Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

There is no science that says Jesus was black. National Geographic did a special on how Jesus would look, and it came out with a Semetic looking Jew, you buffoon.

Afrocentrism is not science, it's a conspiracy theory for racist blacks with pathetic lives, like you.
There is no science that says jesus was white or he even existed either. If he existed he would have been Black.
Bullshit, Jesus was a Hebrew from Nazareth in Israel, about 2000 years ago. Hebrew = Semite, not black, dipstick. There is abslutely zero evidence for Jesus or any Jew whatsoever being black. Keep squirming.
I know he was a Hebrew. Hebrews were Black people. Semite is a language not a race or color idiot. Matter of fact the Semite language is in the Afro-Asiatic family. There is absolutely no evidence Jesus was white.

Hebrews weren't black just because a racist says so. Present evidence that Hebrews during Jesus' time were black or shut the fuck up.
I know that. Hebrews are not Black because of what a racist says. Hebrews are Black because they are Black. You present evidence that Jesus was white. Make me shut up.
Where's your evidence that Hebrews during Jesus' time were black, you fuckface troll? Do you even work? You're on the computer 24/7 jerking yourself off to this fictional history. Pathetic.
You know exactly what I mean. You are trying to attribute anyone with dark skin as a black person. Just like you fraudulently mixed ancient Nubian skin color with Egyptian to make them look the same.
What do you mean trying? Everyone with dark skin is Black. Lots with light skin are too. Doesnt matter what a white girl like you says. I already told you what white people have to say is irrelevant unless it can be proven to be true by my measures not yours.

Nope. People in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, native Americans, and South American Indian tribes have very dark skin, some darker than Africans, that doesn't make them "black". You are a fucking idiot.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


A- I don't see a source for that link, and B- They were probably brought in as slaves just like all the black "islanders" all over south America and the Caribbean. Jamaica and Bahamas all "all black" islands, does that make South America originally black, you igonrant dipshit?
yes there was------what are you calling "modern man"-----the
people of those large empires complete with libraries in
Africa -----30,000 years ago? -----Africa was profoundly
affected by the ice age
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)

Homo sapien is the NAME OF THE ANIMAL----according
the binomial nomenclature of Linnaeus based on anatomy. It does not mean "MODERN" Descriptions of this creature make it clear that it MIGHT have used a few rocks as tools ---lots of animal species do that but also that there is no indication that it had either formed societies or language ior even fire
Now where are those giant libraries located made by black man MILLIONS of years ago? OMO is only 200,000 years old-----far short of those MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO
Its very clear thats why they call them modern man. The ability to make fire was invented before homo sapiens came on the scene by homo eretus. I thought everyone knew that?

" It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neanderthals descended from Homo heidelbergensis."

The oldest religion was dated to 75K years ago in Africa. Sorry but your education must have stopped to soon.
There is no science that says jesus was white or he even existed either. If he existed he would have been Black.
Bullshit, Jesus was a Hebrew from Nazareth in Israel, about 2000 years ago. Hebrew = Semite, not black, dipstick. There is abslutely zero evidence for Jesus or any Jew whatsoever being black. Keep squirming.
I know he was a Hebrew. Hebrews were Black people. Semite is a language not a race or color idiot. Matter of fact the Semite language is in the Afro-Asiatic family. There is absolutely no evidence Jesus was white.

Hebrews weren't black just because a racist says so. Present evidence that Hebrews during Jesus' time were black or shut the fuck up.
I know that. Hebrews are not Black because of what a racist says. Hebrews are Black because they are Black. You present evidence that Jesus was white. Make me shut up.
Where's your evidence that Hebrews during Jesus' time were black, you fuckface troll? Do you even work? You're on the computer 24/7 jerking yourself off to this fictional history. Pathetic.
I already told you. Go read the thread over. Please present evidence Jesus was white or even existed.
What do you mean trying? Everyone with dark skin is Black. Lots with light skin are too. Doesnt matter what a white girl like you says. I already told you what white people have to say is irrelevant unless it can be proven to be true by my measures not yours.

Nope. People in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, native Americans, and South American Indian tribes have very dark skin, some darker than Africans, that doesn't make them "black". You are a fucking idiot.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


A- I don't see a source for that link, and B- They were probably brought in as slaves just like all the black "islanders" all over south America and the Caribbean. Jamaica and Bahamas all "all black" islands, does that make South America originally black, you igonrant dipshit?
Its a picture. If you want a link search on google. You are going to be embarrassed when you do. You white people are really uninformed. I know its not your fault because your white people educators prefer to keep you illiterate but you should at least have tried to find out on your own instead of being willfully ignorant. You poor white people.
I call modern man the first homo sapiens like most people do. Do you have your own definition for that too? Europe was even more profoundly affected. Thats why they were late to civilization.

No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)

Homo sapien is the NAME OF THE ANIMAL----according
the binomial nomenclature of Linnaeus based on anatomy. It does not mean "MODERN" Descriptions of this creature make it clear that it MIGHT have used a few rocks as tools ---lots of animal species do that but also that there is no indication that it had either formed societies or language ior even fire
Now where are those giant libraries located made by black man MILLIONS of years ago? OMO is only 200,000 years old-----far short of those MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO
Its very clear thats why they call them modern man. The ability to make fire was invented before homo sapiens came on the scene by homo eretus. I thought everyone knew that?

" It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neanderthals descended from Homo heidelbergensis."

The oldest religion was dated to 75K years ago in Africa. Sorry but your education must have stopped to soon.

Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
You know exactly what I mean. You are trying to attribute anyone with dark skin as a black person. Just like you fraudulently mixed ancient Nubian skin color with Egyptian to make them look the same.
What do you mean trying? Everyone with dark skin is Black. Lots with light skin are too. Doesnt matter what a white girl like you says. I already told you what white people have to say is irrelevant unless it can be proven to be true by my measures not yours.

Nope. People in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, native Americans, and South American Indian tribes have very dark skin, some darker than Africans, that doesn't make them "black". You are a fucking idiot.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------
Nope. People in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, native Americans, and South American Indian tribes have very dark skin, some darker than Africans, that doesn't make them "black". You are a fucking idiot.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


A- I don't see a source for that link, and B- They were probably brought in as slaves just like all the black "islanders" all over south America and the Caribbean. Jamaica and Bahamas all "all black" islands, does that make South America originally black, you igonrant dipshit?
Its a picture. If you want a link search on google. You are going to be embarrassed when you do. You white people are really uninformed. I know its not your fault because your white people educators prefer to keep you illiterate but you should at least have tried to find out on your own instead of being willfully ignorant. You poor white people.

A picture doesn't make people from India black, you uneducated moron. I suggest you check yourself into a psychologist, you are a mental case.
No----homo sapien is a designation of an animal according to
the GENUS SPECIES nomenclature of Linnaeus-----I would not refer to the man that existed 30,000 years ago-----as a "modern man"
I am not sure what you call "civilization"-----
The nomenclature is based developemental ANATOMY AND REPRODUCTION IN NATURE.

for me---modern man is defined by the advent of writing----
despite the fact that writing did not develop in all people
on the planet------all MODERN brains are capable of it.
Writing did not happen until after the last ice age----
which ended about 10,000 years ago. ------it happened
in areas of the world that had reliable water sources
and some reliable means to establish a food source beyond
hunter gatherer.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)

Homo sapien is the NAME OF THE ANIMAL----according
the binomial nomenclature of Linnaeus based on anatomy. It does not mean "MODERN" Descriptions of this creature make it clear that it MIGHT have used a few rocks as tools ---lots of animal species do that but also that there is no indication that it had either formed societies or language ior even fire
Now where are those giant libraries located made by black man MILLIONS of years ago? OMO is only 200,000 years old-----far short of those MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO
Its very clear thats why they call them modern man. The ability to make fire was invented before homo sapiens came on the scene by homo eretus. I thought everyone knew that?

" It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neanderthals descended from Homo heidelbergensis."

The oldest religion was dated to 75K years ago in Africa. Sorry but your education must have stopped to soon.

Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
Yes it does. Blacks established the foundation. Whites after colonizing everyone ran with that foundation. There is absolutely nothing whites have done that doesnt rest on that foundation and or include Black people or other people of color assisting..
What do you mean trying? Everyone with dark skin is Black. Lots with light skin are too. Doesnt matter what a white girl like you says. I already told you what white people have to say is irrelevant unless it can be proven to be true by my measures not yours.

Nope. People in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, native Americans, and South American Indian tribes have very dark skin, some darker than Africans, that doesn't make them "black". You are a fucking idiot.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------

OOOOPS! That's because you are dealing with an uneducated racist moron. A colony that the British imported slaves into, becomes the source of all India's genetic roots. Ha ha ha. Un fucking real.
What kind of inventions are you looking for? We were first to create carbonized steel. We were the first to use tetracycline. We were the first to write. (Thats a biggie). We founded philosphy, math, astronomy. Basically everything modern day science depends on as a foundation. Say thanks white people.

who told you? Elijah Muhummad or Eldridge Cleaver?
Science and historians told me.

nope------you are confused. You claim that some
scientist "told you" that a "white gene" appeared
7000 years ago. Nope-----skin color is POLYGENIC.
Just the idea of a single "white gene" is ludicrous----
Historians told you that there is written history describing
brilliant black societies that existed tens of thousands
of years ago?

some anti biotics are simply byproducts of MOLDS---penicillin is one and so is tetracycline.

There was a tetracycline
producing mold in Nubia-----and THEREFORE----
some high concentrations of tetracycline in ---the bones of
long dead Nubians------even infants which----is really
unfortunate-----Tetracycline is not used in children----
it creates problems for bones and teeth. try not to be so dim. The stuff you cite is just a matter of really desperate
sophistry. Long long ago----during the cold war----the USSR
expressed its nationalism by claiming to be the "FIRST"
to have come up with this or that discovery. -----your attempt
is even sillier
A this point all you are doing is denying science. If you arent going to be rational I'm just going to ignore your comments on the subject.. The link I posted clearly shows the gene for white/light skin is roughly 7K years old. Has nothing to do with any Black power movement as you keep alluding to. Its from white scientists. Sorry if that bothers you but it is what it is.
Shouldn't you be more worried about your man leaving you for a white woman then trying to derail this thread?

Maybe she is frustrated because she isn't nice looking like Beyonce, rich like Oprah and couldn't get Kenye West because he wanted a White woman. However, she would fit in real well being Calypso Louie Farrakhan's better half. It certainly would be nice, though, if she would realize that this is the Middle East forum, not the Black Power Forum.
i didnt ask you what you would refer to modern man as. Matter of fact your belief has nothing to do with reality. I know science refers to him as homo sapiens which we know for a fact due to fossil evidence was on the scene at least 195K years ago. Check the Omo remains in Ethiopia in case you are confused about that point.
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)

Homo sapien is the NAME OF THE ANIMAL----according
the binomial nomenclature of Linnaeus based on anatomy. It does not mean "MODERN" Descriptions of this creature make it clear that it MIGHT have used a few rocks as tools ---lots of animal species do that but also that there is no indication that it had either formed societies or language ior even fire
Now where are those giant libraries located made by black man MILLIONS of years ago? OMO is only 200,000 years old-----far short of those MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO
Its very clear thats why they call them modern man. The ability to make fire was invented before homo sapiens came on the scene by homo eretus. I thought everyone knew that?

" It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neanderthals descended from Homo heidelbergensis."

The oldest religion was dated to 75K years ago in Africa. Sorry but your education must have stopped to soon.

Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
Yes it does. Blacks established the foundation. Whites after colonizing everyone ran with that foundation. There is absolutely nothing whites have done that doesnt rest on that foundation and or include Black people or other people of color assisting..

Blacks didn't establish jack shit when it comes to other civilizations in Asia, Europe, or elsewhere.

Oh but "all human beings originated from Africa millions of years ago", is not an answer. Where's your evidence, you have non, just your delusional racist garbage.
What do you mean trying? Everyone with dark skin is Black. Lots with light skin are too. Doesnt matter what a white girl like you says. I already told you what white people have to say is irrelevant unless it can be proven to be true by my measures not yours.

Nope. People in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, native Americans, and South American Indian tribes have very dark skin, some darker than Africans, that doesn't make them "black". You are a fucking idiot.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------
I know its a terrific example. They are the last relics of the indigenous people of India. What does them not being attached to the mainlaind mean to you? Do you think the flew over there or came from the mainland?
You'll never guess what country Omo is in. ;)

Homo sapien is the NAME OF THE ANIMAL----according
the binomial nomenclature of Linnaeus based on anatomy. It does not mean "MODERN" Descriptions of this creature make it clear that it MIGHT have used a few rocks as tools ---lots of animal species do that but also that there is no indication that it had either formed societies or language ior even fire
Now where are those giant libraries located made by black man MILLIONS of years ago? OMO is only 200,000 years old-----far short of those MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO
Its very clear thats why they call them modern man. The ability to make fire was invented before homo sapiens came on the scene by homo eretus. I thought everyone knew that?

" It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neanderthals descended from Homo heidelbergensis."

The oldest religion was dated to 75K years ago in Africa. Sorry but your education must have stopped to soon.

Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
Yes it does. Blacks established the foundation. Whites after colonizing everyone ran with that foundation. There is absolutely nothing whites have done that doesnt rest on that foundation and or include Black people or other people of color assisting..

Blacks didn't establish jack shit when it comes to other civilizations in Asia, Europe, or elsewhere.

Oh but "all human beings originated from Africa millions of years ago", is not an answer. Where's your evidence, you have non, just your delusional racist garbage.
Actually it is an answer. I'm not asking your opinion. I'm telling you.
who told you? Elijah Muhummad or Eldridge Cleaver?
Science and historians told me.

nope------you are confused. You claim that some
scientist "told you" that a "white gene" appeared
7000 years ago. Nope-----skin color is POLYGENIC.
Just the idea of a single "white gene" is ludicrous----
Historians told you that there is written history describing
brilliant black societies that existed tens of thousands
of years ago?

some anti biotics are simply byproducts of MOLDS---penicillin is one and so is tetracycline.

There was a tetracycline
producing mold in Nubia-----and THEREFORE----
some high concentrations of tetracycline in ---the bones of
long dead Nubians------even infants which----is really
unfortunate-----Tetracycline is not used in children----
it creates problems for bones and teeth. try not to be so dim. The stuff you cite is just a matter of really desperate
sophistry. Long long ago----during the cold war----the USSR
expressed its nationalism by claiming to be the "FIRST"
to have come up with this or that discovery. -----your attempt
is even sillier
A this point all you are doing is denying science. If you arent going to be rational I'm just going to ignore your comments on the subject.. The link I posted clearly shows the gene for white/light skin is roughly 7K years old. Has nothing to do with any Black power movement as you keep alluding to. Its from white scientists. Sorry if that bothers you but it is what it is.
Shouldn't you be more worried about your man leaving you for a white woman then trying to derail this thread?

Maybe she is frustrated because she isn't nice looking like Beyonce, rich like Oprah and couldn't get Kenye West because he wanted a White woman. However, she would fit in real well being Calypso Louie Farrakhan's better half. It certainly would be nice, though, if she would realize that this is the Middle East forum, not the Black Power Forum.

I bet she's even uglier than the shit she spews. Which sane man would want to hang around this crazy bitch, black or no black. She's certified loony tunes.
Yes you are denying science.

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin colour difference between Europeans and West Africans.

‘The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,’ he said.

The a mutation, called A111T, is found in virtually every one of European ancestry.

A111T is also found in populations in the Middle East and Indian subcontinent, but not in high numbers in Africans.

Read more: Light skin in Europeans stems from ONE 10 000-year-old ancestor who lived between India and the Middle East claims study Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook"

genes do not contain PROTEIN------did you pass high school biology? now its 10,000 years ago that black people turned white? and there were GREAT EMPIRES of literate black people BEFORE THAT ???-------who invented
antibiotics and -----calculus? you got a citation from
a peer reviewed journal? it the stuff is of any significance
It showed up in the journal "NATURE"
Who said genes contain protein? Did you flunk english reading? Please read the article again. You cant be this much of an idiot.

from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes
I guess thats why you are posting on here instead of researching for your doctorate. You do realize proteins and amino acids are not the same thing right?

How Do Genes Work Understanding Genetics

She works in the medical field, you useless bum.

Maybe if she had studied hard, she too could have been a doctor like IRosie. However, it seems that her main focus in life is putting the Whites down. Many Black women professionals have had wonderful careers in their working lives, but they were not interested in White vs. Black but with doing well in their studies.
Science and historians told me.

nope------you are confused. You claim that some
scientist "told you" that a "white gene" appeared
7000 years ago. Nope-----skin color is POLYGENIC.
Just the idea of a single "white gene" is ludicrous----
Historians told you that there is written history describing
brilliant black societies that existed tens of thousands
of years ago?

some anti biotics are simply byproducts of MOLDS---penicillin is one and so is tetracycline.

There was a tetracycline
producing mold in Nubia-----and THEREFORE----
some high concentrations of tetracycline in ---the bones of
long dead Nubians------even infants which----is really
unfortunate-----Tetracycline is not used in children----
it creates problems for bones and teeth. try not to be so dim. The stuff you cite is just a matter of really desperate
sophistry. Long long ago----during the cold war----the USSR
expressed its nationalism by claiming to be the "FIRST"
to have come up with this or that discovery. -----your attempt
is even sillier
A this point all you are doing is denying science. If you arent going to be rational I'm just going to ignore your comments on the subject.. The link I posted clearly shows the gene for white/light skin is roughly 7K years old. Has nothing to do with any Black power movement as you keep alluding to. Its from white scientists. Sorry if that bothers you but it is what it is.
Shouldn't you be more worried about your man leaving you for a white woman then trying to derail this thread?

Maybe she is frustrated because she isn't nice looking like Beyonce, rich like Oprah and couldn't get Kenye West because he wanted a White woman. However, she would fit in real well being Calypso Louie Farrakhan's better half. It certainly would be nice, though, if she would realize that this is the Middle East forum, not the Black Power Forum.

I bet she's even uglier than the shit she spews. Which sane man would want to hang around this crazy bitch, black or no black. She's certified loony tunes.

I think we can see how mentally unbalanced she is when it comes to the topic of Whites and Blacks. She has attempted to make this particular thread all about that. She has contributed nothing else to this Middle East forum.
Nope. People in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, native Americans, and South American Indian tribes have very dark skin, some darker than Africans, that doesn't make them "black". You are a fucking idiot.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------
I know its a terrific example. They are the last relics of the indigenous people of India. What does them not being attached to the mainlaind mean to you? Do you think the flew over there or came from the mainland?

It's a terrific example of your lunacy. They are slaves brought there by the British.
All of them are Black or Black influenced populations. Sorry idiot.

India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------
I know its a terrific example. They are the last relics of the indigenous people of India. What does them not being attached to the mainlaind mean to you? Do you think the flew over there or came from the mainland?

It's a terrific example of your lunacy. They are slaves brought there by the British.

You're talking about the Siddis which is another group of Black people. The Andaman Islanders people are indigenous. Google is your friend idiot.

Andamanese people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"The Andamanese people are the various aboriginal inhabitants of the Andaman Islands, a district of India located in the southeastern part of the Bay of Bengal."

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