G20 agrees to raise corporate taxes 15% that will fuel inflation.

Do you think this will fuel hyperinflation

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • I don’t care as long as the rich get screwed

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
There is no global tax. All that happened was the countries agreed to have a minimum tax in their countries of 15% to keep companies form "country" shopping for the lowest tax rate.
Well that aint gonna do it since each country will still have different tax rates

I think the only answer for greedy politicians is one world government
I don't recall cheering for the tariffs, but at least Trump recognized China as a threat and not just a country to pad his bank account.

True, it was both a threat and a country to pad his bank account
Too bad we no longer have a president in office who fights to protect Americans from getting hosed like this. But hey, no more mean tweets.

A 15% tax on corporate profits is not shocking. As for inflation, I am willing to pay the list price for something or I am not. Doesn't matter what happens to the profits from the transaction to me.
Too bad we no longer have a president in office who fights to protect Americans from getting hosed like this. But hey, no more mean tweets.
That president who had a massive tariff war to create higher prices to protect Americans, what logic.
There is no global tax. All that happened was the countries agreed to have a minimum tax in their countries of 15% to keep companies form "country" shopping for the lowest tax rate.

It is one thing to disagree with the plan, but another to lie about what it is
Perfectly good plan. It doesn’t go far enough.

Billionaires being able to hide their money, and corporations paying zero taxes, is a bad plan.
The biggest spin-off from this will be to enrage the extreme right even further. Will they begin to kill now or will they wait until Rittenhouse is freed?

Or will their rage boil over to gun violence if Rittenhouse isn't freed?

This is the constant drip, drip being promoted by Biden and this in particular is going to energize the very wealthy in America.
China is a threat. Probably our second greatest threat as a nation.

First is white supremacists and 1/6 insurrectionists who want to destroy Democracy
China is a threat. Probably our second greatest threat as a nation.

First is white supremacists and 1/6 insurrectionists who want to destroy Democracy
Those Americans who have been conditioned to hate China are potential converts for the extreme rightists. Do you fit that picture?
My point is that if Grand Cayman, a tiny speck on the map, is able to reduce taxes, so should America.

Can't America compete any more?

Are we really a Pathetic Loser State under Sleepy Joe?

Grand Cayman didn’t reduce anything. They have a building with PO Boxes that tax dodgers and other criminals use to hide money.
These stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution, think that corporations pay the tax.

They are too fucking dumb to know that every cent of the filthy corporate tax is paid for from the revenue of the sale of goods and services. In other words out of the pockets of Americans that purchase the goods and services.

Socialism greed is a terrible mental disease that these stupid Moon Bats are afflicted with, isn't it?

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