Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai, and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.
I am denying science?------you cited a newspaper article
written by a person who knows about as much as
you do about the study of genetics. ---a human interest
story ----poorly done. The science I learn is from
real scientists---------not dim cub reporters. Skin color is
POLYGENIC-------there are some traits that do depend
on a mutation of a single base in a base pair----but skin
color is NOT one of them
Yes you are denying science.

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

The a mutation, called A111T, is found in virtually every one of European ancestry.

A111T is also found in populations in the Middle East and Indian subcontinent, but not in high numbers in Africans.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

genes do not contain PROTEIN------did you pass high school biology? now its 10,000 years ago that black people turned white? and there were GREAT EMPIRES of literate black people BEFORE THAT ???-------who invented
antibiotics and -----calculus? you got a citation from
a peer reviewed journal? it the stuff is of any significance
It showed up in the journal "NATURE"
Who said genes contain protein? Did you flunk english reading? Please read the article again. You cant be this much of an idiot.

from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes
I guess thats why you are posting on here instead of researching for your doctorate. You do realize proteins and amino acids are not the same thing right?

How Do Genes Work Understanding Genetics

She works in the medical field, you useless bum.
Yes you are denying science.

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

The a mutation, called A111T, is found in virtually every one of European ancestry.

A111T is also found in populations in the Middle East and Indian subcontinent, but not in high numbers in Africans.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

genes do not contain PROTEIN------did you pass high school biology? now its 10,000 years ago that black people turned white? and there were GREAT EMPIRES of literate black people BEFORE THAT ???-------who invented
antibiotics and -----calculus? you got a citation from
a peer reviewed journal? it the stuff is of any significance
It showed up in the journal "NATURE"
Who said genes contain protein? Did you flunk english reading? Please read the article again. You cant be this much of an idiot.

from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes
I guess thats why you are posting on here instead of researching for your doctorate. You do realize proteins and amino acids are not the same thing right?

How Do Genes Work Understanding Genetics

She works in the medical field, you useless bum.
She must have lied to you. She thought amino acids and proteins were the same thing. Now she wont explain how she made that damning error.
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

That's because Egyptians were more Caucasians than black, moron.
I didn't. I asked Why you dont go there but we both know the answer. They would shun you for being such a ignorat racist. Thank God you dont go it would give America a bad name.
I dont see the word "why" or a question mark anywhere in your quote. It was a directive not a question. Can you explain who taught you to write in such a uneducated manner? Did you really think you were fooling anyone?
That was my bad. I forgot that when posting to a half retarded ignorant racist that i should spell out the obvious.
You must be poorly educated as well. Everyone knows when you ask a question you end the sentence with a question mark. Where did you get your education? Out of a cracker jack box?

Gee, a question ends with a question mark. When did you learn that, in second grade? Now tell us about Chinese being originally black, dipstick.
I forgot when I learned it but one thing is for sure. thanatos was either lying or he never learned it.
What do you want to know specifically about the first Chinese?

Tell us how the first Chinese were blacks and how they hide blacks. I need a good laugh.
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

That's because Egyptians were more Caucasians than black, moron.
Actually they werent. Caucasians are from the Caucus mountains and they are white. The person who made up the term says so himself. The Egyptians were Black prior to the invasions of the Hyskos and Greeks. Even so the Greeks still called them Black with woolly hair.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai, and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

And I've shown you ancient frescos with Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, looking just as brown.
I dont see the word "why" or a question mark anywhere in your quote. It was a directive not a question. Can you explain who taught you to write in such a uneducated manner? Did you really think you were fooling anyone?
That was my bad. I forgot that when posting to a half retarded ignorant racist that i should spell out the obvious.
You must be poorly educated as well. Everyone knows when you ask a question you end the sentence with a question mark. Where did you get your education? Out of a cracker jack box?

Gee, a question ends with a question mark. When did you learn that, in second grade? Now tell us about Chinese being originally black, dipstick.
I forgot when I learned it but one thing is for sure. thanatos was either lying or he never learned it.
What do you want to know specifically about the first Chinese?

Tell us how the first Chinese were blacks and how they hide blacks. I need a good laugh.
Lets finish discussing the Egyptians and Hebrews. You havent wrapped your mind around them being Black yet.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai, and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

And I've shown you ancient frescos with Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, looking just as brown.
Thats because they had Black admixture. Rome even had a Black emperor.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

That's because Egyptians were more Caucasians than black, moron.
Actually they werent. Caucasians are from the Caucus mountains and they are white. The person who made up the term says so himself. The Egyptians were Black prior to the invasions of the Hyskos and Greeks. Even so the Greeks still called them Black with woolly hair.

Meh, Northern Africa, Egypt, the Arabian peninsula etc were mainly Caucasian Indo Europeans. Get over it. Your life is so pathetic that its dependent on such trivial matters.
when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai, and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

And I've shown you ancient frescos with Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, looking just as brown.
Thats because they had Black admixture. Rome even had a Black emperor.
Some may have been dark skinned but black negro, now way. Sorry.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

That's because Egyptians were more Caucasians than black, moron.
Actually they werent. Caucasians are from the Caucus mountains and they are white. The person who made up the term says so himself. The Egyptians were Black prior to the invasions of the Hyskos and Greeks. Even so the Greeks still called them Black with woolly hair.

Meh, Northern Africa, Egypt, the Arabian peninsula etc were mainly Caucasian Indo Europeans. Get over it. Your life is so pathetic that its dependent on such trivial matters.
Meh...Your geography leaves something to be desired. They were never caucasian until relatively recently.
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai, and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

And I've shown you ancient frescos with Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, looking just as brown.
Thats because they had Black admixture. Rome even had a Black emperor.
Some may have been dark skinned but black negro, now way. Sorry.
Whats a Black negro? Is that another term white boys made up? Negro is latin for Black. So that would make it a Black Black?
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

They are so hateful that they refuse to pray to a white man.
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

They are so hateful that they refuse to pray to a white man.
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

They are so hateful that they refuse to pray to a white man.
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

They are so hateful that they refuse to pray to a white man.
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

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