Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

They write from a white perspective because they where whites. But the lessons the morals and ethics the stories teach is what's important. However, to a nutjob like you, "it's subtle racism".
You didnt answer my question. Why would I, a Black man, want my kids instructed by a white man when I have Black men that teach the same lesson and with a deeper understanding? Why does that enrage you so much?

Because the education system in this country uses those stories as a teaching tool for kids. These same stories are more or less taught in all decent schools in the world, with a touch of their own ethnic stories.

I am not enraged. I feel sorry for your kids. You do realize that you are only creating more hatred and racism towards blacks by your behavior. I have many black friends, including a few on this board, who would be laughing at your stupid uneducated ignorant ass.

Still haven't found that evidence of blacks migrating to India a few thousand years ago? Hurry up, I'm holding my breath. Ha ha ha.
Just because the educational system uses them is not an excuse. That same system teaches lies and disseminates bad information. No the same stories are not taught everywhere in the world. I know for a fact in Africa they are not taught that shit.

You are definitely offended and feeling emotional. I can feel your rage at my contempt of your white authors. I feel great for my kids. They are infused with a mindset that has a Black perspective instead of the bull shit white one crammed down everyone elses throats. I think I told you before what people laugh at on the internet doesnt concern me. If I were you I would stop validating myself through what others think. It just makes you a follower and not a leader.

I already posted the evidence. All you need to do is take it from there if you need more specifics. I wont be holding my breath because willful ignorance appears to be your calling card.

Here are some great children stories. As you can see the authors are from all races and backgrounds. I bet there's a few that are black too.

100 Great Children s Books 100 Years The New York Public Library

Best Online Classic Children s Stories By Story Title
Thanks but I have all the Black authors already. i dont need any white ones.

You're welcome. Some of these stories are irreplaceable.

You are so prejudiced, you won't even read them yourself to see if there's any hidden message there. So what do you do at school? Go to a teacher and complain why she / he is discussing a book written by a white author? :cuckoo:

A good parent would want their kids to be exposed to all cultures and people's, so that when they're grown up, they aren't this backwards-ass closed minded person.
Last edited:
Still waiting for the evidence of a migration of blacks from Africainto the Indian subcontinent which occurred two thousand years ago, that influenced this great Indian civilization as we know it today. Hurry up, bro, I'm turning blue from holding my breath.
Actually I think it is you who is pissing many people off, and probably many readers have been turned off by this thread a long while back and don't even bother reading it so you really probably have a very, very small audience now to show your Black Supremacy.. Meanwhile, why don't you slither over to the Race forum and tell the readers all about your notions of race. It really doesn't belong on a Middle East forum. If you don't like the Race forum, go to the Africa forum and talk about how marvelous these early Blacks were.
I cant help that people get emotional over the facts. As long as I have an audience I will teach.

By now you probably have five people left and they are probably yawning and letting what you say go in one ear out the other (so to speak). I gave up on reading your stuff right from the beginning since I am not into anthropology so I, for one, am not being taught anything by you. I am surprised the monitors haven't closed this thread by now since it has gotten so off track on a Middle East forum.
The number doesnt matter. As long as people as questions or make claims I am responsible for teaching them the truth.

Well if you want to spend your entire day on forums thinking you are teaching people anything (when they are not even really interested), go for it. It only shows people how mentally unbalanced you are when it comes to race. Do you really think you are teaching Roudy or IRosie anything, and they are practically the only ones answering your "so-called" scholarship? They don't take anything you say as the Gospel truth. Carry on, carry on. I can imagine if the program This Is Your Life was still on, you would be sitting there and a bunch of people would be coming out in Blackface saying that all you wanted to do is talk about Blacks.
I know I am teaching them things. You too. The fact you are conversing with me causes you to internalize this lesson. I dont expect you to get all of it now. However, as the truth is revealed bit by bit you will remember I was the first to expose you to the concept. You be like, "damn that Asclepias guy said this"

Basically the reason I am conversing with you is to tell you that you are mentally unbalanced when it comes to the subject of race. If you weren't, you would choose a different venue to blabber on and on instead of a Middle East forum.

As for you teaching me anything, it is nada. I am laughing at you thinking I was reading your stuff. I stopped after you dragged up your second bit about the Blacks and that everyone is Black. Anyhow, since you now know that I and others think you are mentally unbalanced, I think I will just say that you might think you are the HNIC when it comes to anthropology, but you are not. You are just a silly woman blabbering away on a forum.
According to you it is. But not according to the Indians themselves. There isn't a shred of evidence that blacks influenced India for the last half a million years. You got nothing other than man migrated out of Africa.
Actually India traded alot with Africa before white people got out of the caves of europe. I wouldnt expect you to know that however. Indians also admit the African connection. At least the intelligent ones that read books.

Still can't show me this massive black migration a few thousands of years ago from Africa? I thought so. You're fulla shit as usual. Another epic fail. I will wait here until you show us when all these blacks migrated out of Africa and turned India into a great civilization.
I already did. Your failure to understand science is an issue you are going to have to learn to over come.

Where did you show me blacks migrating out of Africa into India thousands of years ago? You are a fraudster.
Go read the thread. Your lack of effort is not my fault.

I did, you posted a map indicating of ancient migrations millions of years from Africa. You even said the truth is it's not more than couple thousand years blacks came to India and contributed to India. Show us this migration.

Isn't google your friend? Or is google an invention by white racists with a bias towards blacks?!

But wait, those whites who invented google, their ancestors migrated out of Africa millions of years ago. So there ya go, google, your friend, another great black achievement.

Go ahead, show me da money...
That doesn't cut it. I asked how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization, not a map of homo sapiens migration out of Africa millions of years ago.
I'm sorry. I thought you could read a map. India is in the middle showing how Africans migrated to India. Thats why they were so dark and still remain so to this day.

That's hardly any evidence. Migration into India came from the north as well. But that doesn't tell us how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization does it?
Yes. I know migration came from the north later. The point is that the M haplogroup was out of africa and where all east indians group.

Look if all human beings originated somewhere in Africa, therefore there will be some genes that somewhere somehow are linked to Africa, going back hundreds of thousands or millions of years. But that doesn't mean blacks or Africans did jack shit to influence any of the great civilizations. That must be a hard concept for you puny brain to understand.
It seems you are lacking in the understanding of DNA and what it tells us. It means that Black Africans built the first civilizations. I know this hard for you to take but again I encourage you to do your own research as you are pissing Sally off.

I understand "DNA" and population genetics. Your idiot rantings are nonsensical ------"modern" man did not begin to
become "modern" until considerably less than 10,000
years ago. ------It really matters NOT AT ALL that the remote ancestors of modern man came from Africa anymore than it matters to HINDUISM ----that chili peppers originated in the Americas -----and it really matters NOT AT ALL----
to the British "fox hunt" that the remote ancestors of
dogs were wolves. Rice and wheat and corn are "grasses"-----they descend from some common ancestors
too--------it matters not at all to the people who produce
cracker jacks or the people who eat it.
I cant help that people get emotional over the facts. As long as I have an audience I will teach.

By now you probably have five people left and they are probably yawning and letting what you say go in one ear out the other (so to speak). I gave up on reading your stuff right from the beginning since I am not into anthropology so I, for one, am not being taught anything by you. I am surprised the monitors haven't closed this thread by now since it has gotten so off track on a Middle East forum.
The number doesnt matter. As long as people as questions or make claims I am responsible for teaching them the truth.

Well if you want to spend your entire day on forums thinking you are teaching people anything (when they are not even really interested), go for it. It only shows people how mentally unbalanced you are when it comes to race. Do you really think you are teaching Roudy or IRosie anything, and they are practically the only ones answering your "so-called" scholarship? They don't take anything you say as the Gospel truth. Carry on, carry on. I can imagine if the program This Is Your Life was still on, you would be sitting there and a bunch of people would be coming out in Blackface saying that all you wanted to do is talk about Blacks.
I know I am teaching them things. You too. The fact you are conversing with me causes you to internalize this lesson. I dont expect you to get all of it now. However, as the truth is revealed bit by bit you will remember I was the first to expose you to the concept. You be like, "damn that Asclepias guy said this"

Basically the reason I am conversing with you is to tell you that you are mentally unbalanced when it comes to the subject of race. If you weren't, you would choose a different venue to blabber on and on instead of a Middle East forum.

As for you teaching me anything, it is nada. I am laughing at you thinking I was reading your stuff. I stopped after you dragged up your second bit about the Blacks and that everyone is Black. Anyhow, since you now know that I and others think you are mentally unbalanced, I think I will just say that you might think you are the HNIC when it comes to anthropology, but you are not. You are just a silly woman blabbering away on a forum.

Come on Sally admit it, at some level he's entertaining. He reminds me of these asshole thugs you run into on street corners, braying from the top of their lungs how Moses and Jesus and the ancient Hebrews were blacks etc, I've seen his type a few times, usually it's a group of guys holding big sticks, and yelling out this garbage, waiting to get into a fight with anyone who contradicts them.
So when Bibi comes here he had said he doesn't wish to speak to our jew hater in chief. Can't say i blame him. Obama has gone out of his way to insult the Israeli pm since he has been in office. Obama's obsession with capitulation to Iran to me is treasonous

Obama likes the idea of Iran as a bigger player in the Mideast. He actually wants that
The origins of human beings has nothing to do race said:
Actually it does. The fact that Black skin has been around for millions of years and Black Africans migrated to India where Black east indians still abound tells you quite a lot. I would have thought a child could understand the concept.

It doesn't tell me anything -------what 'quite a lot' does it tell
you? I am left handed-----does that fact "tell" you something. Is left handedness a BLACK INVENTION---do you know the genetics of left handedness.? Being left handed has very important social ramifications in some cultues------was the concept derived from black skin? For
the record----Obama is left handed too. Being a left handed muslim can be quite a handicap in shariah shit holes
I'm sorry. I thought you could read a map. India is in the middle showing how Africans migrated to India. Thats why they were so dark and still remain so to this day.

That's hardly any evidence. Migration into India came from the north as well. But that doesn't tell us how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization does it?
Yes. I know migration came from the north later. The point is that the M haplogroup was out of africa and where all east indians group.

Look if all human beings originated somewhere in Africa, therefore there will be some genes that somewhere somehow are linked to Africa, going back hundreds of thousands or millions of years. But that doesn't mean blacks or Africans did jack shit to influence any of the great civilizations. That must be a hard concept for you puny brain to understand.
It seems you are lacking in the understanding of DNA and what it tells us. It means that Black Africans built the first civilizations. I know this hard for you to take but again I encourage you to do your own research as you are pissing Sally off.

I understand "DNA" and population genetics. Your idiot rantings are nonsensical ------"modern" man did not begin to
become "modern" until considerably less than 10,000
years ago. ------It really matters NOT AT ALL that the remote ancestors of modern man came from Africa anymore than it matters to HINDUISM ----that chili peppers originated in the Americas -----and it really matters NOT AT ALL----
to the British "fox hunt" that the remote ancestors of
dogs were wolves. Rice and wheat and corn are "grasses"-----they descend from some common ancestors
too--------it matters not at all to the people who produce
cracker jacks or the people who eat it.

I have a white children's song for our resident lunatic:

If you're black and you know it clap your hands!
If you're black and you don't know it clap your hands!
Still waiting for the evidence of a migration of blacks from Africainto the Indian subcontinent which occurred two thousand years ago, that influenced this great Indian civilization as we know it today. Hurry up, bro, I'm turning blue from holding my breath.

I missed it-----she actually decided that it happened a mere 2000 years ago?-------by 2000 years ago ----the written language SANSKRIT had already been around for about ---at least 1000
years and all the great epics of Indian history-----were history---
by just 2000 years ago there were already jews in India, and
Afghanistan and-----what they today call "Pakistan" Now what sort of impact does she imagine some stray Africans who ended up as a kind of outcaste group for Indians----actually DO to
the culture of the Indian subcontinent?
You didnt answer my question. Why would I, a Black man, want my kids instructed by a white man when I have Black men that teach the same lesson and with a deeper understanding? Why does that enrage you so much?

Because the education system in this country uses those stories as a teaching tool for kids. These same stories are more or less taught in all decent schools in the world, with a touch of their own ethnic stories.

I am not enraged. I feel sorry for your kids. You do realize that you are only creating more hatred and racism towards blacks by your behavior. I have many black friends, including a few on this board, who would be laughing at your stupid uneducated ignorant ass.

Still haven't found that evidence of blacks migrating to India a few thousand years ago? Hurry up, I'm holding my breath. Ha ha ha.
Just because the educational system uses them is not an excuse. That same system teaches lies and disseminates bad information. No the same stories are not taught everywhere in the world. I know for a fact in Africa they are not taught that shit.

You are definitely offended and feeling emotional. I can feel your rage at my contempt of your white authors. I feel great for my kids. They are infused with a mindset that has a Black perspective instead of the bull shit white one crammed down everyone elses throats. I think I told you before what people laugh at on the internet doesnt concern me. If I were you I would stop validating myself through what others think. It just makes you a follower and not a leader.

I already posted the evidence. All you need to do is take it from there if you need more specifics. I wont be holding my breath because willful ignorance appears to be your calling card.

Here are some great children stories. As you can see the authors are from all races and backgrounds. I bet there's a few that are black too.

100 Great Children s Books 100 Years The New York Public Library

Best Online Classic Children s Stories By Story Title
Thanks but I have all the Black authors already. i dont need any white ones.

You're welcome. Some of these stories are irreplaceable.

You are so prejudiced, you won't even read them yourself to see if there's any hidden message there. So what do you do at school? Go to a teacher and complain why she / he is discussing a book written by a white author? :cuckoo:

A good parent would want their kids to be exposed to all cultures and people's, so that when they're grown up, they aren't this backwards-ass closed minded person.
There is no hidden message I have not already seen or heard from African folklore. At school I set teachers and school boards straight with facts if they have an issue with my child saying something taught is not true. I tell my kids to just put down the answer they want on a test but to know for themselves the truth. My children are exposed to all cultures. I'm pretty sure I have traveled more than most americans by far. My kids have friends/teammate etc from almost every racial group. However, they understand that they are Black first. I like the success that mindset brings them.
Because the education system in this country uses those stories as a teaching tool for kids. These same stories are more or less taught in all decent schools in the world, with a touch of their own ethnic stories.

I am not enraged. I feel sorry for your kids. You do realize that you are only creating more hatred and racism towards blacks by your behavior. I have many black friends, including a few on this board, who would be laughing at your stupid uneducated ignorant ass.

Still haven't found that evidence of blacks migrating to India a few thousand years ago? Hurry up, I'm holding my breath. Ha ha ha.
Just because the educational system uses them is not an excuse. That same system teaches lies and disseminates bad information. No the same stories are not taught everywhere in the world. I know for a fact in Africa they are not taught that shit.

You are definitely offended and feeling emotional. I can feel your rage at my contempt of your white authors. I feel great for my kids. They are infused with a mindset that has a Black perspective instead of the bull shit white one crammed down everyone elses throats. I think I told you before what people laugh at on the internet doesnt concern me. If I were you I would stop validating myself through what others think. It just makes you a follower and not a leader.

I already posted the evidence. All you need to do is take it from there if you need more specifics. I wont be holding my breath because willful ignorance appears to be your calling card.

Here are some great children stories. As you can see the authors are from all races and backgrounds. I bet there's a few that are black too.

100 Great Children s Books 100 Years The New York Public Library

Best Online Classic Children s Stories By Story Title
Thanks but I have all the Black authors already. i dont need any white ones.

You're welcome. Some of these stories are irreplaceable.

You are so prejudiced, you won't even read them yourself to see if there's any hidden message there. So what do you do at school? Go to a teacher and complain why she / he is discussing a book written by a white author? :cuckoo:

A good parent would want their kids to be exposed to all cultures and people's, so that when they're grown up, they aren't this backwards-ass closed minded person.
There is no hidden message I have not already seen or heard from African folklore. At school I set teachers and school boards straight with facts if they have an issue with my child saying something taught is not true. I tell my kids to just put down the answer they want on a test but to know for themselves the truth. My children are exposed to all cultures. I'm pretty sure I have traveled more than most americans by far. My kids have friends/teammate etc from almost every racial group. However, they understand that they are Black first. I like the success that mindset brings them.

I have no doubt that they humor you -----keep up the idiot
Still waiting for the evidence of a migration of blacks from Africainto the Indian subcontinent which occurred two thousand years ago, that influenced this great Indian civilization as we know it today. Hurry up, bro, I'm turning blue from holding my breath.
I already posted it. Dont turn blue. Read the thread.
I'm sorry. I thought you could read a map. India is in the middle showing how Africans migrated to India. Thats why they were so dark and still remain so to this day.

That's hardly any evidence. Migration into India came from the north as well. But that doesn't tell us how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization does it?
Yes. I know migration came from the north later. The point is that the M haplogroup was out of africa and where all east indians group.

Look if all human beings originated somewhere in Africa, therefore there will be some genes that somewhere somehow are linked to Africa, going back hundreds of thousands or millions of years. But that doesn't mean blacks or Africans did jack shit to influence any of the great civilizations. That must be a hard concept for you puny brain to understand.
It seems you are lacking in the understanding of DNA and what it tells us. It means that Black Africans built the first civilizations. I know this hard for you to take but again I encourage you to do your own research as you are pissing Sally off.

I understand "DNA" and population genetics. Your idiot rantings are nonsensical ------"modern" man did not begin to
become "modern" until considerably less than 10,000
years ago. ------It really matters NOT AT ALL that the remote ancestors of modern man came from Africa anymore than it matters to HINDUISM ----that chili peppers originated in the Americas -----and it really matters NOT AT ALL----
to the British "fox hunt" that the remote ancestors of
dogs were wolves. Rice and wheat and corn are "grasses"-----they descend from some common ancestors
too--------it matters not at all to the people who produce
cracker jacks or the people who eat it.
You dont even understand amino acids are not proteins. I know good and well you dont understand genetics.
Still waiting for the evidence of a migration of blacks from Africainto the Indian subcontinent which occurred two thousand years ago, that influenced this great Indian civilization as we know it today. Hurry up, bro, I'm turning blue from holding my breath.
I already posted it. Dont turn blue. Read the thread.

I read it but do not remember -----that migration of blacks took
place only 2000 years ago? --------2000 years ago is practically
yesterday in HINDU HISTORY----it might just as wall have happened last wednesday
That's hardly any evidence. Migration into India came from the north as well. But that doesn't tell us how blacks and Africans influenced Indian civilization does it?
Yes. I know migration came from the north later. The point is that the M haplogroup was out of africa and where all east indians group.

Look if all human beings originated somewhere in Africa, therefore there will be some genes that somewhere somehow are linked to Africa, going back hundreds of thousands or millions of years. But that doesn't mean blacks or Africans did jack shit to influence any of the great civilizations. That must be a hard concept for you puny brain to understand.
It seems you are lacking in the understanding of DNA and what it tells us. It means that Black Africans built the first civilizations. I know this hard for you to take but again I encourage you to do your own research as you are pissing Sally off.

I understand "DNA" and population genetics. Your idiot rantings are nonsensical ------"modern" man did not begin to
become "modern" until considerably less than 10,000
years ago. ------It really matters NOT AT ALL that the remote ancestors of modern man came from Africa anymore than it matters to HINDUISM ----that chili peppers originated in the Americas -----and it really matters NOT AT ALL----
to the British "fox hunt" that the remote ancestors of
dogs were wolves. Rice and wheat and corn are "grasses"-----they descend from some common ancestors
too--------it matters not at all to the people who produce
cracker jacks or the people who eat it.
You dont even understand amino acids are not proteins. I know good and well you dont understand genetics.

you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground
Just because the educational system uses them is not an excuse. That same system teaches lies and disseminates bad information. No the same stories are not taught everywhere in the world. I know for a fact in Africa they are not taught that shit.

You are definitely offended and feeling emotional. I can feel your rage at my contempt of your white authors. I feel great for my kids. They are infused with a mindset that has a Black perspective instead of the bull shit white one crammed down everyone elses throats. I think I told you before what people laugh at on the internet doesnt concern me. If I were you I would stop validating myself through what others think. It just makes you a follower and not a leader.

I already posted the evidence. All you need to do is take it from there if you need more specifics. I wont be holding my breath because willful ignorance appears to be your calling card.

Here are some great children stories. As you can see the authors are from all races and backgrounds. I bet there's a few that are black too.

100 Great Children s Books 100 Years The New York Public Library

Best Online Classic Children s Stories By Story Title
Thanks but I have all the Black authors already. i dont need any white ones.

You're welcome. Some of these stories are irreplaceable.

You are so prejudiced, you won't even read them yourself to see if there's any hidden message there. So what do you do at school? Go to a teacher and complain why she / he is discussing a book written by a white author? :cuckoo:

A good parent would want their kids to be exposed to all cultures and people's, so that when they're grown up, they aren't this backwards-ass closed minded person.
There is no hidden message I have not already seen or heard from African folklore. At school I set teachers and school boards straight with facts if they have an issue with my child saying something taught is not true. I tell my kids to just put down the answer they want on a test but to know for themselves the truth. My children are exposed to all cultures. I'm pretty sure I have traveled more than most americans by far. My kids have friends/teammate etc from almost every racial group. However, they understand that they are Black first. I like the success that mindset brings them.

I have no doubt that they humor you -----keep up the idiot
Its a good thing your doubt has no relevance. They love what I teach them and the proof that backs it up. Their friends have great respect for their knowledge. Its amazing what children of all races are able to learn without being stuck in a way of thinking. My god daughter is going to shock some Black people with her knowledge of Black and African history. She has known me for almost 15 years now.
Still waiting for the evidence of a migration of blacks from Africainto the Indian subcontinent which occurred two thousand years ago, that influenced this great Indian civilization as we know it today. Hurry up, bro, I'm turning blue from holding my breath.
I already posted it. Dont turn blue. Read the thread.

I read it but do not remember -----that migration of blacks took
place only 2000 years ago? --------2000 years ago is practically
yesterday in HINDU HISTORY----it might just as wall have happened last wednesday
Where did I post the migration took place 2K years ago? I think you somehow confused yourself.
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I
Back then they were. There was no difference in the Egyptians and the Hebrews physically. If there were the Pharaoh would have killed Moses when the princess adopted him.

when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I

King David had red hair, although I don't know if it was curly or straight. Apparently that's where many Jews get their red hair. Now King David was way before Jesus and he certainly wasn't Black. I think someone should go to the various Coptic churches and tell them that the icons of ancient times (200 to 400 A.D.) that Jesus was depicted all wrong. That he was a Black man just like the Welfare Queen on here. Speaking of hair, I wonder if the Welfare Queen wears her hair in dredlocks in honor of Ras Tafarian.
David was described as 'ruddy' (1 Samuel 16:12). I am sure that is after the majestic ruddy duck.

(I can hear the death chants for my head now. :biggrin:)
when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I
when did they wash out? Moses was around something like 3500 years ago In 3500 years ----a single base mutation
WHITED OUT all of a giant black empire?. That's amazing.
The only way that could have happened would be if that
black society was so depraved that they killed every black
kid at birth and let only those white mutants live
They washed out when Christianty spread to europe. Since they were already white they ran with the myth the original Hebrews were white.
Hebrews are descended from Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarai and Arabs are descended from Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar an Egyptian.

They wish
Racist blacks hate whites so much that make believe that Jesus was black because he had curly hair.

Jesus had curly hair? so do I

King David had red hair, although I don't know if it was curly or straight. Apparently that's where many Jews get their red hair. Now King David was way before Jesus and he certainly wasn't Black. I think someone should go to the various Coptic churches and tell them that the icons of ancient times (200 to 400 A.D.) that Jesus was depicted all wrong. That he was a Black man just like the Welfare Queen on here. Speaking of hair, I wonder if the Welfare Queen wears her hair in dredlocks in honor of Ras Tafarian.
David was described as 'ruddy' (1 Samuel 16:12). I am sure that is after the majestic ruddy duck.

(I can hear the death chants for my head now. :biggrin:)
An African with ruddy hair.


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