Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Youve never explained it. You just claimed Cheng was right now you are claiming he is wrong? Why did you think amino acids were proteins?

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
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Cheng does not write for either the Washington post or the DAILY MAIL-------- THE ARTICLE which Cheng actually wrote------was well done-------read it again
What does that have to do with you claiming amino acids and proteins were the same thing?

they are to the same extent that a single molecule of water--
H20 is water------an amino acid is a single molecule of
protein. I understand that you are not too dense to
understand------in a courtroom a judge would disallow
your idiot comments by referring to them as "argumentative"
We arent talking about extents. Thats code for "I didnt know what the hell I was talking about". In a courtroom you would be convicted of perjury and attempted intelligence.

your post is jibberish-------now repeat after me-----so you can learn------an amino acid is a MOLECULE------it is an acid by
virtue of a carboxyl group and an AMINE----by virtue of
an NH3 component------a protein is a polymer of amino acids-----just like ice is a crystalized form of H20 I do not
blame your shallow mind on your skin color
If i repeat after you I will be enabling your attempt to pretend you didnt say amino acids and proteins were the same thing. Amino acids are held together by peptide bonds and these form polypeptide chains which make up protein molecules. In short they are far from being proteins having to form not 1 but 2 changes to get to a protein. In short amino acids are part of a protein molecule. They dont make the entire molecule.
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

What are you calling "modern man"? would any other people in the world refer to that which you call "modern man"--- "modern man"??? ----the brains of animals
called HOMO SAPIEN------do not vary around the world---
they all have the same capacity ---(in aggregate across group
lines) Obviously you have found some of those
large highly developed empires which feature libraries
and -------public transportation somewhere in Africa-----
that existed 30,000 years ago.... or maybe Elijah muhummad found them
I just told u I call modern man homo sapiens. There is only one homo sapiens and that was a Black race initially.
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

What are you calling "modern man"? would any other people in the world refer to that which you call "modern man"--- "modern man"??? ----the brains of animals
called HOMO SAPIEN------do not vary around the world---
they all have the same capacity ---(in aggregate across group
lines) Obviously you have found some of those
large highly developed empires which feature libraries
and -------public transportation somewhere in Africa-----
that existed 30,000 years ago.... or maybe Elijah muhummad found them
I just told u I call modern man homo sapiens. There is only one homo sapiens and that was a Black race initially.

There was no race initially. Period. Man evolved and as he moved around the races were created. We are talking hundreds of thousands if not millions of years ago.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

That's because Egyptians were more Caucasians than black, moron.
Actually they werent. Caucasians are from the Caucus mountains and they are white. The person who made up the term says so himself. The Egyptians were Black prior to the invasions of the Hyskos and Greeks. Even so the Greeks still called them Black with woolly hair.

Meh, Northern Africa, Egypt, the Arabian peninsula etc were mainly Caucasian Indo Europeans. Get over it. Your life is so pathetic that its dependent on such trivial matters.
Meh...Your geography leaves something to be desired. They were never caucasian until relatively recently.

Bullshit, Persians, Mesopotamians, Sumerians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, etc. Were all Caucasian Indo European mixtures of each other. Empires invaded each other and as they did so did the races. There was no invasion of black negro's from black Africa into Greece, Rome, Persia, or Mesopotamia. Blacks were brought in as slaves, but that's it.
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

What are you calling "modern man"? would any other people in the world refer to that which you call "modern man"--- "modern man"??? ----the brains of animals
called HOMO SAPIEN------do not vary around the world---
they all have the same capacity ---(in aggregate across group
lines) Obviously you have found some of those
large highly developed empires which feature libraries
and -------public transportation somewhere in Africa-----
that existed 30,000 years ago.... or maybe Elijah muhummad found them
I just told u I call modern man homo sapiens. There is only one homo sapiens and that was a Black race initially.

There was no race initially. Period. Man evolved and as he moved around the races were created. We are talking hundreds of thousands if not millions of years ago.
Yeah there was a race. A Black one. I already educated you on that.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

"Genetic evidence suggests that the evolution of skin rich in eumelanin, which is brown-black in colour, occurred in early humans between 1.2 and 1.8 million years ago in the East African Savannah."
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

They are so hateful that they refuse to pray to a white man.
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?

Who told you he was black? Your stupid idiotic laughable racist ideology?
Science did. Who told you he was white?

There is no science that says Jesus was black. National Geographic did a special on how Jesus would look, and it came out with a Semetic looking Jew, you buffoon.

Afrocentrism is not science, it's a conspiracy theory for racist blacks with pathetic lives, like you.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

That's because Egyptians were more Caucasians than black, moron.
Actually they werent. Caucasians are from the Caucus mountains and they are white. The person who made up the term says so himself. The Egyptians were Black prior to the invasions of the Hyskos and Greeks. Even so the Greeks still called them Black with woolly hair.

Meh, Northern Africa, Egypt, the Arabian peninsula etc were mainly Caucasian Indo Europeans. Get over it. Your life is so pathetic that its dependent on such trivial matters.
Meh...Your geography leaves something to be desired. They were never caucasian until relatively recently.

Bullshit, Persians, Mesopotamians, Sumerians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, etc. Were all Caucasian Indo European mixtures of each other. Empires invaded each other and as they did so did the races. There was no invasion of black negro's from black Africa into Greece, Rome, Persia, or Mesopotamia. Blacks were brought in as slaves, but that's it.
Bull shit. All were Black races of people until white skin gene developed.

Light skin in Europeans stems from a gene mutation from a single person who lived 10,000 years ago.

This is according to a new U.S. study that claims the colour is due to an ancient ancestor who lived somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.

Scientists made the discovery after identifying a key gene that contributes to lighter skin colour in Europeans.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

What are you calling "modern man"? would any other people in the world refer to that which you call "modern man"--- "modern man"??? ----the brains of animals
called HOMO SAPIEN------do not vary around the world---
they all have the same capacity ---(in aggregate across group
lines) Obviously you have found some of those
large highly developed empires which feature libraries
and -------public transportation somewhere in Africa-----
that existed 30,000 years ago.... or maybe Elijah muhummad found them
I just told u I call modern man homo sapiens. There is only one homo sapiens and that was a Black race initially.

There was no race initially. Period. Man evolved and as he moved around the races were created. We are talking hundreds of thousands if not millions of years ago.
Yeah there was a race. A Black one. I already educated you on that.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

"Genetic evidence suggests that the evolution of skin rich in eumelanin, which is brown-black in colour, occurred in early humans between 1.2 and 1.8 million years ago in the East African Savannah."

That only proves that the skin of the early humans who stayed in Africa evolved into black skin, because of the sun. You aren't very bright, are you?
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

They are so hateful that they refuse to pray to a white man.
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?

Who told you he was black? Your stupid idiotic laughable racist ideology?
Science did. Who told you he was white?

There is no science that says Jesus was black. National Geographic did a special on how Jesus would look, and it came out with a Semetic looking Jew, you buffoon.

Afrocentrism is not science, it's a conspiracy theory for racist blacks with pathetic lives, like you.
There is no science that says jesus was white or he even existed either. If he existed he would have been Black.
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

What are you calling "modern man"? would any other people in the world refer to that which you call "modern man"--- "modern man"??? ----the brains of animals
called HOMO SAPIEN------do not vary around the world---
they all have the same capacity ---(in aggregate across group
lines) Obviously you have found some of those
large highly developed empires which feature libraries
and -------public transportation somewhere in Africa-----
that existed 30,000 years ago.... or maybe Elijah muhummad found them
I just told u I call modern man homo sapiens. There is only one homo sapiens and that was a Black race initially.

There was no race initially. Period. Man evolved and as he moved around the races were created. We are talking hundreds of thousands if not millions of years ago.
Yeah there was a race. A Black one. I already educated you on that.

Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin -- ScienceDaily

"Genetic evidence suggests that the evolution of skin rich in eumelanin, which is brown-black in colour, occurred in early humans between 1.2 and 1.8 million years ago in the East African Savannah."

That only proves that the skin of the early humans who stayed in Africa evolved into black skin, because of the sun. You aren't very bright, are you?
No. Where did you get confused? I dont see that in the article. It proves all people where black until the white gene developed 10k years ago. For whites in Europe 7K years ago. If that were the case why arent all the Black people in europe white right now?
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
We have had this discussion before. (Imagine that, repeating a topic on a message board.) It sounds to me that race might be a proof of God. A scientific explanation seems to be pretty much impossible to shoehorn into what is right before our eyes. Two sides are arguing and neither one is winning, because neither one is correct.
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)
Omo national park is in Ethiopia where the Egyptians say they came from.
yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)
Omo national park is in Ethiopia where the Egyptians say they came from.
It is where everyone came from. It is actually where the covenant of the arc sits at this very moment. If I ever get the chance I will go over there and talk to that thing.
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)
Omo national park is in Ethiopia where the Egyptians say they came from.
It is where everyone came from. It is actually where the covenant of the arc sits at this very moment. If I ever get the chance I will go over there and talk to that thing.
I dont think everyone started from Ethiopia. I believe the DNA trail points to central Africa as the place where everyone came from. Ethiopia just has the oldest known remains found to date.

The father of all men is 340 000 years old - life - 06 March 2013 - New Scientist

"Digging deeper, Hammer's team examined an African database of nearly 6000 Y chromosomes and found similarities between Perry's and those in samples taken from 11 men, all living in one village in Cameroon. This may indicate where in Africa Perry's ancestors hailed from."

I think if Ethiopia really had the arc someone would have attacked them by now to get it and pretend they found it somewhere else.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai, and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

And I've shown you ancient frescos with Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, looking just as brown.
Thats because they had Black admixture. Rome even had a Black emperor.
Some may have been dark skinned but black negro, now way. Sorry.
Whats a Black negro? Is that another term white boys made up? Negro is latin for Black. So that would make it a Black Black?

You know exactly what I mean. You are trying to attribute anyone with dark skin as a black person. Just like you fraudulently mixed ancient Nubian skin color with Egyptian to make them look the same.

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