Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Well according to you there is no white race, there is no other race other than black race. Since all human beings came from Africa at some point in earth's history, and they went on this "road trip" out of Africa doesn't mean they get to call themselves whites, or semites, or Asian. Ha ha ha. You are fucking cuckoo certified loony tunes.
Where did I say there was no white race? Do you frequently lie when frustrated?

You don't hate whites, you won't even let your kids learn children's stories written by white people. That's how mentally sick you are.
Why does that mean I hate whites? I dont let my kids read trash like playboy either does that make me mentally sick as well? Why would I want them to be influenced by trash history?

You comparing world renowned authors to playboy, calling them trash? YOU ARE THE IGNORANT TRASH.
They are white authors Odds are they are lying or pushing white supremacy. I consider that trash. Sorry if that makes you emotional but since I am not responsible for raising you I dont really care.

They aren't pushing white supremacy, they are trying to teach children morals and ethics, you lunatic.
Where did I say there was no white race? Do you frequently lie when frustrated?

White race was a black mutation, remember. So all whites are blacks. Indians are blacks who migrated there millions of years ago as human beings left Africa. So there are no real races, only one race, that created all these races, the superior black race.
Your sense of time leaves a lot to be desired. Blacks didnt migrate there millions of years ago. More like thousands of years ago. I think you are starting to get the picture now that you understand whites are mutated Blacks and really all just one race. That doesnt make the Black race superior. It just makes them first to civilization. If your threatened by that and thinks it makes Blacks superior you are mistaken.

I got the picture the picture that you are fucking insane racist a long time ago. Problem is you can't show anything other than this racist Afrocentrist hocus pocus.

I don't see any evidence of Blacks migrating to India "thousands of years ago", care to show us any evidence for that garbaggio statement?

The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Anatomically modern humans, as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago.[1]

The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, was the first major civilization in South Asia.[2] A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture developed in the Mature Harappan period, from 2600 to 1900 BCE.[3] This civilization collapsed at the start of the second millennium BCE and was later followed by the Iron Age Vedic Civilization, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plain and which witness the rise of major polities known as the Mahajanapadas. In one of these kingdoms, Magadha,Mahavira and Gautama Buddha propagated their Shramanic philosophies during the fifth and sixth century BCE.

Most of the subcontinent was conquered by the Maurya Empire during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. From the 3rd century BC onwards Prakrit and Pali literature in the north and the Sangam literature in southern India started to flourish.[4][5] The famous Wootz steel originated in south India in the 3rd century BC and was also exported to foreign countries.[6][7][8] Further, various parts of India were ruled by numerous Middle kingdoms for the next 1,500 years, among which the Gupta Empire stand out. This period, witnessing a Hindu religious and intellectual resurgence, is known as the classical or "Golden Age of India". During this period, aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture, and religion (Hinduism and Buddhism) spread to much of Asia, while kingdoms in southern India had maritime business links with the Roman Empire from around 77 CE. During this period Indian cultural influence spread over many parts of Southeast Asia which led to the establishment of Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia.[9]

7th-11th centuries saw the Tripartite struggle between the Pala Empire, Rashtrakuta Empire, and Gurjara Pratihara Empire centered on Kannauj. Southern India saw the rule of the Chalukya Empire, Chola Empire, Pallava Empire, Pandyan Empire, and Western Chalukya Empire. The Chola dynasty conquered southern India and successfully invaded parts of Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka in the 11th century.[10][11] The early medieval period Indian mathematics influenced the development of mathematics and astronomy in the Arab world and the Hindu numerals were introduced.[12]

Muslim rule started in some parts of north India in the 13th century when the Delhi Sultanate was established in 1206 CE by the central Asian Turks.[13] The Delhi Sultanate ruled the major part of northern India in the early 14th century, but declined in the late 14th century, which saw the emergence of several powerful Hindu states like the Vijayanagara Empire, Gajapati Kingdom, Ahom Kingdom and Mewar dynasty. In the 16th century Mughals came from Central Asia and covered most of India gradually. The Mughal Empire suffered a gradual decline in the early 18th century, which provided opportunities for the Maratha Empire, Sikh Empire andMysore Kingdom to exercise control over large areas in the subcontinent.[14][15]

Beginning in the late 18th century and over the next century, large areas of India were annexed by the British East India Company. Dissatisfaction with Company rule led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, after which the British provinces of India were directly administered by the British Crown and witnessed a period of both rapid development of infrastructure and economic stagnation. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched with the leading party involved being the Indian National Congress which was later joined by other organizations as well.

The subcontinent gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, after the British provinces were partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan and the princely states all acceded to one of the new states.
I showed you via DNA where Africans migrated to India. I even showed you the indigenous people. What white people say went down has been pushed for centuries. We know that stuff is just monkey shine now..

That don't cut it. Show us your black racist proof that blacks from Africa migrated to India "thousands of years ago" and show us how this recent migration influenced Indian civilization. You keep making all these asinine claims, when challenged your response is "well at some point in time human beings came from Africa". You do realize how insane you sound?
Yes it does cut it. Your inability to understand the implications of this is your problem. I know this stuff stresses you out being white. It was overwhelming for me and I am Black. I actually thought some of these people had lost their minds. However, more and more science is backing up every single thing that I have heard except that white people were created in a test tube by some evil African scientist.
DNA doesn't tell us who built civilizations, moron. People do. Indians built Indian civilization, not black Africans. Unless you show me how blacks from Africa contributed to a certain civilization, you got nothing. All these different races aren't "black" just because at some point human beings came from Africa. You are dumber than a door knob.
DNA tells you who was there. Since the ancient east Indians worshipped Black gods and share many cultural habits and linquistics with Black Africans we know who built the civilization. If the builders were whites everyone would be hearing about it. Thats how we know they are Black.

And yet, you can't show us how blacks influenced Indian civilization, other than at some point in earth's ancient history, the early humans migrated out of Africa. Can you show us a black civilization that at the same time ancient Indian civilization existed, influenced it's mathematical, artistic and astronomical achievements? No, they already had black DNA from a million years ago, right? Ha ha ha.
That doesnt make any sense. The Indian civilization was Black. You need to keep up.

According to you it is. But not according to the Indians themselves. There isn't a shred of evidence that blacks influenced India for the last half a million years. You got nothing other than man migrated out of Africa.
Actually India traded alot with Africa before white people got out of the caves of europe. I wouldnt expect you to know that however. Indians also admit the African connection. At least the intelligent ones that read books.

Still can't show me this massive black migration a few thousands of years ago from Africa? I thought so. You're fulla shit as usual. Another epic fail. I will wait here until you show us when all these blacks migrated out of Africa and turned India into a great civilization.
Where did I say there was no white race? Do you frequently lie when frustrated?

You don't hate whites, you won't even let your kids learn children's stories written by white people. That's how mentally sick you are.
Why does that mean I hate whites? I dont let my kids read trash like playboy either does that make me mentally sick as well? Why would I want them to be influenced by trash history?

You comparing world renowned authors to playboy, calling them trash? YOU ARE THE IGNORANT TRASH.
They are white authors Odds are they are lying or pushing white supremacy. I consider that trash. Sorry if that makes you emotional but since I am not responsible for raising you I dont really care.

They aren't pushing white supremacy, they are trying to teach children morals and ethics, you lunatic.
I find that most of the time they are subtly pushing white supremacy either on purpose or just because they are ignorant and dont know any better. They write from a white perspective. I have plenty of Black authors that teach the same lessons learned thousands of years before whites left the caves of europe to become civilized.. Why would I need even 1 white author?
DNA tells you who was there. Since the ancient east Indians worshipped Black gods and share many cultural habits and linquistics with Black Africans we know who built the civilization. If the builders were whites everyone would be hearing about it. Thats how we know they are Black.

And yet, you can't show us how blacks influenced Indian civilization, other than at some point in earth's ancient history, the early humans migrated out of Africa. Can you show us a black civilization that at the same time ancient Indian civilization existed, influenced it's mathematical, artistic and astronomical achievements? No, they already had black DNA from a million years ago, right? Ha ha ha.
That doesnt make any sense. The Indian civilization was Black. You need to keep up.

According to you it is. But not according to the Indians themselves. There isn't a shred of evidence that blacks influenced India for the last half a million years. You got nothing other than man migrated out of Africa.
Actually India traded alot with Africa before white people got out of the caves of europe. I wouldnt expect you to know that however. Indians also admit the African connection. At least the intelligent ones that read books.

Still can't show me this massive black migration a few thousands of years ago from Africa? I thought so. You're fulla shit as usual. Another epic fail. I will wait here until you show us when all these blacks migrated out of Africa and turned India into a great civilization.
I already did. Your failure to understand science is an issue you are going to have to learn to over come.
White race was a black mutation, remember. So all whites are blacks. Indians are blacks who migrated there millions of years ago as human beings left Africa. So there are no real races, only one race, that created all these races, the superior black race.
Your sense of time leaves a lot to be desired. Blacks didnt migrate there millions of years ago. More like thousands of years ago. I think you are starting to get the picture now that you understand whites are mutated Blacks and really all just one race. That doesnt make the Black race superior. It just makes them first to civilization. If your threatened by that and thinks it makes Blacks superior you are mistaken.

I got the picture the picture that you are fucking insane racist a long time ago. Problem is you can't show anything other than this racist Afrocentrist hocus pocus.

I don't see any evidence of Blacks migrating to India "thousands of years ago", care to show us any evidence for that garbaggio statement?

The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Anatomically modern humans, as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago.[1]

The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, was the first major civilization in South Asia.[2] A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture developed in the Mature Harappan period, from 2600 to 1900 BCE.[3] This civilization collapsed at the start of the second millennium BCE and was later followed by the Iron Age Vedic Civilization, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plain and which witness the rise of major polities known as the Mahajanapadas. In one of these kingdoms, Magadha,Mahavira and Gautama Buddha propagated their Shramanic philosophies during the fifth and sixth century BCE.

Most of the subcontinent was conquered by the Maurya Empire during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. From the 3rd century BC onwards Prakrit and Pali literature in the north and the Sangam literature in southern India started to flourish.[4][5] The famous Wootz steel originated in south India in the 3rd century BC and was also exported to foreign countries.[6][7][8] Further, various parts of India were ruled by numerous Middle kingdoms for the next 1,500 years, among which the Gupta Empire stand out. This period, witnessing a Hindu religious and intellectual resurgence, is known as the classical or "Golden Age of India". During this period, aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture, and religion (Hinduism and Buddhism) spread to much of Asia, while kingdoms in southern India had maritime business links with the Roman Empire from around 77 CE. During this period Indian cultural influence spread over many parts of Southeast Asia which led to the establishment of Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia.[9]

7th-11th centuries saw the Tripartite struggle between the Pala Empire, Rashtrakuta Empire, and Gurjara Pratihara Empire centered on Kannauj. Southern India saw the rule of the Chalukya Empire, Chola Empire, Pallava Empire, Pandyan Empire, and Western Chalukya Empire. The Chola dynasty conquered southern India and successfully invaded parts of Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka in the 11th century.[10][11] The early medieval period Indian mathematics influenced the development of mathematics and astronomy in the Arab world and the Hindu numerals were introduced.[12]

Muslim rule started in some parts of north India in the 13th century when the Delhi Sultanate was established in 1206 CE by the central Asian Turks.[13] The Delhi Sultanate ruled the major part of northern India in the early 14th century, but declined in the late 14th century, which saw the emergence of several powerful Hindu states like the Vijayanagara Empire, Gajapati Kingdom, Ahom Kingdom and Mewar dynasty. In the 16th century Mughals came from Central Asia and covered most of India gradually. The Mughal Empire suffered a gradual decline in the early 18th century, which provided opportunities for the Maratha Empire, Sikh Empire andMysore Kingdom to exercise control over large areas in the subcontinent.[14][15]

Beginning in the late 18th century and over the next century, large areas of India were annexed by the British East India Company. Dissatisfaction with Company rule led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, after which the British provinces of India were directly administered by the British Crown and witnessed a period of both rapid development of infrastructure and economic stagnation. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched with the leading party involved being the Indian National Congress which was later joined by other organizations as well.

The subcontinent gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, after the British provinces were partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan and the princely states all acceded to one of the new states.
I showed you via DNA where Africans migrated to India. I even showed you the indigenous people. What white people say went down has been pushed for centuries. We know that stuff is just monkey shine now..

That don't cut it. Show us your black racist proof that blacks from Africa migrated to India "thousands of years ago" and show us how this recent migration influenced Indian civilization. You keep making all these asinine claims, when challenged your response is "well at some point in time human beings came from Africa". You do realize how insane you sound?
Yes it does cut it. Your inability to understand the implications of this is your problem. I know this stuff stresses you out being white. It was overwhelming for me and I am Black. I actually thought some of these people had lost their minds. However, more and more science is backing up every single thing that I have heard except that white people were created in a test tube by some evil African scientist.

Well you are insane and very insecure about your race, so it would make sense for you to believe all this garbage.
Your sense of time leaves a lot to be desired. Blacks didnt migrate there millions of years ago. More like thousands of years ago. I think you are starting to get the picture now that you understand whites are mutated Blacks and really all just one race. That doesnt make the Black race superior. It just makes them first to civilization. If your threatened by that and thinks it makes Blacks superior you are mistaken.

I got the picture the picture that you are fucking insane racist a long time ago. Problem is you can't show anything other than this racist Afrocentrist hocus pocus.

I don't see any evidence of Blacks migrating to India "thousands of years ago", care to show us any evidence for that garbaggio statement?

The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Anatomically modern humans, as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago.[1]

The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, was the first major civilization in South Asia.[2] A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture developed in the Mature Harappan period, from 2600 to 1900 BCE.[3] This civilization collapsed at the start of the second millennium BCE and was later followed by the Iron Age Vedic Civilization, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plain and which witness the rise of major polities known as the Mahajanapadas. In one of these kingdoms, Magadha,Mahavira and Gautama Buddha propagated their Shramanic philosophies during the fifth and sixth century BCE.

Most of the subcontinent was conquered by the Maurya Empire during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. From the 3rd century BC onwards Prakrit and Pali literature in the north and the Sangam literature in southern India started to flourish.[4][5] The famous Wootz steel originated in south India in the 3rd century BC and was also exported to foreign countries.[6][7][8] Further, various parts of India were ruled by numerous Middle kingdoms for the next 1,500 years, among which the Gupta Empire stand out. This period, witnessing a Hindu religious and intellectual resurgence, is known as the classical or "Golden Age of India". During this period, aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture, and religion (Hinduism and Buddhism) spread to much of Asia, while kingdoms in southern India had maritime business links with the Roman Empire from around 77 CE. During this period Indian cultural influence spread over many parts of Southeast Asia which led to the establishment of Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia.[9]

7th-11th centuries saw the Tripartite struggle between the Pala Empire, Rashtrakuta Empire, and Gurjara Pratihara Empire centered on Kannauj. Southern India saw the rule of the Chalukya Empire, Chola Empire, Pallava Empire, Pandyan Empire, and Western Chalukya Empire. The Chola dynasty conquered southern India and successfully invaded parts of Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka in the 11th century.[10][11] The early medieval period Indian mathematics influenced the development of mathematics and astronomy in the Arab world and the Hindu numerals were introduced.[12]

Muslim rule started in some parts of north India in the 13th century when the Delhi Sultanate was established in 1206 CE by the central Asian Turks.[13] The Delhi Sultanate ruled the major part of northern India in the early 14th century, but declined in the late 14th century, which saw the emergence of several powerful Hindu states like the Vijayanagara Empire, Gajapati Kingdom, Ahom Kingdom and Mewar dynasty. In the 16th century Mughals came from Central Asia and covered most of India gradually. The Mughal Empire suffered a gradual decline in the early 18th century, which provided opportunities for the Maratha Empire, Sikh Empire andMysore Kingdom to exercise control over large areas in the subcontinent.[14][15]

Beginning in the late 18th century and over the next century, large areas of India were annexed by the British East India Company. Dissatisfaction with Company rule led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, after which the British provinces of India were directly administered by the British Crown and witnessed a period of both rapid development of infrastructure and economic stagnation. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched with the leading party involved being the Indian National Congress which was later joined by other organizations as well.

The subcontinent gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, after the British provinces were partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan and the princely states all acceded to one of the new states.
I showed you via DNA where Africans migrated to India. I even showed you the indigenous people. What white people say went down has been pushed for centuries. We know that stuff is just monkey shine now..

That don't cut it. Show us your black racist proof that blacks from Africa migrated to India "thousands of years ago" and show us how this recent migration influenced Indian civilization. You keep making all these asinine claims, when challenged your response is "well at some point in time human beings came from Africa". You do realize how insane you sound?
Yes it does cut it. Your inability to understand the implications of this is your problem. I know this stuff stresses you out being white. It was overwhelming for me and I am Black. I actually thought some of these people had lost their minds. However, more and more science is backing up every single thing that I have heard except that white people were created in a test tube by some evil African scientist.

Well you are insane and very insecure about your race, so it would make sense for you to believe all this garbage.
I'm very sane and have no reason to be insecure about my race. I believe facts not garbage.
You don't hate whites, you won't even let your kids learn children's stories written by white people. That's how mentally sick you are.
Why does that mean I hate whites? I dont let my kids read trash like playboy either does that make me mentally sick as well? Why would I want them to be influenced by trash history?

You comparing world renowned authors to playboy, calling them trash? YOU ARE THE IGNORANT TRASH.
They are white authors Odds are they are lying or pushing white supremacy. I consider that trash. Sorry if that makes you emotional but since I am not responsible for raising you I dont really care.

They aren't pushing white supremacy, they are trying to teach children morals and ethics, you lunatic.
I find that most of the time they are subtly pushing white supremacy either on purpose or just because they are ignorant and dont know any better. They write from a white perspective. I have plenty of Black authors that teach the same lessons learned thousands of years before whites left the caves of europe to become civilized.. Why would I need even 1 white author?

They write from a white perspective because they where whites. But the lessons the morals and ethics the stories teach is what's important. However, to a nutjob like you, "it's subtle racism".
Why does that mean I hate whites? I dont let my kids read trash like playboy either does that make me mentally sick as well? Why would I want them to be influenced by trash history?

You comparing world renowned authors to playboy, calling them trash? YOU ARE THE IGNORANT TRASH.
They are white authors Odds are they are lying or pushing white supremacy. I consider that trash. Sorry if that makes you emotional but since I am not responsible for raising you I dont really care.

They aren't pushing white supremacy, they are trying to teach children morals and ethics, you lunatic.
I find that most of the time they are subtly pushing white supremacy either on purpose or just because they are ignorant and dont know any better. They write from a white perspective. I have plenty of Black authors that teach the same lessons learned thousands of years before whites left the caves of europe to become civilized.. Why would I need even 1 white author?

They write from a white perspective because they where whites. But the lessons the morals and ethics the stories teach is what's important. However, to a nutjob like you, "it's subtle racism".
You didnt answer my question. Why would I, a Black man, want my kids instructed by a white man when I have Black men that teach the same lesson and with a deeper understanding? Why does that enrage you so much?
I got the picture the picture that you are fucking insane racist a long time ago. Problem is you can't show anything other than this racist Afrocentrist hocus pocus.

I don't see any evidence of Blacks migrating to India "thousands of years ago", care to show us any evidence for that garbaggio statement?

The history of India begins with evidence of human activity of Anatomically modern humans, as long as 75,000 years ago, or with earlier hominids including Homo erectus from about 500,000 years ago.[1]

The Indus Valley Civilization, which spread and flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from c. 3300 to 1300 BCE in present-day Pakistan and northwest India, was the first major civilization in South Asia.[2] A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture developed in the Mature Harappan period, from 2600 to 1900 BCE.[3] This civilization collapsed at the start of the second millennium BCE and was later followed by the Iron Age Vedic Civilization, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plain and which witness the rise of major polities known as the Mahajanapadas. In one of these kingdoms, Magadha,Mahavira and Gautama Buddha propagated their Shramanic philosophies during the fifth and sixth century BCE.

Most of the subcontinent was conquered by the Maurya Empire during the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE. From the 3rd century BC onwards Prakrit and Pali literature in the north and the Sangam literature in southern India started to flourish.[4][5] The famous Wootz steel originated in south India in the 3rd century BC and was also exported to foreign countries.[6][7][8] Further, various parts of India were ruled by numerous Middle kingdoms for the next 1,500 years, among which the Gupta Empire stand out. This period, witnessing a Hindu religious and intellectual resurgence, is known as the classical or "Golden Age of India". During this period, aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture, and religion (Hinduism and Buddhism) spread to much of Asia, while kingdoms in southern India had maritime business links with the Roman Empire from around 77 CE. During this period Indian cultural influence spread over many parts of Southeast Asia which led to the establishment of Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia.[9]

7th-11th centuries saw the Tripartite struggle between the Pala Empire, Rashtrakuta Empire, and Gurjara Pratihara Empire centered on Kannauj. Southern India saw the rule of the Chalukya Empire, Chola Empire, Pallava Empire, Pandyan Empire, and Western Chalukya Empire. The Chola dynasty conquered southern India and successfully invaded parts of Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka in the 11th century.[10][11] The early medieval period Indian mathematics influenced the development of mathematics and astronomy in the Arab world and the Hindu numerals were introduced.[12]

Muslim rule started in some parts of north India in the 13th century when the Delhi Sultanate was established in 1206 CE by the central Asian Turks.[13] The Delhi Sultanate ruled the major part of northern India in the early 14th century, but declined in the late 14th century, which saw the emergence of several powerful Hindu states like the Vijayanagara Empire, Gajapati Kingdom, Ahom Kingdom and Mewar dynasty. In the 16th century Mughals came from Central Asia and covered most of India gradually. The Mughal Empire suffered a gradual decline in the early 18th century, which provided opportunities for the Maratha Empire, Sikh Empire andMysore Kingdom to exercise control over large areas in the subcontinent.[14][15]

Beginning in the late 18th century and over the next century, large areas of India were annexed by the British East India Company. Dissatisfaction with Company rule led to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, after which the British provinces of India were directly administered by the British Crown and witnessed a period of both rapid development of infrastructure and economic stagnation. During the first half of the 20th century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched with the leading party involved being the Indian National Congress which was later joined by other organizations as well.

The subcontinent gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, after the British provinces were partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan and the princely states all acceded to one of the new states.
I showed you via DNA where Africans migrated to India. I even showed you the indigenous people. What white people say went down has been pushed for centuries. We know that stuff is just monkey shine now..

That don't cut it. Show us your black racist proof that blacks from Africa migrated to India "thousands of years ago" and show us how this recent migration influenced Indian civilization. You keep making all these asinine claims, when challenged your response is "well at some point in time human beings came from Africa". You do realize how insane you sound?
Yes it does cut it. Your inability to understand the implications of this is your problem. I know this stuff stresses you out being white. It was overwhelming for me and I am Black. I actually thought some of these people had lost their minds. However, more and more science is backing up every single thing that I have heard except that white people were created in a test tube by some evil African scientist.

Well you are insane and very insecure about your race, so it would make sense for you to believe all this garbage.
I'm very sane and have no reason to be insecure about my race. I believe facts not garbage.

Yes, you are insecure about being black if not ashamed, and you lead a miserable life. So you make up all this delusional insane garbage to make yourself feel good, and blame everything on whites. And you're not very educated.

In a way it's understandable. Just like an ignorant southern redneck turns into a KKK neo Nazi racist thinking everything began and ended with whites, and whites are the greatest thing since Swiss cheese. You are just the flip side of that same coin.
I showed you via DNA where Africans migrated to India. I even showed you the indigenous people. What white people say went down has been pushed for centuries. We know that stuff is just monkey shine now..

That don't cut it. Show us your black racist proof that blacks from Africa migrated to India "thousands of years ago" and show us how this recent migration influenced Indian civilization. You keep making all these asinine claims, when challenged your response is "well at some point in time human beings came from Africa". You do realize how insane you sound?
Yes it does cut it. Your inability to understand the implications of this is your problem. I know this stuff stresses you out being white. It was overwhelming for me and I am Black. I actually thought some of these people had lost their minds. However, more and more science is backing up every single thing that I have heard except that white people were created in a test tube by some evil African scientist.

Well you are insane and very insecure about your race, so it would make sense for you to believe all this garbage.
I'm very sane and have no reason to be insecure about my race. I believe facts not garbage.

Yes, you are insecure about being black if not ashamed, and you lead a miserable life. So you make up all this delusional insane garbage to make yourself feel good, and blame everything on whites. And you're not very educated.

In a way it's understandable. Just like an ignorant southern redneck turns into a KKK neo Nazi racist thinking everything began and ended with whites, and whites are the greatest thing since Swiss cheese. You are just the flip side of that same coin.
Despite your conviction you are incorrect. I am very sane. I have almost zero insecurity. I live a great life. My head is free of all the white garbage pushed into it from years of brainwashing via the public school system and the media. I dont consider myself educated yet. I am still learning things that only teach me there is much more to know thats out there. I have no ego about that. Hopefully that makes you feel a bit vindicated.in your assessment of me.
You comparing world renowned authors to playboy, calling them trash? YOU ARE THE IGNORANT TRASH.
They are white authors Odds are they are lying or pushing white supremacy. I consider that trash. Sorry if that makes you emotional but since I am not responsible for raising you I dont really care.

They aren't pushing white supremacy, they are trying to teach children morals and ethics, you lunatic.
I find that most of the time they are subtly pushing white supremacy either on purpose or just because they are ignorant and dont know any better. They write from a white perspective. I have plenty of Black authors that teach the same lessons learned thousands of years before whites left the caves of europe to become civilized.. Why would I need even 1 white author?

They write from a white perspective because they where whites. But the lessons the morals and ethics the stories teach is what's important. However, to a nutjob like you, "it's subtle racism".
You didnt answer my question. Why would I, a Black man, want my kids instructed by a white man when I have Black men that teach the same lesson and with a deeper understanding? Why does that enrage you so much?

Because the education system in this country uses those stories as a teaching tool for kids. These same stories are more or less taught in all decent schools in the world, with a touch of their own ethnic stories.

I am not enraged. I feel sorry for your kids. You do realize that you are only creating more hatred and racism towards blacks by your behavior. I have many black friends, including a few on this board, who would be laughing at your stupid uneducated ignorant ass.

Still haven't found that evidence of blacks migrating to India a few thousand years ago? Hurry up, I'm holding my breath. Ha ha ha.
And yet, you can't show us how blacks influenced Indian civilization, other than at some point in earth's ancient history, the early humans migrated out of Africa. Can you show us a black civilization that at the same time ancient Indian civilization existed, influenced it's mathematical, artistic and astronomical achievements? No, they already had black DNA from a million years ago, right? Ha ha ha.
That doesnt make any sense. The Indian civilization was Black. You need to keep up.

According to you it is. But not according to the Indians themselves. There isn't a shred of evidence that blacks influenced India for the last half a million years. You got nothing other than man migrated out of Africa.
Actually India traded alot with Africa before white people got out of the caves of europe. I wouldnt expect you to know that however. Indians also admit the African connection. At least the intelligent ones that read books.

Still can't show me this massive black migration a few thousands of years ago from Africa? I thought so. You're fulla shit as usual. Another epic fail. I will wait here until you show us when all these blacks migrated out of Africa and turned India into a great civilization.
I already did. Your failure to understand science is an issue you are going to have to learn to over come.

Where did you show me blacks migrating out of Africa into India thousands of years ago? You are a fraudster.
They are white authors Odds are they are lying or pushing white supremacy. I consider that trash. Sorry if that makes you emotional but since I am not responsible for raising you I dont really care.

They aren't pushing white supremacy, they are trying to teach children morals and ethics, you lunatic.
I find that most of the time they are subtly pushing white supremacy either on purpose or just because they are ignorant and dont know any better. They write from a white perspective. I have plenty of Black authors that teach the same lessons learned thousands of years before whites left the caves of europe to become civilized.. Why would I need even 1 white author?

They write from a white perspective because they where whites. But the lessons the morals and ethics the stories teach is what's important. However, to a nutjob like you, "it's subtle racism".
You didnt answer my question. Why would I, a Black man, want my kids instructed by a white man when I have Black men that teach the same lesson and with a deeper understanding? Why does that enrage you so much?

Because the education system in this country uses those stories as a teaching tool for kids. These same stories are more or less taught in all decent schools in the world, with a touch of their own ethnic stories.

I am not enraged. I feel sorry for your kids. You do realize that you are only creating more hatred and racism towards blacks by your behavior. I have many black friends, including a few on this board, who would be laughing at your stupid uneducated ignorant ass.

Still haven't found that evidence of blacks migrating to India a few thousand years ago? Hurry up, I'm holding my breath. Ha ha ha.
Just because the educational system uses them is not an excuse. That same system teaches lies and disseminates bad information. No the same stories are not taught everywhere in the world. I know for a fact in Africa they are not taught that shit.

You are definitely offended and feeling emotional. I can feel your rage at my contempt of your white authors. I feel great for my kids. They are infused with a mindset that has a Black perspective instead of the bull shit white one crammed down everyone elses throats. I think I told you before what people laugh at on the internet doesnt concern me. If I were you I would stop validating myself through what others think. It just makes you a follower and not a leader.

I already posted the evidence. All you need to do is take it from there if you need more specifics. I wont be holding my breath because willful ignorance appears to be your calling card.
That don't cut it. Show us your black racist proof that blacks from Africa migrated to India "thousands of years ago" and show us how this recent migration influenced Indian civilization. You keep making all these asinine claims, when challenged your response is "well at some point in time human beings came from Africa". You do realize how insane you sound?
Yes it does cut it. Your inability to understand the implications of this is your problem. I know this stuff stresses you out being white. It was overwhelming for me and I am Black. I actually thought some of these people had lost their minds. However, more and more science is backing up every single thing that I have heard except that white people were created in a test tube by some evil African scientist.

Well you are insane and very insecure about your race, so it would make sense for you to believe all this garbage.
I'm very sane and have no reason to be insecure about my race. I believe facts not garbage.

Yes, you are insecure about being black if not ashamed, and you lead a miserable life. So you make up all this delusional insane garbage to make yourself feel good, and blame everything on whites. And you're not very educated.

In a way it's understandable. Just like an ignorant southern redneck turns into a KKK neo Nazi racist thinking everything began and ended with whites, and whites are the greatest thing since Swiss cheese. You are just the flip side of that same coin.
Despite your conviction you are incorrect. I am very sane. I have almost zero insecurity. I live a great life. My head is free of all the white garbage pushed into it from years of brainwashing via the public school system and the media. I dont consider myself educated yet. I am still learning things that only teach me there is much more to know thats out there. I have no ego about that. Hopefully that makes you feel a bit vindicated.in your assessment of me.

That statement also shows how insane you are. What does it mean "free of white garbage"? Why should people be limited to any race when teaching, especially when you are living in a white majority country? There are things both kids and adults can learn from ALL races and authors, that are irreplaceable.

You are insane, prejudiced, and closed minded.
That doesnt make any sense. The Indian civilization was Black. You need to keep up.

According to you it is. But not according to the Indians themselves. There isn't a shred of evidence that blacks influenced India for the last half a million years. You got nothing other than man migrated out of Africa.
Actually India traded alot with Africa before white people got out of the caves of europe. I wouldnt expect you to know that however. Indians also admit the African connection. At least the intelligent ones that read books.

Still can't show me this massive black migration a few thousands of years ago from Africa? I thought so. You're fulla shit as usual. Another epic fail. I will wait here until you show us when all these blacks migrated out of Africa and turned India into a great civilization.
I already did. Your failure to understand science is an issue you are going to have to learn to over come.

Where did you show me blacks migrating out of Africa into India thousands of years ago? You are a fraudster.
Go read the thread. Your lack of effort is not my fault.
Yes it does cut it. Your inability to understand the implications of this is your problem. I know this stuff stresses you out being white. It was overwhelming for me and I am Black. I actually thought some of these people had lost their minds. However, more and more science is backing up every single thing that I have heard except that white people were created in a test tube by some evil African scientist.

Well you are insane and very insecure about your race, so it would make sense for you to believe all this garbage.
I'm very sane and have no reason to be insecure about my race. I believe facts not garbage.

Yes, you are insecure about being black if not ashamed, and you lead a miserable life. So you make up all this delusional insane garbage to make yourself feel good, and blame everything on whites. And you're not very educated.

In a way it's understandable. Just like an ignorant southern redneck turns into a KKK neo Nazi racist thinking everything began and ended with whites, and whites are the greatest thing since Swiss cheese. You are just the flip side of that same coin.
Despite your conviction you are incorrect. I am very sane. I have almost zero insecurity. I live a great life. My head is free of all the white garbage pushed into it from years of brainwashing via the public school system and the media. I dont consider myself educated yet. I am still learning things that only teach me there is much more to know thats out there. I have no ego about that. Hopefully that makes you feel a bit vindicated.in your assessment of me.

That statement also shows how insane you are. What does it mean "free of white garbage"? Why should people be limited to any race when teaching, especially when you are living in a white majority country? There are things both kids and adults can learn from ALL races and authors, that are irreplaceable.

You are insane, prejudiced, and closed minded.
White garbage like Egyptians were white and Black people were nothing but slaves. Other things like Jesus was white and Christianity is monotheistic. Then the really crappy stuff like Black people played no role in world history and white beauty is the best beauty (I have mostly girls). If I can get the same or better tutalage from Black people I have no interest in what white people are trying to push.
They aren't pushing white supremacy, they are trying to teach children morals and ethics, you lunatic.
I find that most of the time they are subtly pushing white supremacy either on purpose or just because they are ignorant and dont know any better. They write from a white perspective. I have plenty of Black authors that teach the same lessons learned thousands of years before whites left the caves of europe to become civilized.. Why would I need even 1 white author?

They write from a white perspective because they where whites. But the lessons the morals and ethics the stories teach is what's important. However, to a nutjob like you, "it's subtle racism".
You didnt answer my question. Why would I, a Black man, want my kids instructed by a white man when I have Black men that teach the same lesson and with a deeper understanding? Why does that enrage you so much?

Because the education system in this country uses those stories as a teaching tool for kids. These same stories are more or less taught in all decent schools in the world, with a touch of their own ethnic stories.

I am not enraged. I feel sorry for your kids. You do realize that you are only creating more hatred and racism towards blacks by your behavior. I have many black friends, including a few on this board, who would be laughing at your stupid uneducated ignorant ass.

Still haven't found that evidence of blacks migrating to India a few thousand years ago? Hurry up, I'm holding my breath. Ha ha ha.
Just because the educational system uses them is not an excuse. That same system teaches lies and disseminates bad information. No the same stories are not taught everywhere in the world. I know for a fact in Africa they are not taught that shit.

You are definitely offended and feeling emotional. I can feel your rage at my contempt of your white authors. I feel great for my kids. They are infused with a mindset that has a Black perspective instead of the bull shit white one crammed down everyone elses throats. I think I told you before what people laugh at on the internet doesnt concern me. If I were you I would stop validating myself through what others think. It just makes you a follower and not a leader.

I already posted the evidence. All you need to do is take it from there if you need more specifics. I wont be holding my breath because willful ignorance appears to be your calling card.

Here are some great children stories. As you can see the authors are from all races and backgrounds. I bet there's a few that are black too.

100 Great Children s Books 100 Years The New York Public Library

Best Online Classic Children s Stories By Story Title
I find that most of the time they are subtly pushing white supremacy either on purpose or just because they are ignorant and dont know any better. They write from a white perspective. I have plenty of Black authors that teach the same lessons learned thousands of years before whites left the caves of europe to become civilized.. Why would I need even 1 white author?

They write from a white perspective because they where whites. But the lessons the morals and ethics the stories teach is what's important. However, to a nutjob like you, "it's subtle racism".
You didnt answer my question. Why would I, a Black man, want my kids instructed by a white man when I have Black men that teach the same lesson and with a deeper understanding? Why does that enrage you so much?

Because the education system in this country uses those stories as a teaching tool for kids. These same stories are more or less taught in all decent schools in the world, with a touch of their own ethnic stories.

I am not enraged. I feel sorry for your kids. You do realize that you are only creating more hatred and racism towards blacks by your behavior. I have many black friends, including a few on this board, who would be laughing at your stupid uneducated ignorant ass.

Still haven't found that evidence of blacks migrating to India a few thousand years ago? Hurry up, I'm holding my breath. Ha ha ha.
Just because the educational system uses them is not an excuse. That same system teaches lies and disseminates bad information. No the same stories are not taught everywhere in the world. I know for a fact in Africa they are not taught that shit.

You are definitely offended and feeling emotional. I can feel your rage at my contempt of your white authors. I feel great for my kids. They are infused with a mindset that has a Black perspective instead of the bull shit white one crammed down everyone elses throats. I think I told you before what people laugh at on the internet doesnt concern me. If I were you I would stop validating myself through what others think. It just makes you a follower and not a leader.

I already posted the evidence. All you need to do is take it from there if you need more specifics. I wont be holding my breath because willful ignorance appears to be your calling card.

Here are some great children stories. As you can see the authors are from all races and backgrounds. I bet there's a few that are black too.

100 Great Children s Books 100 Years The New York Public Library

Best Online Classic Children s Stories By Story Title
Thanks but I have all the Black authors already. i dont need any white ones.
Well you are insane and very insecure about your race, so it would make sense for you to believe all this garbage.
I'm very sane and have no reason to be insecure about my race. I believe facts not garbage.

Yes, you are insecure about being black if not ashamed, and you lead a miserable life. So you make up all this delusional insane garbage to make yourself feel good, and blame everything on whites. And you're not very educated.

In a way it's understandable. Just like an ignorant southern redneck turns into a KKK neo Nazi racist thinking everything began and ended with whites, and whites are the greatest thing since Swiss cheese. You are just the flip side of that same coin.
Despite your conviction you are incorrect. I am very sane. I have almost zero insecurity. I live a great life. My head is free of all the white garbage pushed into it from years of brainwashing via the public school system and the media. I dont consider myself educated yet. I am still learning things that only teach me there is much more to know thats out there. I have no ego about that. Hopefully that makes you feel a bit vindicated.in your assessment of me.

That statement also shows how insane you are. What does it mean "free of white garbage"? Why should people be limited to any race when teaching, especially when you are living in a white majority country? There are things both kids and adults can learn from ALL races and authors, that are irreplaceable.

You are insane, prejudiced, and closed minded.
White garbage like Egyptians were white and Black people were nothing but slaves. Other things like Jesus was white and Christianity is monotheistic. Then the really crappy stuff like Black people played no role in world history and white beauty is the best beauty (I have mostly girls). If I can get the same or better tutalage from Black people I have no interest in what white people are trying to push.

I never heard that Egyptians were white. I would say that's the same as the garbage you're claiming, that they were all blacks. And everybody knows Jesus wasn't black nor white, he was a Jew which made him a Semite.

You are the other side of the extreme and insanity you are complaining about.

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