Fully Vetted Immigrant from Turkey, Huh

Yeah, let's let in a hundred thousand Syrians who we can't even contact their government to ask about into America.

So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

So you are going to refuse all Holiday and Business visas as well...

Do you consider France and UK as Islamic countries?

How are you going to deport US citizens to countries they are no citizens??? So how does the constitution cover this?

The other thing to notice is US has killed far more innocent Muslims than Muslims killed US Citizens...

By the way non-Muslims kill US Citizens at a far higher rate than Muslims....
So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?

NOT a Religious test.

A Barbarian test. For Cultures which have shown a propensity to produce terroists and export terroisism...which is done in a thousand ways...such as whole villages honoring for life the mothers the any murderous barbarians who blows up some Americans when he commits suicide to feast in Paradise on 72 Virgins.

For Cultures who have shown by experience that they cannot assimilate with modern Societies; who throw homosexuals off roofs; who don't let women vote, or drive a car...who sexually mutilate them because of their own serious insecurities.

For Cultures who habitually parade about in the street, in great masses, flagellating themseves while screaming "Death to America."

For Arabs and Persians The Middle east .

We have quite enough to suite us thank you.

Yeah, let's let in a hundred thousand Syrians who we can't even contact their government to ask about into America.

So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?

Just against the death cult known as Islam
Only political bullies try to force us to believe that the Constitution has supremacy over the will of the majority.


The constitution is the supreme law of the land.
Only political bullies try to force us to believe that the Constitution has supremacy over the will of the majority.


The constitution is the supreme law of the land.
The same one that says the government shall not prohibit the free excersise of religion?
So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?

Just against the death cult known as Islam

So, yes.
The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

You interview them, and when they seem to be in genuine you change the discussion to an interrogation.
So what do you ask them?
And what defines acceptance and rejection?

Shall we do street arrests the same way, have the cops judge who is guilty?
The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

You interview them, and when they seem to be in genuine you change the discussion to an interrogation.
So what do you ask them?
And what defines acceptance and rejection?

Shall we do street arrests the same way, have the cops judge who is guilty?

LE makes judgments everyday. They are not the trier of facts, we leave that to judges and juries.
Yeah, let's let in a hundred thousand Syrians who we can't even contact their government to ask about into America.

So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?

You bet your ass, foreigners outside the US have no constitutional rights.
The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

You interview them, and when they seem to be in genuine you change the discussion to an interrogation.
So what do you ask them?
And what defines acceptance and rejection?

Shall we do street arrests the same way, have the cops judge who is guilty?

LE makes judgments everyday. They are not the trier of facts, we leave that to judges and juries.
Really? Cops can arrest people based upon they don't like someone?
IMO this thread needs to be moved from Politics to a new forum: Hate & Fear.
IMO you're an idiot.

You have every right to believe so, though you lack any evidence to prove your allegation. Which makes your use of the word nothing more than a pejorative / ad hominem, something used by those who lack the intelligence, education and ability to write a proper rebuttal.
IMO this thread needs to be moved from Politics to a new forum: Hate & Fear.
IMO you're an idiot.

You have every right to believe so, though you lack any evidence to prove your allegation. Which makes your use of the word nothing more than a pejorative / ad hominem, something used by those who lack the intelligence, education and ability to write a proper rebuttal.
Proper rebuttal?
Your post was no more on topic than mine was, idiot. Not to mention you attempted to be clever and indirectly insult the op.

You're not only an idiot, this post makes you a hypocrite as well.
Yeah, let's let in a hundred thousand Syrians who we can't even contact their government to ask about into America.

So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?
When that religion exercises obligations to subvert or destroy any government to install Sharia. You bet.
Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?

Declare it a political movement, not a religion. end of discussion. Close all mosque in USA, ban the koran or allah, no tax exempt. If you want that crap go to ME.

Bring me next problem to solve. 50 years of this muzlim lunacy is enough.
Fork off MO you phony ME bastard.

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