Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
They never will.
What's become the norm is turning our schools into literally locked prisons.
The fact we need so much security when 40 years ago it was not a factor, should automatically summon the question, what the hell happened to our society/culture?
Too many guns
Yeah so lets ban guns. It'll work right? That's how we stopped people from doing drugs.
2 different animals here.
Why other countries have lower violent gun crimes and almost mass shootings please ?
Not two different animals, it's the exact same scenario. Why do we have more mass shootings? that is a good question and one that you gun grabbing idiots won't even try to answer.
I did answer . No guns no deaths by guns. Lived ina gun free country and so are most of the countries. Mass shootings are an American hallmark. You probably proud of that.

No, you didn't.

So, you only care about gun deaths? You don't give a rat's ass about any other deaths? That just proves what we say about you nutters, it's all about the agenda isn't it. the other deaths don't matter to you because you can't use them as a political tool.

Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
Political ? Oh please. If you need god to live that means you still stuck in the 18th century and paranoid. You yourself can lose your temper and pick your gun. Why don't we just banned them and join the rest of the world and taste safety?

Who said anything about god you illiterate fuck?
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

No, you haven't "seen it."
I yes I have. The school that my grandkids attended insisted they both be prescribed add drugs or risk being expelled. My daughter now homeschools them.
2 different animals here.
Why other countries have lower violent gun crimes and almost mass shootings please ?
Not two different animals, it's the exact same scenario. Why do we have more mass shootings? that is a good question and one that you gun grabbing idiots won't even try to answer.
I did answer . No guns no deaths by guns. Lived ina gun free country and so are most of the countries. Mass shootings are an American hallmark. You probably proud of that.

No, you didn't.

So, you only care about gun deaths? You don't give a rat's ass about any other deaths? That just proves what we say about you nutters, it's all about the agenda isn't it. the other deaths don't matter to you because you can't use them as a political tool.

Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
Political ? Oh please. If you need god to live that means you still stuck in the 18th century and paranoid. You yourself can lose your temper and pick your gun. Why don't we just banned them and join the rest of the world and taste safety?

Who said anything about god you illiterate fuck?
Gun I meant...sorry Rambo.
Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Murphy? From the same state that gave us Sandy Hoax? BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sandy hoax?
I thought that was created and spread by Alex Jones.

No, Alex Jones is part of the controlled opposition.......he bailed on the hoax that was Sandy Hook when the heat got turned up. I will debate you ALLLLLLLLL day long as to how I can prove with the preponderance of the evidence (as well as the state's lack of willingness to produce proof) that Sandy Hoax was a DHS/FEMA drill at a school that had been closed since 2008 that was passed off as a "live event" and it was all legal like.......the Smith-Mundt Act was repealed. How do you try and move/herd the majority of sheeple into a consensus? You use the Hegelian Dialectic while counting on your minions that work for the CIA controlled Operation Mockingbird lamestream media that spews "gubermint" talking points just like the USSR's "Pravda" did.............questions?
Let me clue you in. Most of the world don't have this epedemic....keep living in denial you are numb to it, you got used to see kids being killed.
Why did you run from the reality?

We live in a “heroin free” nation and yet people are dying from heroin overdoses in record numbers.

We live in a “prostitution free” nation and yet people the sex trade industry is making money in record numbers.

We live in a “murder free” nation and yet 17 people were murdered at one school yesterday alone.
Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

You are wrong. Misconduct caused by a disability can not be used as grounds for expelling a student. It is a federal law!

Don't argue with an educator. I have forgotten more about this than you will ever know.

I stand by my statement. Teachers cannot prescribe medication. You didn't address that part either. Teachers don't expel students.

Have a nice day! :D
Hey. Allow me to say again.
I HAVE SEEN IT. Your argument is refuted.

You can't prove your bullshit!
You're a braindead libstain. Proof is irrelevant to you worthless society-suckers.

You can't dispute my knowledge so you call names. I am also not a lib just because you are ignorant.
Let me clue you in. Most of the world don't have this epedemic....keep living in denial you are numb to it, you got used to see kids being killed.
Why did you run from the reality?

We live in a “heroin free” nation and yet people are dying from heroin overdoses in record numbers.

We live in a “prostitution free” nation and yet people the sex trade industry is making money in record numbers.

We live in a “murder free” nation and yet 17 people were murdered at one school yesterday alone.
When was the last time someone killed someone with heroin? And when did a pussy mass murder a bunch of penises?
So you wanna ban the president f3om paying hookers now?
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

No, you haven't "seen it."
I yes I have. The school that my grandkids attended insisted they both be prescribed add drugs or risk being expelled. My daughter now homeschools them.

More utter bullshit! I told you that violates federal law. You believed a lie.
Those of us who are sane, ask the question "Why do we have these mass shootings? What would make a person decide to kill as many people as possible? Why is human life so valueless to so many?

You morons don't care to ask these questions.
They never will.
What's become the norm is turning our schools into literally locked prisons.
The fact we need so much security when 40 years ago it was not a factor, should automatically summon the question, what the hell happened to our society/culture?
Too many guns
And there it is
Thanks for proving me right...

There are approximately 74 million students in the US in the range of Pre-K through 12th grade. How many students were killed by guns in all of 2017? 20? A search turns up a few articles and one Wikipedia article that lists 9 kids killed by guns in all of 2017.

School shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

9/74,000,000 * 100 = 1.22e-06 percent of the students in our country were killed by a gun. that is 0.0000122%.

Giffords is not only wrong but a lying piece of shit. Our children are in more danger from men pretending to be women in women's bathrooms.

This entire thread, not one person lamented the 104 people who have died on our nation's roads today. Or the 104 the day before that, or the day before that, or every day for the past 10 years.

Nine kids died of guns 2017. Is that acceptable?

Also I thought the number is far higher than 7.

But the 104 death was road accident. Isn’t it?
Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress’ Fault

“We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) addressed his colleagues on Wednesday after a shooter opened fire at a South Florida high school, leaving at least 17 people dead.

Murphy, a fierce gun control advocate who had just been elected to the Senate when the Sandy Hook massacre took place in his home state, blamed congressional inaction for the events that unfolded in Parkland, Florida.

“This happens nowhere else other than the United States of America,” he said. “Thisepidemic of mass slaughter ... it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction.”

Pointing to himself and his colleagues, he continued, “We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else.”

More: Sen. Chris Murphy: Mass Shootings Are Congress' Fault | HuffPost

I agree! It's up to Congress to take the lead. Trump could help - but he won't.

Murphy? From the same state that gave us Sandy Hoax? BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sandy hoax?
I thought that was created and spread by Alex Jones.

No, Alex Jones is part of the controlled opposition.......he bailed on the hoax that was Sandy Hook when the heat got turned up. I will debate you ALLLLLLLLL day long as to how I can prove with the preponderance of the evidence (as well as the state's lack of willingness to produce proof) that Sandy Hoax was a DHS/FEMA drill at a school that had been closed since 2008 that was passed off as a "live event" and it was all legal like.......the Smith-Mundt Act was repealed. How do you try and move/herd the majority of sheeple into a consensus? You use the Hegelian Dialectic while counting on your minions that work for the CIA controlled Operation Mockingbird lamestream media that spews "gubermint" talking points just like the USSR's "Pravda" did.............questions?

Nah! Just another conspiracy crap. Coming from Alex Jones. Really? Very funny.
How do you propose we eliminate guns from the u.s.?
Buy them back
That is what Australia did
Ok, what if I don't want to sell my gun?

Australia didn't ban all guns
Just those capable of rapid fire

If you choose to break the pay the consequences
Ok, let's just say I bought my gun 5 years ago, a private sale, and I never registered it. In fact, the guy I bought it from also never registered it. So, the government doesn't even know I have it. There can't be any consequence if they don't know I have it.
Hell no it's not safe to send our kids to these leftist indoctrinated public schools, where they force-feed ADD drugs to your kids for not complying to the liberal agenda.

Teachers cannot prescribe medication, dumbass!

I hate conservatives who lie like liberals when it is convenient!
Bullshit. I have seen it. It's either drug your kids or expell them from school. Dumass.

No, you haven't "seen it."
I yes I have. The school that my grandkids attended insisted they both be prescribed add drugs or risk being expelled. My daughter now homeschools them.

More utter bullshit! I told you that violates federal law. You believed a lie.
Nobody gives a shit what you tell anybody. It happened. I lived it.

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