Further proof: the end of Western Civilization

I don't see how you can possibly know what God can do and what we can't do. He did make us in his image after all and if he can plan abortions then so can a woman when we are talking about a piece of her own body.

You're life saving example doesn't make any sense either. Why are we allowed to make non life saving alterations like cutting our hair and nails, removing moles, repairing a cleft palate?? or do you find these as sins or against god as well?
Abortion is murder when its done by anyone else other than the Lord. What you name as non life saving alterations is really labeled self maintenance, especially when hair and nails grow again once they are cut.

God bless you always!!!

Abortion is murder when its done by anyone else other than the Lord. What you name as non life saving alterations is really labeled self maintenance, especially when hair and nails grow again once they are cut.

God bless you always!!!

would surgically repairing a cleft palate or getting breast reduction surgery for a woman who is having back problems or taking medication to help with a bi polar disorder be considered self maintenance as well?
True. But otherwise I don't hate that kid.

I do think its funny that the best that school has to offer is a mentally ill hairy-legged dude who thinks he is a she. Poor girls in that school must be "sweet spirits."

How do you know that kid has hairy legs?

Watch it and weep. Of course, many will celebrate because they are broken souls. All I hear is the loud crumbling of American civilization. We beat the British to a bloody pulp; we pulped up the Nazis, held the Soviets at bay—true enough, but what beats America in the end into the dust of history? A boy in a bloody dress.

If that's all it takes to defeat the country, not only did you have no defence but your gutless also.
would surgically repairing a cleft palate or getting breast reduction surgery for a woman who is having back problems or taking medication to help with a bi polar disorder be considered self maintenance as well?
It would be, but life doesn't depend on getting a gender changing operation or not. It never has and it never will be.

God bless you always!!!

It would be, but life doesn't depend on getting a gender changing operation or not. It never has and it never will be.

God bless you always!!!

Life doesn't depend on getting a cleft palate repaired so is that in the same ballpark as a gender changing operation?

Watch it and weep. Of course, many will celebrate because they are broken souls. All I hear is the loud crumbling of American civilization. We beat the British to a bloody pulp; we pulped up the Nazis, held the Soviets at bay—true enough, but what beats America in the end into the dust of history? A boy in a bloody dress.

You think making western civilization more like backwards civilizations is what is destroying western civilization?
Because its the biggest thing that isn't a necessity.

God bless you always!!!

Huh?! who are you to judge what's necessary or not?! And since when are doing things that isn't necessary to save our lives against Gods plan?
Are you blind or just dumb? Watch the dozens and dozens and dozens of videos.
Do you seriously believe that people who meant to overthrow the government would attempt to do so without firearms in a nation that has more guns than people?
Do you seriously believe that people who meant to overthrow the government would attempt to do so without firearms in a nation that has more guns than people?
Nobody claimed that these people were intelligent. It was like a big ball if ignorant stupidity that snowballed into a bigger ball of stupidity and before they knew it they thought they could all rush the capital and change the outcome of the election. Maybe get a bonus by stringing up Pence. The BS these these Yahoos believed and still believe is pretty incredible.
I don't see it as hate or bigotry, I see it as sad. Homecoming King is a boy and Queen is a girl.

Just because he fellates boys and wears a dress doesn't make him a girl.

They can be whatever the student body wants them to be.
Huh?! who are you to judge what's necessary or not?! And since when are doing things that isn't necessary to save our lives against Gods plan?
If you are changing what he created in a significantly enough way, I won't blame him if he is ticked off about it. Take these people who have lost something concerning where ever they work due to all of the rioting and vandalism. That right there is no different. Their jobs and work establishments getting torn all to bits because of why ever the people responsible for the messes choose to even mess with the properties in the first place, how would you feel if you were a victim of such activity?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Not long after the George Floyd incident, another death took place in the parking lot of a Wendy's fast food restaurant in Georgia. A day or so later the place was set on fire. I don't know if it was ever re-built or not.
If you are changing what he created in a significantly enough way, I won't blame him if he is ticked off about it. Take these people who have lost something concerning where ever they work due to all of the rioting and vandalism. That right there is no different. Their jobs and work establishments getting torn all to bits because of why ever the people responsible for the messes choose to even mess with the properties in the first place, how would you feel if you were a victim of such activity?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Not long after the George Floyd incident, another death took place in the parking lot of a Wendy's fast food restaurant in Georgia. A day or so later the place was set on fire. I don't know if it was ever re-built or not.
A significant way? Who are you judge what’s significant or not? You seem to be making stuff up as we go along. Why is changing a cleft palates not significant. God made people that way. It takes surgery to fix it. Why is that not significant?
A significant way? Who are you judge what’s significant or not? You seem to be making stuff up as we go along. Why is changing a cleft palates not significant. God made people that way. It takes surgery to fix it. Why is that not significant?
Let me guess. You don't like things being made up by other people because that is the job that only you and your ilk can possess. Also if me and my ilk come across as judgemental, I wonder who we have learned that from. Also the cleft palate procedure is nothing like the gender change procedure when the cleft palate procedure is done to fix whatever damage has been done to a person's face. Being born the gender you don't want to be anymore doesn't make you a damaged person the way that you and your ilk try to make it look like.

God bless you always!!!

Let me guess. You don't like things being made up by other people because that is the job that only you and your ilk can possess. Also if me and my ilk come across as judgemental, I wonder who we have learned that from. Also the cleft palate procedure is nothing like the gender change procedure when the cleft palate procedure is done to fix whatever damage has been done to a person's face. Being born the gender you don't want to be anymore doesn't make you a damaged person the way that you and your ilk try to make it look like.

God bless you always!!!

Ahh see now you’re getting closer. God gave that person a cleft palate so who says it’s ok for that person to surgically repair it? According to your gender logic that would be against gods plan. But then you come up with this arbitrary qualifier of “significance” which I believe came straight out of your butt. You think it is ok to surgically change a cleft palate because it fixes pain and repairs damage. You believe it’s ok to take meds for bipolar disorders because it eases pain and repairs damage. Your problem with gender dysphoria must be that you don’t understand it or see it as a real condition or else you would accept that meds and surgeries used to ease pain and repair damage caused by these conditions as similar to the examples from above that you condone as significant

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