republicans like anti-racists.
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.

Bush entered office with unemployment at 4% and with the budget balanced.

Then 9/11 happened.......:(
dude seriously; you are simply LAUGHABLE

bush's unemployment average is 5.2% OVER THE WHOLE 8 YEARS
when Republicans mentioned this it was people LIKE YOU that pooh-pooed that, insisting many were in low-paying jobs

NOW THAT IT IS PROVEN TO BE THE CASE UNDER OBAMA, as evidenced by the THIRTEEN MILLION MORE ON FOOD STAMPS IN OBAMA'S SEVENTH YEAR, you want to cry that is being taken out of context. How typical!!

and of course we know you can work and still collect food stamps; and then you must conclude these are the jobs "created" under obama

AND OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 45 MILLION or so on food stamps under obama ABSOLUTLEY NEEDS THE HELP; since the Left insists nobody is gaming the system

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Again lack of context and history.

Bush entered the White House with the economy in pretty good shape, a surplus instead of a deficit and a world at relative peace.

His agenda was to cut taxes on the rich, attack Iraq, piss off the Chinese and the Russians, and privatize SSI.

He immediately cut taxes on the rich and tried to re-ignite the cold war. He completely overlooked the trouble in the tech sector and chose instead to focus on bolstering a war/oil economy. He basically nullified the anti-ballistic missile treaty and allocated funding on weapon systems that were geared to provide defense against nuclear weapons.

The economy began falling apart and the Fed lowered interest rates. This heated up the housing market. Then 9/11 happened and Bush got his wish to attack Iraq.

Thus? The defense, housing and oil industry were on fire, on the government dime and responsible for the low UE. That didn't last long. Bush's crappy economy based on war/oil and housing fell apart in the second term.
Uh...Sallow......where you around when Bush took office?

The dot com surge that Clinton rode burst right before Clinton left office.......billions of dollars of "paper" wealth disappeared.....the middle class lost billions of "paper wealth" in investments in a matter of days.....middle class folk who were suddenly millionaires on paper and spending like there was no tomorrow and all of a sudden it stopped...

Hundreds of thousands lost their jobs as thousands of companies went belly up.

The rest of your post is meaningless because it is not based on fact....just your opinion.

But Bush did not enter the white house with the economy in pretty good shape. He entered it during a financial crisis.
That is correct. The usual suspects who want to screech about Bush's economic crash right before he left office turn a blind eye toward Clinton's. Heck, I still remember Clinton complaining about Bush "talking down" the economy, thus putting himself in the laughable position of the most powerful man in the world being less able to effect economic output than a private citizen with no power at all.

There was no economic crash under Clinton.
He left Bush a recession. You can quibble about the exact terminology if you want. I don't care.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.

There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.

A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Still, the average Republican is 'Angry, greedy, hateful white guy.' I come across em alll the time. Bunch of em are still waving their Rebel Flags and fucking their sisters. The Republican Party can't escape that image. Because it's the reality. Without its Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers, the Party would completely collapse. Therefore it has to pander to that crowd. It is what it is.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.

There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.

A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.

You and i both know that's not gonna happen. What would the Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers in Alabama and Mississippi think? Those nutters hold a lotta sway in your Party. Without em, your Party would sink.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.

i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.

i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball

Face it, your Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers in Alabama and Mississippi ain't gonna support the black dude. That's the ugly reality.
Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.

i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball

Face it, your Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers in Alabama and Mississippi ain't gonna support the black dude. That's the ugly reality.

face it; you're just a loser trying to talk tough from across the Internet; talking shit you cant back up with facts chump

that's the ugly reality
A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.
i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball
Isn't that what we're all doing here, giving our opinion? Go whine to the people who predicted a Romney landslide. :laugh2:

ok dummy; i will when you are man enough to admit you predicted the Republican Party was "dead" years ago; before the took back the House and Senate. ok?

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