Further proof: the end of Western Civilization

If you are consigned to eternal corruption what are you doing here?

I find these sites entertaining and enlightening. You see things posted on these forums people would never say in real life where they were not hidden behind a screen name.

I would like to think you all would wake up and see the damage the two parties are doing, but I do not hold out much hope. Perhaps the next generation will
Nonsense. It's just a fashion in psychosis. I liked the Napoleon one the best, but that's long gone. For a while people said they were Jesus or God, but that's out of fashion too.

Now it's running around shooting or knifing lots of people and then themselves; or pretending they are the sex they aren't.

Psychosis has fashions and we're in a bad period right now. I wish the schizies would all decide they were Trump or Brandon or something less destructive than the current fashion.
It’s quite literally a medical condition, not something lefty’s are just making up. Do a little research, educate yourself

Watch it and weep. Of course, many will celebrate because they are broken souls. All I hear is the loud crumbling of American civilization. We beat the British to a bloody pulp; we pulped up the Nazis, held the Soviets at bay—true enough, but what beats America in the end into the dust of history? A boy in a bloody dress.

Nobody should wear bloody clothing. Agreed.
It’s quite literally a medical condition, not something lefty’s are just making up. Do a little research, educate yourself
It didn't used to be a medical condition and hopefully it soon won't be anymore. It's all in the mind: fraud, and a need for illegitimate attention. These types can't get attention by doing anything right; so they get it by being transgressive.
It’s quite literally a medical condition, not something lefty’s are just making up. Do a little research, educate yourself

the DSM considered once considered homosexuality a medical condition.

I have a feeling “gender dysphoria” will also be stricken from the DSM someday.
Reminds me of when we elected a black king and white queen that were actually dating back in the early 80s. People were declaring the end of western civilization because we awarded an interracial couple.

You all are all the same, hate and bigotry rule your lives.


Because being black is exactly equivalent to being a mentally- and morally defective freak who is undeniably male, but claims to be female.
It didn't used to be a medical condition and hopefully it soon won't be anymore. It's all in the mind: fraud, and a need for illegitimate attention. These types can't get attention by doing anything right; so they get it by being transgressive.
Lots of medical conditions are in the mind and body. That’s the great thing about science and progress… what we once did not know we discover and learn…. It’s called evolution
Lots of medical conditions are in the mind and body. That’s the great thing about science and progress… what we once did not know we discover and learn…. It’s called evolution
I'm pretty sure evolution is about species changing into different species . . . .

I think the word you are looking for is "education." Or maybe "research."

Anyway, this my-sex-is-changeable stuff is just a fashion in psychosis, like anorexia and bulemia was for awhile, but now the girls decide they are really boys and should get their breasts chopped off. And the boys going schizie at the usual age it happens decide they are really girls and should find some doc to chop them up for a high price they want their parents to pay. There is a whole lot of serious mental illness in the human race, and it takes different forms. None of them nice.

About half of these types already are committing suicide, and many are already homeless. The rest are prostituting themselves, mostly as male prostitutes. Psychotic is not an effective life form.
I'm pretty sure evolution is about species changing into different species . . . .

I think the word you are looking for is "education." Or maybe "research."

Anyway, this my-sex-is-changeable stuff is just a fashion in psychosis, like anorexia and bulemia was for awhile, but now the girls decide they are really boys and should get their breasts chopped off. And the boys going schizie at the usual age it happens decide they are really girls and should find some doc to chop them up for a high price they want their parents to pay. There is a whole lot of serious mental illness in the human race, and it takes different forms. None of them nice.

About half of these types already are committing suicide, and many are already homeless. The rest are prostituting themselves, mostly as male prostitutes. Psychotic is not an effective life form.
Same thing happened with homosexuals when their society spoke of them as your speaking of trans people. Gee I wonder why in the world they would be depressed and committing suicide… wake up
The hate and bigotry is exactly the same

We know that that's one of the lies that your side is trying to push—that recognizing the biological differences between men and women, and the significance of these differences, that putting hard science above the delusions of those who are mentally defective; makes one the same kind of “bigot” as one who believes that black people are inferior to whites and should be treated accordingly.

No sane person is buying this bullshit. Only mentally-defective LIbtARds such as yourself give it any credence.
Same thing happened with homosexuals when their society spoke of them as your speaking of trans people. Gee I wonder why in the world they would be depressed and committing suicide… wake up
Encouraging the radical move to "normalize" homosexuality is what enabled this even more destructive and bizarre trannie business. It gives the crazies a way to get attention, and be even MORE weird and noticeable than the homosexuals. They are one-upping the homosexuals. And it's working: they DO get lots of attention.

None of these perversions are normal and should not be treated as if they were. It just encourages sick attention seekers to get weirder and weirder and weirder. If you enable and encourage all the kids getting body parts chopped off, I hate to think how they'll one-up that, next. Full-body tattoos --- no, we've already got a lot of those. Werewolves and vampires, maybe.
Encouraging the radical move to "normalize" homosexuality is what enabled this even more destructive and bizarre trannie business. It gives the crazies a way to get attention, and be even MORE weird and noticeable than the homosexuals. They are one-upping the homosexuals. And it's working: they DO get lots of attention.

None of these perversions are normal and should not be treated as if they were. It just encourages sick attention seekers to get weirder and weirder and weirder. If you enable and encourage all the kids getting body parts chopped off, I hate to think how they'll one-up that, next. Full-body tattoos --- no, we've already got a lot of those. Werewolves and vampires, maybe.
Encouraging this radical move called homosexuality?! Are you retarded? First off it has nothing to do with encouraging, it has to do with supporting and accepting those who are that way. Nobody is trying to talk straight people into being gay. The moment is all about showing support and inclusion for people to simply be who they are after generations of demonization and oppression.
I'm pretty sure evolution is about species changing into different species . . . .

I think the word you are looking for is "education." Or maybe "research."

Anyway, this my-sex-is-changeable stuff is just a fashion in psychosis, like anorexia and bulemia was for awhile, but now the girls decide they are really boys and should get their breasts chopped off. And the boys going schizie at the usual age it happens decide they are really girls and should find some doc to chop them up for a high price they want their parents to pay. There is a whole lot of serious mental illness in the human race, and it takes different forms. None of them nice.

About half of these types already are committing suicide, and many are already homeless. The rest are prostituting themselves, mostly as male prostitutes. Psychotic is not an effective life form.
It is also expensive.
We know that that's one of the lies that your side is trying to push—that recognizing the biological differences between men and women, and the significance of these differences, that putting hard science above the delusions of those who are mentally defective; makes one the same kind of “bigot” as one who believes that black people are inferior to whites and should be treated accordingly.

No sane person is buying this bullshit. Only mentally-defective LIbtARds such as yourself give it any credence.

and then you prove my point.

How does this event harm you? Why do you give a fucking shit if not hate and bigotry?
and then you prove my point.

Lies and madness are not a point. You have no point.

How does this event harm you? Why do you give a fucking shit if not hate and bigotry?

It is madness to believe that a man can be a woman.

The hard, indisputable scientific truth is that a man is not, and cannot become a woman, nor is a woman a man, nor can a woman become a man. To believe otherwise is prima facie proof of a severe mental defect, at the very least.

Now, you're free to believe in whatever sickness or madness you wish, but DO NOT TRY TO FORCE SANE PEOPLE TO PLAY ALONG WITH IT!

I get that because you are so deeply fucked up in the head, and fucked up in the soul, that you do not get why sane, normal people do not want to be dragged into your sickness with you; that you hold truth to have no value, and see no harm in forcing sane people to play along with untruth. That is your deficiency, not mine, and you are in no place to judge me according to it.

It is not “hate”, nor is it “bigotry” to refuse to play along with this madness. The true hate, and the true bigotry, is on you and your kind, who would force this shit on sane people.

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