Frustrations With Implementation of Trumps Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well, I have been a Trump fan since the impeachment proved to me how much the oligarchs hate Trump. If those pigs hate him that much, I reasoned, then all my doubts about him are baseless, or else they would be trying to set him up in any of a dozen more subtle ways to fail other than a blatantly partisan impeachment that had ZERO chances of passing in the Senate.

So I am not slamming on my now beloved President, but I am annoyed with the choice to pass on this relief through state level unemployment insurance which has been overwhelmed.

They were not set up for this, which I know sounds like a minor thing for the private sector, but is a far more formidable, formal and calcified process within the Federali goobermint. As an asside, this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. MediCAID is already set up to handle the full range of ages, family situations, exemptions, options etc for the whole general public. MediCARE is not. It is set up for us old farts singularly, totally, completely and modifying it to serve the general public would be a policy, software development, and staffing nightmare from hell that would totally fuck up one of the few Federali programs that actually does work well.

But anyway, The Maryland unemployment is not set up to handle hundreds of thousands of people at a time. I was supposed to automatically roll over to the FPUC seemlessly as it was implemented/initiated at the first day of my last week of unemployment, which I have not yet received. I have sent several emails asking for help and I get the following text automatically returned to me"

"Thank you for contacting the Division of Unemployment Insurance's Inquiry and Correspondence Unit. We have received your email, which has been logged and placed in queue for resolution.
"We understand the time-sensitive nature of your inquiry, and will respond to you as quickly as possible. This message serves as your receipt, and notes the time and date you contacted us.
"Thank you for your patience, and for being a valued UI customer."

Their phone number they give out is CONSTANTLY BUSY. I am shut off with no communication to the MDUI at all, and I have gone two weeks without any income.

Doing this through the existing state level unemployment office is a fiasco, and I think the Democrats insisted on it in order to set Trump up to fail in his FPUC effort. They should have just sent this directly to the tax payer who is unemployed. Asking state bureaucracy to adapt to even this simple implementation is a NOGO.


Meanwhile millions of Americans are desperately awaiting their unemployment without any communication from anyone whatsoever.

And to all the mindless Libertarians ready to tell me I should go and get a job, let me say right now up front, go FUCK yourselves.
Before this Coronavirus shit came down, unemployment was basically zero. The folks who worked at the Unemployment offices were at "skeletal staff" levels. Overnight, they had to move from 0 to 60 in a hurry.

Not only did they have ordinary unemployment checks to deal with, the new rules permitted self employed people to do it as well- brand new program.

Now, this kind of thing is pretty much automated nowadays, but it does take staff to get these things moving. A state government just can't hire someone, they have to follow civil service guidelines and regulations. Then the new staff needs to be trained.

All of this shit takes time, I'm surprised anyone has got a check.
Well, I have been a Trump fan since the impeachment proved to me how much the oligarchs hate Trump. If those pigs hate him that much, I reasoned, then all my doubts about him are baseless, or else they would be trying to set him up in any of a dozen more subtle ways to fail other than a blatantly partisan impeachment that had ZERO chances of passing in the Senate.

So I am not slamming on my now beloved President, but I am annoyed with the choice to pass on this relief through state level unemployment insurance which has been overwhelmed.

They were not set up for this, which I know sounds like a minor thing for the private sector, but is a far more formidable, formal and calcified process within the Federali goobermint. As an asside, this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. MediCAID is already set up to handle the full range of ages, family situations, exemptions, options etc for the whole general public. MediCARE is not. It is set up for us old farts singularly, totally, completely and modifying it to serve the general public would be a policy, software development, and staffing nightmare from hell that would totally fuck up one of the few Federali programs that actually does work well.

But anyway, The Maryland unemployment is not set up to handle hundreds of thousands of people at a time. I was supposed to automatically roll over to the FPUC seemlessly as it was implemented/initiated at the first day of my last week of unemployment, which I have not yet received. I have sent several emails asking for help and I get the following text automatically returned to me"

"Thank you for contacting the Division of Unemployment Insurance's Inquiry and Correspondence Unit. We have received your email, which has been logged and placed in queue for resolution.
"We understand the time-sensitive nature of your inquiry, and will respond to you as quickly as possible. This message serves as your receipt, and notes the time and date you contacted us.
"Thank you for your patience, and for being a valued UI customer."

Their phone number they give out is CONSTANTLY BUSY. I am shut off with no communication to the MDUI at all, and I have gone two weeks without any income.

Doing this through the existing state level unemployment office is a fiasco, and I think the Democrats insisted on it in order to set Trump up to fail in his FPUC effort. They should have just sent this directly to the tax payer who is unemployed. Asking state bureaucracy to adapt to even this simple implementation is a NOGO.


Meanwhile millions of Americans are desperately awaiting their unemployment without any communication from anyone whatsoever.

And to all the mindless Libertarians ready to tell me I should go and get a job, let me say right now up front, go FUCK yourselves.

Well we know what platform Trump is running on for re-election, BLAME EVERYONE. Blame opponents, blame WHO, blame China, blame local government, blame, blame, blame. Because in the last four years Trump has devastated America, achieved nothing, done nothing, caused damage, and gave the rich a Trillion dollar tax cut.
Before this Coronavirus shit came down, unemployment was basically zero. The folks who worked at the Unemployment offices were at "skeletal staff" levels. Overnight, they had to move from 0 to 60 in a hurry.

Not only did they have ordinary unemployment checks to deal with, the new rules permitted self employed people to do it as well- brand new program.

Now, this kind of thing is pretty much automated nowadays, but it does take staff to get these things moving. A state government just can't hire someone, they have to follow civil service guidelines and regulations. Then the new staff needs to be trained.

All of this shit takes time, I'm surprised anyone has got a check.
I h ave heard through friends that the software is so archaic, they are using COBOL in most UI shops.

Get that; COBOL for Christs sake.

I doubt that they even have proper configuration management in place.

This is like an Ostrich trying to swallow a swimming pool.

And this is just a simple expansion of qualifications and a temporary add on. Simple stuff.

Imagine what kind of shitstorm converting MediCARE into a variation of MedicAID would cause.
Still no money, no word of anything happening, not happening, phone line always busy.

I guess I'll write my congressman.
"this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. "

The fact a Trumper is saying that is adorable......

Apparently having a public option for Medicaid isn't government tyranny or communist treason anymore....
"this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. "
The fact a Trumper is saying that is adorable......
Apparently having a public option for Medicaid isn't government tyranny or communist treason anymore....
I never said Obamacare was tyranny, nor do I oppose it.

The simple fact of the matter is that MedicAID is set upf or the general public and is already very similar to insurance (I think it is technically run like insurance) and MediCARE is not.

The more you try to change a goobermint bureaucracy the more likely it is to become a total clusterfuck, but you like that idea, I'm sure, fuckface.
"this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. "
The fact a Trumper is saying that is adorable......
Apparently having a public option for Medicaid isn't government tyranny or communist treason anymore....
I never said Obamacare was tyranny, nor do I oppose it.

The simple fact of the matter is that MedicAID is set upf or the general public and is already very similar to insurance (I think it is technically run like insurance) and MediCARE is not.

The more you try to change a goobermint bureaucracy the more likely it is to become a total clusterfuck, but you like that idea, I'm sure, fuckface.
"I never said Obamacare was tyranny, nor do I oppose it."

-rea091 (29).jpg

This is my face whenever a Trumper tells me something like that while pretending 99% of his cult members haven't been saying otherwise for the past 10 years..

Reality sure does have a way of slapping the dogma out of someone's mouth...
"this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. "
The fact a Trumper is saying that is adorable......
Apparently having a public option for Medicaid isn't government tyranny or communist treason anymore....
I never said Obamacare was tyranny, nor do I oppose it.

The simple fact of the matter is that MedicAID is set upf or the general public and is already very similar to insurance (I think it is technically run like insurance) and MediCARE is not.

The more you try to change a goobermint bureaucracy the more likely it is to become a total clusterfuck, but you like that idea, I'm sure, fuckface.
"I never said Obamacare was tyranny, nor do I oppose it."

View attachment 324156

This is my face whenever a Trumper tells me something like that while pretending 99% of his cult members haven't been saying otherwise for the past 10 years..

Reality sure does have a way of slapping the dogma out of someone's mouth...
The young socialists that were supposed to purchase the insurance did not. The penalty was fun to pay for those who did. That was the authoritarian part for all to see.
I filed on approved..........and have done the update for 3 SAYS I've been payed..............LOL

No card...........can't go to their office...........closed to public........they don't answer calls.......


There is a reason I've only used unemployment for almost 40 years...........they suck.............and the so called $600 if you are out of work for the virus............well it's not there..........If that would even matter.

Don't know who the hell is getting that so called money anyway.
I filed on approved..........and have done the update for 3 SAYS I've been payed..............LOL

No card...........can't go to their office...........closed to public........they don't answer calls.......


There is a reason I've only used unemployment for almost 40 years...........they suck.............and the so called $600 if you are out of work for the virus............well it's not there..........If that would even matter.

Don't know who the hell is getting that so called money anyway.
And NO ONE is taking calls either, not my Congressman or Senators. NO ONE!
"this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. "
The fact a Trumper is saying that is adorable......
Apparently having a public option for Medicaid isn't government tyranny or communist treason anymore....
I never said Obamacare was tyranny, nor do I oppose it.

The simple fact of the matter is that MedicAID is set upf or the general public and is already very similar to insurance (I think it is technically run like insurance) and MediCARE is not.

The more you try to change a goobermint bureaucracy the more likely it is to become a total clusterfuck, but you like that idea, I'm sure, fuckface.
"I never said Obamacare was tyranny, nor do I oppose it."

View attachment 324156

This is my face whenever a Trumper tells me something like that while pretending 99% of his cult members haven't been saying otherwise for the past 10 years..

Reality sure does have a way of slapping the dogma out of someone's mouth...
The young socialists that were supposed to purchase the insurance did not. The penalty was fun to pay for those who did. That was the authoritarian part for all to see.
Guess who pays for uninsured people who go to the hospital?? and pay far more than whatever the "republican individual mandate" was??

Yup......US.....that means you too
So Trump is to blame for state unemployment frustrations? Here's a thought, put people back to freaking work.
No, that is not what I said.

Democrats bargained for it to be sent through state UI and Trump agreed to do it.

This is an example of why he should never trust Democrats and why people shouldnt force change on state bureaucrats if avoidable.

They are old ass dogs three times over.
JimBowie1958 I got through to by going to the debit card customer service. After waiting about an 45minutes...........found that the card is in the mail..........LOL .........and that I might get it by Monday.

What I did find out is that the $600 was added to 2 out of the 3 but it doesn't show on the online record.........must be on the IRS site then........doesn't show in the State. For some reason it didn't start with my 1st got 2 $600 payments............IF I EVER get the card.......LOL

This is an FYI anyone that wants to play politics........well............shove it.....
Thank you.
JimBowie1958 I got through to by going to the debit card customer service. After waiting about an 45minutes...........found that the card is in the mail..........LOL .........and that I might get it by Monday.

What I did find out is that the $600 was added to 2 out of the 3 but it doesn't show on the online record.........must be on the IRS site then........doesn't show in the State. For some reason it didn't start with my 1st got 2 $600 payments............IF I EVER get the card.......LOL

This is an FYI anyone that wants to play politics........well............shove it.....
Thank you.
Hmm, I will try exploring that, thanks for mentioning it!

I got through to my Congresscritter too and they sent an email to the UIO office of VIRGINIA, though I think I have to draw from MD.
JimBowie1958 I got through to by going to the debit card customer service. After waiting about an 45minutes...........found that the card is in the mail..........LOL .........and that I might get it by Monday.

What I did find out is that the $600 was added to 2 out of the 3 but it doesn't show on the online record.........must be on the IRS site then........doesn't show in the State. For some reason it didn't start with my 1st got 2 $600 payments............IF I EVER get the card.......LOL

This is an FYI anyone that wants to play politics........well............shove it.....
Thank you.
Hmm, I will try exploring that, thanks for mentioning it!

I got through to my Congresscritter too and they sent an email to the UIO office of VIRGINIA, though I think I have to draw from MD.
Depends on where you work......must be filed there........that determines who to file to..............must be done online only down here.
Well, I have been a Trump fan since the impeachment proved to me how much the oligarchs hate Trump. If those pigs hate him that much, I reasoned, then all my doubts about him are baseless, or else they would be trying to set him up in any of a dozen more subtle ways to fail other than a blatantly partisan impeachment that had ZERO chances of passing in the Senate.

So I am not slamming on my now beloved President, but I am annoyed with the choice to pass on this relief through state level unemployment insurance which has been overwhelmed.

They were not set up for this, which I know sounds like a minor thing for the private sector, but is a far more formidable, formal and calcified process within the Federali goobermint. As an asside, this is why if we go for a national health care public option we must go with MediCAID and not MediCARE. MediCAID is already set up to handle the full range of ages, family situations, exemptions, options etc for the whole general public. MediCARE is not. It is set up for us old farts singularly, totally, completely and modifying it to serve the general public would be a policy, software development, and staffing nightmare from hell that would totally fuck up one of the few Federali programs that actually does work well.

But anyway, The Maryland unemployment is not set up to handle hundreds of thousands of people at a time. I was supposed to automatically roll over to the FPUC seemlessly as it was implemented/initiated at the first day of my last week of unemployment, which I have not yet received. I have sent several emails asking for help and I get the following text automatically returned to me"

"Thank you for contacting the Division of Unemployment Insurance's Inquiry and Correspondence Unit. We have received your email, which has been logged and placed in queue for resolution.
"We understand the time-sensitive nature of your inquiry, and will respond to you as quickly as possible. This message serves as your receipt, and notes the time and date you contacted us.
"Thank you for your patience, and for being a valued UI customer."

Their phone number they give out is CONSTANTLY BUSY. I am shut off with no communication to the MDUI at all, and I have gone two weeks without any income.

Doing this through the existing state level unemployment office is a fiasco, and I think the Democrats insisted on it in order to set Trump up to fail in his FPUC effort. They should have just sent this directly to the tax payer who is unemployed. Asking state bureaucracy to adapt to even this simple implementation is a NOGO.


Meanwhile millions of Americans are desperately awaiting their unemployment without any communication from anyone whatsoever.

And to all the mindless Libertarians ready to tell me I should go and get a job, let me say right now up front, go FUCK yourselves.

Well we know what platform Trump is running on for re-election, BLAME EVERYONE. Blame opponents, blame WHO, blame China, blame local government, blame, blame, blame. Because in the last four years Trump has devastated America, achieved nothing, done nothing, caused damage, and gave the rich a Trillion dollar tax cut.

I received a tax cut. Didn't you?

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