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Fun facts about homophobia

Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts them...so they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

If I posted a tenth as many articles about LGBT issues as some, I'd grant your premise. But as it is, the only ones 'shoving it in your face' are the homophobes themselves.
Phobia means fear. I dont fear homosexuals. So now that we debunked yet another attempt of you homosexuals trying to force our approval you can move on.
Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts them...so they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

If I posted a tenth as many articles about LGBT issues as some, I'd grant your premise. But as it is, the only ones 'shoving it in your face' are the homophobes themselves.
Phobia means fear. I dont fear homosexuals. So now that we debunked yet another attempt of you homosexuals trying to force our approval you can move on.

I doubt most homosexuals give a damn about your approval. But they do care about having access to the same +/- 1,400 benefits that come with being able to marry. I'm pretty sure they care about not being fired simply because of who they love. And I'm equally certain that they care that some people are making noise about Uganda being right with their laws that put gays in prison.
Does it make you feel better posts such drivel? Tell me are you secretly a homosexual? Because homosexuals dont need me to approve of their unnatural life choices. They crave it just the same dont they? I tolerate it just fine I just refuse to approve of it. I dont approve of sin OR if your one of those hate God types like you seem to be I dont approve of something obviously against nature.....We are made to procreate with the opposite sex. By the way when you start to use love and I know that just popped in your head that has nothing to do with Biology.

I know you are a new age Mangina and wish to be a cool kid by showing your support of alternative lifestyles (as you manginas call it) but truthfully most of us dont care about homosexuals or you apologists for them. If they would stop trying to force us to approve something we see as wrong and just live there damn lives there wouldn't be any problem. Of course that means there would be one less thing you would have to lie to yourself about making you feel superior to the rest of us....But your lost delusion is a price I am willing to pay so I dont have to keep hearing the constant whining and accusing of the Homosexual and their Mangina mobs.

You are so far off in this rant...you just can't make this shit up...hilarious. :chillpill:
So in other words I am spot on and you try to laugh it off....Thanks.

So in other words I am 48 years old...conservative to the core...and just happen to disagree with you on one topic.
And then you assume that this must mean I just have to be a teen twink liberal.
Jesus dude. :doubt:
If I posted a tenth as many articles about LGBT issues as some, I'd grant your premise. But as it is, the only ones 'shoving it in your face' are the homophobes themselves.
Phobia means fear. I dont fear homosexuals. So now that we debunked yet another attempt of you homosexuals trying to force our approval you can move on.

I doubt most homosexuals give a damn about your approval. But they do care about having access to the same +/- 1,400 benefits that come with being able to marry. I'm pretty sure they care about not being fired simply because of who they love. And I'm equally certain that they care that some people are making noise about Uganda being right with their laws that put gays in prison.
If they were not begging approval we wouildnt be having the lie of homophobia or have them CONSISTENTLY needing to push their life choice in our face or teach our grade school kids about it.
You are so far off in this rant...you just can't make this shit up...hilarious. :chillpill:
So in other words I am spot on and you try to laugh it off....Thanks.

So in other words I am 48 years old...conservative to the core...and just happen to disagree with you on one topic.
And then you assume that this must mean I just have to be a teen twink liberal.
Jesus dude. :doubt:

You really need to lie about yourself?
The LGBT community loves to claim that so called 'homophobes' are actually closet gays.

So by that absurd line of reasoning; anyone who is strongly opposed to pedophiles and rapists........are in fact closet child molesters and rapists. ... :cuckoo:

"latent homo" is a made-up bullshit to justify labelling everybody as homosexual. There is no such thing as latency in sexual orientation.

Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts them...so they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

If I posted a tenth as many articles about LGBT issues as some, I'd grant your premise. But as it is, the only ones 'shoving it in your face' are the homophobes themselves.

Homosexual propaganda has been around for many years, the spark that ignited their present day stranglehold however was a brilliant book **After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's **by Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and Hunter Madsen.

This powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular book within the gay community presents an impassioned plea, a call to arms if you will for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions. The book further lays out a blueprint, a methodology that has been rigidly implemented and enforced over the past 2 decades . Their rationalization for launching such a campaign is that people who do not agree with, or adhere to the Gay Agenda are "bigots, haters, or ignorants". The book further attempts to justify gay activists use of unscrupulous tactics , mass deceit, brainwashing, lying and malicious slander, blackmail, intimidation and violence. Kirk and Madsens book states the following ....

"All sexual morality should be abolished" (pages 64 to 67)

Homosexual agenda can succeed by "jamming" and "confusing" adversaries, so as to block or counteract the "rewarding of prejudice" (page 153);

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

A media campaign should portray only the most favorable side of gays (page 170);

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

Gay and Lesbian Media influences
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Phobia means fear. I dont fear homosexuals. So now that we debunked yet another attempt of you homosexuals trying to force our approval you can move on.

I doubt most homosexuals give a damn about your approval. But they do care about having access to the same +/- 1,400 benefits that come with being able to marry. I'm pretty sure they care about not being fired simply because of who they love. And I'm equally certain that they care that some people are making noise about Uganda being right with their laws that put gays in prison.
If they were not begging approval we wouildnt be having the lie of homophobia or have them CONSISTENTLY needing to push their life choice in our face or teach our grade school kids about it.

If only they would go back in the closet so we could get back to the good ol' days when kicking their asses was not a crime, they could be fired if anyone found out, and their sexual orientation was an automatic loss of custody of any children. Yeah, I see what you want. Sorry, but the world isn't going back to that.
I doubt most homosexuals give a damn about your approval. But they do care about having access to the same +/- 1,400 benefits that come with being able to marry. I'm pretty sure they care about not being fired simply because of who they love. And I'm equally certain that they care that some people are making noise about Uganda being right with their laws that put gays in prison.
If they were not begging approval we wouildnt be having the lie of homophobia or have them CONSISTENTLY needing to push their life choice in our face or teach our grade school kids about it.

If only they would go back in the closet so we could get back to the good ol' days when kicking their asses was not a crime, they could be fired if anyone found out, and their sexual orientation was an automatic loss of custody of any children. Yeah, I see what you want. Sorry, but the world isn't going back to that.

You do know we really dont care who you fuck right? The minuet you share this information with us means we have the right to tell you what we think about it....It is the beauty of free speech and its consequences. Trying to shame another into approving something we know as a sin will never work nor will lying about our sexual habits. I don't understand why they hell you guys keep doing it? Well the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So in other words I am spot on and you try to laugh it off....Thanks.

So in other words I am 48 years old...conservative to the core...and just happen to disagree with you on one topic.
And then you assume that this must mean I just have to be a teen twink liberal.
Jesus dude. :doubt:

You really need to lie about yourself?

No, rather I am now more informed.
I now know are a dismissible closed minded rant.
Next you will be claiming I am an Obamabot...or I hate Booosh...or I am on welfare. :lol::lol:
If they were not begging approval we wouildnt be having the lie of homophobia or have them CONSISTENTLY needing to push their life choice in our face or teach our grade school kids about it.

If only they would go back in the closet so we could get back to the good ol' days when kicking their asses was not a crime, they could be fired if anyone found out, and their sexual orientation was an automatic loss of custody of any children. Yeah, I see what you want. Sorry, but the world isn't going back to that.

You do know we really dont care who you fuck right? The minuet you share this information with us means we have the right to tell you what we think about it....It is the beauty of free speech and its consequences. Trying to shame another into approving something we know as a sin will never work nor will lying about our sexual habits. I don't understand why they hell you guys keep doing it? Well the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Like I said, it doesn't matter whether you approve or not. It matters that everyone is treated equally.
If only they would go back in the closet so we could get back to the good ol' days when kicking their asses was not a crime, they could be fired if anyone found out, and their sexual orientation was an automatic loss of custody of any children. Yeah, I see what you want. Sorry, but the world isn't going back to that.

You do know we really dont care who you fuck right? The minuet you share this information with us means we have the right to tell you what we think about it....It is the beauty of free speech and its consequences. Trying to shame another into approving something we know as a sin will never work nor will lying about our sexual habits. I don't understand why they hell you guys keep doing it? Well the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Like I said, it doesn't matter whether you approve or not. It matters that everyone is treated equally.
You keep saying that yet your actions say otherwise.
Just another idiotic so called 'study' by a pro homo scientist trying to prove that being a sodomite is normal.

And those opposed to the vile practice of homosexuality are somehow abnormal. ... :cuckoo:

Any actual evidence that the study is bogus? Or is it just that the results go against what you believe?
It's bogus because no real homophob would allow some scientist to measure their penis while watching male on male porn.

Just sayin........
So in other words I am 48 years old...conservative to the core...and just happen to disagree with you on one topic.
And then you assume that this must mean I just have to be a teen twink liberal.
Jesus dude. :doubt:

You really need to lie about yourself?

No, rather I am now more informed.
I now know are a dismissible closed minded rant.
Next you will be claiming I am an Obamabot...or I hate Booosh...or I am on welfare. :lol::lol:

Your a liberaltarian .... Thats a democrat to much a pussy to admit it.
I doubt most homosexuals give a damn about your approval. But they do care about having access to the same +/- 1,400 benefits that come with being able to marry. I'm pretty sure they care about not being fired simply because of who they love. And I'm equally certain that they care that some people are making noise about Uganda being right with their laws that put gays in prison.
If they were not begging approval we wouildnt be having the lie of homophobia or have them CONSISTENTLY needing to push their life choice in our face or teach our grade school kids about it.

If only they would go back in the closet so we could get back to the good ol' days when kicking their asses was not a crime, they could be fired if anyone found out, and their sexual orientation was an automatic loss of custody of any children. Yeah, I see what you want. Sorry, but the world isn't going back to that.

Is that a Cigar n your hand or are you playing with something else ?
Just another idiotic so called 'study' by a pro homo scientist trying to prove that being a sodomite is normal.

And those opposed to the vile practice of homosexuality are somehow abnormal. ... :cuckoo:

Any actual evidence that the study is bogus? Or is it just that the results go against what you believe?
It's bogus because no real homophob would allow some scientist to measure their penis while watching male on male porn.

Just sayin........

Thats actually a very good point.
I doubt most homosexuals give a damn about your approval. But they do care about having access to the same +/- 1,400 benefits that come with being able to marry. I'm pretty sure they care about not being fired simply because of who they love. And I'm equally certain that they care that some people are making noise about Uganda being right with their laws that put gays in prison.
If they were not begging approval we wouildnt be having the lie of homophobia or have them CONSISTENTLY needing to push their life choice in our face or teach our grade school kids about it.

If only they would go back in the closet so we could get back to the good ol' days when kicking their asses was not a crime, they could be fired if anyone found out, and their sexual orientation was an automatic loss of custody of any children. Yeah, I see what you want. Sorry, but the world isn't going back to that.

Is that a Cigar in your hand, or perhaps you get a sort of erotic pleasure envisioning it as something other than what it really is ??
Like I said, it doesn't matter whether you approve or not. It matters that everyone is treated equally.

Equal yes - preferential no.
Example is WOBS and MOBS..(women owned business and minority owned businesses)
I cannot do business with a very large company in my state because I am white and male.
Here is there company vendor policy...
Supplier Inclusion
We welcome and appreciate business partners who represent people from many backgrounds and **** will purchase quality products and services from a diverse supplier base. In fact, delivering great business results through cultural diversity provides a positive impact on our business, as well as the communities that we serve and represent.

It is our policy to promote the utilization of eligible Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) vendors in all aspects of the company's business. To do this, the company will:

Actively and diligently seek out qualified M/WBEs for all possible company requirements
Ensure that M/WBEs fully comprehend the company's requirements and are thus able to bid appropriately
Make every reasonable effort to help qualified M/WBEs to meet company standards
Encourage all suppliers to use minority and women vendors, distributors, and qualified sub-contractors as part of their service

We advocate the development and growth of minority and women suppliers. Our goal is to provide procurement, development and educational opportunities that will enable minority and women-owned businesses to excel as ***** suppliers and in America's free enterprise system.
This is unconstitutional and gives preference based on sex and race.
I am very concerned this could slip into "LGBTOBS"...and then there is another set of companies given unfair preferences.
Of course it is HIGHLY likely taxpayer money paid for this study. To accomplish what?
I don't need a study to tell me why homophobia exist.
1) Religion
2) Hatred based on ignorance.
3) Hatred based on what they have seen from the fringe. (Flamers, gay parades etc.)
4) Homosexuality shoved in their face.

Purely a guess of course, I would say mayyybe 2% of homophobes are because of "secret" attraction to male genitalia that disgusts them...so they lash out. Hogwash. The study is bogus.

If I posted a tenth as many articles about LGBT issues as some, I'd grant your premise. But as it is, the only ones 'shoving it in your face' are the homophobes themselves.
Phobia means fear. I dont fear homosexuals. So now that we debunked yet another attempt of you homosexuals trying to force our approval you can move on.

And fear is part of hate, the hate you and most others on the right exhibit toward gay Americans.

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