Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

Yes, but will he win? Like it or not, the Republican Party is dominated by angry greedy racist white dudes. It'll be a long time before the Republican Party can shake its Archie Bunker image.There's still too many greedy old white dudes running things. So, Ben Carson's a good guy and Candidate, but he doesn't have a chance. It is what it is.
A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.

i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball

Face it, your Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers in Alabama and Mississippi ain't gonna support the black dude. That's the ugly reality.

face it; you're just a loser trying to talk tough from across the Internet; talking shit you cant back up with facts chump

that's the ugly reality

Ever been to those States? Those camo-wearing Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers call the shots in your Party. Without em, your Party would completely collapse. They're not gonna support Carson. Period, end of story
i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball
Isn't that what we're all doing here, giving our opinion? Go whine to the people who predicted a Romney landslide.
ok dummy; i will when you are man enough to admit you predicted the Republican Party was "dead" years ago; before the took back the House and Senate. ok?
Back in '64, perhaps, but Republicans have done it since then, '84 for example.
A Carson/Fiorina ticket is unbeatable.
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.

i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball

Face it, your Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers in Alabama and Mississippi ain't gonna support the black dude. That's the ugly reality.

face it; you're just a loser trying to talk tough from across the Internet; talking shit you cant back up with facts chump

that's the ugly reality

Ever been to those States? Those camo-wearing Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers call the shots in your Party. Without em, your Party would completely collapse. They're not gonna support Carson. Period, end of story

just because a loser left-wing nutjob on a message board says so

i'm supposed to not laugh at you why???
Back in '64, perhaps, but Republicans have done it since then, '84 for example.

Yeah, I mean it's not like you were racist fucks toward Clarence Thomas,, Condoleeza Rice, Colon Powell, et al..

Ow wait, yes you were - and are.

The DNC was, is, and always will be the home of racism. And yes, your little "White Lives Don't Matter" movement is racist.
Back in '64, perhaps, but Republicans have done it since then, '84 for example.
Yeah, I mean it's not like you were racist fucks toward Clarence Thomas,, Condoleeza Rice, Colon Powell, et al.. Ow wait, yes you were - and are. The DNC was, is, and always will be the home of racism. And yes, your little "White Lives Don't Matter" movement is racist.
You don't care much about context, do you? We were talking about the possible demise of the Republican party NOT race, shortbus!
Perhaps, but they're also unnominatable.

i love the way you idiots think you have a crystal ball

Face it, your Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers in Alabama and Mississippi ain't gonna support the black dude. That's the ugly reality.

face it; you're just a loser trying to talk tough from across the Internet; talking shit you cant back up with facts chump

that's the ugly reality

Ever been to those States? Those camo-wearing Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers call the shots in your Party. Without em, your Party would completely collapse. They're not gonna support Carson. Period, end of story

just because a loser left-wing nutjob on a message board says so

i'm supposed to not laugh at you why???

I'll take that as, you've never been. Trust me, the average camo-wearing Rebel Flag-waving sister-fucking Neck in Alabama/Mississippi, isn't gonna support Carson. Your Party still does have too many angry racist white dudes in it. Sorry to be the one to break it to ya, but it is the reality.
You don't care much about context, do you? We were talking about the possible demise of the Republican party NOT race, shortbus!
No, no one is having that delusion. We are talking about the very real possibility that Ben Carson will be the GOP nominee. You are melting down at the prospect.
That's right, don't check your sources, double down on the lies. I guess that saves time and impresses some of the other mouth-breathers.
Ever been to those States? Those camo-wearing Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers call the shots in your Party. Without em, your Party would completely collapse. They're not gonna support Carson. Period, end of story

Ease up on the meth, you're getting delusional again.

How so? Do you really think your Rebel Flag-waving sister-fuckers in the South are gonna support Carson?
You're living in 1916. :laugh2:

The GOP is on the brink of nominating a black man as their presidential candidate.

You demoKKKrats have one, and ONLY one tool in your belt, demagoguery!

Slander, libel, and vicious lies are literally the only thing you have to offer the nation. Because "the politics of personal destruction" is the ONLY method of campaigning that demoKKKrats do, you WILL attack Carson because of his race. You'll get Obama, Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson calling him "uncle Tom" and "House N1gger" - just like you did to Herman Cain. You can't help yourself. Ultimately your filthy party are hate mongers who use vicious slander as the only means of communicating with voters, but you're vile racists as well, so you'll attack his race, you have no ability to stop yourselves.
You're living in 1916. :laugh2:

The GOP is on the brink of nominating a black man as their presidential candidate.

You demoKKKrats have one, and ONLY one tool in your belt, demagoguery!

Slander, libel, and vicious lies are literally the only thing you have to offer the nation. Because "the politics of personal destruction" is the ONLY method of campaigning that demoKKKrats do, you WILL attack Carson because of his race. You'll get Obama, Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson calling him "uncle Tom" and "House N1gger" - just like you did to Herman Cain. You can't help yourself. Ultimately your filthy party are hate mongers who use vicious slander as the only means of communicating with voters, but you're vile racists as well, so you'll attack his race, you have no ability to stop yourselves.

Ha come on? You can't believe that? Can ya?
That's right, don't check your sources, double down on the lies. I guess that saves time and impresses some of the other mouth-breathers.
What "lies" are those, assclown?
You're lying that I was talking about race when the line you quoted was about a totally different topic. Anyone who's been following the thread can tell you that, but apparently facts don't mean anything to you, just delusions.
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You're delusional. :laugh2:

You're in full on panic.

Two non-politicians, businessman Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, dominate the contest for the Republican nomination, together accounting for more than half of the potential vote as support for traditional politicians continues to decline, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

In the contest for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton has lost significant ground over the past two months, as she has struggled to manage the controversy over her use of a private e-mail server while secretary of state. She still leads the field of Democrats, but for the first time her support has dropped below 50 percent in Post-ABC surveys, with the biggest decline coming among white women.

Overall, the survey underscored the degree of dissatisfaction toward government and politics that is shaping the campaign. More than 7 in 10 Americans say people in politics cannot be trusted. More than 6 in 10 say the political system is dysfunctional. Sizable majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents agree with those assessments}

Poll: Trump, Carson top GOP race; Clinton leads Dems but support drops

Your filthy party is in deep trouble.

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