Fully Vetted Immigrant from Turkey, Huh

The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

You interview them, and when they seem to be in genuine you change the discussion to an interrogation.
So what do you ask them?
And what defines acceptance and rejection?

Shall we do street arrests the same way, have the cops judge who is guilty?

LE makes judgments everyday. They are not the trier of facts, we leave that to judges and juries.
Really? Cops can arrest people based upon they don't like someone?

I like your signature, Dumbass is fitting.

Straw Men work better when not made with wet straw and dressed in asbestos.
The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

Yup. I agree. The FBI already said they have no way to vet these people and here's douchebag in the WH importing these unvetted assholes in our country.

Fifty three percent of Americans and thirty one States don't want them and douchebag couldn't care less.

Not to mention we taxpayers will be supporting these assholes forever.

They don't speak the language and you can bet your ass most have no skills America needs. We will end up supporting these assholes forever.

Last estimate I read said it will cost $61,370 dollars for each refugee and we taxpayers will be footing the bill.

The High Cost of Resettling Middle Eastern Refugees

Such a deal for we the taxpayer and lets not forget the jihadists who will be among them.
The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

You interview them, and when they seem to be in genuine you change the discussion to an interrogation.
So what do you ask them?
And what defines acceptance and rejection?

Shall we do street arrests the same way, have the cops judge who is guilty?

LE makes judgments everyday. They are not the trier of facts, we leave that to judges and juries.
Really? Cops can arrest people based upon they don't like someone?

I like your signature, Dumbass is fitting.

Straw Men work better when not made with wet straw and dressed in asbestos.
Poor baby. Wants the government just asking immigrants if they are nice as the vetting process and wonders why everyone thinks he's a dumbass.
IMO this thread needs to be moved from Politics to a new forum: Hate & Fear.

I think the new forum should be called common sense. You have to be choosy about who you let into your country the same as you're choosy about who you let into your own home.
IMO this thread needs to be moved from Politics to a new forum: Hate & Fear.

I think the new forum should be called common sense. You have to be choosy about who you let into your country the same as you're choosy about who you let into your own home.
Most countries don't let you in unless you have a lot of money and a job skill that nation needs.
The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.
Yeah, how do you do a thorough background check on a seven year old? Catch them before they get in the door, I say....
So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?
When that religion exercises obligations to subvert or destroy any government to install Sharia. You bet.

Why do you hate the constitution?
Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?
When that religion exercises obligations to subvert or destroy any government to install Sharia. You bet.

Why do you hate the constitution?
Pretty standard reply from those who are emasculated and cannot admit we have an enemy. Try again.
Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?
When that religion exercises obligations to subvert or destroy any government to install Sharia. You bet.

Why do you hate the constitution?
Pretty standard reply from those who are emasculated and cannot admit we have an enemy. Try again.

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?
When that religion exercises obligations to subvert or destroy any government to install Sharia. You bet.

Why do you hate the constitution?
Pretty standard reply from those who are emasculated and cannot admit we have an enemy. Try again.

That would be your standard trite replies. You better look around you are seriously out of touch with reality.
You bet your ass, foreigners outside the US have no constitutional rights.

But the Congress is has no power to pass a law respecting the establishment of religion.

Banning a particular religion from future immigration, establishes a religion how?

What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is too complicated for you to understand?
That would be your standard trite replies. You better look around you are seriously out of touch with reality.

And how the hell would you possibly be able to know such a thing, noob? Even if it were true, you'd have no idea.

Clearly, we're dealing with a sock account, here.
Sadly, it's very clear Hussein has completely dismantled the US Immigration System. It's a chaotic nightmare. And Clinton has vowed to continue Hussein's awful policies. So, Trump is the only realistic hope for change.

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