Funny Pictures Thread: Part 2!!


That can't be real, can it? :eek-52: It should be called I Just Shit Myself Coaster.
It's real, I've been on it so I recognized that view of Sandusky Bay right away. It's the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point.

Eh. Kind of short, honestly. I think I'd be disappointed. :D
Why? Don't you like waiting in line for 90 minutes to get on a 20 second ride?

The very least they could do is make two or three laps with the thing before making you get off.

I guess they figured one pants crapping per customer was more than enough. :lol:
He does this too! :) Aww, so cute!

Does cute wittle bunny rabbit shit and piss where he/she is supposed to?

Most of the time. When he's out and running around the house, I put a plastic bag down and he usually will go on that. Of course, he has accidents too and sometimes misses the bag entirely. :rolleyes-41: Thankfully, his poops are like Cocoa Puffs and can be sucked up with the Dust Buster. :) I'll never look at Cocoa Puffs the same though.

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