Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

First of all, the Iraqis were retreating from Kuwait on the Highway of Death under a negotiated white flag deal.

You have NO idea what you are talking about, just pulling stuff out of your ass! Holy CRAP, I hate when idiots who were not there PERSONALLY, who have no clue what they are talking about, spew moronic THAT!

I was there, and I don't remember seeing you there. Based on that STUPID comment I doubt very seriously you ever served in the military, and if you did you sure as hell did not serve / participate in that conflict.

You were NOT there.
Everyone there was killed.

Serving in the military means committing murder under the orders of others, and that is not a good thing.
Sometime is may be necessary, but it was not necessary in 1991, 2003, etc.
Analysis of the evidence on the Highway of Death shows that thermobaric weapons were used. Are you trying to claim that weapons of that indiscriminate range were selecting only military targets?

The entire Iraqi military was hauling ass up that road trying to run away...who the F* - what NON-Iraqi Military individual - would have been out driving on that major 'line of communication' at that time?

You think Ma, Pa, & the kids were out for a drive, maybe Granny and Grandpa were trying to blend in with the fleeing Iraqis to try to make it to see their grandson down the road?!

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And the fact that you think the US military just indiscriminately bombs roads and kills civilians on purpose identifies you as a true dumbass.

I already explained, that the majority of Kuwait are Iraqi by culture, so were glad the emir was gone.
So then when they heard the US was returning the emir, all those who spoke out against the emir were going to be killed.
So tens of thousands of Kuwaitis decided to leave, in order to prevent being murdered by the emir.
This is all well documented.
Notice there were buses in the convoys?
They were loaded with civilians we murdered.
You were NOT there. Everyone there was killed.
Again, STFU - you are embarrassing yourself. The operation / combat was not run from Kuwait or even in the skies over Kuwait or the 'Road of Death'. It was run out of an HQ, an Ops center, run by commanders who directed the operation, surrounded by and working with people who knew what the hell was going on, which you have demonstrated sure did NOT include you. I was there, snowflake, and Iraq was not running like hell under any 'white flag' agreement.
I already explained, that the majority of Kuwait are Iraqi by culture, so were glad the emir was gone.
So then when they heard the US was returning the emir, all those who spoke out against the emir were going to be killed.
So tens of thousands of Kuwaitis decided to leave, in order to prevent being murdered by the emir.
This is all well documented.
Notice there were buses in the convoys?
They were loaded with civilians we murdered.
Nice attempt to SOUND Intelligent, but you fail again. The Iraqis pillaged the hell out of Kuwait, and they tried to steal everything they could, to include car, buses, etc - anything to flee Kuwait knowing what was coming. Again, you attempt to convince anyone stupid enough to listen that the US Military indiscriminately targets and murders innocents / civilians, which is a lie, you POS! AGAIN, YOU were NIT there. I am sure you have read up a lot on what happened, what libtards and America-haters TOLD you happened, and you are obviously highly motivated to attack your own country and military, but you are spreading lies, ignorance, and propaganda. YOU WEREN'T THERE!
Where did you come up with this outlandish lack of facts? Kuwait is predominantly Sunni and is a very close ally of the US. My daughter just returned from a deployment to Kuwait where we have a huge military presence. Better check your sources!

Yes Kuwait is predominantly Sunni, but that is because they are Iraqi, as you would expect on the coast.
The emir is not Iraqi, but a desert nomad from a dynasty given control over Kuwait around 1890.
The Kuwaits hate the emir, and that is why so many Kuwaitis left Kuwait when they heard he was being returned by the US, and they were then murdered on the Highway of Death.

The only people killed on the "Highway of Death" were retreating Iraqi troops, driving or riding on anything that would move. General Schwarzkopf order every Iraqi vehicle destroyed if possible. It sucks to have been them.

First of all, the Iraqis were retreating from Kuwait on the Highway of Death under a negotiated white flag deal.
It was illegal and murder then to attack anyone on that highway at all.
But you clearly are wrong.
There were not that many Iraqi troops even in Kuwait, but instead, many of them were what used to be the Kuwaiti army, made up of Palestinians, Iraqis, and others hired to fill out the ranks of the Kuwaiti military, since all the Kuwaiti citizens insisted on being officers.
All the journalist were also in the convoy, because they had all published against the emir, once he was no longer threatening them.
Obviously Schwarzkopf did not order Iraqi vehicles to be destroyed because very few of those destroyed were Iraqi, and there is no way planes could tell who was driving or passengers.
We have the images of corpses, so we know many, if not most, were not military or Iraqi.

Complete and total bullshit not based on facts. Is that all you have?

Analysis of the evidence on the Highway of Death shows that thermobaric weapons were used.
Are you trying to claim that weapons of that indiscriminate range were selecting only military targets?
And what of the white flag truce the retreat was conducted under?
Have you no sense of fairness?

All you are posting is total is utter bullshit. None of that happened or you would have provided links.
First of all, the Iraqis were retreating from Kuwait on the Highway of Death under a negotiated white flag deal.

You have NO idea what you are talking about, just pulling stuff out of your ass! Holy CRAP, I hate when idiots who were not there PERSONALLY, who have no clue what they are talking about, spew moronic THAT!

I was there, and I don't remember seeing you there. Based on that STUPID comment I doubt very seriously you ever served in the military, and if you did you sure as hell did not serve / participate in that conflict.

You were NOT there.
Everyone there was killed.

Serving in the military means committing murder under the orders of others, and that is not a good thing.
Sometime is may be necessary, but it was not necessary in 1991, 2003, etc.

Fleeing troops who invaded and conquered a country are not murdered. They could have surrendered and be taken captive. You obviously have never even been associated with the military.
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


You do realize that Saudi Arabia is a member of NATO and we are obligated BY TREATY to protect them? Fucking left wing moron...

LOL! And what part of the North Atlantic is Saudi Arabia in again? Saudi Arabia is NOT a member of NATO..Fucking Right wing moron.

Well you left wing retard, they may not be a member of NATO but they are our Allie and we are bound by treaty to protect them.

Left wing retard? Really?

I rarely call people right wing moron. But you are a moron. NATO are not obligated to defend Saudi. It is not part of a NATO treaty.

Mighty Trumpy could have called the NATO don’t you think? I’m sure Trump knows more than the generals. It’s Trump mess so let him do the cleaning and as a pimp.
All it was was a choice of which gas station to drive into...Iraq's or Kuwait's...he chose Kuwait...and good men died for Kuwait's royalty...

So are you saying that Kuwait invaded Iraq?
No I'm saying we had a choice of where to purchase our oil from...Iraq or Kuwait....Bush Sr chose Kuwait for better or worse....and here we are today...thousands of lives lost and ruined here and in the middle east....

That is an incredibly naive and ignorant statement on your part. I suggest you research the topic a little more before offering ill-conceived opinions.
Well then why don't you explain it to me?...we defended Kuwait from Iraq...we didn't have to and Bush Sr used he reasoning of free flow of oil at market prices...we could have stayed out of it and we should have....we created an enemy and eventually Bush Jr decided to continue his fathers look where we sit today...look at the American lives lost...for what?...lets hear your answer to that...for what? we have Kuwait siding with the Mullahs in I asked...for what?...maybe an Admiral can answer that because this Gunnery Sargent is struggling to find an answer...

Where did you come up with this outlandish lack of facts? Kuwait is predominantly Sunni and is a very close ally of the US. My daughter just returned from a deployment to Kuwait where we have a huge military presence. Better check your sources!

I have several friends working in Kuwait. They get paid very well....... I already warned them if bombing starts..... find a way how to get out because those huge US military presence will be targeted. Remember Iran do not follow Geneva war rules of engagement. They just want to kill Americans. Remember this came from me.

They do have an scape plan. Handy luggage are all ready to go and always have full tank and extra gas tank. Plan is to drive towards Iraq. Not towards Saudi.

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