Front Runner Ben Carson.But What Happened To Republicans&Conservatives Are All Racists?

EXACTLY. the Left cant even back up their idiotic charges that all Republicans are racist, let alone deny they consider Ben Carson a "token" and Uncle Tom
You can't back up the statement that all Republicans are considered racist. Think before you post.
you JUST CALLED the Black candidate a "token". YOU are proof of what you're asking me to prove
mental case
You said ALL Republicans. That's a total lie. Only real mental cases lean on absolutes, shortbus.

that's funny idiot; because a minute ago you said Republicans are doing "EVERYTHING" THEY CAN to not get Black support

short bus much leftard?
You haven't proven anything either, except that you're a whiner that can't accept facts.
the only whiner is you idiot. you simply can present one piece of anything to back up your charges
What charges? You're the one that charged liberals with calling ALL Republicans racists. I'm just debunking your strawman.

it's a straw man? so you're saying there arent any left-wingers who consider all Republicans racist?
Lincoln would turn over in his grave, if he saw how alienated blacks have become from the Republican party. Blame others all you like, but that's the REAL irony of this situation. They've deserted the party that freed them and the Republicans are doing everything they can to make blacks not feel welcome, a few tokens notwithstanding.
you keep saying shit and you cant back any of it up. Blame others all you like, you just cant prove anything you're saying
Were you born yesterday? This sea change in politics has occurred within living memory! To prove what I've said, all I have to do is point to election results over the last 50 years.

here it is LOON; you using absolutes!!

lmao! ;)
dude; you should seriously consider donning some of that clown makeup yourself

seriously what a laughble loser

talk about a hypocrite!!
:cow::poke: Not that this is a new topic, but have they brought this up in any news outlet lately? Has Al Sharpton gone on live TV and apologize for being a brainless butthead regarding his feelings towards white people? Didn't Charlie Crisp accuse the GOP of being a bunch of racists? Even our own President has been trying to convince America that white people hate black people, and that whites are already born with "Racist DNA".
:oops-28: So then, maybe they all need to explain how Ben Carson is so damn popular amongst all "Regular White People". :omg::cranky::smoke:
Is Carson the Nominee?
Hopefully a Carson, Trump ticket. Bring america back from what your kind has done against america for the last eight years.

I agree. I like Carson and his ideas on immigration. No way will we ever get all of them out of America. I also agree we need to seal the border before we do anything else.

I don't agree with a path to citizenship. That would be a slap in the face of everyone who came to this country LEGALLY.

Trump/Carson?? I could see that.
it's a straw man? so you're saying there arent any left-wingers who consider all Republicans racist?
I never said that. Of course there are some, but you didn't make that distinction. You're in love with absolutes, which is a true sign of the mentally challenged.
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
Ah, yes, the old "We can't see it, we can't hear it, we can't sense it in any way, but we can read minds and we just know it has to be there" gambit.
Have the democrats found anyone to run yet who is not old, rich, and white?
it's a straw man? so you're saying there arent any left-wingers who consider all Republicans racist?
I never said that. Of course there are some, but you didn't make that distinction. You're in love with absolutes, which is a true sign of the mentally challenged.

why dont you cowards know when you're defeated?
it isnt brave to continue making a fool of yourself

i SAID some posters, some on the Left DO consider ALL Republicans as racist, and they either say it directly or imply it on these boards all the time

what part of that isnt true?
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
Ah, yes, the old "We can't see it, we can't hear it, we can't sense it in any way, but we can read minds and we just know it has to be there" gambit.
Who said we can't see it. You're reading things into the post what isn't there. Even when it's not blatant, it doesn't get hidden for long. Today's republicans can't help themselves, it seems. Even as they say they're trying to woo minorities, they alienate them with the language they use.
The most racist posters on USMB support Trump, the GOP frontrunner.

Oh?....You've done a survey or are you just making things up again?
How many are there specifically?
Define "racist".
Define "most racist"?
How dare you question them?!? DEY BE RACITSS I TELLS YA!!!! RACITS!!!

Using reason to converse with an emotion driven liberal is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, he'll just strut around and poop on the board.
It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
Ah, yes, the old "We can't see it, we can't hear it, we can't sense it in any way, but we can read minds and we just know it has to be there" gambit.
Who said we can't see it. You're reading things into the post what isn't there. Even when it's not blatant, it doesn't get hidden for long. Today's republicans can't help themselves, it seems. Even as they say they're trying to woo minorities, they alienate them with the language they use.

another statement you fail to back up using anything resembling a fact

It(racism) is always simmering just below the surface. Carson may be the flavor of the month, but he doesn't have a shot at the nomination.
Ah, yes, the old "We can't see it, we can't hear it, we can't sense it in any way, but we can read minds and we just know it has to be there" gambit.
Who said we can't see it. You're reading things into the post what isn't there. Even when it's not blatant, it doesn't get hidden for long. Today's republicans can't help themselves, it seems. Even as they say they're trying to woo minorities, they alienate them with the language they use.
You're confusing refusal to pander with racism. The conservative message is that everyone is equal, should be treated as equal, and have equal expectations placed on them. Just like artists who screech "censorship" when the public doesn't want to pay them thousands of dollars for garbage, somehow that message equates to racism. Here's a clue for the terminally uninformed. It's not.
:cow::poke: Not that this is a new topic, but have they brought this up in any news outlet lately? Has Al Sharpton gone on live TV and apologize for being a brainless butthead regarding his feelings towards white people? Didn't Charlie Crisp accuse the GOP of being a bunch of racists? Even our own President has been trying to convince America that white people hate black people, and that whites are already born with "Racist DNA".
:oops-28: So then, maybe they all need to explain how Ben Carson is so damn popular amongst all "Regular White People". :omg::cranky::smoke:
There may be a few, a very few, Republicans who aren't racist.
When Ben Carson becomes their nominee, then we can talk.
Your post is as idiotic as saying all democrats are gay.

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