Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

January 30, 2015
What exactly does the race industry want from white America?
By Patricia L. Dickson

Nothing frustrates me more than for someone to rant on and on about something while never really specifying the desired outcome that he or she is seeking. Or for someone to imply that I somehow owe him something without specifically telling me what it is. This tactic of never specifying or articulating an actual wrong or debt is used so that the accused will be forever indebted to the accuser. The race industry and their cohorts in the Democratic Party have been ranting and raving about black injustice ever since the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and have yet to articulate exactly what the injustices are or what can be done to correct them.

With the constant attempts to find racism under every rock and behind every door, I actually believe that the race-baiters left over from the Civil Rights movement have a nostalgia for the days when there was real racism and discrimination in America. Why else would they continue to act as though the Civil Rights Act was never signed into law? In fact, all Civil Rights leaders should celebrate July 2, the day President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill into law in 1964. Has anyone ever heard Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson mention that date? That day should be celebrated as a national holiday. Instead, the American people are bombarded with trumped up charges of racism (some turn out to be complete hoaxes) to the point that we have developed race fatigue.

The latest race hoax comes from Charles Blow, a black New York Times columnist. He claimed that a racist campus police held his son at gunpoint at Yale University. Apparently, Blow’s son met the description of a campus burglar. However, he failed to mention a few details. The officer is black. In fact, Yale’s police chief is also black. This hoax comes fresh off the movie Selma’s Oscar snub (used as proof that America is still a racist country) coupled with the Department of Justice’s decision not to charge Officer Darren Wilson in the Michael Brown shooting.

With the constant claims of racism 24/7, I wonder: what exactly does the race industry want from white America? What will it take to satisfy the debt? To my knowledge, I have never heard the answer. The American government has spent billions of dollars on social programs for poor blacks and other minorities. We have affirmative action, free education grants, free housing, food, and medical care. America has black CEOs, tenured college professors, journalists, mayors, governors, state representatives, senators, attorneys general, and the president of the United States. If any one of us were to walk into any large corporation, we would see a diverse workforce. So, I am still asking, what do the race-baiters really want? More importantly, how do they plan to go about getting it?

Since the latest attempts (Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and the movie Selma) have failed to convince America of her inherent racism, black liberals have turned their wrath on black conservatives or any black person who speaks out against black culture. Bill Cosby’s reputation has been destroyed by 30-year-old claims because black liberals did not like him speaking the truth about black culture, therefore they had to silence him. I, along with other black conservative writers, am being targeted for pointing out the truth about our race. Black liberals claim that black conservative writers are guilty of portraying black people in a negative light. This claim is an attempt to shame us into silence. Black conservatives speaking the truth about the state of the black community are not to blame for how the rest of America views the black race (people are intelligent enough to discern the truth by themselves). It is the constant lies coming from race-baiters and the behavior displayed by uneducated blacks in poor communities (Ferguson) that is responsible for cemented negative stereotypes of blacks.​

Blog What exactly does the race industry want from white America

What do racist blacks want?

Payback for terrible lives they themselves are responsible for.
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes
I guess thats why you are posting on here instead of researching for your doctorate. You do realize proteins and amino acids are not the same thing right?

How Do Genes Work Understanding Genetics

I did my doctorate long ago-----I am retired-----an amino acid--
is the bit of which proteins are made--------you do realize that you are an idiot-----RIGHT? The article you cited is very good------feel free to ask questions------you have no idea as to how to interpret it
You need a brush up on your doctorate then. You claimed that amino acids and proteins are the same. You were wrong. I think I'm going to go with the person that is actually in the field over you. Especially if you are white. I just caught you in a lie.

I have no problem with amino acids and proteins---a protein is
a big bunch of amino acids---------they are both of the same stuff. ----- you are not only stupid----you are disgusting and vulgar. Who you "going with"???
They are not the same. They why they are called 2 different things. An amino acid is not a protein. Thats like saying a cell is an organ. You better go back to school.

Amino acids are a set of 20 different molecules used to build proteins. Proteins consist of one or more chains of amino acids called polypeptides. The sequence of the amino acid chain causes the polypeptide to fold into a shape that is biologically active. The amino acid sequences of proteins are encoded in the genes.

your sophistry is idiotic-----in all fields. Your approach is
very much like that of GOEBBELS and lots of other scum
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.
I guess thats why you are posting on here instead of researching for your doctorate. You do realize proteins and amino acids are not the same thing right?

How Do Genes Work Understanding Genetics

I did my doctorate long ago-----I am retired-----an amino acid--
is the bit of which proteins are made--------you do realize that you are an idiot-----RIGHT? The article you cited is very good------feel free to ask questions------you have no idea as to how to interpret it
You need a brush up on your doctorate then. You claimed that amino acids and proteins are the same. You were wrong. I think I'm going to go with the person that is actually in the field over you. Especially if you are white. I just caught you in a lie.

I have no problem with amino acids and proteins---a protein is
a big bunch of amino acids---------they are both of the same stuff. ----- you are not only stupid----you are disgusting and vulgar. Who you "going with"???
They are not the same. They why they are called 2 different things. An amino acid is not a protein. Thats like saying a cell is an organ. You better go back to school.

Amino acids are a set of 20 different molecules used to build proteins. Proteins consist of one or more chains of amino acids called polypeptides. The sequence of the amino acid chain causes the polypeptide to fold into a shape that is biologically active. The amino acid sequences of proteins are encoded in the genes.

your sophistry is idiotic-----in all fields. Your approach is
very much like that of GOEBBELS and lots of other scum
You still havent explained why you thought amino acids were proteins? Dont get mad and start deflecting. Explain yourself.
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Moses was wanted for murder by the Pharaoh. I kind of guess he left his royal garb under some rock somewhere.
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Just ignore the racist troll derailing the thread to obscure Obama's Jew hatred
They cant ignore it if they started it. Thats why they keep replying.
If you are so pro African go live there. Truth is they dont want racist fucks like you ether.

Why go to Africa when you can sit on your ass all day collecting money from the govt., making up bullshit about whites and creating all this bogus black history? Ha ha ha.
Moses was black, so was his Ethiopian wife. Just saying.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
Around 1956 I think. ;)
So when Bibi comes here he had said he doesn't wish to speak to our jew hater in chief. Can't say i blame him. Obama has gone out of his way to insult the Israeli pm since he has been in office. Obama's obsession with capitulation to Iran to me is treasonous

If Obama doesn't play it right he will loose support from his fellow democrats as well.
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
Around 1956 I think. ;)

now I remember
I didn't. Comprahend what you read

Actually you did idiot. Learn to comprehend what you write.

If you are so pro African go live there.
I didn't. I asked Why you dont go there but we both know the answer. They would shun you for being such a ignorat racist. Thank God you dont go it would give America a bad name.
I dont see the word "why" or a question mark anywhere in your quote. It was a directive not a question. Can you explain who taught you to write in such a uneducated manner? Did you really think you were fooling anyone?
That was my bad. I forgot that when posting to a half retarded ignorant racist that i should spell out the obvious.
You must be poorly educated as well. Everyone knows when you ask a question you end the sentence with a question mark. Where did you get your education? Out of a cracker jack box?

Gee, a question ends with a question mark. When did you learn that, in second grade? Now tell us about Chinese being originally black, dipstick.
What kind of inventions are you looking for? We were first to create carbonized steel. We were the first to use tetracycline. We were the first to write. (Thats a biggie). We founded philosphy, math, astronomy. Basically everything modern day science depends on as a foundation. Say thanks white people.

who told you? Elijah Muhummad or Eldridge Cleaver?
Science and historians told me.

nope------you are confused. You claim that some
scientist "told you" that a "white gene" appeared
7000 years ago. Nope-----skin color is POLYGENIC.
Just the idea of a single "white gene" is ludicrous----
Historians told you that there is written history describing
brilliant black societies that existed tens of thousands
of years ago?

some anti biotics are simply byproducts of MOLDS---penicillin is one and so is tetracycline.

There was a tetracycline
producing mold in Nubia-----and THEREFORE----
some high concentrations of tetracycline in ---the bones of
long dead Nubians------even infants which----is really
unfortunate-----Tetracycline is not used in children----
it creates problems for bones and teeth. try not to be so dim. The stuff you cite is just a matter of really desperate
sophistry. Long long ago----during the cold war----the USSR
expressed its nationalism by claiming to be the "FIRST"
to have come up with this or that discovery. -----your attempt
is even sillier
A this point all you are doing is denying science. If you arent going to be rational I'm just going to ignore your comments on the subject.. The link I posted clearly shows the gene for white/light skin is roughly 7K years old. Has nothing to do with any Black power movement as you keep alluding to. Its from white scientists. Sorry if that bothers you but it is what it is.
Shouldn't you be more worried about your man leaving you for a white woman then trying to derail this thread?

Just imagine living with with nutjob like that. Ha ha ha.

The milk is white because white people made it white!
Actually you did idiot. Learn to comprehend what you write.
I didn't. I asked Why you dont go there but we both know the answer. They would shun you for being such a ignorat racist. Thank God you dont go it would give America a bad name.
I dont see the word "why" or a question mark anywhere in your quote. It was a directive not a question. Can you explain who taught you to write in such a uneducated manner? Did you really think you were fooling anyone?
That was my bad. I forgot that when posting to a half retarded ignorant racist that i should spell out the obvious.
You must be poorly educated as well. Everyone knows when you ask a question you end the sentence with a question mark. Where did you get your education? Out of a cracker jack box?

Gee, a question ends with a question mark. When did you learn that, in second grade? Now tell us about Chinese being originally black, dipstick.
I forgot when I learned it but one thing is for sure. thanatos was either lying or he never learned it.
What do you want to know specifically about the first Chinese?
Moses was Hebrew.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai, and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.
So why when Reuel asked his daughters how they returned so quickly from watering their flock they said an Egyptian delivered them out of the hand of the shepherds? Exodux 2:19.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I

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