Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Hey dickhead.... Gabby Giffords got shot because there was no security at her event...not the Pima County sheriff office or Tucson police. She could have had an off-duty officer for $00. She should have had free protection but that's not how liberal la la land Tucson operates....they just blame the Second Amendment instead of their own incompetence. Put an armed guard in every school in this country...there are plenty of guys with extensive training who could use a job.

Why don't we start by locking the doors and controlling entry?

One attacker could hand weapons to another through a window so you have to lock down all the windows too....But the schools don't use common sense...they're propaganda factories and willing to accept a certain number of massacres to further their gun-ban agenda.

If there are multiple attackers but then again don't you think someone would notice a student hauling guns in through a window?

But that too is pretty easily prevented. Do not let any students into any empty classrooms..

How is it students so easily get guns?

Who said it was easy?

Lanza's mother gave her retarded kid guns and he killed her. This idiot in FL was 19 and was an adult. Sorry but anyone who isn't out of HS by 18 should be cut loose and be made to get their GED on their ow dime

That "kid" was already kicked out of school last year.

My son was held back a year because he so small he couldn't physically handle some of the tasks required in first grade. That meant he was days away from 19 when he graduated. In Florida, you can stay until your 20th birthday unless something has changed since I left in 2006. If you are special ed, you can stay longer.

You need to do more thinking and less spouting.
Doors have been shot open actually.

And how long did that take? And please provide a link to that claim.

If that is the case then install steel doors. Controlling entry to schools will do much more to stop these tragedies than banning guns ever will

You are aware these are often done by students who belong at the school right?

Shortly after 9:35 a.m., using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[5][30][31] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[32][33][34] He was wearing black clothing, yellow earplugs, sunglasses,[35] an olive green utility vest, and was carrying magazines for the rifle.[36] Initial reports which had stated that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[37] Some of those present heard the initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Let's see Lanza didn't belong at the school. This idiot in FL didn't belong at the school.

And once again controlling entry would prevent anyone from walking in with a rifle. You can't exactly hide one. If a student comes in late he is locked out until someone can let him in. If a parent comes by he or she is locked out until their ID can be verified.

It is really simple stuff
And many time the shooter is a student.

It is simple.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
And how does the student get the guns into the school?

Through an unlocked unmonitored door that's how.

Control entry and stop these school shootings. It really is that simple

What do you do about schools with dozens of doors and windows?

The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.
Evidently not
How is it students so easily get guns?

Who said it was easy?

Lanza's mother gave her retarded kid guns and he killed her. This idiot in FL was 19 and was an adult. Sorry but anyone who isn't out of HS by 18 should be cut loose and be made to get their GED on their ow dime

It happens regularly.

and if the kids are underage it they get the guns illegally.

So when you have a plan to stop that let me know.

School shootings are not a problem in countries with strong gun control.
school shootings aren't a problem in schools that lock their doors

You keep spouting this poor attempt at logic. Sandy Hook was locked down! The shooter simply pointed his weapon at a glass window, fired a few rounds, shattered it, and then walked through the hole.
Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.
She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting.

F•••ing hypocrites, she and her husband. They want to impose restrictions on us,“the little people”, while considering themselves to be above such restrictions.

Mark Kelly's 'AR-15 Stunt' Provokes Giffords Photo Leak - Breitbart
Did Mark Kelly Break The Law With His AR-15 Purchase? - Freedom Outpost


Only a left wrong-wing cretin gives either of them any credence.
Gabby and her husband support strong background checks

For that, this victim of gun violence gets attacked from the right
Why most countries have hardly a gun problem?
The real question is - if you love those other nation so much how come you don’t renounce your citizenship and go live in those other nations? :dunno:

Did i say the US as a whole is bad? No ...gun violence is bad, ignorance too so why can't tackle those two issues without renouncing citizenships ?
And many time the shooter is a student.

It is simple.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
And how does the student get the guns into the school?

Through an unlocked unmonitored door that's how.

Control entry and stop these school shootings. It really is that simple

And we should do the same for churches? Night clubs? Concerts? And who will protect the police? Even they have been the victims of mass shootings.

Of course none of these things are a problem where there is strong gun control.

Why not?

Do you lock your doors? I sure as hell lock mine.

You have such a simple mind. Again some shooters go to school there. Others shoot open doors.

No weapon anyone can get can shoot open a steel door. Even if the door wasn't steel it takes time to shoot open a door (and you have yet to give me a link to where that actually happened ) and that time can be used to shelter students and call the cops .

All that needs to be done is to have all the kids who go to the school enter via assigned doors and their bags can be checked. Once everyone is inside lock the fucking doors.

No one get in who does not have a ligit reason to enter.

Still repeating the same claptrap. Second verse, same as the first.
Why most countries have hardly a gun problem?
The real question is - if you love those other nation so much how come you don’t renounce your citizenship and go live in those other nations? :dunno:

Did i say the US as a whole is bad? No ...gun violence is bad, ignorance too so why can't tackle those two issues without renouncing citizenships ?
Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
Schools that lock the doors don't either

Doors have been shot open actually.

School doors? When, prove it liar.
And how long did that take? And please provide a link to that claim.

If that is the case then install steel doors. Controlling entry to schools will do much more to stop these tragedies than banning guns ever will

You are aware these are often done by students who belong at the school right?

Shortly after 9:35 a.m., using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[5][30][31] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[32][33][34] He was wearing black clothing, yellow earplugs, sunglasses,[35] an olive green utility vest, and was carrying magazines for the rifle.[36] Initial reports which had stated that he had been wearing body armor were incorrect.[37] Some of those present heard the initial shots on the school intercom system, which was being used for morning announcements.[16]

Let's see Lanza didn't belong at the school. This idiot in FL didn't belong at the school.

And once again controlling entry would prevent anyone from walking in with a rifle. You can't exactly hide one. If a student comes in late he is locked out until someone can let him in. If a parent comes by he or she is locked out until their ID can be verified.

It is really simple stuff
And many time the shooter is a student.

It is simple.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
And how does the student get the guns into the school?

Through an unlocked unmonitored door that's how.

Control entry and stop these school shootings. It really is that simple

My ex-wife is a school administrator in Florida. She tells me that it's pathetically easy to get into a school.

My daughter's elementary school in Florida had no halls. All the classrooms were open to the weather.
I did answer . No guns no deaths by guns. Lived ina gun free country and so are most of the countries. Mass shootings are an American hallmark. You probably proud of that.
Allow me to clue you in...

We live in a “heroin free” nation and yet people are dying from heroin overdoses in record numbers.

We live in a “prostitution free” nation and yet people the sex trade industry is making money in record numbers.

We live in a “murder free” nation and yet 17 people were murdered at one school yesterday alone.
Let me clue you in. Most of the world don't have this epedemic....keep living in denial you are numb to it, you got used to see kids being killed.
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

You are wrong. Misconduct caused by a disability can not be used as grounds for expelling a student. It is a federal law!

Don't argue with an educator. I have forgotten more about this than you will ever know.

I stand by my statement. Teachers cannot prescribe medication. You didn't address that part either. Teachers don't expel students.

Have a nice day! :D
If you feel the 2nd Amendment is outdated then you should start a movement to repeal it. Just ignoring it and pretending it is not there is not the answer.
Doing just that. So Americans stop getting shot by the thousands every year.

Don't kid yourself. Outlawing gun ownership will do nothing but increase the black market sale of guns and the violence that comes with that increase.

It happened with our "war on drugs" and it happened with our prohibition on alcohol but you think that it won't happen with guns
Australia banned guns and so did other countries none of which have regular mass shootings.

Except that only one third of the guns in the possession of Australians were turned in. So there are still a lot of people with guns there.
How many mass shootings they had after that?

I don't know. 20? 30?

The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.
Gabby says;

I'm a fearmongering twat that wants to be President
No they really aren’t, drama queen. Stop being such a progressive limp-wristed drama queen. Put your big boy pants on and be an adult for once. Emotional, irrational, knee-jerk reactions solves nothing.
People get shot in schools
Work places

You became accustomed to it you probably thing is the norm outside the US, don't you?

Yeah so lets ban guns. It'll work right? That's how we stopped people from doing drugs.
2 different animals here.
Why other countries have lower violent gun crimes and almost mass shootings please ?
Not two different animals, it's the exact same scenario. Why do we have more mass shootings? that is a good question and one that you gun grabbing idiots won't even try to answer.
I did answer . No guns no deaths by guns. Lived ina gun free country and so are most of the countries. Mass shootings are an American hallmark. You probably proud of that.

No, you didn't.

So, you only care about gun deaths? You don't give a rat's ass about any other deaths? That just proves what we say about you nutters, it's all about the agenda isn't it. the other deaths don't matter to you because you can't use them as a political tool.

Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

You are wrong. Misconduct caused by a disability can not be used as grounds for expelling a student. It is a federal law!

Don't argue with an educator. I have forgotten more about this than you will ever know.

I stand by my statement. Teachers cannot prescribe medication. You didn't address that part either. Teachers don't expel students.

Have a nice day! :D
Hey. Allow me to say again.
I HAVE SEEN IT. Your argument is refuted.
Gabby Giffords is proof positive that you can shoot a liberal in the head and not hit anything vital.
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

You are wrong. Misconduct caused by a disability can not be used as grounds for expelling a student. It is a federal law!

Don't argue with an educator. I have forgotten more about this than you will ever know.

I stand by my statement. Teachers cannot prescribe medication. You didn't address that part either. Teachers don't expel students.

Have a nice day! :D
Hey. Allow me to say again.
I HAVE SEEN IT. Your argument is refuted.

You can't prove your bullshit!

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