Further proof: the end of Western Civilization

We fought for a free country. The video you are showing is the result of a free country where people can live, love, and express themselves however they want. Gotta love it!
You have a childlike understanding of our roots.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Isn’t calling a gay guy a queen considered a slur? I can’t keep up anymore
You decide to call the trans girl a male because you go by biological sex. The kids at school decide to acknowledge his/her Gender identity, something that it seems you either don't know about, believe in or choose to ignore.
Unlike too many people obviously, I decide to go by whatever the Lord's decision was, no matter who hates it.

God bless you always!!!

Are you blind or just dumb? Watch the dozens and dozens and dozens of videos.
You saw what you WANTED to see. Nobody but leftists have been trying to overthrow the government.

They were trying to keep CRIMINALS in congress ACCOUNTABLE
Reminds me of when we elected a black king and white queen that were actually dating back in the early 80s. People were declaring the end of western civilization because we awarded an interracial couple.

You all are all the same, hate and bigotry rule your lives.
I don't see it as hate or bigotry, I see it as sad. Homecoming King is a boy and Queen is a girl.

Just because he fellates boys and wears a dress doesn't make him a girl.
You have a childlike understanding of our roots.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
I agree with moral but not religion. There is a clear separation between church and state within the framework of our government
Unlike too many people obviously, I decide to go by whatever the Lord's decision was, no matter who hates it.

God bless you always!!!

Well then perhaps you can accept that the lord made people gay and the lord made people trans. I guess the lord also makes babies that die at birth and while in the womb. Wouldn't that make god an active participant in abortion? All part of the master plan? How does all that work in your opinion?
You saw what you WANTED to see. Nobody but leftists have been trying to overthrow the government.

They were trying to keep CRIMINALS in congress ACCOUNTABLE
Hahahahaha. Is that what you saw, angry people trying to hold criminals accountable?! Cause what I saw were people being violent, breaking things, committing crimes and trying to quite literally stop the operations of government to certify an election. That is the definition of an insurrection. You must be high. That’s it. Very very high
Well then perhaps you can accept that the lord made people gay and the lord made people trans. I guess the lord also makes babies that die at birth and while in the womb. Wouldn't that make god an active participant in abortion? All part of the master plan? How does all that work in your opinion?
If the gay lifestyle was the Lord's every intention, the female gender never once would've crossed his mind. Also why would the Lord encourage an alteration on what he himself created? Also a stop not being put to a miscarriage doesn't give us a license to go and abort as well. If anything should a miscarriage take place, you either try again for a baby or learn the meaning of the word abstinence as long as you don't want a baby in the first place.

God bless you always!!!

If the gay lifestyle was the Lord's every intention, the female gender never once would've crossed his mind. Also why would the Lord encourage an alteration on what he himself created? Also a stop not being put to a miscarriage doesn't give us a license to go and abort as well. If anything should a miscarriage take place, you either try again for a baby or learn the meaning of the word abstinence as long as you don't want a baby in the first place.

God bless you always!!!

Wouldn't a miscarriage be God planning an abortion? try and make sense out of that.

And it is very possible that God could have planned for straight males and females AS WELL AS gay and trans. How is a trans alteration any different from any other medical procedure that alters the natural course of your bodies development whether it be cancer, a heart valve replacement or cholesterol medicine?
^^^ God can plan the abortions. We can not. Also it will not kill a person if they do not get the gender changing procedure which is labeled an elective surgery. A person will be considered suicidal if they do not get what is labeled a life saving surgery.

God bless you always!!!

Decent folks are bigots if they don't accept a boy can be a girl and gender is fluid. Yet trannies belong to a community that separates boy queers and girl queers. Nothing hypocritical about that.
^^^ God can plan the abortions. We can not. Also it will not kill a person if they do not get the gender changing procedure which is labeled an elective surgery. A person will be considered suicidal if they do not get what is labeled a life saving surgery.

God bless you always!!!

I don't see how you can possibly know what God can do and what we can't do. He did make us in his image after all and if he can plan abortions then so can a woman when we are talking about a piece of her own body.

You're life saving example doesn't make any sense either. Why are we allowed to make non life saving alterations like cutting our hair and nails, removing moles, repairing a cleft palate?? or do you find these as sins or against god as well?

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