Fullly vaxxed and boosted Sis-in-Law just got Covid for the SECOND TIME.

That's a hell of a "vaccine" you all got there. I'm so old I remember when vaccines actually worked.
I hope she gets better, soon. She hit the lottery. As of Saturday in the whole state of Tennessee there were only 39 new Covid cases and that included 3 international travelers. My son is an ER nurse here. He says they are seeing them come through the ER, so they either aren't high numbers or the cases are so light, after the vaccines, they aren't sick enough to go to the ER. A far cry from the days when they crowded the ER, Covid rooms and ventilators were running short.
That's a hell of a "vaccine" you all got there. I'm so old I remember when vaccines actually worked.

Er... immunity to a virus happens, but it doesn't happen if the virus mutates. You don't know this?
The coronavirus is changing all the time. We have the flu vaccine, and yet it hasn't eliminated the flu, why not? Because the flu changes.
I hope she gets better, soon. She hit the lottery. As of Saturday in the whole state of Tennessee there were only 39 new Covid cases and that included 3 international travelers. My son is an ER nurse here. He says they are seeing them come through the ER, so they either aren't high numbers or the cases are so light, after the vaccines, they aren't sick enough to go to the ER. A far cry from the days when they crowded the ER, Covid rooms and ventilators were running short.

It seems that in general, the unvaccinatd population has fared FAR better than the vaccinated population.
You may not want to see that at the present time, and I believe it is being with held from the public, but I think eventually you will be forced to see and admit it.
Vaccines can of course be of benefit. But in the rushed atmosphere of the Covid vaccines too many mistakes were made.
The two main problems were that not enough time went into research to make a proper and safe vaccine and also the scientific / medical communities did not fully understand the virus. That is still true today. How can you make an effective and safe vaccine if you do not fully understand the virus yet?

On another note...the Democrat disaster at the Southern border is unleashing a storm of disease on America. Measles and other serious diseases are making a comeback due to incompetence in the white House.
It seems that in general, the unvaccinatd population has fared FAR better than the vaccinated population.
You may not want to see that at the present time, and I believe it is being with held from the public, but I think eventually you will be forced to see and admit it.
Vaccines can of course be of benefit. But in the rushed atmosphere of the Covid vaccines too many mistakes were made.
The two main problems were that not enough time went into research to make a proper and safe vaccine and also the scientific / medical communities did not fully understand the virus. That is still true today. How can you make an effective and safe vaccine if you do not fully understand the virus yet?
I don't know. I had it and survived without the vaccine. I got vaccinated and boosted (the last time in December) and have not had another bout of it. Of course, I am not prone to negative reactions to vaccines. Maybe good genetics at play.

............................................... The White 6 Machine..... Zero Defects..............................................
So much about Covid 19 is still unknown that it's hard to tell.
I had it once last fall and it was the same as the flu but far more mucousy due to the proteins, and pretty bad, I got it again several months ago and it was far less significant. No vaccines.
Before that I had not been sick for decades and have never had flu shots.

There is a lot of debate in the medical community regarding natural and post infection immunity

Fullly vaxxed and boosted Sis-in-Law just got Covid for the SECOND TIME.​

So she probably won't die of it this time around either. Pretty cool, eh?

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