Further proof: the end of Western Civilization

Western civilization is falling in Europe, Australia and America because these people, besides rebelling against the Logic of the King of the Universe, have been trying to murder their mother, the mother of Aryan Christian Israel European people, mother of Western Civilization and Christianity, Syria, in order to replace her with anti-Christ Khazar, Ashkenaz, Edomite self professed Jews.

And the Law is that your life is shortened when you try to murder your parents.
Ahh see now you’re getting closer. God gave that person a cleft palate so who says it’s ok for that person to surgically repair it? According to your gender logic that would be against gods plan. But then you come up with this arbitrary qualifier of “significance” which I believe came straight out of your butt. You think it is ok to surgically change a cleft palate because it fixes pain and repairs damage. You believe it’s ok to take meds for bipolar disorders because it eases pain and repairs damage. Your problem with gender dysphoria must be that you don’t understand it or see it as a real condition or else you would accept that meds and surgeries used to ease pain and repair damage caused by these conditions as similar to the examples from above that you condone as significant
I have no memory of ever once bringing up the subject of bipolar disorder. Also what makes you think that the parents don't have anything to do with whatever birth defect a child may go on to have? Speaking of birth defects, how is a person's gender considered one when it isn't an issue in the first place? Those who don't want to identify as either one, what do they end up doing with themselves to make themselves stand apart from the male and female gender? What do they end of adding to themselves that the male and female gender do not have?

God bless you always!!!


God bless you always!!!

I have no memory of ever once bringing up the subject of bipolar disorder. Also what makes you think that the parents don't have anything to do with whatever birth defect a child may go on to have? Speaking of birth defects, how is a person's gender considered one when it isn't an issue in the first place? Those who don't want to identify as either one, what do they end up doing with themselves to make themselves stand apart from the male and female gender? What do they end of adding to themselves that the male and female gender do not have?

God bless you always!!!


God bless you always!!!

I had brought up bipolar meds in the past. Not a big deal. Whether the parents have a part in a birth defect like a cleft palate or a condition like gender dysphoria makes no difference. The fact is both are conditions that cause people pain and that can be helped through medical procedures. You condone one and you dismiss the other because you’ve decided to be the judge on what is significant enough to warrant action or not. That’s rather pompous and judgemental of you don’t you think?
^^^ How is a person's gender a condition when its no different from the way other people are born? Every person is going to have one whether its accepted or not and it will never change no matter what a person does or doesn't do to themselves.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Oh and if I am not wanted in the game of being pompous and judgemental, why are you showing me how to play it?
^^^ How is a person's gender a condition when its no different from the way other people are born? Every person is going to have one whether its accepted or not and it will never change no matter what a person does or doesn't do to themselves.

God bless you always!!!

You should research gender dysphoria. Just as we all have brains, some of us have conditions like dyslexia, depression, bi-polar etc. that you can’t see from the outside like you would a cleft palate. Doesn’t mean it’s against gods plan to try and fix or help these conditions that cause us pain.
Reminds me of when we elected a black king and white queen that were actually dating back in the early 80s. People were declaring the end of western civilization because we awarded an interracial couple.

You all are all the same, hate and bigotry rule your lives.
No, no, it's the black king and white queen that rule our lives, right? That you elected.
You should research gender dysphoria. Just as we all have brains, some of us have conditions like dyslexia, depression, bi-polar etc. that you can’t see from the outside like you would a cleft palate. Doesn’t mean it’s against gods plan to try and fix or help these conditions that cause us pain.
To me, gender will never be a condition no matter what "proof" you and your ilk try to construct.

God bless you always!!!

To me, gender will never be a condition no matter what "proof" you and your ilk try to construct.

God bless you always!!!

Well that’s just you choosing to ignore science and medicine. Gender dysphoria is a real medical condition. If you want to be ignorant and pretend that it doesn’t exist then go right ahead but it just discredits your opinions on the subject
Well that’s just you choosing to ignore science and medicine. Gender dysphoria is a real medical condition. If you want to be ignorant and pretend that it doesn’t exist then go right ahead but it just discredits your opinions on the subject
You and your ilk may have whatever you are able to fabricate, but in the end, the Lord will have the final word.

God bless you always!!!

"Reminds me of when we elected a black king and white queen that were actually dating back in the early 80s."

Yes, my senior year in High School we had a interracial couple. Even in the early 80s such things were not well accepted in South Florida by the many folks. We voted them in as King and Queen for homecoming to show our support for them.
Gender dysphoria is a real medical condition.
Nonsense. It's just a fashion in psychosis. I liked the Napoleon one the best, but that's long gone. For a while people said they were Jesus or God, but that's out of fashion too.

Now it's running around shooting or knifing lots of people and then themselves; or pretending they are the sex they aren't.

Psychosis has fashions and we're in a bad period right now. I wish the schizies would all decide they were Trump or Brandon or something less destructive than the current fashion.
Nonsense. It's just a fashion in psychosis. I liked the Napoleon one the best, but that's long gone. For a while people said they were Jesus or God, but that's out of fashion too.

Now it's running around shooting or knifing lots of people and then themselves; or pretending they are the sex they aren't.

Psychosis has fashions and we're in a bad period right now. I wish the schizies would all decide they were Trump or Brandon or something less destructive than the current fashion.

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.

It is not the actual mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.
Reminds me of when we elected a black king and white queen that were actually dating back in the early 80s. People were declaring the end of western civilization because we awarded an interracial couple.

You all are all the same, hate and bigotry rule your lives.
They were dating in 1972 where I went to school. And did that incident hit the news? Can you name the people who said it was the end?

Hate and bigotry are what the people in power thrive on. They should change that.
Hate and bigotry are what the people in power thrive on. They should change that.

why would they change that when you people on both sides will keep voting for them no matter waht they do?
Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.

It is not the actual mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.
Those words are all spelled correctly.

Too bad they are meaningless.

Do you think making up words about something reifies it? It's like ----- creating a world, isn't it?

Watch it and weep. Of course, many will celebrate because they are broken souls. All I hear is the loud crumbling of American civilization. We beat the British to a bloody pulp; we pulped up the Nazis, held the Soviets at bay—true enough, but what beats America in the end into the dust of history? A boy in a bloody dress.

Just shows that men are better at practically everything. Including pageantry... Hmmm...
Because what those in power are doing is destroying this country. How's that?

They do not care, they are in power. They will not care till the voters on both sides start to hold them accountable.

what are the odds of that happening?

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