Fully Vetted Immigrant from Turkey, Huh

Figures you wouldn't know.

I figured you wouldnt know
You're the dufus asking. Moron leftist doesn't even know the basics of immigration.

Yes, I'm asking the person who said it. Should I ask someone else who knows what you mean?
Go to the video game message board, this is for adults who have at least an 8th grade understanding of civics and politics.


Is there someone else you can point me to to explain what a fully vetted person is?
You got me, you're just too smart for me.

The government just lets anyone and everyone into America.
So what you're telling me is that fully vetting immigrants won't stop the bad guys anyway. Okay, got it.

Nope. What he is saying is you can't fully vet Muslim immigrants so we should stop all immigration from Islamic countries and deport all Muslims back to their Islamic shitholes!

Define "Islamic countries."

Countries where Muslims make up 40% or more of the country!

Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?
When that religion exercises obligations to subvert or destroy any government to install Sharia. You bet.
Written Behind Closed Doors by Lawyers for the Colonial 1%

Which religion would be automatically prohibited if we were allowed to judge by common sense and self-preservation rather than appeal to an obstructive document like the Constitution. We don't have to believe what the bossy ruling class orders us to believe about their overlord on the people's will.
Oh. So you want to apply a religious test? You want to make laws respecting the free exercise of religion?

Declare it a political movement, not a religion. end of discussion. Close all mosque in USA, ban the koran or allah, no tax exempt. If you want that crap go to ME.

Bring me next problem to solve. 50 years of this muzlim lunacy is enough.
Fork off MO you phony ME bastard.
Weewee on the People

Let's have a plebiscite about it like free men, instead of slaves to the tyranny of the anti-democratic Constitution, which gives us trickledown political power.
You bet your ass, foreigners outside the US have no constitutional rights.

But the Congress is has no power to pass a law respecting the establishment of religion.

Banning a particular religion from future immigration, establishes a religion how?

What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is too complicated for you to understand?

What part of foreigners outside the US have no constitutional protections do you not understand? We decide who we allow to immigrate or visit, no foreigner has a constitutional right to come here.

See, this is a perfect example of how lunatic partisan hacks shit on the very principles they allege to hold most dear. The federal government is a government of limited powers. The Congress is bound by the constitution. Congress cannot imply pass laws because any potentially aggrieved party allegedly lacks an avenue for recourse. If the constitution prohibits Congress from passing a certain type of law, then the Congress has no power to pass the fucking law! Period! Jackass!

You are advocating for Congress to make laws as if the only thing that matters is whether someone can stop them. It is logically equivalent to punching someone in the face, then justifying it by saying "What are you going to do about it?" That the aggrieved party lacks recourse does not mean you had a right to punch them in the face. Your entire position imparts upon Congress expansive power, up until the point of being curtailed. Whereas a true conservative understands Congress having no inherent power whatsoever, unless granted by the constitution.

The Constitution Established Rule by an American House of Lords

A constitutional system only benefits a bossy power-hungry oligarchy. Under the overlord of an original document, electing does not equate with voting. It is a merely a choice between two factions of the elite to decide an internal argument among them about which faction will increase the whole elite's power more.
But the Congress is has no power to pass a law respecting the establishment of religion.

Banning a particular religion from future immigration, establishes a religion how?

What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is too complicated for you to understand?

What part of foreigners outside the US have no constitutional protections do you not understand? We decide who we allow to immigrate or visit, no foreigner has a constitutional right to come here.

See, this is a perfect example of how lunatic partisan hacks shit on the very principles they allege to hold most dear. The federal government is a government of limited powers. The Congress is bound by the constitution. Congress cannot imply pass laws because any potentially aggrieved party allegedly lacks an avenue for recourse. If the constitution prohibits Congress from passing a certain type of law, then the Congress has no power to pass the fucking law! Period! Jackass!

You are advocating for Congress to make laws as if the only thing that matters is whether someone can stop them. It is logically equivalent to punching someone in the face, then justifying it by saying "What are you going to do about it?" That the aggrieved party lacks recourse does not mean you had a right to punch them in the face. Your entire position imparts upon Congress expansive power, up until the point of being curtailed. Whereas a true conservative understands Congress having no inherent power whatsoever, unless granted by the constitution.

The Constitution Established Rule by an American House of Lords

A constitutional system only benefits a bossy power-hungry oligarchy. Under the overlord of an original document, electing does not equate with voting. It is a merely a choice between two factions of the elite to decide an internal argument among them about which faction will increase the whole elite's power more.

The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

So we should never allow refugees from war zones into the United States?
Banning a particular religion from future immigration, establishes a religion how?

What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is too complicated for you to understand?

What part of foreigners outside the US have no constitutional protections do you not understand? We decide who we allow to immigrate or visit, no foreigner has a constitutional right to come here.

See, this is a perfect example of how lunatic partisan hacks shit on the very principles they allege to hold most dear. The federal government is a government of limited powers. The Congress is bound by the constitution. Congress cannot imply pass laws because any potentially aggrieved party allegedly lacks an avenue for recourse. If the constitution prohibits Congress from passing a certain type of law, then the Congress has no power to pass the fucking law! Period! Jackass!

You are advocating for Congress to make laws as if the only thing that matters is whether someone can stop them. It is logically equivalent to punching someone in the face, then justifying it by saying "What are you going to do about it?" That the aggrieved party lacks recourse does not mean you had a right to punch them in the face. Your entire position imparts upon Congress expansive power, up until the point of being curtailed. Whereas a true conservative understands Congress having no inherent power whatsoever, unless granted by the constitution.

The Constitution Established Rule by an American House of Lords

A constitutional system only benefits a bossy power-hungry oligarchy. Under the overlord of an original document, electing does not equate with voting. It is a merely a choice between two factions of the elite to decide an internal argument among them about which faction will increase the whole elite's power more.


Constitutionazis are parrots of plutocratic parasites.
The elephant in the room the left ignore is how do you complete a thorough background check on someone from a war torn nation you have no diplomatic relations with.

So we should never allow refugees from war zones into the United States?
Pacifism Is Treason

Such refugees are either unpatriotic cowards, fugitives from justice, or sleeper cells.

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