Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

They are so hateful that they refuse to pray to a white man.
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

I am a jew------white as snow---with freckles-----and related to a very famous
ancient jew-------by DNA (now for the good news---freckles fade with age----
I had them as a child) Hubby is a jew----Olive complected----In England
he would be considered BROWN----in fact was. In Sweden he would probably be considered black. On the other hand----my dad was of English,
Austrian background------a jew------and TANNED vigorously when the sun
hit him--------he would have been called olive complected after
an hour sun exposure. Skin color is polygenic-----any idiot who tries to claim that it is based on a single gene------is an idiot. Very few mutations
actually do anything at all-------they just sit quietly. There are a few conditions which are the result of a single gene mutation------but skin color
is NOT ONE OF THEM. -----blue eyes is a pathological condition along with
left handedness. ------mendel was lucky with this sweet peas-----flower color -----as it turns out------on sweet peas----is a single gene
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins? Matter of fact you knew it was Cheng.

from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes
Jesus was Black. Who told he was white?
He was a Jew. Thus olive skined

By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

your analogy is silly-------now try to focus----AMINO ACID----
----POLYPEPTIDE-------peptide is actually ---simply another name for AMINO ACIDs----two amino acid molecules ---become a polypeptide------Polypeptide is another name for protein. It is all very simple-----a matter of language-----
the language of chemistry------the PEPTIDE issue is somewhow in some classical language descriptive of
AN AMIDE BOND------now you can google again. It
it ever occurs to you to take a course in organic
chemistry ---DON't DO IT------you will fail.

your analogy is silly -----sorta like saying an H2O molecule
is not water-------because it is not a GLASS OF WATER
By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

I explained it several times-----you seem resistant to reality----
Here is a question for you------how do amino acids get
made. How do proteins get made??----easy stuff----you
can google
By the time Jesus was born jews had been around and actively INTERBREEDING-----some of the jews of Nazareth were sometimes described as having hair the color of sand----
ie ---they were blondes. Keep in mind-----for centuries jews
had been interacting with the people of Assyria----and that land was chock full of AEGEANs-----greeks. All you need do is read the book------that greek interface had already
HAPPENED ---centuries before Jesus was born. There
were a considerable number of greek converts to judaism
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins? Matter of fact you knew it was Cheng.

from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes

see directly above-----now again-----there are no proteins
in genes-----no SEQUENCES OF AMINO ACIDS -----
GOT IT NOW? Your idiot article was not written by
CHENG-------it was written by a jerk reporter who writes
for the Washington Post------he got it a bit screwed up---
poor kid. The article which was written by CHENG---
did not include the glaring error that seemed perfectly ok
to you
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

I explained it several times-----you seem resistant to reality----
Here is a question for you------how do amino acids get
made. How do proteins get made??----easy stuff----you
can google

Youve never explained it. You just claimed Cheng was right now you are claiming he is wrong? Why did you think amino acids were proteins?

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins? Matter of fact you knew it was Cheng.

from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes

see directly above-----now again-----there are no proteins
in genes-----no SEQUENCES OF AMINO ACIDS -----
GOT IT NOW? Your idiot article was not written by
CHENG-------it was written by a jerk reporter who writes
for the Washington Post------he got it a bit screwed up---
poor kid. The article which was written by CHENG---
did not include the glaring error that seemed perfectly ok
to you
In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Idiot-----I told you----amino acids exist as PROTEINS
in the human body------they do not just float around
being nothing-------your idiot article clearly introduced an
idea that of a SINGLE AMINO ACID MUTATION -----as being
a mutation of a gene. My statement "genes do not contain
proteins" was a correct response to the article obviously written by a jerk like you. I will help you------genes mediate the BUILDING OF PROTEINS ----structural proteins from----
amino acids. A single mutation of a single gene base pair---can alter the configuration of the protein that the
gene mediates--------now you know nothing----just as you
were before I provided a clear explanation of the issue.
Do not worry -----lots of people flunked the genetics course
in my school-------it was a killer something like calculus---
there are always people like you -----incapable of learning.
Now tell me again about this single mutation of a single base pair that managed to utterly whiten up all of a giant empire of black persons----"recently" Mendel is flipping over in his
grave (remember mendel? was he black too?)
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

I explained it several times-----you seem resistant to reality----
Here is a question for you------how do amino acids get
made. How do proteins get made??----easy stuff----you
can google

Youve never explained it. You just claimed Cheng was right now you are claiming he is wrong? Why did you think amino acids were proteins?

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Cheng does not write for either the Washington post or the DAILY MAIL-------- THE ARTICLE which Cheng actually wrote------was well done-------read it again
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
World is only 6,000 years old anyway.
I know what you told me. I just told you that you were wrong. Amino acids are not proteins. Thats like calling a cell an organ. You must have had a hard time in school You seem like the kid that always argued with the professor. They guy that made the claim is about as legit as they come. If you are calling him wrong you must be an idiot to think I would believe you over him.

what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

I explained it several times-----you seem resistant to reality----
Here is a question for you------how do amino acids get
made. How do proteins get made??----easy stuff----you
can google

Youve never explained it. You just claimed Cheng was right now you are claiming he is wrong? Why did you think amino acids were proteins?

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Cheng does not write for either the Washington post or the DAILY MAIL-------- THE ARTICLE which Cheng actually wrote------was well done-------read it again
What does that have to do with you claiming amino acids and proteins were the same thing?
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.
Last edited:
what guy? that guy named CHENG (?) wrote a very nice article------I made reference to the idiot article you cited
in the WASHINGTON POST BTW----the article by
cheng does nothing to confirm your idiot idea that white skin ----thruout asia and Europe ----and the Americas came from a single mutation ----7000 years ago. A really idiotic hypothesis that was created by a semiliterate writer for the
Washington post. I would believe a pile of dog shit over
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

I explained it several times-----you seem resistant to reality----
Here is a question for you------how do amino acids get
made. How do proteins get made??----easy stuff----you
can google

Youve never explained it. You just claimed Cheng was right now you are claiming he is wrong? Why did you think amino acids were proteins?

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Cheng does not write for either the Washington post or the DAILY MAIL-------- THE ARTICLE which Cheng actually wrote------was well done-------read it again
What does that have to do with you claiming amino acids and proteins were the same thing?

they are to the same extent that a single molecule of water--
H20 is water------an amino acid is a single molecule of
protein. I understand that you are not too dense to
understand------in a courtroom a judge would disallow
your idiot comments by referring to them as "argumentative"
Cheng is the guy I quoted. You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins?

I explained it several times-----you seem resistant to reality----
Here is a question for you------how do amino acids get
made. How do proteins get made??----easy stuff----you
can google

Youve never explained it. You just claimed Cheng was right now you are claiming he is wrong? Why did you think amino acids were proteins?

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Cheng does not write for either the Washington post or the DAILY MAIL-------- THE ARTICLE which Cheng actually wrote------was well done-------read it again
What does that have to do with you claiming amino acids and proteins were the same thing?

they are to the same extent that a single molecule of water--
H20 is water------an amino acid is a single molecule of
protein. I understand that you are not too dense to
understand------in a courtroom a judge would disallow
your idiot comments by referring to them as "argumentative"
We arent talking about extents. Thats code for "I didnt know what the hell I was talking about". In a courtroom you would be convicted of perjury and attempted intelligence.
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.
I explained it several times-----you seem resistant to reality----
Here is a question for you------how do amino acids get
made. How do proteins get made??----easy stuff----you
can google

Youve never explained it. You just claimed Cheng was right now you are claiming he is wrong? Why did you think amino acids were proteins?

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
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Cheng does not write for either the Washington post or the DAILY MAIL-------- THE ARTICLE which Cheng actually wrote------was well done-------read it again
What does that have to do with you claiming amino acids and proteins were the same thing?

they are to the same extent that a single molecule of water--
H20 is water------an amino acid is a single molecule of
protein. I understand that you are not too dense to
understand------in a courtroom a judge would disallow
your idiot comments by referring to them as "argumentative"
We arent talking about extents. Thats code for "I didnt know what the hell I was talking about". In a courtroom you would be convicted of perjury and attempted intelligence.

your post is jibberish-------now repeat after me-----so you can learn------an amino acid is a MOLECULE------it is an acid by
virtue of a carboxyl group and an AMINE----by virtue of
an NH3 component------a protein is a polymer of amino acids-----just like ice is a crystalized form of H20 I do not
blame your shallow mind on your skin color
for the posters with brains out there------10,000 years ago is not
7000 years ago 10,000 years ago was the BIG GIANT ICE AGE-------the history of modern man had not happened yet-----
but our little board black racist----actually imagines that there were huge black LITERATE empires ------before the ice
age----------bright thing that she is
Modern man was around long before the ice age.

What are you calling "modern man"? would any other people in the world refer to that which you call "modern man"--- "modern man"??? ----the brains of animals
called HOMO SAPIEN------do not vary around the world---
they all have the same capacity ---(in aggregate across group
lines) Obviously you have found some of those
large highly developed empires which feature libraries
and -------public transportation somewhere in Africa-----
that existed 30,000 years ago.... or maybe Elijah muhummad found them

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