Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

I have a machine gun you mornon. By the way there is a good legal argument that the NFA laws are unconstitutional. In the case of Miller the Supreme Court even said that the Second applied to military type weapons.

Heller V DC Justice Anton Scalia said in his decision, which would have overturned that notion, when he said that the Constitution doesn't protect military type weapons.

You are confused Moon Bat. No he didn't. There is nothing in either the McDonald or the Heller case that says that Americans cannot own military weapons. You must have heard that on Democratunderground or from Rachael Maddow. Maybe CNN? They always do fake news and get everything pertaining to guns wrong. You wouldn't be so confused if you didn't hear all your news from Liberal assholes.

Let me tell you what is in the Heller and McDonald cases. The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected the same as free speech and freedom of religion. Also, the government cannot universally prohibit a person from owing a firearm. That is what the Heller case was all about. DC said that Heller could not have a gun and the Supreme Court said that he could.
Let me get this right. A Rachel Maddow fan gets booted from a school for inappropriate threats and attempts at homosexual sex and the FBI is not notified by the school? Not that the FBI would be interested in anything other than what democrats tell them.

How many kids were killed? How many parents cried?


How many FBI agents failed AGAIN? Grow balls and ask real questions. Stop the attention whoring, or just be honest about it. Your type loves it when this happens/
Let me tell you what is in the Heller and McDonald cases. The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected the same as free speech and freedom of religion. Also, the government cannot universally prohibit a person from owing a firearm. That is what the Heller case was all about. DC said that Heller could not have a gun and the Supreme Court said that he could.
Heller also upheld the CGA and the NFA.

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders.

Murders yes, but they're the number one weapon of MASS MURDERS

And only 1% of all murders occur in mass shooting events.

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to prevent them
Let me tell you what is in the Heller and McDonald cases. The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected the same as free speech and freedom of religion. Also, the government cannot universally prohibit a person from owing a firearm. That is what the Heller case was all about. DC said that Heller could not have a gun and the Supreme Court said that he could.
Heller also upheld the CGA and the NFA.

You are lying Moon Bat. Either that or confused. You stay confused most of the time, don't you Moon Bat?

The fact is that the Heller case actually laid the groundwork to overthrow the NFA.

"We may as well consider at this point (for we will have to consider eventually) what types of weapons Miller permits. Read in isolation, Miller’s phrase “part of ordinary military equipment” could mean that only those weapons useful in warfare are protected. That would be a startling reading of the opinion, since it would mean that the National Firearms Act’s restrictions on machineguns (not challenged in Miller) might be unconstitutional, machineguns being useful in warfare in 1939. We think that Miller’s “ordinary military equipment” language must be read in tandem with what comes after: “[O]rdinarily when called for [militia] service [able-bodied] men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time."
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.
What executive order is that and what is its exact wording? Because I think you just lied.
Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.
What executive order is that and what is its exact wording? Because I think you just lied.

Nope....Trump revoked Obama legislation on registering the mentally unstable

White House refuses to release photo of Trump signing bill to weaken gun law
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Anyone for locking up dangerously crazy people?

There are 330 million people in this country. On any given day there are millions of batshit crazy assholes capable of doing bad things.

So why did Trump sign an executive order to make it easier for those crazy people to get guns?

There's crazy, and then there's armed and crazy.
What executive order is that and what is its exact wording? Because I think you just lied.

He lies all the time about things like this.
White House refuses to release photo of Trump signing bill to weaken gun law

A little over a month after his inauguration, on Feb. 28, 2017, President Trump signed HJ Resolution 40, a bill that made it easier for people with mental illness to obtain guns

President Obama had pushed for the rule following the Sandy Hook massacre and it went into effect in December 2016. Had it been allowed to remain effect, it would have added about 75,000 names of mentally ill Americans to a database that would have stopped them from buying a gun.
If the FBI had been more concerned with doing their job than trying to get Trump based upon a Democrat generated dossier maybe those children would be a live today.

They admit they blew it.

Trump should use as the driver to completely overhaul the FBI and drain that swamp.

FBI Statement on the Shooting in Parkland, Florida — FBI

FBI Statement on the Shooting in Parkland, Florida

On January 5, 2018, a person close to Nikolas Cruz contacted the FBI’s Public Access Line (PAL) tipline to report concerns about him. The caller provided information about Cruz’s gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.

Under established protocols, the information provided by the caller should have been assessed as a potential threat to life. The information then should have been forwarded to the FBI Miami Field Office, where appropriate investigative steps would have been taken.

We have determined that these protocols were not followed for the information received by the PAL on January 5. The information was not provided to the Miami Field Office, and no further investigation was conducted at that time.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said:

“We are still investigating the facts. I am committed to getting to the bottom of what happened in this particular matter, as well as reviewing our processes for responding to information that we receive from the public. It’s up to all Americans to be vigilant, and when members of the public contact us with concerns, we must act properly and quickly.

“We have spoken with victims and families, and deeply regret the additional pain this causes all those affected by this horrific tragedy. All of the men and women of the FBI are dedicated to keeping the American people safe, and are relentlessly committed to improving all that we do and how we do it.”
Gabby Giffords Asks, ‘Is it Safe To Send Our Kids To School?’

that is a great question

and the answer is not as long as schools are gun free zones

Arming teachers is only asking for trouble. We have criminals grabbing a police officers gun, and using it against them, and teachers wouldn't have 1/10 the training or experience as law enforcement. That's all we need, to give angry kids a way to get their hands on a loaded gun already inside the school.

no it is not with the centennial program like we have here everyone is concealed and not known who is carrying
What can the U.S. learn from Norway's gun laws?
Daniel Ofman, GlobalPost Published 11:22 a.m. ET June 17, 2016 | Updated 11:24 a.m. ET June 17, 2016

Nearly five year ago, Anders Breivik carried out two attacks in Norway, taking 77 lives.
Breivik's massacre began on July 22, 2011, with a car bomb in Oslo that killed eight people. Later that day, using a semi-automatic rifle, he went on a shooting rampage on the island of Utoya, killing another 69 people, most of whom were young campers.
How did Norway react? And does it offer any lessons for the U.S. — a nation that has once again been devastated by a mass shooting?
Åsne Seierstad, a Norwegian journalist and the author of "One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway," says some of the discussions people had in Norway after Breivik’s attacks mirror the ones that Americans are having after the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando.
“The main question we asked ourselves is, ‘Is he madman, or is he a political terrorist?’” Seierstad says. “Those are two different things.”
Oslo District Court ruled that Anders Breivik was political terrorist and sentenced him to the maximum prison term allowable in Norway: 21 years in prison, with the possibility of an extension. The court found that Breivik was sane and responsible for the 77 murders, even though he had been diagnosed with a mental illness.
“He got the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, but that doesn’t exempt you from being punished,” Seierstad explains. “You’re still accountable for your crime. You know what you did, you knew you had a choice, you knew you could stop.”
Since Breivik's attacks, the country hasn’t faced any mass shootings — something that can't be said about the U.S.
Like Americans, many Norwegians own guns. But according to Seierstad, the culture of gun ownership is very different in the two countries. In Norway, for example, it's uncommon to see guns outside organized settings like gun clubs or during hunting season.
“Yes, there’s a high percentage of gun ownership in Norway," she says, "but those guns are used mainly one week in the year during the hunting of elk season ... the rest of the year it’s locked down and stored.”
Even US and Norwegian law enforcement have different approaches to firearms.
"The police has not been armed in Norway,” Seierstad says. “People in the U.S. could say, ‘Well, isn’t that scary?’ Well when the police is not armed, the drug dealer is not armed, the criminals are not armed, because no one is armed.”
After Orlando, Americans and U.S. lawmakers are arguing over whether to strengthen (or even weaken) gun regulations. But after the attacks in Oslo and Utoya, Norwegian law didn't change.
The Norwegian government did set up a committee that proposed tighter gun laws — including mandatory medical background checks, regular checks on weapon owners and better lists accounting for guns with lead ammunition — but none of these proposals went into effect.
Why? The reason was pretty simple.
“We had quite restrictive laws,” Seierstad explains. "We have very very few gun accidents and gun murders.”
What do you think would have happened if these people could not just walk into a school any time of the day?
They would have a co-hort pull the fire alarm, while they waited outside. This isn't rocket science, they spend weeks plotting and planning how to do it. Are going to lock down every school like the airports?

Do you have any evidence of that ?

Lanza acted alone in CT. This piece of shit acted alone in FL.

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders.

Murders yes, but they're the number one weapon of MASS MURDERS

And only 1% of all murders occur in mass shooting events.

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to prevent them

Banning the AR won't prevent them
The NRA release says that had the Obama rule been allowed to move ahead it "would have resulted in 75,000 Social Security recipients who use a representative payee losing their Second Amendment rights without due process." But in fact, the rule applied to Social Security recipients who weren't able to manage their affairs because of "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease."

all subjective criteria btw.

we have a process for the adjudication of a person to be determined mentally ill or incompetent already.

You do realize that's no different than saying cars used in crimes have the same tires don't you?

The AR is the most popular rifle frame in the country and even though there are millions of them out there they are used in less than 1% of all murders.

Murders yes, but they're the number one weapon of MASS MURDERS

And only 1% of all murders occur in mass shooting events.

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to prevent them

Banning the AR won't prevent them
Won't help them either
The NRA release says that had the Obama rule been allowed to move ahead it "would have resulted in 75,000 Social Security recipients who use a representative payee losing their Second Amendment rights without due process." But in fact, the rule applied to Social Security recipients who weren't able to manage their affairs because of "marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease."

all subjective criteria btw.

we have a process for the adjudication of a person to be determined mentally ill or incompetent already.
It is not working

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