Funny how Democrats and the Left now pretend to be anti Russia

Was that Hillary's way of showing she and Obama were gonna be tougher on
Russia than Bush was?
Just Hillary wanting some limelight with a gimmick. They were no tougher than Bush. I don't remember them being as tough as Bush and he was a neocon's neocon, but puppet of those around him, the weak lil' sh#t.
I guess they were hoping we would forget all the decades of the Democrats running interference for the Soviets, and the Left’s history of fighting for commies all over the world.

The hypocrisy of the Democratic Russia hawks

Those unpredictable Democrats. Now they are Russia hawks.

But during the Cold War, when the Soviet Union posed an existential threat to our democracy, not so much. Most Democrats opposed the Reagan policies that led to the fall of the Soviet empire. They fought the Reagan defense buildup and his Strategic Defense Initiative (which Sen. Edward Kennedy dismissed as “Star Wars” and Sen. John Kerry called “a dream based on illusion”). They supported the Soviet-supported nuclear freeze movement and opposed Reagan’s deployment of intermediate-range nuclear missiles to Western Europe. They criticized Reagan’s efforts to arm freedom fighters seeking to overthrow Soviet puppet regimes and support to pro-American governments fighting communist insurgencies.

Old habits of appeasement die hard, so when the Cold War ended the Democrats continued their soft line toward Moscow. Democratic opposition to President George W. Bush’s withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was more strident than that of Vladimir Putin. There was virtual silence from Democrats when President Barack Obama callously threw Poland and the Czech Republic under the bus by canceling our missile defense agreements in an effort to appease Moscow.
In 2012, when Mitt Romney called Russia our “No. 1 geopolitical foe,” Democrats mocked him mercilessly. Obama told Romney, “The 1980s, they’re now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” And Vice President Joe Biden said Romney “acts like he thinks the Cold War is still on.” The Republican focus on Russia was considered laughable by most Democrats.

Not only did Democrats oppose Reagan’s policies, they heaped scorn on his blunt anti-Communist rhetoric. After Reagan called on the Soviets to “tear down” the Berlin Wall, Democratic House Speaker Jim Wright declared that he had “utter contempt for Reagan” because he had “spoiled the chance for a dramatic breakthrough in relations between our two countries.”
Funny how Republicans are pretending they aren't pro-trump/putin, anti-NATO now that it looks like the whole world is cheering Ukraine and not them.
Sometimes, but I was Armor or Cav under 4 different presidents, two Republican, two Democrat and operated in NATO exercises and operations, so what do you expect?
Ahh, a old "cold warrior". Maybe you could earn you some good extra coin, the networks are trotting out all of the old cold warriors they can find to opine on the troubles in Ukraine. May as well get in on the payday. ;)
They couldn't. Communism couldn't even supply basic needs let alone keep pace
with our economy.

USSR could never have matched our technology. Not a reason to dissolve

Losing in Afghanistan. Stopped in the other areas they were threatening.
Couldn't afford their occupation of Eastern Europe.
And we were working on neutralizing their ICBMs.

All existed before Reagan became President

Best thing Reagan did was to work with Gorbachev and not try to exploit the crumbling USSR
Really. I don’t know any Rs like that. In fact, they generally hate Putin and Russia.

Is this what CNN and MSNBC are saying?

Must every issue be made partisan duopoly politics?
"they generally hate Putin and Russia"....;) ;)
Just Hillary wanting some limelight with a gimmick. They were no tougher than Bush. I don't remember them being as tough as Bush and he was a neocon's neocon, but puppet of those around him, the weak lil' sh#t.

Were they easier than Bush?

When Obama said he'd be more flexible, was he promising to be tougher?
Really. I don’t know any Rs like that. In fact, they generally hate Putin and Russia.

Is this what CNN and MSNBC are saying?

Must every issue be made partisan duopoly politics?
It is what is being said on these boards. Wake up.
Ah, look at you lie.

The pressure of your impeding loss in November is weighing you down and you're lashing out with blatant lies and demagoguery.

Remember, Americans (Republicans) were warning you Nazis about Putin and Russia back in 2012.
1980s Republicans: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
2022 Republicans: "Putin is SO dreamy!"

1920s Democrats: Fellating Russia
1930s Democrats: Fellating Russia
1940s Democrats: Fellating Russia
1950s Democrats: Fellating Russia
1960s Democrats: Fellating Russia
1970s Democrats: Fellating Russia
1980s Democrats: Fellating Russia
1990s Democrats: Fellating Russia
2000s Democrats: Fellating Russia
2010s Democrats: Fellating Russia
2016- Democrats: Russia is evil, they've always been evil!!!
For Hillary to override the judgement that Obama impressed upon his appointees, means that Hillary was more powerful than Obama.

And as is clear, that's just you lying out of your ass.
What "judgement" did Hillary override? What order did she give? You don't know how sucking up works, do you dumbass?

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