Funny how much you can learn by studying a bit of history


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
'' a bit'' no Republican myself but it was them that put blacks and women and latinos in high places of government power. Reagan put the first woman on the Supreme Court as an example. And also Collin Powell and Condolezza Rice are examples of Republicans putting women and non- white people into high profile jobs.
'' a bit'' no Republican myself but it was them that put blacks and women and latinos in high places of government power. Reagan put the first woman on the Supreme Court as an example. And also Collin Powell and Condolezza Rice are examples of Republicans putting women and non- white people into high profile jobs.
Imagine being able to remember off the top of your head every woman and minority of note promoted by your party because there are so few
The Peanuts cartoon is not a source for historic data.
Fact: 1. Lyndon Johnson never stopped referring to blacks as "ni**ers.
2. The only reason the Democrat Party conceived the Civil Rights Act, had less to do with civil rights than the importance of getting votes to beat the Republicans.
3. Only one Dixie Democrat left the Democratic Party over the Civil Rights Act, the rest all stayed in the Democrat Party, understanding that it was important to keep the party in power.
You might actually want to do your research.

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