Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Of course none of these things are a problem where there is strong gun control.
Snowflake...the biggest massacre in world history occurred in a nation where firearms were banned.
Breivik, dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification, took a ferry to the island and opened fire at the participants, killing 68 of them outright, and injuring at least 110 people, 55 of them seriously; the 69th victim died in a hospital two days after the massacre.
You continue to illustrate your ignorance.

2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.
People are getting shot everywhere...
No they really aren’t, drama queen. Stop being such a progressive limp-wristed drama queen. Put your big boy pants on and be an adult for once. Emotional, irrational, knee-jerk reactions solves nothing.
People get shot in schools
Work places

You became accustomed to it you probably thing is the norm outside the US, don't you?

Yeah so lets ban guns. It'll work right? That's how we stopped people from doing drugs.
2 different animals here.
Why other countries have lower violent gun crimes and almost mass shootings please ?
Not two different animals, it's the exact same scenario. Why do we have more mass shootings? that is a good question and one that you gun grabbing idiots won't even try to answer.
They are afraid to examine that the last several decades of erasing pride in American culture, an overly permissive society, extreme violent imagery in media, failure to accept that social media has induced an addicted mindset, lack of respect for elders, the demonization of law enforcement, an education system that fails young males who have become disinterested and unengaged, failure to seriously address the mentally ill among us. I could go on and on...
Our culture has become sick and our youth are the victims.

Just easier to blame guns, as they would have to examine their own permissive policies over the last several decades coinciding right about the time school shootings started.
So how does a guy like that get his hands on a military-style weapon capable of pumping dozens of rounds into innocent victims without even reloading? Well, this is Florida, so he just walks into a gun shop and buys one.
First, it’s not a “military-style” weapon, you freaking emotional drama queen. It’s a basic semi-automatic rifle.

Second - we don’t punish the innocent for the actions of the guilty in this country. This idiots criminal behavior should not (and will not) infringe on my rights. I didn’t do anything wrong, I refused my to be punished. Deal with it.
Warning signs galore.
I agree with beagle on another thread.
Quick and fair trial.
We all know he did it.

Old fashioned hanging, making sure he hears every nail pounded and saw cut during the construction of the gallows. He needs to experience the exact same hell his victims went through.
Enough of coddling killers or paying to warehouse them only to become more degenerate.
"In the rest of the world, there have been 18 school shootings in the last twenty years. In the U.S., there have been 18 school shootings since January 1--35 days." - Unhinged Gabby Giffords
And that is a bold-face lie. There have been exactly two school shootings since January 1st.

Progressives are including every bullet fired in this bullshit statistic - including one instance where a 3rd grader pulled the trigger of a police officers gun. Nobody was injured. Nobody. Not even shot, much less died.

It’s amazing how you people will perpetuate disinformation without asking a single question. What a bunch of mindless minions.

Media Are Pushing Inflated ’18 School Shootings’ Statistic. Here Are the Facts.
Bill O'Reilly said of the Sandy Hook massacre (paraphrasing), "this is the price of having our rights."

so, yeah, 17 children bleeding out, screaming for their parents one last time, is absolutely a price they're willing to pay in order to have their 7th firearm.
Bingo! That is a small price to pay for liberty. It’s funny how you have absolutely no qualms about sending an 18 year old off to die in war to protect your 1st Amendment rights (because you like those) but you feign “outrage” over an 18 year old dying to protect our 2nd Amendment rights (because you hate those). Hypocrite.
Bill O'Reilly said of the Sandy Hook massacre (paraphrasing), "this is the price of having our rights."

so, yeah, 17 children bleeding out, screaming for their parents one last time, is absolutely a price they're willing to pay in order to have their 7th firearm.
Bingo! That is a small price to pay for liberty. It’s funny how you have absolutely no qualms about sending an 18 year old off to die in war to protect your 1st Amendment rights (because you like those) but you feign “outrage” over an 18 year old dying to protect our 2nd Amendment rights (because you hate those). Hypocrite.
Stop making sense. Thanks.
Let me get this right. A Rachel Maddow fan gets booted from a school for inappropriate threats and attempts at homosexual sex and the FBI is not notified by the school? Not that the FBI would be interested in anything other than what democrats tell them.

How the fuck in this day and age is there not a security guard (not an affirmative action slob you see at CVS at midnight, a real, armed American citizen) at public schools entrances is funny. Meanwhile the qu33rs are xraying American citizens at airports.

I think the problem is access. If there were a security guard and one entrance and no access anywhere else, they could have a metal detector and an armed security force. Security officials would be able to profile and search students before they enter. It's either that or arm every teacher and school official.

You have to guard every door because anyone can open a door and let someone in! Some schools have dozens of exit doors.

You can't search students or you will never get them to class! The high school where I taught in Florida had 3270 students at one time. The line would be over a mile long!

You do know that teachers and administrators have been working on this problem for about 20 years now.

A few years ago, a school in Minnesota had an armed guard and metal detectors. The kid walked in, shot the guard and then walked right past the metal detector.
Is it safe to leave the doors to schools unlocked all day so any Tom Dick or Harry can just walk in willy nilly?

Seems to me something as basic as locking doors and controlling entry to schools would go a long way in preventing these tragedies?

The school where I am working as a substitute right now just upgraded our security plan in light of the shooting in Marshall County, KY.

Access is controlled, but we have to man ever exit door in the building. That takes teachers away from doing what we need to do to get ready for class, meaning our starting time just went backward another 20 minutes.

Hopefully, if I get shot, I can stagger into the gymnasium to warn everyone that someone is coming in through my door!!
Hey dickhead.... Gabby Giffords got shot because there was no security at her event...not the Pima County sheriff office or Tucson police. She could have had an off-duty officer for $100. She should have had free protection but that's not how liberal la la land Tucson operates....they just blame the Second Amendment instead of their own incompetence. Put an armed guard in every school in this country...there are plenty of guys with extensive training who could use a job.

Will you be the first one bitching when your taxes go up?
Hey dickhead.... Gabby Giffords got shot because there was no security at her event...not the Pima County sheriff office or Tucson police. She could have had an off-duty officer for $00. She should have had free protection but that's not how liberal la la land Tucson operates....they just blame the Second Amendment instead of their own incompetence. Put an armed guard in every school in this country...there are plenty of guys with extensive training who could use a job.

Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

DUH! All schools are or have been doing that for years!

How did the gunman get into Sandy Hook? He shot out the window and walked through! There was controlled access!

The door was locked!
Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
Schools that lock the doors don't either

Doors have been shot open actually.

And how long did that take? And please provide a link to that claim.

If that is the case then install steel doors. Controlling entry to schools will do much more to stop these tragedies than banning guns ever will

You are aware these are often done by students who belong at the school right?

Shortly after 9:35 a.m., using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[5][30][31] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[32][33][34] He was wearing black clothing, yellow earplugs, sunglasses,[35] an olive green utility vest, and was carrying magazines for the rifle.[36] Initial reports which had stated that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[37] Some of those present heard the initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Let's see Lanza didn't belong at the school. This idiot in FL didn't belong at the school.

And once again controlling entry would prevent anyone from walking in with a rifle. You can't exactly hide one. If a student comes in late he is locked out until someone can let him in. If a parent comes by he or she is locked out until their ID can be verified.

It is really simple stuff

How are you going to screen every student as they arrive in the morning or after a fire drill for example?
Our schools can't be safe with homegrown terrorists like this running loose.


No, he wasn't. Once again, you're lying.

How can you be so sure?

Your own link said they couldn't confirm a connection and that was from huffpo.

Yes, the link has been updated. They're now saying the connection is thin. Stay tuned...

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