Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

genes do not contain PROTEIN------did you pass high school biology? now its 10,000 years ago that black people turned white? and there were GREAT EMPIRES of literate black people BEFORE THAT ???-------who invented
antibiotics and -----calculus? you got a citation from
a peer reviewed journal? it the stuff is of any significance
It showed up in the journal "NATURE"
Who said genes contain protein? Did you flunk english reading? Please read the article again. You cant be this much of an idiot.

from your idiot article

In earlier research, Keith Cheng from Penn State College of Medicine reported that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5.
Idiot---do you know the word "amino acid" ?? good---you
don't------there are no AMINO ACIDS in genes ----amino acid is the smallest unit of protein-----proteins are made
from a whole bunch of AMINO ACIDS-------ain't none in genes
I guess thats why you are posting on here instead of researching for your doctorate. You do realize proteins and amino acids are not the same thing right?

How Do Genes Work Understanding Genetics

She works in the medical field, you useless bum.

Maybe if she had studied hard, she too could have been a doctor like IRosie. However, it seems that her main focus in life is putting the Whites down. Many Black women professionals have had wonderful careers in their working lives, but they were not interested in White vs. Black but with doing well in their studies.

Losers like her always blame others. She sits there and makes up this shit about how blacks are behind every great civilization and human achievement, while she blames whites for her miserable existence.
India was Black influenced? How so, you delusional mentally ill racist moron?
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------
I know its a terrific example. They are the last relics of the indigenous people of India. What does them not being attached to the mainlaind mean to you? Do you think the flew over there or came from the mainland?

It's a terrific example of your lunacy. They are slaves brought there by the British.

You're talking about the Siddis which is another group of Black people. The Andaman Islanders people are indigenous. Google is your friend idiot.

So, again, where is your evidence that Indian civilization was influenced by blacks?

Is this your basic answer to everything, fuckface, that since all humans came out of Africa then all human civilizations were influenced by blacks?

You are a lunatic.
Yes India was Black influenced. Do you want to see the indigenous people of India? Meet the Andaman Islanders. They look Black to me. How about you?


terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------
I know its a terrific example. They are the last relics of the indigenous people of India. What does them not being attached to the mainlaind mean to you? Do you think the flew over there or came from the mainland?

It's a terrific example of your lunacy. They are slaves brought there by the British.

You're talking about the Siddis which is another group of Black people. The Andaman Islanders people are indigenous. Google is your friend idiot.

So, again, where is your evidence that Indian civilization was influenced by blacks?

Is this your basic answer to everything, fuckface, that since all humans came out of Africa then all human civilizations were influenced by blacks?

You are a lunatic.
On google. I even post a link for you.
Homo sapien is the NAME OF THE ANIMAL----according
the binomial nomenclature of Linnaeus based on anatomy. It does not mean "MODERN" Descriptions of this creature make it clear that it MIGHT have used a few rocks as tools ---lots of animal species do that but also that there is no indication that it had either formed societies or language ior even fire
Now where are those giant libraries located made by black man MILLIONS of years ago? OMO is only 200,000 years old-----far short of those MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO
Its very clear thats why they call them modern man. The ability to make fire was invented before homo sapiens came on the scene by homo eretus. I thought everyone knew that?

" It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neanderthals descended from Homo heidelbergensis."

The oldest religion was dated to 75K years ago in Africa. Sorry but your education must have stopped to soon.

Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
Yes it does. Blacks established the foundation. Whites after colonizing everyone ran with that foundation. There is absolutely nothing whites have done that doesnt rest on that foundation and or include Black people or other people of color assisting..

Blacks didn't establish jack shit when it comes to other civilizations in Asia, Europe, or elsewhere.

Oh but "all human beings originated from Africa millions of years ago", is not an answer. Where's your evidence, you have non, just your delusional racist garbage.
Actually it is an answer. I'm not asking your opinion. I'm telling you.

No it's not an answer. Who cares what a racist troll says? Blacks aren't responsible for the achievements of all of humanity. Your insecurity about your race has driven you mad.
terrific example Asclepias-----both india and the British used those islands as penal colonies------and---they are not ATTACHED to mainland india------
I know its a terrific example. They are the last relics of the indigenous people of India. What does them not being attached to the mainlaind mean to you? Do you think the flew over there or came from the mainland?

It's a terrific example of your lunacy. They are slaves brought there by the British.

You're talking about the Siddis which is another group of Black people. The Andaman Islanders people are indigenous. Google is your friend idiot.

So, again, where is your evidence that Indian civilization was influenced by blacks?

Is this your basic answer to everything, fuckface, that since all humans came out of Africa then all human civilizations were influenced by blacks?

You are a lunatic.
On google. I even post a link for you.

I did, there's nothing that indicates any influence by blacks on Indian, Chinese, Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Persian civilizations. At best they may have had some influence in areas in neighboring Africa.

The word Africa or black doesn't even appear here:

History of India - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
East Indians are from the haplogroup M. Sorry guys.


"All mtDNA haplogroups considered native outside of Africa are descendants of either haplogroup M or its siblinghaplogroup N.[9] The geographical distributions of M and N are associated with discussions concerning out of Africa migrations and the subsequent colonization of the rest of the world. In particular, it is often taken to indicate that it is very likely that there was one particularly major prehistoric migration of humans out of Africa, and that both M and N were part of this colonization process.[10].["
Its very clear thats why they call them modern man. The ability to make fire was invented before homo sapiens came on the scene by homo eretus. I thought everyone knew that?

" It is now clear that early Homo sapiens, or modern humans, did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries. However, it is likely that both modern humans and Neanderthals descended from Homo heidelbergensis."

The oldest religion was dated to 75K years ago in Africa. Sorry but your education must have stopped to soon.

Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
Yes it does. Blacks established the foundation. Whites after colonizing everyone ran with that foundation. There is absolutely nothing whites have done that doesnt rest on that foundation and or include Black people or other people of color assisting..

Blacks didn't establish jack shit when it comes to other civilizations in Asia, Europe, or elsewhere.

Oh but "all human beings originated from Africa millions of years ago", is not an answer. Where's your evidence, you have non, just your delusional racist garbage.
Actually it is an answer. I'm not asking your opinion. I'm telling you.

No it's not an answer. Who cares what a racist troll says? Blacks aren't responsible for the achievements of all of humanity. Your insecurity about your race has driven you mad.
Yes it is an answer. I give you permission not to believe it. If I were you I would do my own research as it seems your ego has taken a beating and you are not prepared to consider facts. It appears you would rather believe the fairytales taught to you in white school.
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I
Because Moses was once a prince of Egypt, was raised as one, and wore the clothes of an Egyptian.

Not all Egyptians are black fyi.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I

King David had red hair, although I don't know if it was curly or straight. Apparently that's where many Jews get their red hair. Now King David was way before Jesus and he certainly wasn't Black. I think someone should go to the various Coptic churches and tell them that the icons of ancient times (200 to 400 A.D.) that Jesus was depicted all wrong. That he was a Black man just like the Welfare Queen on here. Speaking of hair, I wonder if the Welfare Queen wears her hair in dredlocks in honor of Ras Tafarian.
East Indians are from the haplogroup M. Sorry guys.


"All mtDNA haplogroups considered native outside of Africa are descendants of either haplogroup M or its siblinghaplogroup N.[9] The geographical distributions of M and N are associated with discussions concerning out of Africa migrations and the subsequent colonization of the rest of the world. In particular, it is often taken to indicate that it is very likely that there was one particularly major prehistoric migration of humans out of Africa, and that both M and N were part of this colonization process.[10].["

That doesn't cut it. I asked how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization, not a map of homo sapiens migration out of Africa millions of years ago.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I

King David had red hair, although I don't know if it was curly or straight. Apparently that's where many Jews get their red hair. Now King David was way before Jesus and he certainly wasn't Black. I think someone should go to the various Coptic churches and tell them that the icons of ancient times (200 to 400 A.D.) that Jesus was depicted all wrong. That he was a Black man just like the Welfare Queen on here. Speaking of hair, I wonder if the Welfare Queen wears her hair in dredlocks in honor of Ras Tafarian.
Plenty of Black people have red hair. I posted some pics a little ways back with red headed Africans. If really dark skinned Africans can have it....well you know whats up.
East Indians are from the haplogroup M. Sorry guys.


"All mtDNA haplogroups considered native outside of Africa are descendants of either haplogroup M or its siblinghaplogroup N.[9] The geographical distributions of M and N are associated with discussions concerning out of Africa migrations and the subsequent colonization of the rest of the world. In particular, it is often taken to indicate that it is very likely that there was one particularly major prehistoric migration of humans out of Africa, and that both M and N were part of this colonization process.[10].["

That doesn't cut it. I asked how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization, not a map of homo sapiens migration out of Africa millions of years ago.
I'm sorry. I thought you could read a map. India is in the middle showing how Africans migrated to India. Thats why they were so dark and still remain so to this day.
when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I
when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I

King David had red hair, although I don't know if it was curly or straight. Apparently that's where many Jews get their red hair. Now King David was way before Jesus and he certainly wasn't Black. I think someone should go to the various Coptic churches and tell them that the icons of ancient times (200 to 400 A.D.) that Jesus was depicted all wrong. That he was a Black man just like the Welfare Queen on here. Speaking of hair, I wonder if the Welfare Queen wears her hair in dredlocks in honor of Ras Tafarian.
Plenty of Black people have red hair. I posted some pics a little ways back with red headed Africans. If really dark skinned Africans can have it....well you know whats up.

You can't post any real evidence other than all humans came from Africa millions of years ago, can you? Ha ha ha.
Couldn't find any influence by blacks or Africa here either:

Mesopotamia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Mesopotamia is not India. Wiki has not been updated. You need to look harder.

Well, show us how blacks and Africans influenced Chinese, Persian, Greek, Roman, Indian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian civilizations. And don't post a map of how homo sapiens migrated out of Africa millions of years ago, moron.
Let me know when you have accepted your lessons regarding India and Egypt. We are building a foundation here.
Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
Yes it does. Blacks established the foundation. Whites after colonizing everyone ran with that foundation. There is absolutely nothing whites have done that doesnt rest on that foundation and or include Black people or other people of color assisting..

Blacks didn't establish jack shit when it comes to other civilizations in Asia, Europe, or elsewhere.

Oh but "all human beings originated from Africa millions of years ago", is not an answer. Where's your evidence, you have non, just your delusional racist garbage.
Actually it is an answer. I'm not asking your opinion. I'm telling you.

No it's not an answer. Who cares what a racist troll says? Blacks aren't responsible for the achievements of all of humanity. Your insecurity about your race has driven you mad.
Yes it is an answer. I give you permission not to believe it. If I were you I would do my own research as it seems your ego has taken a beating and you are not prepared to consider facts. It appears you would rather believe the fairytales taught to you in white school.

Sorry but whether or not homo sapiens came from Africa doesn't make Jesus a black man, nor does it make all white and Caucasian achievements, black either.
Yes it does. Blacks established the foundation. Whites after colonizing everyone ran with that foundation. There is absolutely nothing whites have done that doesnt rest on that foundation and or include Black people or other people of color assisting..

Blacks didn't establish jack shit when it comes to other civilizations in Asia, Europe, or elsewhere.

Oh but "all human beings originated from Africa millions of years ago", is not an answer. Where's your evidence, you have non, just your delusional racist garbage.
Actually it is an answer. I'm not asking your opinion. I'm telling you.

No it's not an answer. Who cares what a racist troll says? Blacks aren't responsible for the achievements of all of humanity. Your insecurity about your race has driven you mad.
Yes it is an answer. I give you permission not to believe it. If I were you I would do my own research as it seems your ego has taken a beating and you are not prepared to consider facts. It appears you would rather believe the fairytales taught to you in white school.

While you are blabbering on as if this were some Anthropology forum, have you ever thought that perhaps the readers look at your oversized racist ego and laugh at you? I certainly hope that you have your kids in some Black school because of course you don't want them to learn anything from the evil Whites. The facts are that if you were still in Africa, you would be running around in a loin cloth.
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I

King David had red hair, although I don't know if it was curly or straight. Apparently that's where many Jews get their red hair. Now King David was way before Jesus and he certainly wasn't Black. I think someone should go to the various Coptic churches and tell them that the icons of ancient times (200 to 400 A.D.) that Jesus was depicted all wrong. That he was a Black man just like the Welfare Queen on here. Speaking of hair, I wonder if the Welfare Queen wears her hair in dredlocks in honor of Ras Tafarian.
Plenty of Black people have red hair. I posted some pics a little ways back with red headed Africans. If really dark skinned Africans can have it....well you know whats up.

You can't post any real evidence other than all humans came from Africa millions of years ago, can you? Ha ha ha.
Well I also posted the evidence that Black people have been around for millions of years. The DNA is not millions of years ago. its relatively recent. I know this is confusing for you but keep in mind this is homo sapiens which has not been around for millions of years.
East Indians are from the haplogroup M. Sorry guys.


"All mtDNA haplogroups considered native outside of Africa are descendants of either haplogroup M or its siblinghaplogroup N.[9] The geographical distributions of M and N are associated with discussions concerning out of Africa migrations and the subsequent colonization of the rest of the world. In particular, it is often taken to indicate that it is very likely that there was one particularly major prehistoric migration of humans out of Africa, and that both M and N were part of this colonization process.[10].["

That doesn't cut it. I asked how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization, not a map of homo sapiens migration out of Africa millions of years ago.
I'm sorry. I thought you could read a map. India is in the middle showing how Africans migrated to India. Thats why they were so dark and still remain so to this day.

That's hardly any evidence. Migration into India came from the north as well. But that doesn't tell us how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization does it?

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