Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’


The former congresswoman, who was wounded in 2011, tweets in the wake of the Florida shooting that “American voters must” take action.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has begged for politicians to take action on the “gun violence epidemic” in the wake of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday, calling on voters, in an emotional tweet storm, to act to force change.

Giffords, who represented Arizona’s 8th District from 2007 to 2012, was shot in the head in an assassination attempt at an event north of Tucson in 2011. She was left with extensive injuries. Six people were killed and 13 others were wounded in the shooting.

She and her husband, Mark Kelly, have been prominent voices for gun control since that 2011 shooting. In the wake of the Las Vegas Strip shooting last October, Kelly said that, “until we seriously accept this — and the people in that building [the Capitol] accept this — as a serious public health crisis, we will have other mass shootings like this.”

On Wednesday, as authorities confirmed at least 17 people had died in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Giffords posted a series of tweets calling for politicians to reform America’s gun laws.

In her tweets, Giffords took aim at “defenders of the status quo” in politics and the firearm industry who attempt to blame such mass shootings on factors besides the availability of guns. She said that it was possible to prevent future tragedies occurring, criticizing politicians who “vote against our safety.”

More: Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

Good question. I don't know. Does anyone have an answer? Most parents can't or won't homeschool, plus kids need the social interaction that comes from organized schools. I'm sure we can all agree that we want school children to be safe.
Gabby says;

I'm a fearmongering twat that wants to be President
Because of uncontrolled access to guns......she can never be President

I agree. Only a severely retarded person would think that Gabby is aspiring to be president.
she'd have your blind support.

and only a blind fool wouldn't take this as a feeler

Blind fool? Interesting choice of words from you.
Unerringly accurate.
There are approximately 74 million students in the US in the range of Pre-K through 12th grade. How many students were killed by guns in all of 2017? 20? A search turns up a few articles and one Wikipedia article that lists 9 kids killed by guns in all of 2017.

School shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

9/74,000,000 * 100 = 1.22e-06 percent of the students in our country were killed by a gun. that is 0.0000122%.

Giffords is not only wrong but a lying piece of shit. Our children are in more danger from men pretending to be women in women's bathrooms.

This entire thread, not one person lamented the 104 people who have died on our nation's roads today. Or the 104 the day before that, or the day before that, or every day for the past 10 years.

Nine kids died of guns 2017. Is that acceptable?

Also I thought the number is far higher than 7.

But the 104 death was road accident. Isn’t it?
A death is a death, road accident or otherwise. The outrage is people are being killed, but it is selective outrage because only certain types of death are the concern.

It isn't a matter of acceptable, it is a matter of; at what threshold do we start taking rights away from people who have not done a single thing wrong.

At that percentage, it is unreasonable to think that our children are being slaughtered, and our schools are unsafe. Schools may or may not be unsafe, but it isn't because of guns.

Too many guns

You are confused Moon Bat. You can never have too many.

The problem with the shooting in Florida is that it was a "gun free zone". It was literally like shooting fish in a barrel for the bad guy. Nobody had the means to defend themselves because they don't allow guns in the school. Even the teachers were not allowed to be armed like they are in other countries.

Cruz disobeyed several laws including murder. The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is for there to be a good guy with a gun like maybe the coach that was murdered by Cruz. It has happened in other states.

Like Robert Heinlein said "an armed society is a polite society".
How do you propose we eliminate guns from the u.s.?
Buy them back
That is what Australia did

There is not a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in Australia. Have you heard of the Bill of Rights? It is an amendment to our Constitution. It is the law of the land. In the case of the right to keep and bear arms it shall not be infringed. Do you know what infringed means? It means like the mandatory gun confiscation law they passed in Australia.

You must really want to be an idiot to create a country where only the crooks and the filthy government are armed. What could possibly go wrong?
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There are approximately 74 million students in the US in the range of Pre-K through 12th grade. How many students were killed by guns in all of 2017? 20? A search turns up a few articles and one Wikipedia article that lists 9 kids killed by guns in all of 2017.

School shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

9/74,000,000 * 100 = 1.22e-06 percent of the students in our country were killed by a gun. that is 0.0000122%.

Giffords is not only wrong but a lying piece of shit. Our children are in more danger from men pretending to be women in women's bathrooms.

This entire thread, not one person lamented the 104 people who have died on our nation's roads today. Or the 104 the day before that, or the day before that, or every day for the past 10 years.

Nine kids died of guns 2017. Is that acceptable?

Also I thought the number is far higher than 7.

But the 104 death was road accident. Isn’t it?

The most dangerous place for a child to be is in the womb of its mother if the mother decides to visit an abortion clinic. A million American children lose their lives each year to that hazard.

On an average annually more children die by being struck by lightening than by school shootings.

More children die drowning in back yard swimming pools.

Many more die in auto accidents.

Schools are statistically safe for children. It would be even safer if we would take precautions to protect them a little better like allowing teachers to have carry weapons and be trained in their use like they do in other countries.
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

We saw a lot of them marching in the streets and rioting just after Trump was elected, didn't we?
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

We saw a lot of them marching in the streets and rioting just after Trump was elected, didn't we?

No, there isn't.

Torturing animals, a huge red flag.

"Two Instagram accounts that classmates said belonged to Mr. Cruz were filled with images of weaponry, as well as the hats and bandannas he liked to wear to school. Among more innocuous pictures of animals, including a dog and a gecko, was a picture of a slaughtered toad. In response to a comment on that image, Mr. Cruz wrote that toads tended to run away when they saw him, because “I killed a lot of them.”
How do you propose we eliminate guns from the u.s.?
Buy them back
That is what Australia did

There is not a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in Australia. Have you heard of the Bill of Rights? It is an amendment to our Constitution. It is the law of the land. In the case of the right to keep and bear arms it shall not be infringed. Do you know what infringed means? It means like the mandatory gun confiscation law they passed in Australia.

You must really want to be an idiot to create a country where only the crooks and the filthy government are armed. What could possibly go wrong?

Australia did not ban guns....only certain guns
Your second amendment rights do not give you the right to buy any arms you desire.......ever try to buy a machine gun or grenade launcher?
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

I agree

We have too many nut jobs on the loose
We also have no way of reporting those who have serious mental issues and should not be armed
Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

that is a great question

and the answer is not as long as schools are gun free zones
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.
How do you propose we eliminate guns from the u.s.?
Buy them back
That is what Australia did

There is not a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in Australia. Have you heard of the Bill of Rights? It is an amendment to our Constitution. It is the law of the land. In the case of the right to keep and bear arms it shall not be infringed. Do you know what infringed means? It means like the mandatory gun confiscation law they passed in Australia.

You must really want to be an idiot to create a country where only the crooks and the filthy government are armed. What could possibly go wrong?

How is the weather in Russia today?
Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

that is a great question

and the answer is not as long as schools are gun free zones

Arming teachers is only asking for trouble. We have criminals grabbing a police officers gun, and using it against them, and teachers wouldn't have 1/10 the training or experience as law enforcement. That's all we need, to give angry kids a way to get their hands on a loaded gun already inside the school.
How do you propose we eliminate guns from the u.s.?
Buy them back
That is what Australia did

There is not a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in Australia. Have you heard of the Bill of Rights? It is an amendment to our Constitution. It is the law of the land. In the case of the right to keep and bear arms it shall not be infringed. Do you know what infringed means? It means like the mandatory gun confiscation law they passed in Australia.

You must really want to be an idiot to create a country where only the crooks and the filthy government are armed. What could possibly go wrong?

Australia did not ban guns....only certain guns
Your second amendment rights do not give you the right to buy any arms you desire.......ever try to buy a machine gun or grenade launcher?

I have a machine gun you mornon. By the way there is a good legal argument that the NFA laws are unconstitutional. In the case of Miller the Supreme Court even said that the Second applied to military type weapons.

However, just because we have oppressive (and probably unconstitutional) NFA laws doesn't mean we should enact even more oppressive laws, does it? Only an idiot would suggest that, don't you agree?
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

I agree

We have too many nut jobs on the loose
We also have no way of reporting those who have serious mental issues and should not be armed

Sure we do.

This guy was treated by medical health professionals.

I'm sure they saw the signs, but did not have the authority to lock up the dangerously crazy person.

Because of civil rights lawyers.
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.

Go ask somebody that voted for Trump.

However since you are a moron that votes for Democrats then why did the filthy ass Democrats oppose the Grassley Cruz bill that would have greatly enhanced the background checks for the mentally ill?
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

I agree

We have too many nut jobs on the loose
We also have no way of reporting those who have serious mental issues and should not be armed

Sure we do.

This guy was treated by medical health professionals.

I'm sure they saw the signs, but did not have the authority to lock up the dangerously crazy person.

Because of civil rights lawyers.

We can't just lock up anyone who has mental health issues. Many can control themselves under the correct supervision

But what seems to happen in case after case of mass shootings is that friends and neighbors come out and say....I always knew that kid was crazy, I was afraid of him
And yet, that crazy kid has no problem going to a gun shop and buying an AR-15 with multiple 30 round magazines and a thousand rounds of ammunition and there is nothing to stop him

There has to be a better way
I have a machine gun you mornon. By the way there is a good legal argument that the NFA laws are unconstitutional. In the case of Miller the Supreme Court even said that the Second applied to military type weapons.

Heller V DC Justice Anton Scalia said in his decision, which would have overturned that notion, when he said that the Constitution doesn't protect military type weapons.

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