G20 agrees to raise corporate taxes 15% that will fuel inflation.

Do you think this will fuel hyperinflation

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • I don’t care as long as the rich get screwed

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
That president who had a massive tariff war to create higher prices to protect Americans, what logic.
/—-/ So you approve of China raping us, flooding the US market with cheap crap made by slaves, and restrictions on importing US goods.
Rather than sticking up for America, you prefer just rolling over snd playing dead.
Its clear that you have a sketchy understanding of the subject under discussion. This is a good thing and will help those countries being ripped off by tax dodging corporations.
/——-/ Its clear that you have a sketchy understanding of how corporations treat taxes as overhead that is passed on to the consumer.
/——-/ Its clear that you have a sketchy understanding of how corporations treat taxes as overhead that is passed on to the consumer.
That isnt the case. Tax is paid on profits. If they raise their prices a competitor will take their business. They can either make a little bit less profit or invest the profit in the business.
Of course not, but the problem here is that the OP [or anyone for that matter] doesn't make that claim anywhere tommy

there were two threads that got merged and one of them made the 20% claim

Either way, taxes are not being raised by 15%, that will now be the minimum, assuming countries go along with it. Those countries that already have more than 15% corporate tax rate will not be affected at all.
That isnt the case. Tax is paid on profits. If they raise their prices a competitor will take their business. They can either make a little bit less profit or invest the profit in the business.

If the tax man is literally crucifying the businessman for plying his trade, the businessman is likely to say "fuck it" and drop out of it. Less supply means much higher prices.
If the tax man is literally crucifying the businessman for plying his trade, the businessman is likely to say "fuck it" and drop out of it. Less supply means much higher prices.
15% is hardly being crucified. For that he gets roads,bridges,schools and an educated workforce. Thats a great deal.
Sounds like a load of horse shit to me.

Bidung and his administration sure don't care about America or Americans if they backed this shitty deal.
When we were kids eveyone used to joke....................They'd tax the air if they could........................Well fuck us all in the ass the libturds did it
15% is hardly being crucified. For that he gets roads,bridges,schools and an educated workforce. Thats a great deal.

This is 15% additional tax compounded on to everything else.

And the victims received roads and bridges and school before the punishment was administered- and will receive it afterwards even if they leave the industry rather than submitted to the proposed financial assrapery.

So the two matters aren't related in the least.
That isnt the case. Tax is paid on profits. If they raise their prices a competitor will take their business. They can either make a little bit less profit or invest the profit in the business.
/—-/ Do you think only certain corporations will pay more than their competitors? It’s a tax on all companies. That means everyone who does business with a corporation will have their taxes raised and will pass it along to y to grit customers. Geeeze, it could’ve any more obvious.
Too bad we no longer have a president in office who fights to protect Americans from getting hosed like this. But hey, no more mean tweets.

Hot air pledges blown out globalist assholes at these conferences is just that.
Too bad we no longer have a president in office who fights to protect Americans from getting hosed like this. But hey, no more mean tweets.
But on April 10, Roger Blough, CEO of U.S. Steel, the largest of the firms, with 25% of the market, met Kennedy in the Oval Office and told him the company was immediately raising prices by $6 a ton – and that other steel companies would follow. Six did. The 3.5% hike enraged the president. What he said in public was biting – but he was even more caustic in private.

In an April 11, 1962 press conference, Kennedy called the price hikes “a wholly unjustifiable and irresponsible defiance of the public interest.” He criticized “a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility.” The execs had “utter contempt” for the U.S., Kennedy said.

In private, Kennedy added: “My father always told me that all businessmen were sons of bitches, but I never believed it until now.” The line quickly became public.

But on April 10, Roger Blough, CEO of U.S. Steel, the largest of the firms, with 25% of the market, met Kennedy in the Oval Office and told him the company was immediately raising prices by $6 a ton – and that other steel companies would follow. Six did. The 3.5% hike enraged the president. What he said in public was biting – but he was even more caustic in private.

In an April 11, 1962 press conference, Kennedy called the price hikes “a wholly unjustifiable and irresponsible defiance of the public interest.” He criticized “a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility.” The execs had “utter contempt” for the U.S., Kennedy said.

In private, Kennedy added: “My father always told me that all businessmen were sons of bitches, but I never believed it until now.” The line quickly became public.

/----/ I'm old enough to remember JFK going after Big Steel. I was 10, so I didn't understand it all, but I remember it happening.
That isnt the case. Tax is paid on profits. If they raise their prices a competitor will take their business. They can either make a little bit less profit or invest the profit in the business.
/----/ Thanks for proving my point.

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