Fun stuff I missed back in May


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I like this alternative news site so far;

March Against Monsanto To Stage Bee ‘Die Ins’ Across The Country

bee die in.jpg

On Saturday, May 24, 2014, March Against Monsanto is teaming up with Bee Against Monsanto (BAM) activists in communities all over the United States. BAM plans to stage “die-ins” as well, just as they have been doing recently at Lowes, to bring awareness to the plight of our buzzing friends and the impact that Monsanto is having on the declining bee population.
Wow -- great costumes, and great acting. The bees would really appreciate this.. But one just buzzed in my ear and told me it might be BAYER and NOT Monsanto that's killing 'em.. Before you join the party --- you should find out WHAT company is likely responsible for pesticide abuse that's killing bees.

Remember kids -- herbicides are not pesticides. And CO2 is NOT carbon pollution..

So = instead of BAM -- they just might have to change the org name to BAB... Or just go to the grassroots and make it BAC -- Bees against Capitalism.
Wow -- great costumes, and great acting. The bees would really appreciate this.. But one just buzzed in my ear and told me it might be BAYER and NOT Monsanto that's killing 'em.. Before you join the party --- you should find out WHAT company is likely responsible for pesticide abuse that's killing bees.

Remember kids -- herbicides are not pesticides. And CO2 is NOT carbon pollution..

So = instead of BAM -- they just might have to change the org name to BAB... Or just go to the grassroots and make it BAC -- Bees against Capitalism.
I've got a photo somewhere in my old files of the parasites that the bees were dying of. My neighbor was pretty up on the bee issues as she likes her honey. They did not think those vero [sic] mites went into anything but the bees; that is until I captured a picture of one on a moth. I also a picture of a small butterfly with some sort of parasites. The biggest issue is not one particular cause. It is a combination of alterations throughout. Weakened immune systems are a feast for parasites.
Wow -- great costumes, and great acting. The bees would really appreciate this.. But one just buzzed in my ear and told me it might be BAYER and NOT Monsanto that's killing 'em.. Before you join the party --- you should find out WHAT company is likely responsible for pesticide abuse that's killing bees.

Remember kids -- herbicides are not pesticides. And CO2 is NOT carbon pollution..

So = instead of BAM -- they just might have to change the org name to BAB... Or just go to the grassroots and make it BAC -- Bees against Capitalism.
I've got a photo somewhere in my old files of the parasites that the bees were dying of. My neighbor was pretty up on the bee issues as she likes her honey. They did not think those vero [sic] mites went into anything but the bees; that is until I captured a picture of one on a moth. I also a picture of a small butterfly with some sort of parasites. The biggest issue is not one particular cause. It is a combination of alterations throughout. Weakened immune systems are a feast for parasites.

One of the other pressures on honey bees was their "industrialization". It got to be huge business to load a tractor trailer with hives and take them state to state for weeks at a time to work in an assortment of ag fields. If you ever wanted to capture and spread disease, or propagate hereditary diseases, or expose huge numbers of bees to too many different risks and threats -- this is the way to do it..
Wow -- great costumes, and great acting. The bees would really appreciate this.. But one just buzzed in my ear and told me it might be BAYER and NOT Monsanto that's killing 'em.. Before you join the party --- you should find out WHAT company is likely responsible for pesticide abuse that's killing bees.

Remember kids -- herbicides are not pesticides. And CO2 is NOT carbon pollution..

So = instead of BAM -- they just might have to change the org name to BAB... Or just go to the grassroots and make it BAC -- Bees against Capitalism.
I've got a photo somewhere in my old files of the parasites that the bees were dying of. My neighbor was pretty up on the bee issues as she likes her honey. They did not think those vero [sic] mites went into anything but the bees; that is until I captured a picture of one on a moth. I also a picture of a small butterfly with some sort of parasites. The biggest issue is not one particular cause. It is a combination of alterations throughout. Weakened immune systems are a feast for parasites.

One of the other pressures on honey bees was their "industrialization". It got to be huge business to load a tractor trailer with hives and take them state to state for weeks at a time to work in an assortment of ag fields. If you ever wanted to capture and spread disease, or propagate hereditary diseases, or expose huge numbers of bees to too many different risks and threats -- this is the way to do it..
It is everything combined but here is another bit of information I just read. We are suffering an overload of toxins that is literally killing nature and us.
How GMO Farming and Food Is Making Our Gut Flora UNFRIENDLY | Wake Up World

wo studies published in the past six months reveal a disturbing finding: glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup ® appear to suppress the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, leading to the overgrowth of extremely pathogenic bacteria.

Late last year, in an article titled Roundup Herbicide Linked to Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria, we reported on new research indicating that glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup ® may be contributing to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, both in GM-produced food and our own bodies. By suppressing the growth of beneficial bacteria and encouraging the growth of pathogenic ones, including deadly botulism-associated Clostridum botulinum, GM agriculture may be contributing to the alarming increase, wordwide, in infectious diseases that are resistant to conventional antibiotics, such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Carbapenem-resistantEnterobacteriaceae (CRE), which the CDC’s director recently termed a ‘nightmare bacteria.’ more at link

Now if we take the time to consider everything we are being subjected to in the name of anything for a buck we can also include the additives to food and gene manipulation in the field. Botox pages for those who are suffering from it. I recall seeing thousands of test on what could be done with botulism at EPA or FDA back in 2008. Truly I don't think adding it to food is necessary.
Botox Support Community -

How about this one; testing out new therapies on the unborn by vaccinating the mothers. I recall walking out and never looking back of a teaching hospital when they treated me like a guinea pig almost forty years ago. It is like nothing is sacred when it comes to human life as trial and error comes into play in the name of new technology.
Is Your Unborn Baby Part of a Vaccine Experiment?

Pfizer Vice President Blows The Whistle & Tells The Truth About The Pharmaceutical Industry

There's a lot of undue FEAR being spread in those article Frigid. The whole thing about equating Botox with the "deadliest bacteria known to man" is science for psychos.. A LOT of anerobic antibiotics do EXACTLY what glyphosate did to chickens in that study. It doesn't affect the "bio - bacterial - balance" for more than a few days after taking a course of antibiotics. I get gut wrenching side effects on SOME antibiotics that pass in 12 hours or so. You can restore the balance with a cup of yogurt..

ANYONE can come with excuses for lynching some technology on circumstantial evidence. But the bigger picture is often a LOT less scary than leaving out IMPORTANT facts.. And it's the leaving out of those facts -- that these ScareSites are pros at....
There's a lot of undue FEAR being spread in those article Frigid. The whole thing about equating Botox with the "deadliest bacteria known to man" is science for psychos.. A LOT of anerobic antibiotics do EXACTLY what glyphosate did to chickens in that study. It doesn't affect the "bio - bacterial - balance" for more than a few days after taking a course of antibiotics. I get gut wrenching side effects on SOME antibiotics that pass in 12 hours or so. You can restore the balance with a cup of yogurt..

ANYONE can come with excuses for lynching some technology on circumstantial evidence. But the bigger picture is often a LOT less scary than leaving out IMPORTANT facts.. And it's the leaving out of those facts -- that these ScareSites are pros at....
A single cup of yogurt won't do it. I think it takes some of these scare sites to get some peoples attention. With all the diseases out there proliferating at a substantial I think a lot of people are looking for what is wrong with them. It is nice to see that many have taken a serious stance at least for getting some alternate news sources available online.

Then again maybe some people like being victims of all the poisons being pumped into nature destroying it. Some even think its profitable (until it hits them at home- then they wonder what went wrong). I'm sure that Botox site with all those people is not just a scare site. I read the testing for almost a hundred applications at either epa or fda back ten years ago where companies wanted trials on what they could do with that stuff. There were thousands of those applications online I just could read anymore at a point. They was trying it for everything from Alzheimer to leg cramps. I mean seriously how stupid can anyone get to want to loose mutated botulism genes into the system? I can't imagine letting some doctor shoot me up with that shit on purpose. Why in the world would I want to eat some genetically modified food with that stuff or other stuff in there? What's worse though is why our government be so f,ing blind and greedy as to allow it and exasperate it in order to make it happen.

So in the last week I learned more about my chicken's yeasty fat cells in this thread Hope & Change- School lunches & Chilary-Obummer Care programing | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum. I am learning how they came to be. It is really fascinating as I look more into the hows and why cells form the way they do. It appears as though that particular type yeast is possibly a precursor to a lot of human malfunctions- along with the damage herbicides and other toxins in the enviroment created to the intestines. Cells are weakened when the proper nutrients are lacking. Magnesium is used to fortify the cell walls that are mainly made up of calcium. Herbicides chelate the minerals from plants and humans both. Without those minerals the cells walls deteriorate. Once the cells are weakened the other toxins can also take hold. Once the villa (the little filaments in the intestines and digestive organs similar to those that intake oxygen in the lungs) are damaged then particles can seep past the damaged areas and enter into the blood stream. It is a much longer process than that but that is the short of it.

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