Funerals for abortions?!?!

The body of an unborn child is no more medical waste than any other body is. That's why when derelicts die in the streets they aren't taken away in a garbage truck and dumped in a landfill. If the mother doesn't think of this baby that is her right. She doesn't have to mourn. She doesn't have to go to a crematorium or burial site. She can get drunk and laid. The remains will treated with the respect due human remains.
The remains of an aborted fetus is nothing more than medical waste, regardless of what title you want to put on it. But, I'll tell you what. Since you're so concerned about the "dignity" of these "poor unborn children", how about you foot the bill for the extra money it will cost to cremate them, or to maintain a burial ground for them.
The body of an unborn child is no more medical waste than any other body is. That's why when derelicts die in the streets they aren't taken away in a garbage truck and dumped in a landfill. If the mother doesn't think of this baby that is her right. She doesn't have to mourn. She doesn't have to go to a crematorium or burial site. She can get drunk and laid. The remains will treated with the respect due human remains.
The remains of an aborted fetus is nothing more than medical waste, regardless of what title you want to put on it. But, I'll tell you what. Since you're so concerned about the "dignity" of these "poor unborn children", how about you foot the bill for the extra money it will cost to cremate them, or to maintain a burial ground for them.

You're nothing more than human waste.

How about you foot the bill for the woman's children that she says having is none of your business then demands you help when she can't afford her choice.
The body of an unborn child is no more medical waste than any other body is. That's why when derelicts die in the streets they aren't taken away in a garbage truck and dumped in a landfill. If the mother doesn't think of this baby that is her right. She doesn't have to mourn. She doesn't have to go to a crematorium or burial site. She can get drunk and laid. The remains will treated with the respect due human remains.
At whose expense?
It should be at the expense of the person wanting the abortion. It's part of the service they are getting. It's a disposal fee the same as you pay when you get your oil changed.
If that's not what you mean, then why make such a moronic statement as "A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen,"? The implication of that statement is that the only time a man and woman have sex, is if they want to have a child, implying that the only reason to have sex is to procreate. That was your statement I was quoting, upon which I based my incredulous question.

You inferred that. You're still dismissed puss.
I inferred it, because you implied it. I understand that you don't want to take responsibility for your own retarded statements. Your concession is noted.

You came to an incorrect conclusion because it's what you want to believe. Not my fault you're an uneducated, simple minded piece of shit.
You made a retarded statement designed specifically to encourage that conclusion, so the fault is entirely yours. But, like all of your ilk you want everyone to take responsibility for their words, and actions but yourself. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Oh, the argument that I meant what you said I meant because you said so? Not how it works, son. Learn and live it.
No. The argument that you meant what you said, because you said it. Trying to pretend that you meant something other than what you said, is your problem. Take responsibility for your own words.

"A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen," What is the "very thing" that you are talking about men, and women doing?
The body of an unborn child is no more medical waste than any other body is. That's why when derelicts die in the streets they aren't taken away in a garbage truck and dumped in a landfill. If the mother doesn't think of this baby that is her right. She doesn't have to mourn. She doesn't have to go to a crematorium or burial site. She can get drunk and laid. The remains will treated with the respect due human remains.
At whose expense?
It should be at the expense of the person wanting the abortion. It's part of the service they are getting. It's a disposal fee the same as you pay when you get your oil changed.
Bullshit. There is a perfectly reasonable method of dealing with the medical waste, now, that does not cost one single dime extra. You want to force clinics to dispose of the waste in some other way so that you can pretend it is something other than medical waste, then you pick up the extra cost. Otherwise, stop trying to make shit more difficult, and expensive than it needs to be.
When you take your sick dog to the vet to be put down take a look at the bill. You are paying a cremation fee.
The body of an unborn child is no more medical waste than any other body is. That's why when derelicts die in the streets they aren't taken away in a garbage truck and dumped in a landfill. If the mother doesn't think of this baby that is her right. She doesn't have to mourn. She doesn't have to go to a crematorium or burial site. She can get drunk and laid. The remains will treated with the respect due human remains.
At whose expense?
It should be at the expense of the person wanting the abortion. It's part of the service they are getting. It's a disposal fee the same as you pay when you get your oil changed.
Bullshit. There is a perfectly reasonable method of dealing with the medical waste, now, that does not cost one single dime extra. You want to force clinics to dispose of the waste in some other way so that you can pretend it is something other than medical waste, then you pick up the extra cost. Otherwise, stop trying to make shit more difficult, and expensive than it needs to be.
Only because you are convinced of a fiction.
The body of an unborn child is no more medical waste than any other body is. That's why when derelicts die in the streets they aren't taken away in a garbage truck and dumped in a landfill. If the mother doesn't think of this baby that is her right. She doesn't have to mourn. She doesn't have to go to a crematorium or burial site. She can get drunk and laid. The remains will treated with the respect due human remains.
At whose expense?
It should be at the expense of the person wanting the abortion. It's part of the service they are getting. It's a disposal fee the same as you pay when you get your oil changed.
Bullshit. There is a perfectly reasonable method of dealing with the medical waste, now, that does not cost one single dime extra. You want to force clinics to dispose of the waste in some other way so that you can pretend it is something other than medical waste, then you pick up the extra cost. Otherwise, stop trying to make shit more difficult, and expensive than it needs to be.
Only because you are convinced of a fiction.
That, as always is a matter of opinion. The only verifiable facts here is that there is already a perfectly reasonable method for disposing of the waste left behind after an abortion, but that method isn't good enough for you moralists. So? You foot the bill for the extra money you want to force clinics to incur.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
When you take your sick dog to the vet to be put down take a look at the bill. You are paying a cremation fee.
And there is already a perfectly acceptable method for disposing of the waste after am abortion that is included in the cost of an abortion. If that method isn't good enough for you, then you foot the bill for the extra.

We'll call it an "abortion disposal tax". Let's see how happy the moralists are to leave well enough alone when it starts causing them to fork out more money from their pockets.

I'll bet that suddenly the current method for disposing of abortion waste will be just fine with them.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You inferred that. You're still dismissed puss.
I inferred it, because you implied it. I understand that you don't want to take responsibility for your own retarded statements. Your concession is noted.

You came to an incorrect conclusion because it's what you want to believe. Not my fault you're an uneducated, simple minded piece of shit.
You made a retarded statement designed specifically to encourage that conclusion, so the fault is entirely yours. But, like all of your ilk you want everyone to take responsibility for their words, and actions but yourself. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Oh, the argument that I meant what you said I meant because you said so? Not how it works, son. Learn and live it.
No. The argument that you meant what you said, because you said it. Trying to pretend that you meant something other than what you said, is your problem. Take responsibility for your own words.

"A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen," What is the "very thing" that you are talking about men, and women doing?

Sorry, asshole, you don't get to determine what I meant and it doesn't mean something because you say so. That's your problem you son of a bitch. You think you know more about what I meant that I do. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

No one is telling them not to have sex when the reason has nothing to do with procreating. All I expect them to do is be responsible for the results even if the intent wasn't pregnancy. Having an abortion isn't a responsible choice if what they didn't want to happen actually does.

I'll tell you what I meant not the other way around. Got it? If not, get it or STFU. Your choice, asshole.
I inferred it, because you implied it. I understand that you don't want to take responsibility for your own retarded statements. Your concession is noted.

You came to an incorrect conclusion because it's what you want to believe. Not my fault you're an uneducated, simple minded piece of shit.
You made a retarded statement designed specifically to encourage that conclusion, so the fault is entirely yours. But, like all of your ilk you want everyone to take responsibility for their words, and actions but yourself. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Oh, the argument that I meant what you said I meant because you said so? Not how it works, son. Learn and live it.
No. The argument that you meant what you said, because you said it. Trying to pretend that you meant something other than what you said, is your problem. Take responsibility for your own words.

"A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen," What is the "very thing" that you are talking about men, and women doing?

Sorry, asshole, you don't get to determine what I meant and it doesn't mean something because you say so. That's your problem you son of a bitch. You think you know more about what I meant that I do. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

No one is telling them not to have sex when the reason has nothing to do with procreating. All I expect them to do is be responsible for the results even if the intent wasn't pregnancy. Having an abortion isn't a responsible choice if what they didn't want to happen actually does.

I'll tell you what I meant not the other way around. Got it? If not, get it or STFU. Your choice, asshole.
Nope. You said what you said. You being a pissy little bitch because you got caught spewing retarded bullshit doesn't change that. You said they can't say they didn't want to have kids if they have sex. They can, and they do. You don't get to decide what is, and is not an "appropriate" reason to have sex. So, how about YOU shut the fuck up, whiny bitch, and quit saying stupid shit, then you won't get caught saying stupid shit.

Your choice.
You came to an incorrect conclusion because it's what you want to believe. Not my fault you're an uneducated, simple minded piece of shit.
You made a retarded statement designed specifically to encourage that conclusion, so the fault is entirely yours. But, like all of your ilk you want everyone to take responsibility for their words, and actions but yourself. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Oh, the argument that I meant what you said I meant because you said so? Not how it works, son. Learn and live it.
No. The argument that you meant what you said, because you said it. Trying to pretend that you meant something other than what you said, is your problem. Take responsibility for your own words.

"A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen," What is the "very thing" that you are talking about men, and women doing?

Sorry, asshole, you don't get to determine what I meant and it doesn't mean something because you say so. That's your problem you son of a bitch. You think you know more about what I meant that I do. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

No one is telling them not to have sex when the reason has nothing to do with procreating. All I expect them to do is be responsible for the results even if the intent wasn't pregnancy. Having an abortion isn't a responsible choice if what they didn't want to happen actually does.

I'll tell you what I meant not the other way around. Got it? If not, get it or STFU. Your choice, asshole.
Nope. You said what you said. You being a pissy little bitch because you got caught spewing retarded bullshit doesn't change that. You said they can't say they didn't want to have kids if they have sex. They can, and they do. You don't get to decide what is, and is not an "appropriate" reason to have sex. So, how about YOU shut the fuck up, whiny bitch, and quit saying stupid shit, then you won't get caught saying stupid shit.

Your choice.

My statement wasn't about what was and wasn't an appropriate reason. My statement was that people should take responsibility for pregnancy occurring regardless of the reason they had sex. If you don't like that or agree with that, tough shit. You're not man enough to enforce your demand I shut the fuck up. If you think you are, step up.

Your choice and I know which one you'll make, pussy.
You made a retarded statement designed specifically to encourage that conclusion, so the fault is entirely yours. But, like all of your ilk you want everyone to take responsibility for their words, and actions but yourself. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Oh, the argument that I meant what you said I meant because you said so? Not how it works, son. Learn and live it.
No. The argument that you meant what you said, because you said it. Trying to pretend that you meant something other than what you said, is your problem. Take responsibility for your own words.

"A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen," What is the "very thing" that you are talking about men, and women doing?

Sorry, asshole, you don't get to determine what I meant and it doesn't mean something because you say so. That's your problem you son of a bitch. You think you know more about what I meant that I do. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

No one is telling them not to have sex when the reason has nothing to do with procreating. All I expect them to do is be responsible for the results even if the intent wasn't pregnancy. Having an abortion isn't a responsible choice if what they didn't want to happen actually does.

I'll tell you what I meant not the other way around. Got it? If not, get it or STFU. Your choice, asshole.
Nope. You said what you said. You being a pissy little bitch because you got caught spewing retarded bullshit doesn't change that. You said they can't say they didn't want to have kids if they have sex. They can, and they do. You don't get to decide what is, and is not an "appropriate" reason to have sex. So, how about YOU shut the fuck up, whiny bitch, and quit saying stupid shit, then you won't get caught saying stupid shit.

Your choice.

My statement wasn't about what was and wasn't an appropriate reason. My statement was that people should take responsibility for pregnancy occurring regardless of the reason they had sex. If you don't like that or agree with that, tough shit. You're not man enough to enforce your demand I shut the fuck up. If you think you are, step up.

Your choice and I know which one you'll make, pussy.

Oh yes, because it is so easy to be a big tough guy sitting anonymously pecking away furiously with your little fingers. I'm so afraid.

Meanwhile getting an abortion when you know you are in no position financially, or emotionally, to have a kid is taking responsibility. It's just not taking responsibility in the way you think is appropriate.

Well, as you said tough shit. You don't get to make that determination for other people.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh, the argument that I meant what you said I meant because you said so? Not how it works, son. Learn and live it.
No. The argument that you meant what you said, because you said it. Trying to pretend that you meant something other than what you said, is your problem. Take responsibility for your own words.

"A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen," What is the "very thing" that you are talking about men, and women doing?

Sorry, asshole, you don't get to determine what I meant and it doesn't mean something because you say so. That's your problem you son of a bitch. You think you know more about what I meant that I do. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

No one is telling them not to have sex when the reason has nothing to do with procreating. All I expect them to do is be responsible for the results even if the intent wasn't pregnancy. Having an abortion isn't a responsible choice if what they didn't want to happen actually does.

I'll tell you what I meant not the other way around. Got it? If not, get it or STFU. Your choice, asshole.
Nope. You said what you said. You being a pissy little bitch because you got caught spewing retarded bullshit doesn't change that. You said they can't say they didn't want to have kids if they have sex. They can, and they do. You don't get to decide what is, and is not an "appropriate" reason to have sex. So, how about YOU shut the fuck up, whiny bitch, and quit saying stupid shit, then you won't get caught saying stupid shit.

Your choice.

My statement wasn't about what was and wasn't an appropriate reason. My statement was that people should take responsibility for pregnancy occurring regardless of the reason they had sex. If you don't like that or agree with that, tough shit. You're not man enough to enforce your demand I shut the fuck up. If you think you are, step up.

Your choice and I know which one you'll make, pussy.

Oh yes, because it is so easy to be a big tough guy sitting anonymously pecking away furiously with your little fingers. I'm so afraid.

Meanwhile getting an abortion when you know you are in no position financially, or emotionally, to have a kid is taking responsibility. It's just not taking responsibility in the way you think is appropriate.

Well, as you said tough shit. You don't get to make that determination for other people.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Having an abortion after doing an act you know can produce pregnancy whether that was your intention or not isn't responsible.

Apparently it's easy for you to be a pussy after being given the chance to step out from that anonymity.
No. The argument that you meant what you said, because you said it. Trying to pretend that you meant something other than what you said, is your problem. Take responsibility for your own words.

"A man and woman can't do the very thing it takes to produce children then say they didn't want it to happen," What is the "very thing" that you are talking about men, and women doing?

Sorry, asshole, you don't get to determine what I meant and it doesn't mean something because you say so. That's your problem you son of a bitch. You think you know more about what I meant that I do. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

No one is telling them not to have sex when the reason has nothing to do with procreating. All I expect them to do is be responsible for the results even if the intent wasn't pregnancy. Having an abortion isn't a responsible choice if what they didn't want to happen actually does.

I'll tell you what I meant not the other way around. Got it? If not, get it or STFU. Your choice, asshole.
Nope. You said what you said. You being a pissy little bitch because you got caught spewing retarded bullshit doesn't change that. You said they can't say they didn't want to have kids if they have sex. They can, and they do. You don't get to decide what is, and is not an "appropriate" reason to have sex. So, how about YOU shut the fuck up, whiny bitch, and quit saying stupid shit, then you won't get caught saying stupid shit.

Your choice.

My statement wasn't about what was and wasn't an appropriate reason. My statement was that people should take responsibility for pregnancy occurring regardless of the reason they had sex. If you don't like that or agree with that, tough shit. You're not man enough to enforce your demand I shut the fuck up. If you think you are, step up.

Your choice and I know which one you'll make, pussy.

Oh yes, because it is so easy to be a big tough guy sitting anonymously pecking away furiously with your little fingers. I'm so afraid.

Meanwhile getting an abortion when you know you are in no position financially, or emotionally, to have a kid is taking responsibility. It's just not taking responsibility in the way you think is appropriate.

Well, as you said tough shit. You don't get to make that determination for other people.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Having an abortion after doing an act you know can produce pregnancy whether that was your intention or not isn't responsible.
Except that it is. It is responsibly ensuring that another child is not brought into the world to be a burden on society.

I offered you the chance to step up from the anonymity. Your choice.

I'm perfectly comfortable with my manhood, and have nothing to prove. I'm sorry your little penis makes you so angry, and insecure that you constantly feel the need to price what a big, tough man you are. Perhaps you should talk to someone about that.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Sorry, asshole, you don't get to determine what I meant and it doesn't mean something because you say so. That's your problem you son of a bitch. You think you know more about what I meant that I do. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

No one is telling them not to have sex when the reason has nothing to do with procreating. All I expect them to do is be responsible for the results even if the intent wasn't pregnancy. Having an abortion isn't a responsible choice if what they didn't want to happen actually does.

I'll tell you what I meant not the other way around. Got it? If not, get it or STFU. Your choice, asshole.
Nope. You said what you said. You being a pissy little bitch because you got caught spewing retarded bullshit doesn't change that. You said they can't say they didn't want to have kids if they have sex. They can, and they do. You don't get to decide what is, and is not an "appropriate" reason to have sex. So, how about YOU shut the fuck up, whiny bitch, and quit saying stupid shit, then you won't get caught saying stupid shit.

Your choice.

My statement wasn't about what was and wasn't an appropriate reason. My statement was that people should take responsibility for pregnancy occurring regardless of the reason they had sex. If you don't like that or agree with that, tough shit. You're not man enough to enforce your demand I shut the fuck up. If you think you are, step up.

Your choice and I know which one you'll make, pussy.

Oh yes, because it is so easy to be a big tough guy sitting anonymously pecking away furiously with your little fingers. I'm so afraid.

Meanwhile getting an abortion when you know you are in no position financially, or emotionally, to have a kid is taking responsibility. It's just not taking responsibility in the way you think is appropriate.

Well, as you said tough shit. You don't get to make that determination for other people.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Having an abortion after doing an act you know can produce pregnancy whether that was your intention or not isn't responsible.
Except that it is. Is is responsibly ensuring that another child is not brought into the world to be a burden on society.

I offered you the chance to step up from the anonymity. Your choice.

I'm perfectly comfortable with my manhood, and have nothing to prove. I'm sorry your little penis makes you so angry, and insecure that you constantly feel the need to price what a big, tough man you are. Perhaps you should talk to someone about that.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Responsibility involves accepting the results not killing them when the choice one makes produces a result even if that result isn't the one that was intended.

You seem perfectly comfortable with being a pussy. Sad how the first thing you speculate on is another man's penis. You must be one of those faggots. Perhaps you should take to someone about that.

It's on here for all to see. You were offered a chance to step up and refused.
Nope. You said what you said. You being a pissy little bitch because you got caught spewing retarded bullshit doesn't change that. You said they can't say they didn't want to have kids if they have sex. They can, and they do. You don't get to decide what is, and is not an "appropriate" reason to have sex. So, how about YOU shut the fuck up, whiny bitch, and quit saying stupid shit, then you won't get caught saying stupid shit.

Your choice.

My statement wasn't about what was and wasn't an appropriate reason. My statement was that people should take responsibility for pregnancy occurring regardless of the reason they had sex. If you don't like that or agree with that, tough shit. You're not man enough to enforce your demand I shut the fuck up. If you think you are, step up.

Your choice and I know which one you'll make, pussy.

Oh yes, because it is so easy to be a big tough guy sitting anonymously pecking away furiously with your little fingers. I'm so afraid.

Meanwhile getting an abortion when you know you are in no position financially, or emotionally, to have a kid is taking responsibility. It's just not taking responsibility in the way you think is appropriate.

Well, as you said tough shit. You don't get to make that determination for other people.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Having an abortion after doing an act you know can produce pregnancy whether that was your intention or not isn't responsible.
Except that it is. Is is responsibly ensuring that another child is not brought into the world to be a burden on society.

I offered you the chance to step up from the anonymity. Your choice.

I'm perfectly comfortable with my manhood, and have nothing to prove. I'm sorry your little penis makes you so angry, and insecure that you constantly feel the need to price what a big, tough man you are. Perhaps you should talk to someone about that.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Responsibility involves accepting the results not killing them when the choice one makes produces a result even if that result isn't the one that was intended.
Says you. Fortunately, you don't get to make that determination for anyone but yourself.

You seem perfectly comfortable with being a pussy. Sad how the first thing you speculate on is another man's penis. You must be one of those faggots. Perhaps you should take to someone about that.

It's on here for all to see. You were offered a chance to step up and refused.
Oh noes! The Anonymous Dickless Wonder called me a pussy. Whatever will I do? Oh! I know:

A shame such scum weren't aborted by THEIR mothers.....

Apparently, since Texas can't just shut abortion clinics down, they want to do everything they can to shame, and humiliate women who have abortions. The newest effort? Forced funerals for abortions. That's right. You read that correctly. Forced. Funerals. For. Abortions.

In a new effort to regulate abortion providers, Texas health officials are proposing rules that would require abortion providers to cremate or bury fetal remains.

The new rules, proposed by the Health and Human Services Commission, would no longer allow abortion providers to dispose of fetal remains in sanitary landfills, instead allowing only cremation or interment of all remains — regardless of the period of gestation. Abortion providers currently use third-party special waste disposal services.​

Now, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission says, "Ms. Clack has determined that for each year of the first five years the sections are in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of adopting and enforcing these rules will be enhanced protection of the health and safety of the public."

But, that's it. not even a little explanation of how it benefits public safety; just that it does. "Trust us..." Uh huh.

You wanna know the real "benefit" to this? Just ask the office of the Governor:

Governor Abbott believes human and fetal remains should not be treated like medical waste, and the proposed rule changes affirms the value and dignity of all life,​

In other words, he wants to insist that women who have abortions treat the abortions as if they were the children of these women, whether they consider them to be so, or not.

Now, I know how this goes. As quickly as possible, this is going to become yet another debate on the morality of abortion. I, for one, refuse to engage in that. Regardless of your personal opinion about abortion, this is clearly a case of the government trying to shame women into behaving the way they want them to.

Makes sense to dispose of human remain properly, or are you one of those people that refuses to acknowledge that a fetus is human?
You make it sound lime the medical waste, because that's all it is, no matter how much emotional weight you want to assign it to further your agenda, wasn't being properly disposed of. It was.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

So you do refuse to acknowledge that they are indeed human remains.

It's a scientific fact, not emotional weight.

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