Funny how all the people against the border wall...

55? Make that 30 billion.

illigal immgration through mexican border is only a fraction of all illegal migration however.

60% is a "fraction?" And that includes all illegal aliens, not just the ones coming from Mexico.

Democrat standard for Republicans: You are allowed one and only one solution and it must fix 100% of the problem on its own

Democrat standard for Democrats: You tried, that's enough

Where did you get 60% from? 40% is overstayed visas and we also have other borders.

Either way, on the cost of taking care of illegals, look at this break down


What this shows is a huge drop off in illegal immigration rate in recent years and the spending on illegals cited as justification for the wall is clearly inflated by many magnitudes

I tried to calculate from articles, but it's actually really difficult to figure out because everything I read presents one side and not overall statistics. They only give the specific stats to support their view, they don't give a comprehensive overview.

But your claim it's a "small percent" is bull and clearly we need not only one thing, we need a variety of them, which is what Trump is starting to do

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