Future of Prop 19 in California

Prohibition is way worse than the plant, just as we saw with the retarded Alchohal ban.
So what part of the Constitution gives the Federal government the authority to ban marijuana?

They primarily invoked the treaty power and the Commerce Clause, though general welfare does make a brief appearance.

For them to use the Commerce Clause as justification is a gross misapplication of it. There would be no interstate commerce taking place if California legalized marijuana, which is what the Commerce Clause was meant to address.

The orginal Marijuana Tax Act was declared unconstitutional.

Currently the DEA is, and has been for the past 40 year, pigeon-holing marijuana by classifying it as a schedule 1 drug.

Nixon used the federal powers of enforcement of these draconian drug laws as a way to silence and nutralize the anti-war movement in the 60's and 70's.

More money can be made if it remains illegal.

Those who support the drug laws (war) support fascism, period.
I voted No to Prop 19. Just to annoy the junkies.

Freedom haters are gonna hate:lol:

I don't 'hate'..... I just don't enable losers to lose. Fuck up your own life, I won't help you to do it, nor will I bail you out when you got nothing.

We are all losers when the Government follows a failed policy like the interdictive drug laws, sometimes referred to rhetorically as a war. Yes it is a failure that keeps on failing(but yet the tax dollars keep flowing). The behavior that the law were meant to curb are less harmful than the results of the laws themselves.
Freedom haters are gonna hate:lol:

I don't 'hate'..... I just don't enable losers to lose. Fuck up your own life, I won't help you to do it, nor will I bail you out when you got nothing.

We are all losers when the Government follows a failed policy like the interdictive drug laws, sometimes referred to rhetorically as a war. Yes it is a failure that keeps on failing(but yet the tax dollars keep flowing). The behavior that the law were meant to curb are less harmful than the results of the laws themselves.

You've obviously never dealt with a family ravaged by meth. Noway in hell that shit should EVER be legal. PERIOD.
the war on drugs is big government welfare for ex military that are otherwise unemployable.
I don't 'hate'..... I just don't enable losers to lose. Fuck up your own life, I won't help you to do it, nor will I bail you out when you got nothing.

We are all losers when the Government follows a failed policy like the interdictive drug laws, sometimes referred to rhetorically as a war. Yes it is a failure that keeps on failing(but yet the tax dollars keep flowing). The behavior that the law were meant to curb are less harmful than the results of the laws themselves.

You've obviously never dealt with a family ravaged by meth. Noway in hell that shit should EVER be legal. PERIOD.
As a matter of fact, I have dealt with a family revenged by meth (my mother and step father) as well as dealing with my father's addiction to crack cocaine. Your damn right it should be legal and your damn right it should be in the open. There is history here to consider - prohibition was a complete failure and legalizing alcohol has allowed us to actually deal with the problem rather than cover it up as well as eliminating the criminal syndicates that illegal substances cause. The war on drugs has had an IDENTICAL outcome as prohibition. Substances were forced underground creating criminal syndicates and covering up the problem or substance abuse. If such substances were in the open they could be TAXED to bring in revenue to fund new treatments, treatment centers and education/outreach campaigns. Instead that funding is moved to criminal elements funding murder and robbery in its place. There is NOTHING good about illegalizing those substances as covering up the problem DOES NOT MAKE IT GO AWAY. Further, many of the problems we are experiencing on the border today are a DIRECT result of that criminal underground smuggling pot and other drugs across the border. Hundreds of Americans are murdered in cold blood for getting in the way of those cartels each year not to mention the added danger to police. Take away the profit and incentive for that smuggling and suddenly that problem vanishes entirely. Face it - THE WAR ON DRUGS HAS FAILED. PERIOD. It is time to fess up and face this issue like real men and women instead of a bunch of scared children. People are GOING to get high no matter what you do or what you make illegal. Facing the problem has far more benefits than trying to change our basic nature and hiding the issue.
I voted No to Prop 19. Just to annoy the junkies.

Freedom haters are gonna hate:lol:

I don't 'hate'..... I just don't enable losers to lose.

You said you were going to vote some way just to anger people.

Fuck up your own life, I won't help you to do it,

Because anyone who has ever smoked pot has never accomplished anything. :lol::lol:

nor will I bail you out when you got nothing.
Yet you will pay thousands of bucks to lock them up and still act like money is an issue.
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And that did not even BEGIN to touch the real problem that putting people in jail DOES NOT ADDRESS THE PROBLEM OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE or the fact that we have the largest prison population per capita in the industrialized world as a direct result of this childish 'war' on drugs.

;) got in the way of my double post father time, lol
You must be high or something, the votes haven't happened yet.

they are happening right now as we post.....Cal. allows voting by Mail.....absent T Ballets went out weeks ago....

Why didn't anyone tell me? I've lived in CA for years and no one told me.

you have to fill out the form to get the absent T ballot.....me and my wife got ours 2 weeks ago,we been voting like this for a few years now.....i deliver hundreds of these things in Oct.....the form is usually on your California Election Booklet.....
cali girl is so popular her man joined a war to get away from her conservatard ass.
cali girl is so popular her man joined a war to get away from her conservatard ass.

That's retarded , even for you. Bashing miilitary men b/c you yourself don't have the balls to say "yes when I finally DO get out of high school, I will serve"

cali girl is so popular her man joined a war to get away from her conservatard ass.

That's retarded , even for you. Bashing miilitary men b/c you yourself don't have the balls to say "yes when I finally DO get out of high school, I will serve"


Topspin is a lying SOB. One wonders how he thinks he knows jack shit about my private life.

That's an insult to lying SOBs everywhere. This piece of shit defies description. I have never seen anyone with such poor grammar skills not only attempt to convince people that he has any sort of degree, an advanced degree at that, but insult the intelligence of EVERYONE who calls out his stupidity.

I can write his response to this post for him, save him the time. It would go something like this

"your dum, just a narco weekend warrior who cant get real job. Jealous that I rich and white"

Seriously I would call him someone's puppet, but even puppet's are smarter than TS.

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