Fully vaxxed fake native American Elizabeth Warren tests positive for Covid

What are you talking about? The flu has not disappeared. In fact, in the very post you responded to, I mentioned how the flu led to 53,495 deaths last year.

You can mention whatever you want, but you can't tell the truth.

Flu viruses are constantly changing so it’s not unusual for new flu viruses to appear each year. During the 2020-2021 flu season, there was very low circulation of seasonal flu viruses. During September 27, 2020–May 22, 2021 in the United States, 1,899 (0.2%) of 1,081,671 clinical samples tested were positive for an influenza virus (713 [37.5%] influenza A and 1,186 [62.5%] influenza B).

CDC - Flu Activity

Imagine, the flu, that was causing seasonally between 50K and 80K deaths, had registered less than 2000 cases for whole flu season.
"The Federal Government did not have authority in the 50's for a nationwide vaccine mandate and neither do they today. So Stop it already."

Stop with what? Did you even read my post? I literally said, "I don't believe the federal government has that authority," yet here you are, saying I should "stop it."

Stop what?

And how are we on the verge of losing our election process? There's an election coming up and it will be administered as elections before it.
It's not a question of Believing but the Law.There is no Federal
Authority to Mandate a Vaccine.Nor Run Elections.
I'm so sick & tired of dweebs like you that can't reason like men used to.
That you have to believe first.
Like the Belief that Black Lives Matter.
Most ridiculous narrative in America's lexicon.
Blacks are killing other blacks in record number.Blacks commit the most
Homicides each year.Around 52 %.Black females have 5 times the number
of Abortions than White females.
Do you even have an inkling as to what Gaslighting and Projection encompass.
It's easier to force everyone to have a jab, and whole country will become a lockup.
And it was Easier for Stalin,Hitler and Mao to just use propaganda than
tell the God's honest truth.
Which is the pickle the Left and Democrats have put the country thru.
Plus their adjunct { The Dishonest,Lying Mainstream media }
And it was Easier for Stalin,Hitler and Mao to just use propaganda than
tell the God's honest truth.
Which is the pickle the Left and Democrats have put the country thru.
Plus their adjunct { The Dishonest,Lying Mainstream media }
I said number of times here, and yet again... Every single Democrats agenda is based on a lie.
You do understand that you still collect and transmit viruses that never touch the vaccinated part of you, then. Do those viruses mutate while they are on the unvaccinated part of you? Science is not doing a very good job of answering this important question about the spreading of viruses.
I do. Sadly, you don't understand by "fully vaccinated," they don't mean 100% protection.
Did you also explain by CDC own numbers, based on Israeli's data, "vaccine' is less than 60% effective against infection, we cannot stop spreading coronavirus even if we have a 100% efficiency. CDC knows that, they tried to hide it, but it leaked, which caused CDC to immediately change the narrative into "infections are all occurring in unvaccinated", which is flat out lie.

Did you explained that recipients of Pfizer two dose "vaccine" have 5-6 fold lower amount of neutralizing anti-bodies, and those who had only one dose they have reduced level on antibodies by half in their blood, and that increase the risk of being infected from any other virus. And because "vaccine" is reducing levels of your own antibodies, you are most likely compelled to receive booster for life. Of course you didn't explain, because you know nothing, except what you get fed by MSM.

View attachment 579061
Sell stupid to conservatives, they'll believe ya.

You can mention whatever you want, but you can't tell the truth.

CDC - Flu Activity

Imagine, the flu, that was causing seasonally between 50K and 80K deaths, had registered less than 2000 cases for whole flu season.
Thanks for the correction. What I posted lumped flu & pneumonia and was by calendar year.
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It's not a question of Believing but the Law.There is no Federal
Authority to Mandate a Vaccine.Nor Run Elections.
I'm so sick & tired of dweebs like you that can't reason like men used to.
That you have to believe first.
Like the Belief that Black Lives Matter.
Most ridiculous narrative in America's lexicon.
Blacks are killing other blacks in record number.Blacks commit the most
Homicides each year.Around 52 %.Black females have 5 times the number
of Abortions than White females.
Do you even have an inkling as to what Gaslighting and Projection encompass.
It's my belief given I don't know every intricacy of every law. Again, it's being fought in the courts now. You may be right or you may be wrong. We'll find out.
It's my belief given I don't know every intricacy of every law. Again, it's being fought in the courts now. You may be right or you may be wrong. We'll find out.
I get it.How your form of belief system works.
If enough in the Mainstream media decide Donald Trump colluded with
Russia then it's just dandy to pile-on with that belief.
Or this asinine belief { notion } that January 6th was an Insurrection.
This is how a Country falls.
Or how before Obama won in 2012 there was rampant Voter Suppression
meme's.Then after his win ... not a peep.Not one example of a single black having their
vote suppressed.
Then it's right back to Voter Suppression again the last few months.
Even after Trump won 2,497 counties to Biden's 477 counties.
Even Barack Obama had won 873 counties in 2012.
Plus Trumo won 18 0f 19 bellwether counties.
Took Florida,Ohio and Texas early and decidedly.
What a Majority of Citizens have already found out is ... How Corrupt the
MSM and Democrats Party are.And it's only going to get worse.
That is what you need to focus yer belief in.That you are being used and lied to.
No different than how Stalin,Hitler and Mao took over their populations.
With rampant Propaganda and thuggery.
I get it.How your form of belief system works.
If enough in the Mainstream media decide Donald Trump colluded with
Russia then it's just dandy to pile-on with that belief.
Or this asinine belief { notion } that January 6th was an Insurrection.
This is how a Country falls.
Or how before Obama won in 2012 there was rampant Voter Suppression
meme's.Then after his win ... not a peep.Not one example of a single black having their
vote suppressed.
Then it's right back to Voter Suppression again the last few months.
Even after Trump won 2,497 counties to Biden's 477 counties.
Even Barack Obama had won 873 counties in 2012.
Plus Trumo won 18 0f 19 bellwether counties.
Took Florida,Ohio and Texas early and decidedly.
What a Majority of Citizens have already found out is ... How Corrupt the
MSM and Democrats Party are.And it's only going to get worse.
That is what you need to focus yer belief in.That you are being used and lied to.
No different than how Stalin,Hitler and Mao took over their populations.
With rampant Propaganda and thuggery.
I got only as far as this....

I get it. How your form of belief system works. If enough in the Mainstream media decide Donald Trump colluded with Russia then it's just dandy to pile-on with that belief.

...to see you're just a raging pile of imbecile. No, it was not "just dandy to pile on" which is why I didn't. So no, you don't "get it."

I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.

So? I've said all along I would wait until Mueller's report came out before rendering a judgement of guilt or innocence and I posted Mueller's report exonerated trump after it was released.

Get it now?
I do. Sadly, you don't understand by "fully vaccinated," they don't mean 100% protection.
Badger understands that the concept is dangerously misleading, being projected by an authoritarian nazi-dem-controlled media. Viruses don't stop being dangerous just because it makes a nazi feel uncomfortable. They are evolving with impunity, outside any vaccine parameters, and the CDC is clamming up about them. The prisoners need to be made aware of this alternate evolution of the commie virus that got here for free and doesn't require application for American citizenship.
Is this still the thread about that colored Indian girl? If so, where are Poke's PCR results published? Does she have Delta or Omicron?
Your last days will be richly deserved, get that booster yet sweetie-pie??? Remember America, the only good democrats are the dead ones, with but the singular exception of Joe Manchin.....:fu:

I got only as far as this....

I get it. How your form of belief system works. If enough in the Mainstream media decide Donald Trump colluded with Russia then it's just dandy to pile-on with that belief.

...to see you're just a raging pile of imbecile. No, it was not "just dandy to pile on" which is why I didn't. So no, you don't "get it."

Get it now?
" Well I suppose I oughta try and do some writing first "
Jack Torrance waking up late at the Overlook Hotel as his better half
carts in his breakfast.The nominally sleepy-eyed Jack Nicholson who was
part of the beatnik group of actors in 50's Hollywood.With hotties like Sally Kellerman.
Nicholson smoked pot every day in them days.
Writing and being a pot head Do Not Mix.
And Lordy knows I tried.
Is this still the thread about that colored Indian girl? If so, where are Poke's PCR results published? Does she have Delta or Omicron?
Would you like it better if Yogi and Boo-Boo went over to Bullwinkles
cabin for a Christmas Feast of loaded Pheasant under glass.
Loaded with buckshot by none other than Elmer Fudd who forgot
his spectacles that fateful morning of bird dogging it w/o knowed
I said number of times here, and yet again... Every single Democrats agenda is based on a lie.
It sure seems that way, because look at what they want verses what most everyone else wants. Huge differences.

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